Opportunity Cost

Opportunity Cost; The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen, a trade-off. What are you trading money or time or happyness for? Have you taken the time to evaluate the “Opportunity Cost” of one thing for another? How about that new car but we'll have to take fewer vacations. I want to be a doctor, and I know this will take at least 10 years of schooling and training, what other opportunities could I be missing? These are the thoughts and ideas we tackle in this episode.


Ideas From The Episode

Human Connection

Get in touch with an old friend, give them a call just to say Hi, see how they are and have a few laughs.

Send out some Thank You cards to people that have had some kind of impact in your life.

Make a connection with someone, maybe even a stranger or a homeless person. Do a few selfless things for another person, without expectation of reciprocation.

Go To The Pro's

Looking for more time for things you want to be doing?

Find someone that has been there and done that, someone that can guide you to where you want to be going, someone that can see through the trees and knows the forest.


Need more money or how to spend less?

Find someone that can help you with a strategy for your goal. Is that finding a higher paying job? Spending less than you make? Starting a side hustle or micro business? Find some that has done what you want to do and talk to them or copy what they are doing.

What's This Costing You?

Three Major Categories Of Life

  • Time
  • Money
  • Happyness
Which one of these are you lacking in or spending to much time in that's not allowing you to live the life you want to be living?

More On This Topic

Opportunity cost - Wikipedia

Have books, articles or anything else on this topic? We're always looking for resources, drop us a line if you have some!

Episode Transcriptions Unedited, AI Auto-Generated. 

Speaker 1: 00:15 Opening Music 

Speaker 2: 00:15 Welcome to the social chameleon show or it's our goal to help you learn, grow and transform and pursue, want to become. Today we're going to talk about opportunity cost, a loss of potential gain from other alternatives. When one is chosen, trade off. You know, you do one thing and therefore you can do another something we don't think about when we do things like you buy a new car so you go out and buy a new car, 500 $800,000 a month car payment. Like what can you not do now? Yeah. It's just like those are things I kind of talk about.

Speaker 3: 00:48 Yeah. Cause most people, you're right, they just think about, oh, I'm going to get this new car. You know, this thing is totally worth it. It's awesome and every single way and it's like okay, 500 bucks a month. Yeah, I can afford that and let's do it. You know, like we were talking a lot about some of the other episodes that we had, right? Like $200 a month. Like, what can need get you and you know, 30 40 years down the road, right? Like those are the kinds of things that we don't think about it. We just think, oh yeah, you know that, what is those, what are those famous words that that low, low down, low, low, easy monthly payment. Right, right, right, right. You right. Like, but all of that stuff adds up, you know, just fun. Yeah. Quiet.

Speaker 2: 01:38 No, no, no, no that, and that's the thing. Like, like with the last episodes we did, so you know, 64 we did, we're doing the retirement thing and it's just, we're showing that just a few, you know, a few dollars a month, whatever, you know, I think we done, that's like 100 bucks a month. And then, and then, and then the last episode when we talked the Latte latte factor, like all these different things kind of adding on, you know, stacking on each other. It's like these different little things. Like it can add up to big things, you know, not only maybe the extra money you have every month or you know, you adding this more to your retirement, maybe you're going on a vacation or something. Like all these little things can really add up to two really big compounding things. And it's like, you know, you're like, oh I'm just gonna do this.

Speaker 2: 02:21 I'm going to add another phone line to my pilot also, it's only $10 a month. And it's like, but then these things just start to like snowball. Like, Oh, I'm going to get this extra thing. It's only $6 a month. Or like, you know, Netflix went up, it's also only $3 more. And then next thing you know it's like this hundreds of dollars and suddenly you've just kind of added up to things and we don't think about like what am I giving up by having all these things or buying this new car or are buying a maybe a house or something. And I'm not trying to tell you what you can and cannot do. But yeah, we might need to do is think about like, if I'm going to go out and get this new car, like I'm going to get a brand new car, I'm gonna get that new Tahoe Hall or whatever.

Speaker 2: 02:54 It's like, that's $1,000 a month. Like, what am I not doing? Or when I kind of not doing to pay this, you know, pay car payment every month. Like maybe you want to do other things. And it's like, well, maybe I can get a 16 instead of a 20 you know, like now I'm not paying a thousand and maybe I'm only paying $500 a month, $600 a month for my car, or whatever it is that you're doing. And like I was, I was looking at my cell phone bill and I looked at in a walks and I bought a new phone in awhile. My cell phone plan was more expensive than the most expensive plan and even offer now. I was like, how long has this been going on that I've been paying more than anybody with the most duped out plan has. It's like, Dang. And then I just lowered my past like 30 something dollars a month. I just saved off the top. I was like, Oh, I have it actually to do something else with. I put that more money, I can put away more money for emergency fund or whatever it is I need to do.

Speaker 3: 03:48 Yeah. And Nick, you should check up on those things. They currently, you know, always go in check what your credit card or interest rate is. Try to get that down, check what your fees are on your accounts, check, you know, check this, the services that you're getting in general. I know the other day I started up one not the other day, maybe like a couple months ago I started up my internet thing and the lady told me like, yeah, in like a year your price is gonna go up by like 20 or $30. I was like, she's already telling me that now, but like in a, in like a year, I'm not going to remember that. So like, I want to just go back and check some of those things and that, and that brings up another point. You know, it's like how many monthly services do you have? You got a gym membership, you know what I mean? You got Amazon prime, you got, you know, you had Netflix, like all of these things that you have. So like sometimes we get caught up with, you know, what we have and it's just the thought of having it that makes us comfortable. That makes sense. I'm, I dunno.

Speaker 2: 04:51 Yeah, right. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I hear that too. Like, well, yeah, I don't really go to the gym, but I could, I can, I remember somewhere like I could take a shower. And it's like, is that, I mean, if it's worth that to you a month and you understand that and you've thought that that's something different than kind of what we're talking about here of you're just doing things and not thinking about what I'm not having like, oh yeah, like the 30, I travel a lot, so you know I like having a gym membership to all the gyms in the country. I can pop in, I could get a workout in and I can get a shower, I can get a massage, like a Tan, whatever it is you do. Like that's one thing, you know. But yeah, it's so easy to, to have the, I, I see apps and services now, they like go through all your monthly subscriptions and tell you like what all these things you're subscribed to do you want them all will help you unsubscribe.

Speaker 2: 05:37 To see that's becoming a problem. Like, you know how many times I was doing all these episodes makes me think about these things a lot in that. So I was like, okay, what do I have? Like, you know, I've got Netflix and I've got Amazon prime. It's like, do I need both? Yeah. And Amazon just went up the prices, whatever. When mine renewed the hundred $30 and I got was like, am I getting the value out of this too eight what else could I be doing this? Do I need these extra things? Like, and that's what we want. We just kind of want to bring that to light and you to think about that.

Speaker 3: 06:10 Right. And a lot of these things too is like this can even go for some of the services that you have. It's like, you know, you're paying x dollars a month for cable. Cable is a great example. Most people paid hundreds of dollars a month or hundreds of dollars a month for your cable, Internet and phone altogether just because they say you're getting a deal. But in reality, for the price that you pay for cable, I mean, if you just have Internet that might be 30 70 bucks a month maybe, you know? And then from there, the services that we're talking about nationally, x, Hulu, you know, Amazon prime, whatever, you know, seeking at the firestick, like all of these services can kind of sometimes make up for that cable bill and it's a lot cheaper, you know? So again, like I know sometimes it's a little hard to think of new things or, or you know, come up with these ideas, but that's just the part where sometimes you think about it, it's like, hmm, my cable bill is $220 a month.

Speaker 3: 07:09 Like, what else could I be doing with that money? You know, what could that get me? And I guess kind of think about like some people, you know, they work these long hours, right? I don't know. Here in Hawaii, like we work two or three jobs just to make it here. So it's like, you know, you're taking all this time to spend on this extra job. And then from there just so we can afford all of these services. It's like, you know, when you start thinking about your time and what that's worth, you know, that gets into another interesting trade off. You know, it's like you're trading all your time at work so that you can have this nice car. It's like, did you really need that Nice car? Or maybe you can take more time off of work and do some of the things that you enjoy. I mean, I dunno, it's just kinda know, again, we're talking about bringing awareness to things that you're trading off in your life that you may not be aware of. Right?

Speaker 2: 08:16 Yeah. And that's thing like, are you, are you having, do you have this second job now to afford these things? Maybe you do or don't want. And maybe this just kind of something that happened to snowballed and you know, all this things crept up now. You don't get to maybe spend time with your family or you don't get to go surfing, or you don't get to go to Jujitsu or whatever other harms you had in the past. Now you got to have the second job. So you can afford these things. Like all of these things like we don't think about, and it's, it's not something that just kind of happens in our minds. All these other things you're giving up, like sacrificing sleep. Like a lot of people think that's like, okay, you know, and then, you know, so it's like, okay, well I gotta work two jobs so I can afford this lifestyle. So while I can only see four hours a night now, not night, you know, now you're really getting into some trouble there, you know? And it's like, and it's hard too, because we get used to that and you're like, well, I find I can, I can function on that. And it's like, but you can't. And

Speaker 3: 09:15 There is that caveat. There are a few,

Speaker 2: 09:17 There's a very small percentage of people that can do it. And we built that way. But right. And odds are you're not one of them. You think you may be, but you're not. But, and then that that cat that you know, that catapults and other things, you're not sleeping good. You're not sleeping enough, you're not recovering well. You're making shitty. Now that you're there, you're, you're not sleeping well. You're not doing that now you're making crappy meal decisions. You know when you're, when you're, when you're tired and you're something that you're, you're more likely to eat junk food. Well guess what? Now you're eating that shitty food. You're not sleeping good and you're probably not working out. And if you were working out like, well, I've got to cut something out of my life and a lot of gyms, it's not happening, and all of a sudden, like all these things start to snowball. All these things start to happen. And you all it all for what? Like some things you're like, you don't think about, we didn't plan for this stuff in all these, all these different things happen. You have this second job, not afford these things or whatever it be and, and all these opportunities, all of these things, you know, you're making all this money and sacrifice your health. So then at the end you guys spent all this money to get back your health.

Speaker 3: 10:18 Yeah. And then, and you know, not everybody's in that position where, you know, you work two or three jobs. I just bring it up because I live in a high income area where you know, you need that much money to survive. I don't know because to check the news lately, but I think it's like if you make $66,000 a year in Hawaii, which for most people, like you can live off that in most states that's higher than the United contents of United States average. But yeah, but 66,000 a year in Hawaii is like poverty, like right. Less low income. Right. Which is why I moved. Right. You know? But you know, for those of you out there that, you know, if you don't have a second job, you know, again, you're spending all this money on either cable or Netflix or whatever it is you're doing.

Speaker 3: 11:06 And like you just go home and Binge-watch it's like, you know, do you realize what your time is costing you? Yeah. It's like you sit down on the watch. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love me some game of Thrones or whatever the case is going to be out there. But you know, the time that it takes, it's all right man. Winter's coming for you. High Winter's coming for you. They're out of it. It's like, but you know, but the time that is spent there, you know what I mean? Like I, I'm know people cause game of Thrones is just, it's kind of one of those things. It's addictive. I've turned a lot of people onto it and they watch it and it's like as like, oh, I'm, yeah, I'm on season three already. And it's like, wait a minute. There's 10 episodes a season each hour long.

Speaker 3: 11:53 Like what? I mean, I can say yes. Say, hmm, you put in 30 hours of watching TV last week in addition to the 40 hours that you were like, you know, I was like, again, I'm not saying you shouldn't do that. I love game of Thrones. It's great. But at the same time, it's like if you put some time and thought behind that, it's like you just spent so many hours doing Xyz, whatever that's going to be. I'm shopping video games. I mean I don't, I don't know whatever or whatever you want to do. But those hours can be put into getting a side hustle or doing a second job or reading a book to learn about something that, that you can do. Like your time is also an investment. It's not just the money that you have accountants, you know, what you do with your time, you know, can make the difference in your life in the future. So anything to add on to that there Mr. Tyson?

Speaker 2: 12:55 No, but that's the things. That's why I really wanted to do this. This is all these things we just don't think about. And a lot of this stuff becomes habit or becomes whatever and, or sometimes we do these things, you know, as a vice to escape our life or whatever. We know we go on or we do these things or we go in these bylaws. If I'm playing a video game or if I'm watching a show that's just not my life, I can insert myself into ax and I can, I can hide from my problems or I can hide from, from the fact that I'm, I'm, I'm working so much and I just can't get ahead and all like all these things. And if we step back and we look at us like, oh, why am I, why am I working a second job to go on this vacation to escape my life? Well, can you escape your life where you are or can you change your life so that you don't have to escape from it?

Speaker 3: 13:42 Yeah, we were talking, yeah, we were talking the other day offline and stuff. And I was like, you know, like I hear a lot of people and again this is in any job that I've had, like from even when I was young till current present day, it's like, oh yeah, you know, saving up money. We're going to go on this vacation. And it's like, hmm, okay, you're going to go on this vacation too. You know? I don't know what that is, but for me it's like when I go to work, I enjoy the job that I do. Like when I go to work, that's a vacation from my life. Just kind of ironic and I don't know if a lot of people will understand that about me when I'm in the health care industry, it's like I go there, I love it. I enjoy what I do.

Speaker 3: 14:22 And you know, it's not about the money per se, you know? I mean, yes, money is a benefit of that job that I enjoy and love doing, but I can make a lot more money in real estate yet I don't choose to do that. You know, the same thing I'm doing with my time here on this show. It's like miss, like I'm spending time here. I'm not necessarily making millions of dollars making this podcast, but you know what I mean? To me, this podcasts has a little bit more to it than me. You know, it's like this podcast brings me happiness. You know, those of you out there, we spell happiness with a y. It's just, I'm always, you know and that brings us to maybe our third topic is like, I mean, like what are, you know, what are you trading as far as your happiness goes? No, we're talking of all these things like working long hours or maybe just, you know, you can't wait till Friday to punch out of your job. Like, it's like, do you really spend five days a week not liking your job? It's like, what's the trade off on your happiness for that? I don't, I don't know what you got thoughts about that? Texting.

Speaker 2: 15:34 Yeah. And, and, and that is a thing that really, really happens a lot. And a lot of times when you talk to people like that or when you hear it or in your experiencing, it's like you kind of get stuck there. You know, like I took this job cause it was, it was good money or it fit with my schedule or whatever it is. And then five, 10, 15 years later you're like fuck, but then now you're so deep. Well I got this car payments, I got this mortgage, I get this ran or what I got, I got student loans, I got my kids. And it's like now you're stuck in this job. Like I have to bring this money home, right? Cause I need to pay for these bills. It's different things. So there, there it is again, like the opportunity costs there, you know, it's like, so if you want to get out of that job, what do you need to do?

Speaker 2: 16:15 What maybe short term sacrifices do you need to make a, what do you need to eliminate from your job? Or what, what do you need to do to get back that money or that time or, or get rid of that stress, whatever it is. Like, you know, you've got to sit back and say, okay, what am I giving up, you know, here to, to do this. Like how can I get out of this? Like, you know, there's so many opportunities out there, so many things we can do nowadays, especially with the world is so wide open. Like you don't have to have a shit job. You hate. Like, you know, you despise going to bed Sunday night cause you have no Mondays. You know, Monday is coming. Like you threw a party every Wednesday cause it's, oh we're almost done. You know, and you're, you're running, you're running at four 59 to the clock to punch out to get the fuck out of there.

Speaker 2: 16:57 Like that isn't a life you should, you should live like, and stop to take a look real quick at it and say, you know, it's hard when you're in it, when you're there and you're in the jar, it's hard to read the label. You know, it's tough, like you can't, maybe you don't feel [inaudible] out or whatever, but like we need to take a step back and you take the time to think about it. Okay, how do I get the fuck Outta here? Like, I need this money. Why do I need this money? I have these things. Can we start knocking those off and eliminating those so you can maybe go to back to school or go to another job or you know, quit that shit and just stay home with your kids. Like, what do you want to do? But you gotta think about that. You got to take that time to stay. What are you going to do here? Yeah.

Speaker 3: 17:36 And, and again, these are all trade-offs, right? Like we trade off our time so that we can get money

Speaker 2: 17:43 So that we can buy things that make us happy. Yeah. If the job you're to doesn't

Speaker 3: 17:50 Make you happy like that, it's like a vicious cycle. A lot of times when we, we, we, we buy these things, it's like you're happy for, it's fun for one day a week, maybe a month, you know? And it's like, and it's onto the next thing. I always, the next thing I want to get, what's the next thing I, you know, get it. But yet you're probably still paying off that thing. You know? Now it's sitting and sitting in your house. I guess what? Yeah, you have to store this. You gotta you gotta you gotta go get shelves, you got to get containers, you gotta get closet space. Maybe I need that. We need a bigger house. We don't have storage. Well, but maybe we need to think about these things. Like why do we not have enough stories? Why do we need a bigger house?

Speaker 3: 18:29 Maybe we can get rid of some stuff. Like all these things I think about. We're not, like I said before, I was trying to tell you what you should do, what's valuable in your life and not bad when you're like, that's up to you. But we want to talk about is, we're trying to say here is what are you giving up for that? Yeah. Like what are you, what are you trading off on? At the same time, you know, we talked I guess in the previous episode, like for Latte factor and before that talking about retirement. And I mean like you're, you're making investments with your money, you know, but we also talk about things like making investments of your time. You know, there's a lot of millennials out there who just believe that school is a way to go because that's just what their parents have drilled into them.

Speaker 3: 19:10 And so commercials are teaching nowadays and putting it out there. Son, if you're watching this good job and you know what I mean? Like if you go to college, that's great. If that's what you want to do, but you got to understand like when you go to college, that's a commitment of your time. I mean, like a bachelor's degree is four years of your life, four years sometimes, you know, but sometimes you can get scholarships and stuff to get it, you know, the money out there. But the time that spent getting that, like, you know, and if you take that even further, right? Cause I'm in the medical field, like you want to be a doctor, like you're going to be even more years, you know, maybe up to 10 years, right? Or a lawyers like you want to put seven years into an investment of your future.

Speaker 3: 19:57 It's like, I'm not saying you shouldn't do that, just get out there, go do it. You know? But a lot of people don't think like what they can, I mean, let's just take 10 years, for example, tasting. Did you know what you were doing? Did you know that you would be here right here now, 10 years ago? Oh God, no. I never would have never would have came up with a neat plan. I could have skied up a device or anything, right? Nothing. I have no idea. It's like, you know, you're, you're committing to something that's going down the road and you're going to invest your time, your money. And sometimes it might even be your happiness. You might hate those years in school. You know, you're, you're giving up all of these three things for something that's going to be in the future. But you know, some, most people don't think about if they could make things the way they wanted to, like what you accomplish in 10 years, you know, like, I don't, I don't know if people know the true value of time and what they can accomplish in 10 years. Like I think people are capable of extraordinary things, like beyond her wildest imaginations, but you know, they got to sit down and they gotta to keep the time, you know, so I don't know, it's just, it's just an interesting concept. It's like you're give me know years of your life to accomplish something, you know, but what would you be missing with those years and is that going to be worth it right in the end? Is that gonna make sense to you or no?

Speaker 2: 21:24 Yeah. And that's a thing. And all times, you know, I, I've talked to many people that like they've gone to college or gone to school, they've gone to career because that's what their family said, or their parents or whatever it be. And that's what's expected of me. And you've just wasted and, and let, let's just, the system costs out of it, you know? Yeah. You use listed for six, eight, 10, 12, 15 years getting a degree, getting, getting into the field, finally making it to someplace and you're just miserable because you know, somebody else told you to do that or you never thought through the whole, the whole process thing, you know? Yeah. You know, Oh yeah, I want to be doctors gonna find I'm gonna make a bunch of money. And it's like, you didn't rethink like, do I want to just be taught this for 10 years?

Speaker 2: 22:08 And I even after that, you still can't even go do your own thing. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like there's still more to that and there's still all these other, you know, hidden aspects of the job, recruit, whatever it is you're doing that, that, you know, you're not even seeing at the moment. All of these, all these things you're not going to be able to maybe do or whatever. Versus if you would have, let's say, let's say this was your, your family made you be a doctor, you spent 10 years there. Now what you're really wanting to be an electrician or plumber or a computer programmer. Like you know, if you could s if you would you know, spent those 10 years doing that, you could easily make the same amount of money or you could live up good rich, fulfilled life with less money. You know, it's, it's easy to get caught up in that thought of all more money is going to solve my problems. More money is going to change things. It's just not, it's like, especially in America. Yeah.

Speaker 3: 22:58 Do you think the more that you have, you know, I guess we talked about the latte factor too, is like, you know, the more money you make, like the richer you're going to be. But you know, that's a myth. The more money you make, usually the more money you spent. Yeah. I don't know. It's kind of ironic and you know, it's like, I dunno, to me, I just don't think enough people think about what they're giving up. You know, they either are just going through the motions or are doing what their parents told them to do or, you know, and I don't know. I mean, I guess I just wasn't that way ever since I was young. My Dad always told me, it's like there's a grandson and I could never, like you would, you would never give me the opportunity to, to do anything.

Speaker 3: 23:43 You know, to reward you for anything. You just, it'd be good, Justin for a little bit and then you would just go off and do whatever you wanted to do. That's, you know, that wasn't right, I guess. I don't know. I've got a hard head. You know, for those people out there, you know, if you're investing your money or nothing, I say investing. If you're spending your money on things, you know, trying to fill the gap of your happiness. If you're out there, you know, investing time in something that you don't truly believe in. You know, it's like it's something that was told to you or something out there. You know what I mean? And for those of you that are definitely giving up your happiness, whatever that is, like you are working somewhere or you're in a situation that you're just constantly not happy.

Speaker 3: 24:37 Like, you know, there are alternatives, you know, if you take some time to figure out, you know where your dollars are going or where your time is going, you know, if you focus and make something a priority in your life, you will, you know, invest those dollars and invest your time in the right spot to make your life happier and the way that you want. And sometimes the answers, not always obvious one, sometimes. Sometimes it's the answer at the bottom of the band. Like you just got a date through all the bad answers to, you know, and try them all before you find the right one. But, but I don't know, I truly believe that it's out there. Everybody can have everything, well, maybe not everything, but everybody can have the things that they want.

Speaker 2: 25:23 You got everything. It's just what, what, what are you giving up? And that's, that's a thought. That's a thing. You got to say, I'm going to do this. What am I going to give up? And I think going through that diet exercise and an understanding, you know, it's,

Speaker 2: 25:39 It just isn't not to Abilify anything or buying stuff or, or hustling or whatever you're doing. Just understanding like, I love x, I love this hobby. I love my job, whatever it is, and I'm going to spend a lot of time there. And, and that's, I know that I'm going to give up this time doing other things with it, with my family or with whatever. You know, it's just understanding that and thinking through that. Like, I know I've, I've fallen for the trap a thousand times and I probably fought for another thousand. Like I'm like, oh, $30 a month. That sounds fun. Like I can, I can knock that out. That's, that's, it's easy, you know? And it's like, you know, and it's it, and it's designed that way and, but it takes time. It takes, it takes training, it takes effort to say, okay, do I, do I need this thing?

Speaker 2: 26:28 Like, you know, if I don't have the cash to get it, like I shouldn't be financing this or whatever, you know, like to think that through. Like, what am I going to give up to, to get this thing or to do, to do this thing that's going to be accidents. Like we, we thought throw time away so easily. Like, you know, if somebody, if somebody walked on the street and just snatched your purse or snatched your wallet or took $10 a hundred dollars from you, you fucking throw a fit, throw a fit, you'll stand there and

Speaker 4: 26:56 [Inaudible]

Speaker 2: 26:56 Shoot the shit and bullshit around for half an hour, not even thinking about it.

Speaker 4: 27:00 Yeah.

Speaker 2: 27:01 So I was like, Yo, we gotta, we gotta, we gotta protect our time, you know, and every [inaudible] and everybody deserves to be happy and you got to protect that. You know, you've got to make that a priority in your life, you know? And there's lots of things that go into that, you know? And it's such a deal. If you're not doing what you need to do, nobody's going to make you happy. Nobody's going to bring that to you so much with you. It comes from within yourself and you've got to, you've got to work on that and you got to make that a priority in your life. Just like making money and going to work is you got to make what you're doing with your time, a priority. You gotta make your happiness a priority and whatever else, other priorities you want in your life. Now what other people tell you not what other people you know, force upon you. You've got to understand what you're going to do and what you're going to give up to do it.

Speaker 4: 27:44 Yeah.

Speaker 3: 27:44 Yeah. And for those of you out there, you may have everything figured out. You know what I mean? You spend your time well, you're happy with things that you do and you invest your money. And like I said for you, that's great. And I'm here to tell you that I think you can do more than what you're currently doing. You can, you can be happier. You can invest your money or you know, spend your time a lot more wisely than, than you are now. And I challenge you to do so. And I guess, I don't know, I kind of want to maybe give some tips out there. I don't know. I feel like, I know, not that this is a downer, but sometimes you know, this, this can be a touchy subject and maybe it's easier, you know, for people or just listening to this video.

Speaker 3: 28:30 Like if you don't write comments, I mean, I understand, but if you're thinking about it, it's like, you know, some people are unhappy and some people are frustrated because they don't know where to spend their time or, you know, you're like, Dang Tyson's ready man. Like I have to, I keep minus new car every six years. Like why, why am I doing that? Like, I mean it's like, I don't know. But for happiness, I guess I can maybe make a suggestion like happiness if you want a little bit more happiness. One of my suggestions out there is get in touch with an old friend. Know a friend that you've known for like a long time. Somebody that you know is out there and like, you know, when you guys are away for a while it's okay, but when you reconnect like it's like you guys never last.

Speaker 3: 29:20 Like you just touch in there and it's just like, oh it should be picked up right where we left off. You know you know, in my experience, you know, the human part of us is about releasing, leading and sharing with one another, making that connection, making a connection with, you know, another human being. That's, that's kind of what we're good at. So you know, if you are wondering where or how to get happiness back in your life, make a connection with old friend and try to get out there and just say hello and try to touch basis. I think that's a good way for happiness. I don't know, I just kind of wanted to share some, some positive stuff out there. You got a tip for somebody people out here as far as money or time Tyson.

Speaker 2: 30:04 Yeah. If you don't know what to do, if you're stuck, if you're like, yeah I hear you guys like I wish I had more time but I got to work the second job cause I've already committed to these things. I go find somebody that you can either talk this through with or an expert that can help you start to, you know, come up with a strategy and it's like implementing tactics. You know, it's one thing maybe before this episode started yet you have no idea. You never knew. Guess what, you know now that excuses over with, now it's time to take action as a 10 to think the next step, whether it's getting on Google, getting on Youtube and looking up, looking at things, listening to experts and you know, different subject matters that you're struggling with. You know, take that next step. Go find whoever that next step is, wherever that next step it is.

Speaker 2: 30:54 Even if it's just talking it through with somebody that you can, you can have a open, honest conversation with them. They're going to give you open, honest feedback. Even if it's just that you say, hey, you know, hey bud I learned this new thing. I kind of want to talk through it. Like, I dunno if you know or not, but like can we, can we just talk? Can you help me talk through this real quick? I'm thinking about some stuff and just go through that. If that's just a me issue, do you know, I really recommend getting out there and looking at experts in these different things or somebody that's a professional in this thing that can really help accelerate you with a good solid, proven strategy. And then you can, once you have the strategy laid out, you can start implementing the different tactics and stuff.

Speaker 3: 31:34 Yeah, yeah. It, yeah, definitely. All right.

Speaker 2: 31:39 Anything else on any other opportunities would we want to express?

Speaker 3: 31:44 No, I mean I just, again, you know, I just want to put out some positive vibes out there. It's like, you know, you may think you got everything going on and you may be happy and you may be spending your time and your money. Well, I, you know, just take some time to sit down and think about everything that's going on. And it's like, I bet you could find a way to just improve. And again, well, this show is all about just improving by that little 1%, you know, go look through your finances real quick. I'd be like, Hey, what am I spending that money on there and I that doesn't look familiar to me. And even if you just look at it the first time, cause you don't know what you're spending. Like you look at it one month and then you look at it the next month, it's like you can start to see the difference. It's like, hey that's new. I mean like pay attention to these things cause that's, you know, that's, that's half the battle. Oh yeah. I don't know. To me, I guess that's kind of just where I'm at. I don't know. I don't think I have anything else to say on this subject matter. We can nice and sweet. Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 2: 32:50 If you're looking for something to help me give you ideas, accelerate or whatever, check out this month's giveaway. We're always out there looking for stuff to help you grow that 1% like we're talking about to help you learn about new things. Help make your life that little bit better. See what we got going on? Business Social chameleon.show/pick me. Get entered into this month's giveaway. Find out what we've got going on to help you accelerate your life, help you in whatever way we can find. And then this week's challenge. What is the opportunity cost costing you? I want you guys take a few minutes. Think about the different things in your life. You can start with the three categories that we kind of base off of money, time and happiness. What are the things you that you're doing currently not allowing you to do that maybe you want to be doing? If you're, if you're, if you're, if you're, if you're spending too much money, maybe we can, we can look for a way to cut that out. If you're know spending too much time at work or whatever, and you don't want to be doing that, figure that out. If you're not happy, let's start figuring this out. What are the things you're doing now? Not allowing you to be doing that you want to be doing. And that's this week's challenge. Okay.

Speaker 3: 34:08 All right. And then just taking us to our final thoughts. You know, we just want to bring awareness to some of the things that you may be missing out on in your life. You know, everything comes at a cost, right? Watching this video comes at a cost. I know food comes at a cost. Even when you go to sleep, it costs you something. Yeah. Be Aware of what opportunities are out there and make sure that you're not missing those opportunities because you're investing your money or your time or sacrificing your happiness and other things.

Speaker 2: 34:45 And if you know somebody that, that you think could, could learn from this or could be an insight to them, share this with them. Let everybody know what's going on. I share this with at least two of your friends and family. You want to help support the show. The best way is the, you know, leaving likes, reviews, sharing this, letting us know what you think, letting us know you have questions or ideas or whatever it is. Let us know. She does a message in between shows. You, I can connect with this all week long at social community show on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Don't forget to subscribe on Youtube and their favorite podcast app you got, and for past episodes and links to everything we talk about here today, you can visit a social chameleon.show. Until next time, keep learning. Keep growing and keep transforming instead of person. You want to become

Speaker 1: 36:02 [Inaudible].

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