The Top 5 Episodes Of 2019

For The Social Chameleon Show, 2019 was a fantastic year, and we were able to publish 34 episodes on a wide range of topics. I was able to interview some amazing people, doing great things in their respected fields. Ransom and I read some great and no so great books which we were able to share with you in the book review episodes. Ransom and I explored many topics of interest both he and I have, with the hope of sparking something within you, to help you grow into the person you want to become.

Here's the top five list with a few extras, including some of my favorites (in no particular order) with ideas I continue to think about, practice, or revisit all year long. Explore the list, find something that interests you, or you want to revisit.


The Top 5 Episodes Of 2019

#5 Cashflow Quadrants PT 1 | EP 9 

#4 Book Review: Principles By Ray Dalio [Recorded Live On Facebook] | Ep 5

#3 Book Review: 12 Rules of Life: An Antidote to Chaos By Jordan B. Peterson | Ep 15 

#2 Book Review: Civilization and Its Discontents By Sigmund Freud | Ep 40 

#1 Book Review: The Power Of Intention By Dr. Wayne Dyer | Ep 20


Bonus Episodes

Honorable Mentions

My Favorites 

Episode Transcriptions Coming Soon

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