Batista Gremaud


On this episode, I’m talking with Batista Gremaud. A former international professional performer in ballet and Spanish dance. Batista is a visionary in her field, certified in hands-on healing, intuitive readings, and energy clearing. Batista‘s longtime passion in dance, quantum physics, and metaphysical science inspires her to help busy women over forty to achieve greater integration of body, mind, and spirit. She does this through the practice of strengthening the body and the mind with the Body Design Formula prescription strength training coaching system. She is a No. 1 Best Selling author and co-creator of the Feminine Body Design, the only prescription strength training system mentoring system. Certified also in personal training, Batista's expertise in strength training includes structural realignment of the spine and injury prevention. She is the co-founder of the International Institute of Body Design. They help busy women and men over the age of 40, look and feel 15 years younger, get 20% to 50% stronger and potentially become 100% pain-free with Dr. Fitness USA's proprietary system.  

Dr. Fitness USA
Batista Gremaud was featured as an expert authority speaker on the International Pain Foundation, KPFK Inner Vision with Dr. Richard "Meri Ka Ra" Byrd and Sonia Barr, The Wellness Show with Tyhson Banighen, "People of distinction” with Al Cole, “Amazing women of Power", “The Dr. Kevin” show, Lou Hicks famous "Aimed2Purpose" global broadcast, "Sonia Unplugged", the Nikki Rich show, Never Too Late for Fitness with Phil Faris, Princess Power and many more.

Batista Gremaud is a No 1 Best Selling Author, an Empowerment Speaker, Entertainer, Co-founder of Body Design Formula & the International Institute of Body Design. Batista Gremaud is a Body Design Formula 7th degree Master teacher in the Dr. Fitness USA protocol. Certified also in personal training, Batista's expertise in strength training includes structural realignment of the spine. Learn more at

Recommendations From Batista 

The Little Engine That Could

The story of a train filled with toys and gifts for little boys and girls that breaks down before reaching the children. After asking several passing trains for help over the hill, a little blue train agrees to help the stranded toys. Even though she is small, the blue train tries her best to bring the toys to the children on the other side of the hill.


46: Batista Gremaud: Co-founder Of The International Institute Of Body Design 146: Batista Gremaud: Co-founder Of The International Institute Of Body Design 2

Bleed for This

The inspirational true story of world champion boxer Vinny "The Pazmanian Devil" Pazienza, who-after a near fatal car crash-made one of sport's most incredible comebacks.

Director Ben Younger
Starring Miles Teller, Aaron Eckhart, Katey Sagal

46: Batista Gremaud: Co-founder Of The International Institute Of Body Design 346: Batista Gremaud: Co-founder Of The International Institute Of Body Design 4


46: Batista Gremaud: Co-founder Of The International Institute Of Body Design 5  46: Batista Gremaud: Co-founder Of The International Institute Of Body Design 6  46: Batista Gremaud: Co-founder Of The International Institute Of Body Design 7


Natural Menopause Miracle to lose the fat and flab and get your body back.

46: Batista Gremaud: Co-founder Of The International Institute Of Body Design 8

Get on the fast track to eat healthily, lose weight and look and feel years younger.

46: Batista Gremaud: Co-founder Of The International Institute Of Body Design 9

Lose belly fat, and learn to train to achieve the 6-pack you desire!

46: Batista Gremaud: Co-founder Of The International Institute Of Body Design 10

Tyson: 00:00:15 welcome to the social chameleon show where it's our goal to help you learn, grow and transform into the person you want to become. Today I'm talking with Batista Gremaud, a former international professional performing ballet and Spanish dance, Batista is a visionary in her field, certified in hands on healing into the readings and energy clearing, Batista's long time passion, dance, quantum physics and the metaphysical science inspires her to help busy women over 40 to achieve greater integration of body, mind and spirit. She does this, do the practice of strengthen the body and mind with the Body Design Formula Prescription Training Strength Coaching system. She's a number one best selling author and the co creator of the feminine body design, the only prescription strength training system mentoring system. She's also a certified personal trainer and Batista strength in training includes structural realignment of the spine and injury prevention. She's a Co founder of the International Institute of body design where they help busy women and men over the age of 40 look and feel 15 years younger and get 20 to 50% stronger and potentially become 100% pain free with Dr. Fitness USA is proprietary system.

Tyson: 00:01:31 We go over all of these different types of things that she, she, she does how she got into this, um, the, her journey from, from being in the ballet and dance and all the injuries and things she hadn't went through and sustained over the years and how that led her into this field, connecting with, uh, Dr Fitness himself. Um, which we'll, we'll talk to a little later on in a different episode. And, and then she started diving into all these different things and bringing all these different backgrounds. The elements of things that she had in her life really brought it all together too, is really awesome. System is this great philosophy has really coming into its own today with all this new research and stuff that go on. We were talking a lot about these different types of things. We talk about so many different types of um, success stories they've had as well as the kind of the fundamentals and the methodology behind their system, their training.

Tyson: 00:02:18 We're strength being the core of it and some misconceptions around that, especially with women are they feel they're going to get bulky in and stuff like that. We really kind of dispel some of these myths. So really a amazing conversation is a lot of information here guys. And it really, that's where it is. A lot of this stuff is out there and it's been known for years and you know, I've only come across it maybe in the past five six years and really kind of relearned all these things I knew when I was younger from, you know, the eighties early nineties and stuff where we were really behind in that and that's where a lot of us are really kind of stuck and they really bring us how bring this information in these different techniques back into, you know, the 20th 21st century here.

Tyson: 00:02:59 And I think if anything has takeaway from this is there's a better way to exercise, a better way to be in the gym and their system offers the ability to just be doing this once to three times a week at the most for less than an hour. Um, I believe it, it was 20 to 30 minutes or something along those lines. What we get into all these different things. I hope you guys really enjoy this amazing, a wide ranging conversation with Batista

Tyson: 00:03:24 welcome Batista The Social Chameleon Show, it's so great to have you. Thank you all so much for reaching out and putting this together.

Batista: 00:03:34 Yes,

Tyson: 00:03:36 you guys got a lot of stuff's too. I was, uh, I was digging around on your site and things and there's so much great information I'd really like to talk about, but the thing that stood out to me to begin with was, um, you went from being being a, uh, in the ballet and it Spanish dance and it's all the way to this. How did this happen? Where did this go and how, how did this journey kind of go from that to to where you are now?

Batista: 00:03:59 Yeah, that was a very, very step career transition about 10 years ago. I was early twenties I had a injury. I broke my foot, which ended my already fallen in love with Flamenco dancing and that was my career all the way up to 10 years ago. So what happened 10 years ago? I found myself in a predicament. I have a lot of injuries from dancing and from some car accidents that I had when I was younger and I had had chronic back pain, neck pain for like over 25 years, 30 maybe. I don't know if that price and everything was getting worse. My condition, my physical condition, you know that scene is very demanding and that was very, very busy. I had a very fulfilling career, teaching, dancing, performing. I had to dance studio, Dance Company and Arts Education program. I mean I was going nonstop, but my body was really suffering from, from that.

Batista: 00:05:15 And I was, I was really in a bad spot. And my passion is, aside from dancing and physical activity and, and all that is good science and spirituality and quantum physic and all these stuff. So I've been studying these fields for many, many years. And one day I woke up in the meditation class kind of like woke up, you know, and I, and I, and I saw it. I, I've been doing this for so many years, so I know we have the power to manifest, we have the power to create. And I had done a pretty good job at all of the other areas of my look nice. But my body was falling apart and I saw there was a disconnect. Something is missing. And then I looked around and I saw all my friends in this room, you don't meditating and energies and all that good stuff.

Batista: 00:06:16 And I realized that, you know, the beautiful people, but they're also, their body was falling apart too, you know, overweight, underweight, neck vein, back, backpage. So I said, wait a minute. So here we are learning about how to create our reality. Are we, we learn how this body, mind, spirit integration that everybody speak about in the spiritual community. And so where's the body and all this and that. And I saw a gap. You know, at that moment I made a decision that I was going to fill that gap. I wanted to create something in my life that would change that and give me my body back so that I could just be whole and not have that. Yeah. So our organized that Emily station with all my friends, you know, it was really involved with the meditation and I was holding weekly meditations in my studio.

Batista: 00:07:17 I had a dance studio at the time and I expressed that what I just said, you know, I explained to them that tonight the topic and the goal of this meditation is that we will find the gap, the gap between body, mind, and spirit. So we did the MCCA board and everybody did their seeing that they were lacking. And Mia, you know, I really like everything I knew of in the field that I did. And the very next day, the very next day I met Steven, Dr Fitness Usa the next day. Okay. And of course sometimes you, sometimes you wish for something but it doesn't exactly come in the way you imagine. So I have never thought that, that, that my wish we'd come in that shape and form, you know. But what happened is we met by accident, of course they saw accident, but I was, I was having a lunch meeting with, uh, the owner of a restaurant where I was putting the shop. Okay. Together. And Steven happened to come for lunch at that pace and I was waiting for the owner of the restaurant and Steven was at the bar waiting for his lunch. So we made eye contact and then you walked by, you know, I was like on the way to the bathroom guy. So he pretended he was, you know, going to the bathroom and then you kind of sub by my table and he said, hi, who are you?

Batista: 00:09:11 And I said, and then I looked at him, you know, and I said, what, who are you? And he said, I am a national body designer. I realize that the conversation that I had never heard before, I had done all the spirituality, all the modalities, all, everything chiropractor. But there was something about his conversation that was different. And so I decided, you know what, when you wished for something, you got, you got to open the door and you got a goal and a, and I hired him. That's it. I had wasn't cheap so I paid him a lot of money. I didn't have.

Batista: 00:10:32 But what happened is within a couple of weeks my injuries were gone. My back ache like in a couple of days. But it was like, it was like something that was good, what can I tell you? And so then I got very curious and I studied, you know, because this is all based on weight lifting and I was a dancer and I was his pain with lifting. What's the last thing on my mind? And I became very curious. And then the rest of history I started researching and writing and staying very close to him because I wanted to pick his brain and know everything. And of course we fell in love, we got married and then you know, and then I decided to just go in business with him. It made sense. By then, you know, I'd been dancing over 45 years. I was kind of ready to actually change my life and I decided to make that career transition. And here we are so happens

Tyson: 00:11:54 that you looking to fix your body and heal your body and then you find the level of your life and you just got things out of it. It's so amazing. Right? I just wanted my back pain to go away and then wasn't you for it, you know, to to fall in love and stuff.

Batista: 00:12:18 That's so funny.

Tyson: 00:12:20 So what, what did you guys find out that was your problem with all these injuries? Was it not enough recovery? What was the underlying problem you were having?

Batista: 00:12:31 That's a big story in a very, very different way. They're trying to just fix the pain or the injury and they're not looking at the body as a whole. In order to heal, you need to put the body back into balance from the inside out. And that has many different aspects of, of that. Okay. One, these, for example, postural alignment because the posture of the spine is what holds your body and when you started having misalignments, then you start compensating and then it creates stagnation. Then the energy, scant flow. So one of the things is foster and also correcting muscular imbalances because again, when you compensate, you know, it puts the body out of balance and it's all about being in balance. But I have to tell you that because my background is in spirituality, I found some other principles that are contributors of Dis healings that people are having with this method.

Batista: 00:13:54 And some of those are, for example, the principles of grounding, grounding the body through the workout. Then of course always relating to working out because when the body's grounded and feeling secured, and then you can really increase a person's strengths by that extent, which in our program is 20 to 50% sometimes very quickly, then each just creates an incredible amount of endorphins to the brain, which is a healing neuro chemicals, you know, and uh, and it's a good treatment or of the healing factor. And I did food a series together that explains all these factors and it's actually you running at 11 o'clock every Friday morning where I explained this is the closest I ever got to explain what happens in these meetings. You know, so it, it airs at 11 o'clock every morning on Facebook and youtube and all that. But I explained the grounding principle, the male female energy, keeping the male and female energy to balance in the workout. But I'm working out, it's all male energy. Come on.

Speaker 4: 00:15:15 Yeah.

Batista: 00:15:16 In other words, what I'm trying to tell you is there's no quick end

Speaker 4: 00:15:20 share. It's interesting. Not something you typically hear, like you're kind of alluding to, it's, it's get to work, get your 15 reps in and let's go and, and, and not thinking about the, all the other things. I mean, I know I learned a little bit about something, you know, you sprained your ankle and he's hurt tip into the side and next thing you know, your hips out of alignment and your lower backs out of alignment and your shoulder starts. I mean, I understand a little bit of all of these different things. You know, it's like, why do I hurt here? Maybe it's somewhere else that's pulling or tugging or whatever it is. And I understand now, you know, especially as they get older, these things, you've got to look at it. It's like, you know, my back is sore because my hip is so out of alignment because my knees, because I sprained my ankle six years ago,

Batista: 00:16:11 a lot of times it doesn't happen right away a long time ago. Or it's progressive because it's cumulative over time because of poor biomechanics or overusing injuries, right handed. Always the same motion. That's overused imbalances in the body. We don't think about it. The week you're going to have knee pain or your Achilles is going to come, you know, and then you're going to, and then you're going to go, oh, I have a knee pain, so now you're going to go to the doctor to fix the need.

Speaker 4: 00:17:21 It's just a symptom of all these other things that have been going on for maybe even years, if not even longer. Or like you were saying, over use or improper, especially in proper technique. I'm, I mean, I know I had, I had hurt my shoulder any two months ago and it was exactly that. It was improper technique. I was learning something new and I was compensating and I wasn't doing it quite right. And then, you know, there we go. And about a month and a half now I'm finally starting. It's starting to kind of heal up and it's just from, you know, just

Tyson: 00:17:49 that simple thing like that. And you know, I was having some wrist pain and then I went to see somebody and they're like, you know, it's coming from your elbow. And I'm like, I think you didn't hear me right. I, my wrist is sore and like, no, no, it's from back here. And then sure enough they went and they worked out the attendance on my elbow and my wrist pain went away the next day. I was like I, but I was like all this time I was trying to stretch my wrist and this stuff on my wrist and I was like, no, it was, it was, it was from my elbow. It's just so interesting.

Batista: 00:18:18 Yeah. So when you put the body into balance, and also another thing is when you work with a piece of equipment for example, and then you push against that acts kind of like an adjustment and we have a back support, it's puts the back into the proper curvature and when you push a certain amount of weight, more weight than you think you think or that you think you're capable, it's just pushed the bodies into alignment and the relative risk or, and there is your chiropractic adjustment with the added benefit of building the mustard around the injury. Because that's the other thing that people are not aware of. They go to the chiropractor and then they think that's it. That's not it. Do second step after going to the chiropractor is going to the gym and working out on the streets screening program so that you can reveal the musculature around the spine that supports the spine so that your adjustment,

Tyson: 00:19:53 oh, okay, let me get this correct. If I'm, the way I'm thinking about it, you're out of alignment. So maybe you're saying like this side muscle is weak and this eye muscle is strong and then we'd get back in alignment. That's still true. One of my muscle side is strong and weak and you need to strengthen both of them together to keep that alignment. Is that right?

Batista: 00:20:11 Correct.

Tyson: 00:20:20 Cause the underlying effect is still there. One muscle is stronger, a tighter, and it's just going to pull it right back to where it used to be. Okay. I see.

Batista: 00:20:27 Very interesting. Yeah.

Tyson: 00:20:30 And then, um, so you are you guys, you guys recommend those types of machines that hold you kind of in a certain position versus like a freeway or just going up to a squat rack and doing squats stuff. Is it better to use a machine that, like you were saying, like a leg press machine that you laid down and it's got some element, you're, you're, you're forced to be in that position and then doing the lift versus, you know, just grabbing some dumbbells or, you know, a squat rack.

Batista: 00:20:57 Okay, okay. We would prefer we would favor a freeway because there's more flexibility of movements and it's more natural to the body. But it depends of the person. It depends on the person's age because everybody has to be able to lift a certain amount of weight to make the results, you know, the structure and alignment results. Then you need to push against way. So I'll give you an example. If you have a man that's seven years old that hasn't worked out for 50 years, Eh, because we, that happens, right? And then you tried to put that man on the lifting, dumbbells knock on the chest press, then he's not going to be able to live 60, 70, 80 pounds dumbbells. So in that case it would be better to use a machine where, where he could build the strength that way, you know, so there's not not one for all. Um, it depends. Yeah. You know, because you got to get to a certain amount of weight and you got to get there safely

Tyson: 00:22:26 and plus too, I can also see in that example, this, this old man, you know, maybe he never learned how to lift correctly, a dumbbell chest press, and then on top of that he doesn't have the range of motion may be necessary or something. And then you're just going to be doing the exercise in the wrong way. And maybe even creating injury, not even

Batista: 00:22:44 exactly to address a squad, we very, very rarely do squats. Sure. Because when you put a bar on your neck, on your shoulders through the spine, it's very hard on the body. And we want to relieve pain. We don't want to add it. And a lot of people have neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, and so why a bar over your neck and do a squat. So we find other ways

Tyson: 00:23:32 even I'm sure hip flexibility is limited, but you know, most people sit all day long and they don't go on stretch. I know when I started getting back into working out again, stretching stuff, I noticed as like, man, I don't remember my hips being this tiny. It took me a time to kind of open those

Speaker 4: 00:23:46 back up and then I found out it's just from sitting all these years in school and work and you know, in the car and all this stuff and just so many years of sitting, sitting, sitting, you know, that really locked up. That was really hard to get back to. Having my hips opened up a lot.

Batista: 00:23:59 Yeah. We really have to look at their lifestyle, their age, their injuries, things to take into consideration to put a program together for somebody. Because that's, but that's why we do. And that's the mirror. And that's how we get people to increase their straight 20 to 50%. Sometimes in a couple of weeks, sometimes six weeks, pretty much get pain free. And it's not, you know, for me, my back was gone. We just worked with somebody last week in four days. He's knee pains, gone from arthritis. You can see that night at all because I'm weeping for days gone. But sometimes it takes longer, you know, so we don't make medical claims either. So don't take me wrong, you know, I'm just saying this based on the people that we work with. And also it's a mindset. The person has to have the mindset to believe that it is possible because a lot of it is into mindset. You say, Oh yeah, I want this and I'm going to um, do it and follow through like a Steven work with somebody 17 years ago. And she said that she had a bone spur in her shoulder. It was excruciating. The painful, you know, and it took her two years. Wow. Okay.

Batista: 00:25:39 Exactly. So, you know, so she had a lot of perseverance and most people would give up. Right. But you know what, it was 17 years ago. Okay. And now she's almost 70 and she hasn't had any pains. But I taking yes. And she avoided surgery and she didn't have surgery. So you know, some, sometimes you just have to stick with it. And that is the longest time of anybody I've heard since I've met Steven, that particular example. That's the longest time he took everybody else that I've worked with art with about. It was not as long, but still this one example he said, and do you know that that particular lady, she had to take care of her mother with Alzheimer for six years. So she had to lift her and you know, take care of her. And because of the strains she accumulated and the heating of the injury that was able to do it and come out of it after six years, still pain free.

Speaker 4: 00:26:49 Yeah, and that's the thing you, you can foresee that you never would have known if she would have not persevered or just said, you know what, this isn't working after three months, six months, whatever, and just gone and got surgery. She probably could have never helped her mother, which would have put, who knows how many other events into into effect. It never had that happen because of that. That one instance at one thing that she stuck through that lasted that 10 years, 11 years until her mother needed her help and then she was able to provide her mother probably a better level of care than she would ever gotten in any other way. That's very awesome.

Batista: 00:27:24 You never know how you're going to need your to tell you that. A year after I started with Steve in 2009 both my parents passed away and it was emotionally very difficult. My parents had lived in the same house for 54 years. They never swear. They were both artists, so it was, and they lived in this huge house, a farm with an attic, his cellar.

Speaker 4: 00:28:34 That sounds like a lot of work right there.

Batista: 00:28:38 No, I was one year into the program and I was able to do this whole thing. It took about six months of, you know, I was going through everything and I was able to take care of it.

Speaker 4: 00:28:59 That's amazing that that alone is probably help the situation so much more than you ever would have realized because if you had back pain, if you could barely even travel, let alone trying to go through all your parents things and all your childhood things and all of this, whatever, furniture and moving and constant all day long going through that. I mean that would have just been excruciating.

Batista: 00:29:17 Yes, exactly. So you know, sometimes when things come our way, we don't foresee they take the chance because you know, we talked to a lot of people, I don't have time, I don't have money. I have to do my business first. I have to be able to have a million excuses and they want the magic pill. They want to take a pill so that they don't have to do the work, you know? And if seemed no, I'll do it later. I'll do it tomorrow. And you know what, you gotta do it now. Yeah. She don't know what tomorrow brings. And Saki, I've known a lot of people who, I look to my Facebook friends and I see so many people now I go, oh, that was no longer, no longer so many people, you know, all of a sudden they're just not here anymore. You know? And it's, some of these people were people that have no time.

Tyson: 00:30:17 Yeah. You know, and I used to be in that camp. I used to think like, listen, I go to the gym and all that, the hour and a half, whatever it is, traveling, doing the work, I was like, I can get a lot more done at, you know, at my business and my office, my different things. And I put it off for years and years. And then I started thinking about it and I started getting a little older and then somehow it comes to get a little Chubby, you know, they'll have it really worked out in probably 10 years and you know, go to the park in my kid and I'm like, oh listen bud light, you go have fun. That's going to stand over here for a little bit. And I started thinking, I was like, what? What is, what is, what am I sacrificing war? You know, what productivity and all these different things that I'm losing because I won't take one hour out of my day to go work on and maintain my health and, and all these things.

Tyson: 00:31:01 And I kind of, I kind of came to the conclusion was this one hour I'm taking whatever it is, you know, let's just call it an hour is worth probably so many more hours in just a day worth being more alert, more cognitively here, you know, more productive. I, you know, I'm probably gaining four or five hours of not spacing out and not being tired and all these things because I spent one hour working out in the morning and, and it's been a huge change in my life and, uh, and everything in my work, I, you know, I feel like I get so much more done because I have so much more energy and so much, um, I have less, you know, there's mental gaps and like, what was I doing, what's that word I'm looking for? The, so many things have come from it. And like, you know, last year loan I lost the over 45 pounds and I wasn't even trying to do anything. I didn't even think I was that fat. And I'm like, where did this go and come from? But I really started stepping up what I was doing, you know, over the past three or four years now. I really, I got back into things and, and it was really amazing and it's really just been a huge thing. And I, I feel like I get so much more done and I don't work any more time. In fact, I work less now.

Batista: 00:32:06 Yes. Yeah. As a matter of fact, talking about working out every day, that's great. That's what you're doing in our program because it's very specific and very powerful. You don't even have to work out every day, two, three times a week for about 45 minutes to an hour and the strength of stay with you. So that's another thing. When you know what you're doing and you have a prescription, that program is a blueprint so that when you go to the gym, you go your program and you go bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, hit it, it's done. Go home. You know that. That's that. That's another thing that you don't even have to work every day and about the mental clarity. It is so true. Do you know that? I did some research and I found out that, you know, people are so excited. You are about multitasking by things I was. Do you know that I did some research and the research shows that multitasker actually have the break a city of eight years old because it diminish reproduction and they compare it to the productivity after you've been up all night or after you've smoked marijuana.

Speaker 4: 00:33:25 Yeah, I was reading that article you wrote and I really want to actually when to get to that because I used to be, like I said, I used to be in that camp too late. Listen, I got seven things going on simultaneously. Right now I'm knocking all these things out. Not only did I realize it and the more research I did about it is I ain't doing none of these. Well if I'm doing them at all, they're really know exactly. I can't focus on on this one thing I'm doing. So therefore, and then I also, I don't if I rat or whatever it was and it takes you 20 minutes to come back to focus on the thing you were working on. So it's like you pick up your phone to do something real quick. That thing you were just working on isn't taking 20 minutes just to get back to that mental state you were just in. That's a huge, huge imagine if you just stop yourself five times a day, that's a, you know, for hours of time you're wasting getting back to where you used to be because you're thinking you're, I'm doing so many tasks, I'm multitasking so well, but it's really just a fallacy. That's really just kind of going

Batista: 00:34:25 back to the principles I was telling you earlier, one of the key back into their bodies. So when you're not in the body can't heal. So the first thing is to come back. I'll come back and it's a beautiful way because I tell you, when you got to lift those weights, you know, tried to push five, 600 pounds and try not to be in your body at the same time. Doesn't happen the way it goes down. So you better be here. You know, like it's you and God at that moment,

Speaker 4: 00:35:23 300 pounds and thinking about what you're having for lunch later that you just can't.

Batista: 00:35:28 I don't think so. No. She back to learn in the gym, then it starts applying your life, other things in the life, you know, you gotta start somewhere. And for us, so we teach our clients, our students to, to own their power, to set boundaries, to be grounded, not about that task. Do one thing at the time, you know, and apply these principles not only in the gym but outside and it changes lives and it creates new neurons in the brain. That was the topic of my last episode I did last Friday. It was a topic on the addiction recovery and mental health and strength training. And there's some amazing research on it, but the good news is that research now is showing that the brain has the capability to re bream bill itself. In other words, if you can create new neurons in the brain with exercise, and that's where that clarity that you were talking about earlier, when you exercise you to become more clear in the brain for that reason. Daddy's, yeah, so that, I said why originally I called it the esoteric principles of bodybuilding, but people thought it was too far out. I renamed it, why go to the gym? Anyway,

Tyson: 00:37:13 I'll link to that as well as that episode for you folks. So you guys can go ahead and check that out and listen to that and learn more about it.

Batista: 00:37:21 Yeah, actually it's fascinating. All the research on brain health and do you know, the neurodegenerative diseases are on the rise, suicide. So let's grab onto it.

Tyson: 00:37:44 And from what I've seen on my side of things is a lot of these things from what I've gathered is it's, you know, it's diet related, it's exercise related, you know, the, the lack of human connection and all these simple things that were lacking nowadays. Um, and that's what I looking at it. And it's, you know, a lot of these things from my point of view and my perspective is, you know, we start changing our diets. We started getting outside and started walking around and connect to these people. All of these diseases, you know, within reason are just going to start to kind of go away or subside, you know, um, I've heard now they're calling those it all Alzheimer's type three diabetes and it's like, you know, we're thinking this is a brain thing and whatever. It's like, no, this is what you were eating when you were 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 now you've got this degenerative brain disease. Just the same as your body's breaking down and now it's also breaking down your brain and it's, it's really eyeopening to, to see that if we start now, we start changing these things. Yes we can eliminate,

Tyson: 00:38:36 eliminate the diabetes that, you know, people are having eliminated depressions, eliminate the, you know, the future of all time, especially if you're at risk of getting that.

Batista: 00:38:44 Yes. And she took care of her mother, her mother passed away from was brain of course, working on the program for 17 years and she swears that that's the reason.

Tyson: 00:39:23 That's what I also hear too, is in the medical community, that that exercise and working out is as well as diet and it's really keeping brains healthy and slowing down the aging of the brain.

Batista: 00:39:34 Yes, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. I did some research on the nutrition tube and it has to do with neuro chemicals that traveled to the brain. You have the positive negative neuro chemicals such as cortisol, Adrenalin and all this that is produced by feeling good or feeling bad is the feelings that produce the, the door call the kids in the brain, right? So, so of course exercise produces those good neurochemicals but also nutrition because the gut is actually also called the second brain. It's the enteric system and the gut itself has the capability to produce those neurochemicals and to certain food that we eat have the power to create those neuro contributes to the brain. Those feel good neurochemicals so that nutrition is very, very important as well. And that the reason why,

Tyson: 00:40:44 yeah, we have a guest coming up that is a researcher in that, in that area. So that's going to be really interesting to dig more into that second brain, that gut biome kind of thing. So that's going to be fun for you folks to stick around for that as well.

Batista: 00:40:57 Right? In that field that's emerging. Yes. Yes. We say all we have a gut feeling or

Tyson: 00:41:15 I've actually heard the, I guess the, uh, the bacteria in your gut or telling your brain what it wants. So that's why you're having these cravings for ice cream or whatever it is. Cause you're just like, hey, we need more of that. Bring that sugar down and you're having those cravings because your guts literally telling your brain, send this stuff down to us.

Batista: 00:41:32 Yes. Unbelievable. Yeah. So we have, we have a lot of tools to make our lives better, right? We don't have to be victims, we just have to have education. And that's really what's lacking. Yeah. So that's my, uh, my mission. I'm passionate about giving education to people so that they can take the right actions to change their lives. People are suffering. So

Tyson: 00:42:01 back up just a sec here. Multitasking. Do you have one, two, three tips or something like that that people can just start right now? Just kind of start to cut that out. What? What? What do you have for that

Batista: 00:42:17 tip is when you go to the gym, leave your cell phone in the car. That amazes me.

Tyson: 00:42:30 Been my day. My phone is off and it's a way it's away from me.

Batista: 00:42:34 Yeah. You know I teach behavior related to the chip. Right, so that that would be the first thing, you know? Because I mean we go to a gym and my bodily that somebody would be actually doing an exercise and texting at the same time. Why this is your huge time me time. This is what our goal too, to really get empowered and take care of myself. What are you doing?

Tyson: 00:43:07 I've see people all the time, they're sitting on the equipment and they're texting or whatever. I'm like, are you done here? Could you do that somewhere else? I'm waiting to get there. You're texting. Why?

Batista: 00:43:18 Yeah. If you do make plans to go to the gym for that for the hour or whatever, then to really set that hour aside, like if you had to think, you would go to the dentist for sure. That would not be, anything's coming into way. So plan for the traffic time, be there, you know, and just really make that a priority. That's your appointment with yourself. And of course I'm not saying to people not to socialize in the GM or say hi to somebody or whatever. But that's the other thing, you know a lot of times you see a lot of socialization and Chitchat and that's great. It's community. But I don't do that.

Tyson: 00:44:11 I'll talk to you when I'm done. Give me like 20 minutes but I'm here to work out and then after this is over we can chat and we can catch up or whatever it is. Yeah,

Batista: 00:44:22 it's just a waste of time because also when you are in a program and you do your workout, at least in our, in our system is there is a music, a certain rhythm that comes with this exercise followed by this followed. So it builds upon one another. And if you stop now for half an hour and have a cheap shot, then you come back, you're just not quite where you need to be. You know?

Tyson: 00:44:49 Even so just get up and leave already. And so you know what I'm done with my workout and just had out of the gym.

Batista: 00:44:55 Yeah. That reminds me of the joke of that, that that woman that was very sick and she, she would go to the gym every day and the guy sees her and she's always like city. And then she leaves. And then when they says, well, as soon as you coming every day and you're sitting on this chair for a few minutes and then you leave, say what? What's up with that? And she says, well yeah, my doctor told me to go to the gym everyday.

Tyson: 00:45:24 I think he meant to actually do something while you're here.

Batista: 00:45:39 That's hilarious. It's not exactly on the topic, but I think it relates is that when you do work out, actually write down what you're doing, you know? And that has kind of also to do indirectly with most are tasking. Because when you actually start writing down what you doing today, I'm doing this, this, this and this, and I'm doing that much weight, this much weight, that many Reps. So you actually have it in writing. Now if you have something to work with now you can start seeing the patterns and now you can start improving on it so that when you go to the gym, you can maximize that time. You can see, oh, you know, now I did this way. Then you know, I think maybe that was too much. Or you know, in other words, you put the tools in your hands that you are in the driver's seat, not the workout in the controlling you because now you can actually go in with a plan, you know?

Batista: 00:46:51 And so because a lot of people, you know, like we're saying, they go to the gym and they hit this machine and that machine and this machine and never knew change at here. Then they're going to do this. So that's part of, of this martyr tasking topic. Because when you think about it, okay, if you applied this principle in your life that it's the same thing, make a plan. You know, I'm going to do this today and I'm going to dedicate so many hours and I'm going to get so much done and then I'm going to do this. So you plan things ahead and then stick with it. So that's kind of a couple of things I can think of. Was that

Tyson: 00:47:31 Oh, absolutely. No, absolutely. No. Those, some of those things I never used to do before. Um, when I lifted, you know, and I, and I, uh, in high school and college stuff or sports and stuff, we just go in and we do whatever the workout the coach said. And then I was like an older, you know, and I go, when I went back to the gym after, Oh, I probably wasn't in the gym for like 10 years and I would do, I kind of wandered, I got to get back here. So I'm going to gym. I'm like, wow, what am I doing today? I'm trying to drive there. I'm like, how am I going to do today? I don't know. And then I get in the gym and I'm just kind of wandering around like what feels good today? Maybe a little leg press, I don't know, maybe a little, you know?

Tyson: 00:48:01 And then as I started thinking about say, what am I, I don't have any idea what I'm doing here. I have no plan or what I'm doing. So yeah, I just wandered around the gym for, you know, how long have I been here for like an hour and a half. I haven't done anything. And so then I started, you know, I got to come up since I, I got some plans together and then, and then I started doing a little log. I never even thought, I think she just thought that was for Weirdos. I was like, I don't need a log. Like I know how much I can lift. But I started looking, you know, looking back at it and go, no, I haven't really progressed in this exercise. I'm still doing the same weight. And I'm like, I need to figure out either why or I need to challenging myself, you know? And then it was really nice to have that log in, look at, you know, six months of progress and where did I start? Where, where am I at now? How much have I gone up? Have I really gone up any and they're feeling better. That's a really, really good tech tips. I really benefited a lot from those.

Batista: 00:48:53 Yeah. Good. So you've experienced that. It does. It does really help. Excellent calendar of when you're actually going to the gym. So you have a visual.

Tyson: 00:49:05 I actually, I have it on my calendar habit. Just repeat. Um, I do, um, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and it's blocked off. There's no ifs, ands, or buts about it. My children, no, my wife knows. Listen, this is the time. And then, you know, before an eight, when I first started doing it, you know, it was kind of foreign to my son when he was little. And he's like, Dad, you know, she stay home today. I'm like, listen, maybe, maybe right now you want me here, but I would rather be around when, when when you're older and I'm 60 70 80 years old and I, we have all that extra time now as I can die of 50 why can die at 90 but what do you, what would you rather have? And he was like, I get it out. I'll see you later. Have a good day. And never again did he ever question, hey skip a workout today or something that, and but everybody knows like this is the time. Not only is it for me, it's for my health and it's also further along Cheverly of me being around here as best I can control with you folks and having a long life together as a family.

Batista: 00:49:58 Excellent. That's what it's about. Absolutely.

Tyson: 00:50:03 Can make me change gears a little bit here. But you had mentioned it earlier and I also read it about, about you. So you took, you know, how did you get this idea to combine dance quantum physics and medical science, metaphysical science. What is all that and how did you get all this together? Where did that idea come from? They seem like three completely different things that seem to work for you in some way. How, how did you get to this

Batista: 00:50:25 three different, three different things? I think that they are very connected because we are one person and we, the metaphysical give science is a spiritual and science of this energetic and no gene, but by which we, we operate, University of laws that govern our universe and what we do. So I don't, I don't feel, I don't think that they are not connected at all. I think it is all connected and um, and for me it's, when I'm met Steven, I told you earlier in the show is I made that intention that I wanted to feel the gap because I saw that on this side that we're the spirituality and on this side that was the body and we're talking about grounding the body or integration between body, mind and spirit. Then from me, that was a gap. And I prayed and I, and I visualized that I would fill that gap.

Batista: 00:51:24 And when I met Steven and I had the results that I had with his program, I knew that that was that piece of the puzzle that I was missing, that I had asked for. So it had been in my consciousness to start connecting those dots. Okay. But it was very, very overwhelming because even though I felt it and lived it, I knew it for myself. I didn't quite know how to express it or how it would really come across. And so it's been 10 years in the making. Okay. So last year I met a gentleman, uh, Tyson Bannigan from the extraordinary healing arts academy, which is all about metaphysics and, and all that area. And he became a student and a pitch, the idea to have that right. And He loved the idea. And, and so we put together that show, the esoteric principle so far, the building was that 13 part series, which we ran last year.

Batista: 00:52:44 And with his health because that was, it was able to kind of support me into kind of wording it and, and you know, and uh, and that is also the topic of my next book, stronger then medicine, which is long time in the making. Uh, because if we talk about this and now with the why go to the gym anyway, I'm really feel that I got a grip on it. I'm really able to express those connections, not only intellectually, you know, saying all because of these. So because of that, but to put it into practice because those shows, I'm actually taking it to the gym. You see, when you do these exercise, you're not grounding. When you do this exercise, you're grounding. This is how it works. Want to open the heart, then you need to do this exercise. You don't need to do this exercise. So I'm able to pinpoint some things and really put, put it together and now it's the closest I ever got. And I am on my sixth episode. I'm on my seventh episode that just did six last Friday about addiction recovery and mental health. I have extensive background in the field of mental health with my family. So I've done a lot of research and a, and, m. I'm doing it, I'm doing it. Keep tracking.

Speaker 4: 00:54:18 Very fascinating. It's very fascinating science and research and it's such a great time we live in now when we have so much of these things available, so many resources and it's so easily accessible. A lot of these things were only accessible to the wealthy and the, you know, maybe even just the universities or even a subset of even that before. Now it's, and we can go on pub med and you read every paper that comes out or you know, you can connect with all of these amazing people like yourself and what you folks are doing. Really bridging all these things together. It's such a great time to be living in now and heading forward with the Internet

Batista: 00:54:48 time.

Speaker 4: 00:54:51 Yes. Please don't understand. It's like when you want to look up a word, you better have a dictionary in your house. Now, you just talked to this Dang speaker over here and it tells you all about it. You guys got this easy.

Batista: 00:55:02 Yes,

Speaker 4: 00:55:08 I learned so much every day because like I said, it's so easy just, I just asked my phone, I have smart speakers around the house literally throughout the house and it's just easy to ask, you know how to spell something. What does this mean? What does this word, what's a synonym? We don't, my son asked the craziest questions and I'm the, I learn, you know, I'm like, listen buddy, I have no idea. Like, you know, I was like, let's, let's ask Google and then we all learned together and we grow it in the questions build and build a build is such an amazing, amazing tools. Well now I want to ask, what is it about that 40 and an upper age range that, that either, you know, attracted you guys and you guys saw a problem there? What, what happens in that, in that time, um, with this just with women or with men or both? What's, what's that 40, why is that? It's such a magical number for you guys

Batista: 00:55:57 because that's when the hormones start changing and you don't know, you don't see it coming in the body for men and women, different results in both men and women. So there's two different, uh, aspects of things that are going to start happening. But that's, uh, I'm telling you that's where things changed. The body change the, yeah, it's hormonal. So now you're, if you're not doing something about it now you're going to eat really quickly.

Tyson: 00:56:33 So you're talking about like kinds of things or is there some other things that,

Batista: 00:56:40 yeah, that's where it starts oozing testosterone that the body can't heal as well. The older the men get, some more feminized he gets, then you started losing muscle. Mass loss starts at early as age 30, but from 30 to 40, you don't know accelerates then habits, then you have posture that start shifting, draws osteoporosis. Then it affects the mind. It affects the way you behave. The other other way around. We men produce more progesterone hormone, so women become more intellectual, but still with the, with the hormone change, the muscle loss, then the metabolism changes through down weight gain, you know, so it seems shift and they shift fast. 30 to 40 you don't see it. 40 to 50 you go, Ooh, I don't know. I don't know. Why am I, why did I gain 10 pounds? Or Why am I not, you know, I'm not liking top on top of my game. You can't handle stress as well. So stress has more effect on the body. And then if you don't do anything by 60 good luck.

Tyson: 00:58:16 So you guys have found through your, your research and your practice and stuff that, that this type of weight training is, is really, is it slowing this down? Is it holding it off? Is it reversing any of this kind of stuff?

Batista: 00:58:31 It's the fountain of Youth. It's the fountain of Youth. There's no way around it. We'll give you years of your life that it will rebuild bone. We've been blessed or mass. If you do it properly, it would rebuild your posture. Posture, correct. Muscular imbalances. It's the fountain of Youth and it's, it's beyond anything beyond that, beyond beyond yoga and it's now becoming scientifically proven. You see people that are still in their minds thinking about strength training as a our nerd with a big muscles and it's for guys or you know, you're going to get bulky and not, no, no, no, no. We, this is kind of still being your flip phone. Technology has changed and now there's enough research. Even like we talked earlier, it recreates neurons in the brain up aerobics at these types of activity also, right? But strength really specifically because of the muscle building aspect of it, beyond anything else has far more benefits, anti aging benefits that anything else, period.

Batista: 00:59:53 Guaranteed. So that's what you need to do and when you are 40 and up, you better start doing more strength training, less aerobic, less of anything else because that's when you need it the most. As a matter of fact, if you do too much aerobics, it can have opposite effects because of the body, because you're losing muscle mass in aerobics, doesn't build muscle mass. So now the danger is that you're going to start using muscle tissue for energy, which we would create even more problems and then it would create more cortisol in the body, which is the stress hormone. So yeah, 40 is when you got to do it. And if you start earlier at 30 then it's like building a bank account. Right? So if you're younger, do it for prevention. So then by the time we get 40 you're not, you know, you are already maintained, but if you haven't done it,

Speaker 4: 01:00:57 yeah, no, I hear you that those are things I am lucky. I learned in my mid thirties I got to stop. What I thought was, I dunno, whatever it was, 2022 or something. I was like, you know what? I'm no longer, I'm no longer going to be a professional athlete like I want it to be. I'm no longer, you know, really doing anything. I'm not playing these sports stuff. I was like, why do I need to be lifting weights? I was like, I don't need to be doing this. And, and then from why don't know, 20 something to you, my mid thirties, I was like, wow. I was like, something's changing here and I don't, I don't like this. And I really never thought about I of learning about these things. And I was like, well, I, if I just go on a treadmill but just go for a run.

Speaker 4: 01:01:33 And I learned that, well that's, you're stupid. You're just, you're just staying fat if not getting fatter, doing those things and you're not building bone density and stuff and you're going to be, I started doing all these things and I'm like, holy cow, where was this information? Why didn't they teach us this? You know, especially when I was playing sports and stuff, all these things, they never really taught us. And I guess the science wasn't there. And if things weren't there and we had the old school mentality, totality of things, you know, um, our conditioning was running 20 laps around the football field and, and come to find out as probably the worst thing we could have been doing. It really wasn't making sense any more condition stretching wasn't a big thing that like, you know, stretching before a game is supposed to joke. We just kind of all pretended like we did something in the coach were perfectly fine with that. And then I started learning all these things and I'm glad you guys are the kind of people out there getting out there and getting people off these treadmills. The stuff I go to the gym man, just like you're fat and you're on trouble, you're just gonna stay fat if not get found her.

Batista: 01:02:24 Yeah. But you know, we're in California,

Speaker 4: 01:02:32 Zona sunny 95% of the time.

Batista: 01:02:35 Yeah. So, you know, so we go to the gym on the Treadmill, you're on a treadmill.

Speaker 4: 01:02:46 Exactly right.

Batista: 01:02:51 Yep. Fresh air your mind and then go to the gym and use the equipment. So yeah, it's just a lack of education. And awareness and there's a lot of it, so that's why we are here.

Speaker 4: 01:03:04 Absolutely. I tell my wife, I'm like, oh, I'm going to go on the treadmill elliptical for a bit. I said, look around the gym, we're all the fat people that were over there on the treadmills and ellipticals where all those 50 bled there on the weights. We're going that way. We're not going that we one of the for a walk, we have this beautiful walking trails. I think I like to live in my hair. I was like, we had this beautiful, the city makes these beautiful walking trails and was just absolutely gorgeous and it's two minutes from my house and it's just long miles and miles of trails and it's so great to get out and just get fresh air and leave your phone behind and just look around birds and the nature and get some of that sunshine on your face. And yeah, it's the more we can do these things like this, the more, you know, podcasts and Youtube and all these things that are available and they're all free and they're also easily accessible.

Speaker 4: 01:03:50 We can start educating, not only ourselves, I'm learning here. Um, and I constantly am, I'm learning stuff and we can just build a better, healthier society. America, we can get away from this stigma ran, we're just fat and overweight and it's just going the wrong way. And we don't know what's wrong. We do know what's wrong. We just, we just don't want to look at it. We don't want to educate ourselves, you know, the doctors and everybody, they're so far behind and, and I know that they have a hard time and I have a hard job and keeping up a research is not easy, but we've got to look and say the Shit we've been doing for 30 years is not working. In fact, it's getting worse. Where's the research? Where are the people that are doing this? Right? And we've got to seek them out. And when you find them, you've got to share with your family and friends. We all can. Starting today is not the best time, but it's the second best time. And that's where we really got to get into this and got going.

Batista: 01:04:38 That's right.

Speaker 4: 01:04:39 And then speaking of these misconceptions stuff, what are some more that you see in your industry? What are the the the, the ones that just drive you up the walls

Batista: 01:04:53 versus going to make you Boccie

Speaker 4: 01:05:02 I hear that from women all the time. I can't lift weights. I'm, I don't want to be a big body builder. I'm like

Batista: 01:05:12 to get bulky. It's just isn't going to happen. The women, the body, women, competitors, they are taking supplements and drugs to get faulty like that, you know? So that's one thing. And the other thing is it takes a lot of discipline, a lot of work to even feel them. Awesome. So ladies, you're not, it's not going to happen. You'd be lucky if you get toned and you know,

Tyson: 01:05:51 yeah, that'd be great. She has a nice tone, a Dell toys in her arms. I'm like, there we go. Like that's a good look. Instead of that, like, I like to call it whatever I heard about skinny fat, where you see the dude, they're skinny, but you're looking at them, you're like, you're kind of flabby and you're like, you're not in shape.

Batista: 01:06:12 Yeah. Not every woman. I don't want to generalize. My husband doesn't like my or I I want to look feminine. I don't want any medicines. The men that come and see, they look at the pictures of the women on our wall and they drew. I want my wife to look. Exactly. So you see that the women say, Oh mine, my husband, my, my significant other just loves me the way I am. I don't want any medicine. And that same man, he's drooling over the muscles,

Tyson: 01:07:03 each other. We got to be straight up and tell each other, communicate.

Batista: 01:07:08 You see? That's a big misconception. Okay. And so I wouldn't guarantee you ladies, men too, like muscles on a woman. I'm not talking about our charts and Agar type muscles. No, I'm talking about strong tone, sculpted body. Because when you are going to the gym and you are building your restraint with strength training, your men knows that you're taking care of yourself, that you are strong and when you are strong you are going to be more likely to show up for your life, to be present, to be there and to live longer. Also. So, and my sons are attractive on a woman's, sorry. It is very feminine.

Tyson: 01:08:00 Yeah, no, I absolutely agree. Not every single reason why you should be not only encouraging your significant other, you should

Batista: 01:08:08 for yourself as well. You know exactly that. That's that. That's a really, really, I love that plan a la, I just loved that, that perspective on that from our perspective he might say, well don't person a trainer do what you do. And that again, it has to do with education. But uh, we, we work on muscular imbalances. We work on posture and alignment. We work on things that are beyond the scope of personal training knowledge. And I don't say these to be derogatory or to put any profession. I am a personal trainer as well. So I've done the courses. I know what we learn.

Batista: 01:09:01 It's posture. Alignment is not right. Muscular imbalances. He's not at getting pain. Free is not, as a matter of fact, many personal trainers, the more than get you up, the more you think you're working, the more you know, like we have Fred staffers in the trainers. They say, Oh, you know, if my client is not barfing after the session, you said work hard enough. You know what I mean? And these are friends, professional friends, you know, and we'd go like, well you know, but that says a lot for the client. What people think that if you get beat up like that, you're really going to make progress. You see, we look at sustainability, we look at creating a business. Okay, so when do you want to be in five years, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years. Where do you want to be in your nineties so that's what you have to do. It's like putting money in the bank. It's like building capture. So in our program we start by building strengths, 20 to 50% that's your cap preacher. You need strength. I saw a poster, a show the other day and made so much sense. Strength is not optional.

Batista: 01:10:22 You need strengths. It affects everything you do in your life. Not only the way you carry your grocery, but how you, everything. Okay? Strength is not option of you need your strength. So you need to do something about it. Because you lose it if you don't build it. So that's the first thing we do. Build a strange 20 to 50% then we work on stress management because that's the number one killer. Everybody stressor. So we work on stress management, strengthening the nervous system. It goes had on hand with building streets, straightening the nervous system. Your physical strength when you're grounded and empowered will affect your emotional state. Now you become centered, calm, white fear. Okay? Stress

Tyson: 01:11:27 goes

Batista: 01:11:28 down that we work on posture so that the neurochemicals can flow freely to the brain. Now, you know, we know neurochemical chemicals control the way we feed, the way we talk, the way we behave, right? But if they can't reach the brain because you're like this, then you have a problem, right? Wherever there's stagnation, there's disease. So we need to correct that. We need to get everything to flow properly. All right? So we work on that. So you see, we have a whore series of principles that we incorporate are incorporated into the programs. These principles are universal principles that make the success of this formula of this training that we do. And that is not even close to what pers personal trainer too. So you'd see for us. When you say what is your frustration? A lot of time,

Tyson: 01:12:30 well,

Batista: 01:12:31 I work with a personal trainer. When did you hear a word? I said

Tyson: 01:12:42 hunched over and wears tight up. Our breathing suffers. I never thought about that. You know, and you're not, we're not getting enough oxygen into ourselves. We all, I hope you all know that our body depends so much on getting, only getting it in, but also getting it out and clearing it out of the blood and stuff. And I don't know what I was listening to or watching or where I was and people talking about, I haven't had a deep breath like this in years. I'm like, well how do you breathe? I don't even understand that. But such these little things that just pass by us that we just don't even think about a soul related and soul so much. Not only in our health and our wellness and our stress, you know, it's so, it's so crazy when you start learning about this, how these all just blend together and they really feed off of each other.

Batista: 01:13:31 Yeah. It's because we're all connected and you got to take the body as a whole, not as pieces like this. And that's the answer.

Tyson: 01:13:42 But that's how we've, we really kind of been conditioning you on your, on your ankle. You will see an ankle doctor, something wrong with your shoulder, you'll see a shoulder doctor, there's no doctor, you not even a gentle doctor's like he's just going to point you into the doctor. You need to go see them. And the doctors in this need to the back doctor just listening to the hip doctor and these guys aren't talking and they're all telling you something different versus a lot of these new doctors they have now, which I think there's potential there. The functional medicine, I'm sure you were, where they built the whole body and from nutrition to, so all of these, if you think like you're, that's

Speaker 4: 01:14:12 kind of the approach seems from my perspective. That's really going to start to change some of these things and let people know that you know these elements and he's different things. They're all connected and you got to change this to change that so you can get rid of that back pain.

Batista: 01:14:25 Yes, exactly. She was one of our great success stories because she used to have three search and told her to have immediate surgery on her shoulder because she had done, and it was a six years ago. That was the time where we met her and she chose to go on our program instead of going for surgery. So yesterday we saw her and now it's six years. Okay. Because the thing is that I have not sat in this show is that we were always on education and making the person says a dependent so that they can continue to do the program on their own. So we don't work like a personal trainer on hourly basis. So you know, so we learn, we teach education, right. So the lady to the program six years ago and she still training on this system. She goes one, two, three times per week.

Batista: 01:15:30 And also she's not a gym rat and a and so yesterday we went to to see and we got a great testimonial from her fresh. I'm going to post it on our website today. Sad this. She said that she met us six years ago, not only she was on the verge of having surgery, she was stolen by her orthopedic surgeon, that she had osteoporosis. She had so many pains in your body everywhere. They couldn't diagnose it, knees back at everything they thought it might be fibromyalgia. She was like a complete mess. She says that the doctor fitness program has not only saved our lives, it has saved proctor Rhea because she would have had to literally stop dentistry. Okay. Now, six years later, she has no pain.

Batista: 01:16:47 It has all of these appeared. As a matter of fact, she said that the day before she was cleaning up our garage and she was lifting those huge boxes and she says, and she says, yeah, because you are powerful. You know, so, so that strain that's leaving, people don't realize that it is accessible. I'm doing a lecture locally in a, in a few it two weeks and I met this person and I said, Oh, come to my lecture. I'm doing a lecture on being big free. And he looks at me like, hey, free. Like I say, what is it you don't understand about pain free? It's why it's very vague. And I said, well, you said older gentlemen who obviously doesn't work out, you can see. Right? And I said, do you have a backache in the morning? Do you have arthritis? You're joint hurts, but how would you like to get up without that? Oh, that is great. I would like that. Oh, I'm going to come to your lecture.

Tyson: 01:17:58 What do you mean pain free? That's not possible.

Batista: 01:18:01 Exactly. That's crazy. It doesn't compete.

Tyson: 01:18:09 That's crazy. Even with that dentist example, let's just say just as talk, this is sit with her shoulder. She had the ligament surgery. Who knows how many tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. She would have lost out on having to close her practice down or having to keep it open, but her services aren't available. Just that one little incident that she saved her. It probably, that savings probably paid for the program 10 times over.

Batista: 01:18:33 Exactly. Yeah. And then when your surgery,

Tyson: 01:18:46 staph infections or or, or something going wrong and not quit being quite right. Yeah. There's so many complicated

Batista: 01:18:53 that are possible. So we work with the gentleman and I'm telling you, we work with another gentleman. I told you the man who had arthritis in the knees and we got in four days. So we put it, oh, and by the way, we have an affiliate program. So if, if, um, if the person wants to sign up to our affiliate program and refer somebody to us, then you know, you get a commission. So he puts an affiliate link right on his Facebook because he's like, oh look, I have no horn. He made the comment but says, oh, well does this come in a pill form because I'm allergic to working out. Oh my gosh, you got do the work.

Tyson: 01:19:50 It does such the mantra of our society now. It's like, you know, I've heard of, I've heard of instances where people are like, I've worked here for six years, six weeks, why haven't I got promoted yet? Got to put in the work. You got to pay your dues. These as sort of the, the problem and social media, stuff like

Speaker 4: 01:20:08 that. We just see the highlights. We don't see the 10 1520 years that went in to having this moment. You see this richness and whatever it is you're looking at, you don't see what went into making this one moment that you're looking at.

Tyson: 01:20:21 Yeah, no, there's not

Batista: 01:20:26 quick fix, fixing to do the work, but you know, you gotta do the work anyway. So doing the right thing,

Tyson: 01:20:31 make it make it efficient and effective. Yeah. That's the thing. You know, speaking of this back pain, so I was reading on your thing, I'm just going to read this thing off you had there, they said, it says,

Speaker 4: 01:20:44 did you know that back pain is a single leading cause of disability and the most common reason for miss work with 80% of Americans affected? That blew my mind. I've, I'm, I'm fortunate I've never had back pain in my life. I'm glad. I don't know, however I figured that out or whatever. But

Tyson: 01:21:01 what is this about? Why, what's happening here?

Batista: 01:21:09 Sitting on a computer all day long, not taking care of yourself. It's just what it is.

Tyson: 01:21:20 Yeah. I don't know if you can see, but I, I bought myself a standing desk a few years ago. This has just been the greatest thing ever. It's nice to be able to get up and stand up and, you know, how did, you know, having this conversation and stuff like this, but be simple things like this and you know, I just, that's just 80% of people in North America, that's a lot.

Batista: 01:21:46 They don't know. They don't have the answer, but they don't do what is the second step, which is building the muscles around the spine. One of the easiest thing to fix shoulder is harder.

Tyson: 01:22:15 I just, I severely disappointed in my left shoulder and a high school

Speaker 4: 01:22:20 took so long to rehab and finally feel strong. Yeah. It took so many years.

Batista: 01:22:28 Yeah. Because it has so many,

Speaker 4: 01:22:30 it took those lines like little tiny muscles and stuff that you really don't use often. Those took so long to get back and finally, um, some years now it's been, it doesn't hurt and I can do like I used to have such a hard time doing anything overhead my arm and just go weekend numb and just fall over is really a long time. I can really test a test to that shoulder is so hard.

Tyson: 01:22:53 Yeah.

Batista: 01:22:59 Lack of knowledge, not lack of education site, that judgment on that Facebook post, you know like does any come in a pill? A lot of people just don't do the work. Take the pill. Yeah.

Speaker 4: 01:23:17 And there is no pill. I mean I'm sure if we went on Amazon right now there'll be 400 things for back pain to push you like this or scoot you like that or whatever it is. And, and really like what you're alluding to and it makes so much sense in my mind is is you're missing a key element was strengthening those muscles. So staying in alignment and, and, and keep your, your core up and everything up, which brings, I'm sure so many things into effect. If you're standing up straight, I'm sure that, you know, I would imagine brings your shoulders back and your hips in alignment, your knees and the lime and your ankles and, and it really just brings so much to it and it's so simple. It's not a gimmick or a gadget you can get on Amazon or at GNC. It's, it's getting in the gym and doing the work. That's an, it brings me to another thing that I seen on your site. It was really, these things just really just blow my mind is it says that 60 to 80% of accidents on the job with an estimated cost of 200 to $300 billion a year to corporation are caused by stressed employees. Well, where is this coming from? How do we prevent it? Where's this fixed for this? What are we getting this?

Batista: 01:24:23 That's another, just when we talked about stress, you know, like the number one killer chicken without a head and they never, their priorities mixed up. We talked to a lot of people, we explained just what we're saying and they have no time, no money. They got to do the work first. So it's again, it's just like the backache. It's a vicious cycle. You know, you gotta, you gotta be willing. It's has to do a lot with mindset. It's too bad that many times people decide to make the changes in their life when something wrong, really wrong happened. So they wait until like, you know, until they're really liking the predicament, you know? Uh, so, so that, that's what it is. I mean, look at society. It's just like, look around

Speaker 4: 01:25:31 my grandma's been having, I've been telling her, I was like, you know, it's your lifestyle. That's not why 70 something. But I've been trying to tell her like, your, your diet and you're, you're not, you don't exercise. You don't do these things. And that's not why. And then she goes to the doctors and his orthopedic surgeons and they're like, oh, we just needed to surgery. I'm like, no, like as a, I forget what it was. Something like a very pound the weight. It's

Tyson: 01:26:04 like four pounds on your knee or something like that. I forget what the math was and I just blew my mind. I'm like, I said, I'll try to explain my grandma's like, you're a part at least a hundred pounds overweight. If you can just get rid of that a hundred pounds, you're going to take 400 pounds of pressure off of your knees. You'd think that knee pain is going to go away. Hell yeah, I will.

Batista: 01:26:21 Yes, exactly. Too late to start. Personally, we work with people of all ages. This woman started weightlifting when she was 87. Okay. Uh, she's 94, 95 now competes. So she's, uh, she's the, she wins every time because she's the only one in her class,

Tyson: 01:26:52 black lady that did the bodybuilding.

Batista: 01:26:54 Oh no, that's another one. She's, she's amazing. Yeah. That's somebody else. It's another one. But this one is older. This one is 94, 95, but I will tell you that she, so she competes weightlifting and everything. But what was amazing about her is that a few years back she had a car accident and she broke his spine and the doctors all told her that she should never lift again. Okay. And she didn't listen. She went back to weightlifting and she was supposed to be paralyzed for the rest of her life. And now at 94 95 she's back competing. Wow, that's amazing. Okay. So there's many, many people at Steve and say, oh, I can't work out, or I have this or I have that. And to you know that it's the number one tool that you can to to, to get yourself back on your feet. Okay.

Batista: 01:28:01 As a matter of fact that there is an amazing movie that I really, really love. It's called bleed for this, and it's the story of a boxer. I forgot his name, but also he was a boxing champion and he also had a car accident, broke his spine. What's you're forced to be paralyzed for the rest of his life was told by everybody, doctors and all, not to go back to boxing. Betty would be very, very dangerous for him. They suggested that has neck surgery to fuse the spine. He refused because he had the dream to go back to boxing through weight lifting. He really stated himself and went back to boxing and won the championship. I forget which championship and what his named, the movie's called bleed for this. And these stories, you can hear them on and on and on and on. There's so many people that would be crippled, paralyzed, dead if there, if it wasn't for going to a gym and weight lifting. It is the fountain of Youth and it is the number one tool to with everything, even heart, diabetes, everything. And you can save time by doing that versus being on a treadmill over and over and over again for hours and hours. Because with weightlifting, you will not only get your robotic activity, your oxygen flowing and the heart pumping and all this, but you will have the muscle media, which boosts your metabolism, strengthen your bones. So you're going to get so many more benefits for that hour spent. Yeah.

Speaker 4: 01:30:04 And I like to tell people to like, you know, you know, all this stuff you're doing is, it's really expensive. And I was like, you know, it's more expensive prescriptions and doctor's visits and people just kind of take back and you're like, never thought of that. I was like, I don't spend my time there. I don't have to do this stuff now. Then have to spend my time, you know, in the doctor's office and you know, filling out prescriptions. I noticed. So, I mean, some of these scenes to be sold hundreds of dollars to fill these prescriptions and stuff and I'd rather spend that money on, um, doing the right things now, eating right. You know, taking care of my body now getting into the gym. Um, what for you, what does it, what does a typical day look like for you? What does that, you know, first 60 to 90 minutes look like? What are the must do things if you do, you set yourself up to win the day

Batista: 01:30:58 three times per week. That's three times a week. That's it. The rest of the time it's about creating content. It's about reaching out to students, staying on top of everybody, doing social media, creating. Like now I'm very involved with the shows on the, on the Fridays. So that takes a lot of my time. It's continually educating people, putting content out, reaching out. So that's a, that's the day I like walking on the days that I don't, that I don't do the training. I like to take a walk, get some fresh air through the cracks. But that's something meditating, I love cooking. So there's a lot of things, but um, yeah. Yeah. So there's just a lot of things. But mainly aside from the training I, and I don't know if we're learning, I want to tell you that I spent 10 years researching and working very closely with the Steven and I still learn every day. So I love speaking his brains. So anytime there is a new student or somebody new that comes on board where we review the programs, every case, everybody's different. So I'm still thinking is Bray and I still learn after 10 years. So if you think that just because you, you know something and you know it all, it's not like that. There's always more to learn. It's Steven, he's amazing. He's like this genius and all that. There's always more, more, more, more to learn, you know, that's my passion, you know.

Batista: 01:32:51 So I love working with students and uh, and uh, yeah, learning, learning is,

Tyson: 01:33:01 that's a huge thing with a lot of people forget that once you're done with college or high school or whatever you're learning, it doesn't stop there. It's a lifelong process. And the people that are succeeding in really making a difference in his word, on our lifelong learner,

Batista: 01:33:13 definitely with, with that, what,

Tyson: 01:33:16 what are, you know, the book or books that really have helped you the most on your journey that you would recommend others to pick up?

Batista: 01:33:25 So let's see.

Tyson: 01:33:31 You got all four books I believe, if I'm not mistaken. And the fifth one coming other than yours. I, I've got some of those on my, my, uh, my list. Those are in my rotation now. But what are some other other book or books that helped you the most?

Batista: 01:33:57 One of my work was working in children's education. Okay. I know you're not going to expect this, but my favorite book of all time is the little engine that can,

Tyson: 01:34:15 oh, that's a classic gives and you haven't read it yet. Go pick this one up.

Batista: 01:34:36 Red, all these books, many books, all unhelpful. But I can't say that the dimension that could, it's so simple and it's so profound and it kind of, sometimes we complicate things. I don't in this working with children for so many years, we complicate things. Sometimes the answers are so super, so right in front of us and we, they're looking, you know, making things very complicated for us. So, and, and that, that book, I follow those principles all the time. You know what I mean?

Tyson: 01:35:16 Yeah. There's a good lesson in perseverance, um, positive self talk. You know, that attitude of I can, I can do this and I'm going to figure out a way and I'm going to do what I gotta do to get things done. There's a lot of good, I never thought of this. I'm going to grab my son's book and we're going to go through this this weekend. We're going to go, we're going to pull all the lessons from it. That's a great recommendation. That's gotta be the best recommendation I have had on this show and then I love it. I love it. It's out of the box. It's different, but like you were saying, it's simple. The message is they're like, listen, listen to what's there. He's got a positive self image himself. He knows he can, if he puts his mind to it, he can. He can accomplish anything. He can get up that hill. It doesn't matter how much is connected to his train. That's a really good,

Batista: 01:36:03 yeah.

Tyson: 01:36:09 There's no excuses. You don't have time. We'll link to all all of these things we talked about all your social media, your website. Is there any other places you want to point people or send people to to either connect with you and learn about more about what you're up to,

Batista: 01:36:32 doctors, Dr Version, Dr Fitness, strategy session that I recommend because if you're willing ready to change your life, then just do that. Of course we have a lot of information and education all over the place. So the next thing that you wanted to is to go to why go to the gym anyway, formerly called the esoteric principles of bodybuilding Friday morning at 11 Pacific Standard Time, two o'clock eastern standard time on Facebook, youtube, [inaudible] life. This show is the closest I ever got to connecting all those dots last week. Addiction recovery, that was an awesome show. Go back to, uh, listen to that this week. The Yang, how the male and female print apply to your workout. That's profound. Okay, so you want to do that. Join Ed. Why go to the gym any way at 11:00 AM Pacific Standard Time, 2:00 PM eastern standard time on Facebook or youtube. Why go to the gym any way you would definitely want to that. And then you know, find us on social media. Dr Fitness, USC here, doctor fitness, USC there. You too. We have 300 plus videos on youtube like us. Share comment, subscribe dot. All the tape. Don't only say participate. Yes. Comments. Tell us, hi, I'm here. I'm listening. CB Bona on social events and they say, Oh, I follow your post. I see you here. Well why did you say hi? Or like is

Speaker 4: 01:38:55 the same thing? I just love everything you're putting on. Like, you know, like anything though, you're not sharing it. Come on

Speaker 4: 01:39:08 and don't, don't be frankly folks, I'll link all of these things that she said, the social chameleon that show you. Just go ahead and search for this episode and it'll be right there with everything links to her and all the resources we've talked about. And then one last thing before we head off for the afternoon here on a social community and show we like to have a weekly challenge, um, something to get people going and get people having the action step taken that first step. And I like to give that challenge to you. So I'd like to know what's this week's challenge? I'm asking you. It's yours for you. I want, I want you what, what is the one thing or whatever it is you want, that, that you want to challenge you, that that action step you want people to take. What do you want them to do after listening to this, they've gotten this far, two plus hours into this. What does that action step you want people to take? What do you want to challenge them to do?

Batista: 01:40:03 I'm curious.

Speaker 4: 01:40:05 I don't know. I wish I knew. I get, I get feedback from it. Um, I, I just, I, I want to put it out there to people. I want people to take an action from this episode. I also cut this out and I put that out on social media and stuff as well. Like at least you get this little snippet and I really just hope people take action. I wish I knew a better way of measuring it. I don't,

Batista: 01:40:29 you can measure this. I'm going to challenge everybody to go to doctor fitness, we'll look at that strategy session. It's free. It has the potential to change your life. Okay? And you can talk all you want, okay? Until you take the action is not going to happen. So this is a gift from Dr Fitness USA on Battista, Dr Fitness. It's the brand by house, but it's either me or him. We take your call, I challenge you to book a strategy call by going to doctor fitness and I will tell you how many people actually what the cow.

Tyson: 01:41:19 I love it. I look forward to hearing back. How many people actually think this is your life. This is your livelihood. This is your future for not just you, your friends, your families and neighbors and everybody that's around you, that, that directly or indirectly depends on you and, and, and the things you contribute. This world. Don't, don't look this gift horse in the mouth. Take this challenge, get this free information, get these resources, change your life, improve your life. This is where it's at.

Batista: 01:41:44 And I have one more. Go ahead. Perfect. Absolutely.

Tyson: 01:41:55 Let's go guys, get it out of there. Take these challenges, but these are, this has been an absolutely amazing. I learned so, so much and I really hope everybody at home learn as much too. Thank you very much for being on. I really, it really was an absolute pleasure.

Batista: 01:42:09 Thank you. I love being here and sharing all this. Thank you so much for having me. It's wonderful questions. You did your research and I really appreciated your time passion for helping people as well.

Tyson: 01:42:32 Thank you so much. As I said, folks, everything we talked about, you guys can get it in the show notes at the social community that show we really went into a lot of stuff there and it was, it was a great time and it just so absolutely fortunate that not only did I get to learn a lot, I get to share this with you folks and as always you guys, every month we've got to give away. We're always trying to help you guys and enhance your life with these things. For you goes head over to the social me and get entered into this month's giveaway and enhance your life. Get these different things we've come across. We find that really, really bring our stuff together. And you know like, like Battista was saying stuff, sharing this, share this with people. This is how we get the message where this is how we, we, we pass on knowledge.

Tyson: 01:43:17 Okay, go do your research. When you find these things are working and you see these things are working, it share at least two other people in the best way to support the show. Best way to help this information. The best way to have a healthier community and family and society is sharing this information. You know, get out there and don't be afraid. Don't, don't let these things stand in the way, you know, share things with your community like this episode. Share these different things. Subscribe on Youtube and your favorite podcast APP. You guys can follow us all week long on your favorite social media apps, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Leaving it like a review. This does help our show bring on great guests like Battista and for all the links and everything we talked about here today in this episode, and I'll pass episode. You guys can help me to the social community in that show and until next time, get fit and keep learning and keep growing and transforming. Not just your mind, but your body to the person you want to become.


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