Are The Bill of Rights here to stay?

“no amendment in the Constitution is absolute.” President Joe Biden

Are The Bill of Rights here to stay? Do we still have a functioning Bill of Rights? Where are we heading with our basic human rights in the USA and abroad?

The Bill of Rights amendments add to the Constitution specific guarantees of personal freedoms and rights, clear limitations on the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and explicit declarations that all powers not specifically granted to the U.S. Congress by the Constitution are reserved for the states or the people.

The Preamble to the Bill of Rights

The Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

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Tyson (00:00:15):

The social cleaning show, it's all grown to help you learn growing, transforming the person you want to come today. I got Justin back on. It's been a long time, but he's back here and we want to talk about the bill of rights. Do we still have them in, in, uh, in more of the lines of, um, of America in the U S here is where we are, what we understand and what we live through. So the bill of rights, the first he wanted to content combatants, but the first 10 amendments is considered the bill of rights. Do we still have them, you know, um, where have we been and where are we heading with these with these rights? It seems, you know, the first 10, um, they were established because when the first draft of the constitution came out, the States were like, you know what?

Tyson (00:00:58):

There's some good stuff here, but we feel like that this can still kind of go back to the way things were in the places that we came from. And they asked for some extra provisions to make sure things are on the up and up. And that's where the bill of rights came from. Uh, this is not an academic exercise. I know Justin are, are legal scholars were, we're not. Uh, so this is not to be construed as legal advice. If you do dumb, that's your problem, not ours. Uh, more, more, this is more of an intellectual look from what Justin and I are seeing, uh, here in the U S and possibly what we kind of see abroad. We don't live abroad and we don't spend much time abroad, but in the news and social media, we do some fits things, abroad, some similar themes, just seem to be going on here.

Tyson (00:01:36):

Um, I'd like to try as best as possible, um, to keep this above board per se, uh, not trying to evolve conspiracy theories and stuff. Keep the discussion that we have, um, in the focus of things that are right there on the, on the open things that everybody are seeing, not necessarily, um, um, fringe per se, cause we, each of our lives nowadays are so focused. It's, it's really hard to say a general, broad aspect of things, but as much as possible, I like to try and keep this conversation there. That way everybody can follow along it doesn't, you know, maybe, Oh, this isn't my life, or this is not what I'm seeing. I'd like to hope for. They try to keep this in the realm of what everybody's experiencing in an everyday kind of American kind of life and way. Uh, I don't know if you want to any, any opening remarks, Justin.

Tyson (00:02:20):

I know it's been a while since you've been on. No, I appreciate you having me back on, it's been a, been about two years now, I think, but, uh, yeah, it's been on an academic journey as well. And, um, today's topic should be kind of interesting because a lot of interpretation, a lot of, a lot different ways to think about this. Yeah. There's a lot of nuance. Yeah. Yeah. It's just a, it, it, it can go either way, but I'll let you start now. Yeah. So that's it. I just, you know, kind of open up that way, set the framework for what we're trying to look at this through and the lens we're doing this through. Um, it's just what I, what I've been seeing lately, um, for the past several years, uh, maybe maybe circa 2008 ish last, I thought things were really starting to come to light when we went the economic downturn and we started kind of seeing a lot of that doctor by wall street kind of things.

Tyson (00:03:08):

And these different kind of things started coming up, universities and stuff. The fringe coastal university started coming in with their things. And we started to see, um, the bill of rights kind of coming under fire a little bit, a few, a few of the amendments and stuff. And as we've gone through those years, something, you know, I don't watch a lot of news and stuff. I don't really consume this stuff. So I might not see as much as I definitely other people do. But what I've seen, especially, um, from the beginning of 2020, Oh, we're doing this, um, in end of April of 21. So, you know, the whole COVID thing and it's kind of gone on and what I've seen a lot through that really was what is kind of bothering me, especially as we've come, um, into 2021 is these basic, you know, a bunch of these basic amendments, these constitutional rights are things that we really people have fought for.

Tyson (00:03:53):

You know, colored people have fought for, uh, forefathers have fought for a lot of people that fought for of our mothers and fathers have fought for, I've seen him be disappearing. And I, I, that this would be a great time to have a conversation, um, on these and, and let you know, kind of everybody have the opportunity to start to look up and see, Hey, you know what? You know, a lot of my liberties, I think I have are gone or going away and I seem to be complicit in allowing that to happen. And that's the one I kind wanted to have this conversation about. See, the thing is, um, I think you represent a lot of people. Um, I think you have been noticing it circa 2008 since the advent of the smartphones, right? Since the use of camera phones, um, prior to all this prior to the internet, a lot of the he's, um, bill of rights, as you say, have been fading away have been happening since the sixties and seventies, eighties only it's only come to light now because it's being recorded.

Tyson (00:04:56):

It's being videoed. It's being put out there on the web and we're all in shock. Like, Oh my God, Oh, this is happy. Our world is falling apart. It's been like this forever. So you have to understand something. Of course, we're not going to go into conspiracy theories, but it just depends on how you define a conspiracy theory, right? Yeah. I'll, I'll lay out a fact, the government exists for the government bottom line. They exist for their partners. They exist for their friends at the end of the day. Uh, three things. People have to understand that rule the world. And if you want to break it down domestically, it's still the same three things, power, money influence. Right now, the bill of rights, in my opinion, was a novel idea. I think it was just something to get the people's vote behind and to say, you know what? In order for us to break away and become a country, a standout country, we need to have these things. We have to have these freedoms and whatever else, but it's, to me, it's always been a bill of illusion because

Justin (00:05:58):

Number one, how, how often is a foundation built on understanding the bill of rights laid out in the school systems? It's not, we might learn it in a class here and there possibly in high school. Maybe once intermediate, I don't know how the school systems are structured. Now. Hopefully they're teaching this more now, which it depends. I don't think they are, but because we don't have this foundation, we don't know what the bill of rights are in truth. I come from a cop's family. Okay. I've grew up around the police department. There's a lot of police officers, even up here where I'm at in Arizona that don't know the bill of rights. Yeah. A lot of them don't even know their own laws or statutes. They're winging it. So let me focus on the police department itself. And I'm not bashing on and locate. I'm a big supporter of the police department and whatnot. But I also, if you strip away the police department name itself, they're a business. And in every business, you're going to have some bad apples. You're going to have people that take shortcuts. You're gonna have people that have come into the job that aren't physically or mentally capable to do the job, right? You're going to have a lot of them that come in, that don't put in the study work. You see, I've learned this from, from, uh, my father. He read every statute. He studied every statute. He knew the law back of his hand.

Justin (00:07:30):


Justin (00:07:33):

Leg up. When it comes to promotions, there's a lot of people out, uh, police department officials out there that don't study these laws, he statutes. So when he go out there, they're speaking sometimes off of emotion and me being in psychology. You see that a lot, a lot of them aren't built to handle pressure, but who is right? Any, any job you work in, you get pressured too much. You tend to falter. You might know the bill of rights, and then you just blank and you fringe on somebody else's rights, but circling back to the bill of rights itself. So I'm not too far out there on, on the Prairie. You know, a lot of people out here don't know what the bill of rights are. And they fail to understand that the bill of rights is actually a bill of interpretations.

Justin (00:08:16):

If it,

Justin (00:08:17):

If it fits the, and I know this is wrong, but if it fits the narrative on the side of the government or the police department,

Justin (00:08:25):

It'll go that way.

Tyson (00:08:26):


Justin (00:08:28):

It's sad,

Justin (00:08:28):

But it's true. It'll go that way. But as we break down each bill of rights, I think we're gonna go through the 10, right? Yeah. As we break down each one, you'll kind of see and understand, and I'm not going to provide specific facts as you can go find that on other shows that are very political, like, like Tyson preference. When, when he opened up the show, we're not political enthusiasts, we're normal citizens. We understand a good amount of things, deals with the law. And if not, we understand that we can go seek that advice or we'll research that advice because it's available to us on the web. Or we have friends that can provide us that information that we need, but we're just going to give you our interpretation. Um, and maybe it'll resonate with you. Maybe you'll sit there and go, Holy.

Justin (00:09:15):

You know what? I didn't see that happening. Or man, this has been happening for a long time because sad to say racism, racism has never gone away. And for people who have thought that racism, sexism, whatever it is, has disappeared. We've only scratched the surface, our former president, Donald Trump. And you know, whether I like him or don't like him, the one thing he did as president as a leader was create divisiveness. He didn't create clarity. You didn't take a stand on one side. He was on the side of racism. And then on the side of standing up for what's right, when he got pressured, and to me, I'm not a Republican, I'm not a Democrat. I want to put the best person in place. That's going to lead our country in the future. That's all it is. I don't care. Democrat, Republican, neutral, black, green, purple. It's gotta be the best person available. But then if you look at what happened over the last four years, and what's happening now, even with, uh, with Biden, you start to see that it's a political show. Once again, leading back to the bill of illusion. So I'm on a tight single back onto those, I guess we'll break it down, you know, one through 10 and we'll, we'll, we'll hopefully give you guys a better understanding of all this.

Tyson (00:10:32):

Yeah. And then like, uh, to kind of, um, double-clicked on what Justin was saying. This show is not about what telling you what to do is we want you to go out and, um, get some ideas to think about things, maybe positive. Whoa, Whoa, wait a second. Here. I was going along with what was going on and then I never stopped to think. And a lot of us do it. It's really simple. It's I think part of human nature, we go along with the tribe and then until, um, something really either hits, you hits you at home or something blatantly in your face. You sometimes a lot of times we don't stop to think, and we don't stop to question the tribe or question our, our, our, you know, our neighborhood or whatever it is. So this is what the show is. This is part of the show.

Tyson (00:11:06):

And it's like, just, I want you guys to take a step back and just ha I just listen. Um, and come out, you know, we're going to come at it from our point of views. Each of us has got a different point of view. We've got different upbringings from all each other and all of you. So there's going to be our, our lens on that. Um, but that's the thing here. You know, the, the bill of rights, you know, it was, it was a, it's a post to get guarantee us all certain freedoms, certain rights and clear limitations on government power and, and really the lack of power that was really the kind of power behind the constitution. Kind of the, the genius of the constitution, the former, the founding fathers, they were, they were a lot of historian busts in there. There were a lot of guys studied past republics, past monarchs.

Tyson (00:11:56):

They were fans of the Stoics, Marcus Aurelius and Seneca and Epictetus. And they saw what was the demise of Rome. And what was it, the minds of these cultures and civilizations, not to mention those that were thousands of years before them, but where they had just come from. And that's where these things came from, that this is what some of the resistance was initially was. We don't want these things to happen again. We want safeguards in place that give us all a base level of rights and then MBA. And the government leaves us alone to beat people and, and, and go off and do our things. That was why government was so small and so limited. And the power was left up to the state and the state. Maybe we don't want anything done. Ultimately, we want you as people that use citizens to govern your neighborhood, we want the city States, you got to take care of yourselves.

Tyson (00:12:38):

If you need a little bit something else going on, we'll step into the state. If, if, if we see a bunch of States doing things, what maybe we'll step in as a government, but for the most part, everybody go live your lives and be happy and married. And that's really the basis for this whole constitution that's basis for the bill of rights. And that's, um, I want to set everybody up with that. And also I think a very common misconception people think that these constitution rights are everything for everybody, Justin and I, as citizens do not have any constitution rights against each other. Your employer has no constitutional rights to you. You are not allowed to say whatever the you want in somebody's business, you're not allowed to carry firearms. These constant rates do not apply to private businesses. They do not apply from a citizen to citizen. They only apply initially it was from the federal government down. Now that there's been an, uh, and addendums and stuff to the constitution, which also includes state now. So you only have these rights as far as the state and the federal government goes, you don't have these rights businesses. They're not to here to these there's different laws and rules that they have to apply to. Um, so that's a common misconception. People think that they have these rights all the time, everywhere at all times. And it's factually untrue. Go ahead, Justin.

Justin (00:13:44):

Well, and th that's absolutely right that the problem having to with, with where the world is right now is that our, our, the citizens of, of the U S is that some of them only know the broad strokes of, of the bill of rights, the broad definitions, because they don't want to pour through the amendments or the ad-ons or whatever else to each, each amendment that happened. Um, and that's why there's a lot of misconception, a lot of room for interpretation, as it keeps saying. So, um, Tyson made a very valid point. You guys have to understand that, that your rights are only bound to what's written on paper was written in law. So same thing when you go to a courtroom, it's not, not what you have is what you can prove. Right. So keep that in mind as we go through this episode.

Tyson (00:14:31):

Yeah. And there's, uh, I'll have resources in the show notes for you guys. Uh, there's a good Netflix show. Um, it talks about just about the 14th amendment, but if you want to get an understanding of a lot of how this kind of works as a great show on Netflix, you guys can check out, I'll link that in the show notes. And there's a good podcast that I'm aware of. If you guys have others, please let me know. And I'll, I'll take a look and add on the show notes if they're appropriate. But, um, it, uh, what Trump can teaches about con law now, and that may be a loaded topic for some people, but if you get past, maybe if you dislike Donald Trump, it is about, uh, it was one Roman Mars, I believe is the, he's a famous podcaster and a con law professor, constitutional law professor.

Tyson (00:15:10):

So they break down a lot of these things that we saw from his, throughout his presidency. A lot of these things, if you have questions, a lot of things, people who have a lot of common misconceptions, they break it down for me, academic perspective, as far as the law goes. So that's a great resource for you guys. If you're interested in and digging down a little bit more and you know, don't be lazy. This doesn't take a lot of time. If you're interested, you're curious, you feel like maybe you're being violated, or if you feel like things, aren't kind of going the way maybe you remember, or maybe way the thing up, you know, America should be. If that's where you are, take some time to just sit down and say, Hey, wait a second. This doesn't seem right. And a lot of times what happens is, uh, we allow our rights to be infringed upon, and then it becomes a new normal, that's a great new word.

Tyson (00:15:47):

We have also the invent. And then everybody said, well, you had no problems with these before. So we, we, we make laws that aren't lawful and then you follow them. So therefore you become imprisoned or you become fined or whatever it is. So you have to understand that too. You have to take a second, um, to, to say, wait a second. I don't know if this feels right. And if you got to kind of off on Instagram, you got time to look this up. It doesn't take a lot of time. You don't have to be a scholar to look this stuff up. I'll link to a great site. I found doing research for this that really spells this out in, um, there's no political agenda that I could find. I think it's actually for, um, academic study. So there's, uh, coursework and different things like that, but it does a great job of breaking things down in Lincoln to it and stuff.

Tyson (00:16:24):

But this, um, that not knowing is not an excuse. It's not a defense. So just take a few moments to just make sure that, you know, we're not our rights. Aren't slowly being taken away. And that's where this comes from is I feel like our rights are slowly being taken away and we're just bending over and allowing it. And we're just saying, wow, this is, we want to do these things. We have to let this go. And we have to, okay. If we want to do this stuff, all we're going to are really going to give up some liberties here. And I don't think that's something we should be allowing. And I think this is a bad precedent to be setting. I agree. And so with that said, let's, let's start with number one. I'm going to read them amendment, uh, forgive me. I'm not the best reader.

Tyson (00:17:01):

Um, and then we're going to go through a couple of points that maybe we see breaking down here, or maybe it seems like that amend amendment is just no longer even valid anymore. So number one is pretty famous, I think. And you know, I don't want to be cliche, but I swear. I feel like number one is there for a reason, you know? So let me give, let me give you what it is first. And then we can, we can discuss it a bit. So Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise there forth or bridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the right of the people peacefully to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. So this is, this is, to me, this is a core basis of everything. We can't have a civil discussion.

Tyson (00:17:50):

If we can't have an open discussion between two or more parties, we cannot have a civil society. And when you take this away, this is what we get. We get people being whatever canceled. We get this woke culture, this not another. If you have something that I don't like, or I disagree with, you shut up, go away. That is bad precedence. And we're allowing it. And I think this, like I said, and I think number one's there for a reason because we have to have intelligent discourse between two or more parties so we can move forward in a free civil society.

Justin (00:18:28):

See, the problem is, is that people are wrong on both sides. Sure. Politicians are wrong because they are suppressing your ability to assemble practice, religion, to have freedom of speech. Um, if you go across the web, you'll see numerous videos of this happening. Like I said, police interpretation is how they view things, how they see things, how the politicians see things and how they come back and make bills, uh, to correct their mistake or their oversight on things. Uh, also the people that are marching. Um, one clear thing you said was, was civil communication, right? Was the ability to sit down and have a discussion. But that's the problem. A lot of people that are protesting don't have their facts straight. Number one, number two, they don't know how to come together and sit down and talk and March without, um, tearing down buildings, breaking into businesses, you know, we're, we've come a far away from the million man March.

Justin (00:19:41):

Yeah. You don't remember the million man March with Martin Luther King Jr. And all of them. I mean, people ascended on Washington DC. There was no riots. Nope. There was no breaking in. There was no violence. There was nothing. They, they saying they had communication. They had talks. They were progressing the issue forward, even though the issue existed. Why? Because they understood that it takes time. not going to grow overnight. If you plant it today, it's not going to grow tomorrow. It's going to grow steadily. If you cultivate, if you take care or whatever else, looking at the religion aspect of this, our country is not open-minded to multiple types of religion, which is why we suppress religion practices. Nine 11 has put a major emphasis on, on Islamic and mostly on the Muslim community. Right. And, and how we view them. And we look at them automatically as terrorists, just like just like, uh, uh, Mexicans. We look at them as terrorists, as drug

Justin (00:20:48):

Dealers, as well as less than right. As less than when our country was not built on that, our country was built on the opportunity to come here and explore freedom. Yeah. Opportunity to grow in your own space. But here's the other problem with say, focus on the religion part. Religion is kind of like freedom of speech. You keep it to yourself. You pick the right times to talk and push it. Right. And you let it just be, you don't force what our country we like to force. We like to force the Bible. We like to force our Christian and Catholic beliefs. Cause that's what the us is centered on is Catholic and Christian beliefs. And that's not what our country is. We're just slandering the countries. Um, um,

Justin (00:21:40):

Berkey, uh, Syria, Iraq, Iran. We're doing the same thing. Yeah. Doing the exact same thing. Uh, but the narrative part of it is that

Justin (00:21:53):

A lot of these people just don't have the education or the background behind it, which is what we're living in right now. We're living in this society.

Justin (00:22:01):

Don't go to school, bucket pool, go out and be an entrepreneur.

Justin (00:22:07):

Well, I'm going to stray off the bill of rights just for a second. Sure. Look not. Everybody's built

Justin (00:22:12):

Entrepreneur. Yeah. Not every everybody's built to be in college,

Justin (00:22:17):

But if you're going to go out there and get into the political stream, the activist thing, then you need to know your facts. Not just one side of it. This is why education is important. What it's, it's, it's a blend of both worlds where you are self-educating, but you're also getting an education because don't let all these gurus lie to you. They have financial backgrounds, they have all these education and they want their children to go to school. But yet they tell you not to go to school. Why? Because that's part of the American culture. This is what, what they know they need to do in order to survive. If they can't be an entrepreneur. So a lot of these activists are going out there and thinking they have these rights afforded to them. And the reason why those rights are taken away is because they're sheep they're being missed misled. They're not. They're just like, yup. Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup. Whatever he said, she said, yep. That is a hundred percent correct. No fact check.

Justin (00:23:12):

Absolutely none.

Justin (00:23:14):

Because well that person's in a position of authority. This person's been an activist for 30 years. I believe in her.

Justin (00:23:20):

No. What

Justin (00:23:21):

If for 30 years even spending the wrong message? Yeah. We've seen that firsthand in Hawaii and I'm not trying to offend people in Hawaii. Um, I'm I'm part Hawaiian. So it was Tyson. But at the end of the day, it's about the whole truth and understanding of the truth. But once again, here comes to complication. Anything that deals with the government. This is not a conspiracy, but anything that deals with the government, you're never going to a full

Justin (00:23:46):

Truth. You will get half a truth. And when the time is ready, you might get a little bit more, but not the full picture. Their job is not to give you the full picture, but what they're doing now, just like how we're going to go through this bill of rights thing, their system, the government is systematically taking away your rights and making you solely reliable on them. And now at some point when you're dependent for money, when you're dependent for medical, when you're dependent for groceries, for everything we are now just like China. Yeah. Welcome

Tyson (00:24:30):

To the United States of America

Justin (00:24:33):

Because the government has your rights. Look, all this stuff up. They've had this plan, not just the us, but in general, to overthrow a country, they've had a plan of eight things to get people back on. Quote, unquote slavery. Slavery is not just a race issue, although it was a major connection to a race issue. Slavery is complete dependence on something else that you don't have control over. This is what's happening. So this first amendment is very powerful. Uh, and I think just if people took the time to educate themselves and come to the table, like going back to the issue in Hawaii, if they have one voice, if they had the one real quick.

Tyson (00:25:19):

So Justin's talking about the Hawaiian people, they need to find people in there and their rights for those of you that aren't up on what he's trying to say.

Justin (00:25:26):

Yes. The sovereignty issue, the amount of care issue. I support all of that. I believe what had happened in Hawaii was wrong. But at the same time, do we really have the full picture of what happened? No. We don't know what deal was struck with. Who, why, when and how we do know that when the us wants something, they will take it. That's just, but it's not just us alone. Power, money influence. If you, if what you have has a purpose for me and I feel it's a need, I will find some way to make it mine. I'm sorry. And if it's through bartering a deal or through stealing it back then it was much easier to steal it. It is what it is. But what I'm trying to say is that I feel for the Hawaiian culture, I feel for my culture, I feel that they, they came together one voice, one body, no separation, no. You know that certain private school that likes to segregate, you know, but they like to say they represent the people because that's the problem with a lot of cultures. There's no one voice. Everybody has a better voice. Everybody has a better idea, but it comes down to power,

Justin (00:26:44):

Money influence. Right? Right. I have lineage. So I should speak for the people. No, it should be about narratives. If you have a clear cut narrative and you can prove your narrative and you can fight for your narratives and you can take it to the courts and you can have consistent backing for the next 20 to 30 or 40 years, because that's, what's going to take, you will eventually win like Monica issue. For example, what I'm going to throw. People don't know about this, but because they've been fighting over the mountain molecule because, um, I guess the government, the state government wants to build a couple of telescopes up there. There's a lot of environmental issues, whatever else. But ever since they've been protesting on the mountain, a lot of people don't know is that the Supreme court has taken away their land and voted three to one to allow access to other, other entities to that land.

Justin (00:27:35):

They took away those rights. People don't know that this is, this is all front and smoking by the hand that slight of hand. And, and, and, and you got to watch all this stuff. You just can't be solely focused on your March. Your protest is gotta be an end game to all of this. And I don't think a lot of this is thought out. Well, the million man March was thought out well, yeah. Great purpose. Great intent. We're far from that. I mean this recent, uh, California riots and the ones up in, uh, I think it was Florida or something even here in Arizona, uh, last year and a half was just, uh, was pathetic. You know, it started off with, we want to fight for, uh, the us being racist, right. For treating African-Americans bad. But yet a lot of African-Americans were marching were destroying African-American businesses that broke my heart.

Justin (00:28:30):

Yeah. These, these, these people that have worked their, their, their asses off to start their business from scratch to keep it open through so many bad times, bad economic times, bad, bad government decision times for 40, 50 years to see it destroyed in a matter of two days because people forgot the message. It's not about proven the government, uh, is a bunch of racists. It's about, we're going to go out there and March, and these young dumb is go out there and start stealing stuff. It's a crime of opportunity, right? Yeah. Oh man. And then that's what doesn't give weight behind the bill of rights. Now, the government's not focused on you. Marching. They're focused on what you guys are writing. Oh. You guys are coming together and blocking a highway, standing on the freeway. Won't let cars. But how are you proving your point to people that aren't even part of the process? I don't, it just snows me, man. Yeah.

Tyson (00:29:25):

And that's the thing. Um, and this, this goes back to the government, knows that right here, the last line here, the right of people to peaceful, assemble and petition the government for two to redress of grievances. So not only the government know once this turns violent, this is over. We can step right in. But what happens is, and I feel this, I'm sure this is a public thing. And I'm sure this is not a conspiracy thing. Cause it's not conspiracy. The government inserts people into these organizations to create a riot, to create disturbances and therefore they can step in and disassemble these things. So this is where it goes back to, if you understand what's going on, if you have a, all I'm asking, I'm not talking about being a constitutional scholar, we all need a base level of understanding and knowledge. If you can open a Instagram account, if you can up on Tik TOK, you can read, okay.

Tyson (00:30:27):

And you can read for five minutes and say, what's going on here? What am I, what am I signing up for? My tribe is doing this. What are they doing? What are the bounds? What are we fighting for? Is this a coherent message? Can we make sure that these insurgents don't come in here from the government and, and turn this unpeaceful. So then therefore it becomes a riot and therefore it becomes broken up and then there's no cloud. And everybody on the news is saying, look at these dumb idiots, here we go. Again, acting fools. You want to change your narrative as a culture? Well, we're going to make sure we don't allow that by inserting a few guys and some ski masks. And I, I'm pretty sure this is not some conspiracy theory stuff, uh, but understand what's happening there. And this is how your rights are slowly widowed away.

Justin (00:31:13):

[inaudible] I'd like to call a follow the money, FTM, follow the money because you have to understand a lot of these big organizations have to be funded. And I'm not going to say which one, but there is one over the past year that was heavily funded by George Soros and the Clintons. Yeah. And there are a lot of things that weren't in line with what they were protesting about that.

Tyson (00:31:39):

I mean, going out and buying a million dollar mansion,

Justin (00:31:42):

Lot of bad things, a lot of weird, weird circumstances. And like I said, I don't want to pinpoint the one group because we're going to catch a lot of flack for that because that's,

Tyson (00:31:51):

But that's okay. We have to be able to have these conversations in a protective way.

Justin (00:31:57):

Look, I look at the facts. I mean, look, look, go on the web and look black lives matter. Yeah. They are funded and backed by the Democrats, white billionaires. And I'm not a Republican. I'm not making this political thing. All I'm saying is money drives, influence power. There's a reason why things are done a certain way. Now let's say a thousand people come out smart 500 then might have be there with a purpose to March for the right reasons. And then there's above maybe three, 400 that are paid to be out there. Of course. Do I have facts to prove this? No. Does anybody have facts to prove this? Probably not.

Tyson (00:32:35):

There, there are. There is factual evidence that the government does send people in. Exactly. So

Justin (00:32:40):

Factual, what I'm trying to say is it's not a black, white, Brown purple issue, even though the, uh, Hispanic community and the African-American community has been, been highlighted and bashed on for a long, long time. All I'm trying to point out is that our government, and this is probably evident in a lot of other countries as well. They're the puppet masters and

Tyson (00:33:09):

Excuse me, Western European countries. You do see a lot of this, especially COVID has really highlighted a lot of these things, uh, in Germany and different places along those lines, France, there was a lot of problems with that. So these are not just solely American things, even though this is the lens that we see it through, because this is where we live. But if you guys have stories or things in your culture and your country, uh, let us know about them. Leave them in the comments here on, uh, either on YouTube or on Facebook, whatever. And let us know this is a global problem.

Justin (00:33:36):

Yeah, I'm not anti-government look, I understand how this world works. I clearly do look, there's a time two or three years ago where people were saying to get rid of the police department and we can handle our problems with hugs and conversations, no, being a psychologist and understanding how psychology works. People are human. They're going to make human mistakes. They're going to do things that just, you can't put a finger on, or you can't really give an educational response to which means it's unpredictable. I don't care how we get rid of the police department. Everybody's living in like the trolls, peace, love, and happiness. There's going to be one or two people that just want to kill something that just want to do something bad. That's just human nature. Yeah. People have to understand that, grasp that concept. So I'm not, anti-government anti-establishment anything that I understand how this world works.

Justin (00:34:29):

I understand that we're just an aunt living in the end farm. And there are some things that we can protest to talk about. And there are some things that, uh, we just can't talk about. We can't do anything about it and we'll end up in jail or our rights taken away or, uh, police presence on us, FBI, all this other stuff. That's what makes it so scary to have once again, bill of rights, number one, freedom of speech, right? We have to worry about who's listening. Yeah. What if we said something that's off the cuff kind of joking, maybe serious, but not really. And they take it as serious and we don't make the news like China where China, they got no problem saying, you know, you speak against our government. We're gonna take your rights away. you. We'll take you over here over here.

Justin (00:35:14):

If you haven't noticed a lot of TV shows like to put this in their shows, when it deals with government or presidencies or whatever else, where if you slander the government too much, you'll disappear. Yeah. You, people, something happens to you. Yeah. Think about that. People. That's what makes it so hard to really say, Hey, you know what? I have freedom of speech. It's not like that. It's like, who wants to speak up? Nobody wants to raise your hand. Yeah. Because you're afraid to get shot. You're free to cancel rosters. Aren't exactly. So the government has built this. The only way this thing can stop, which is a scary thing is if what happened to Rome, Rome fell because of corruption and, and not a little bit of corruption. The corruption exists everywhere. People wrap your heads around that corruption and evil is going to exist no matter what, because you need that to have balance in this world.

Justin (00:36:07):

You got to have that. I'm sorry. It's the lesser of two evils. It's not the lesser of two positives. It doesn't work that way. Okay. But the corruption in Rome, they started corrupting each other. Yeah. Greed became the bloods, the precedents. And the sad part is until Trump came into office, which I still think all of this is pre-planned. I'm sorry. It's just not, it's not a, it's not a conspiracy theory just seems pre-planned predestined. Um, but until he came into office, it kind of felt like our government was just self consuming. More than what it should be in. Trump was put into to kind of reset refocus, shift, shift the mindset of people. Right? So like I said, we're just puppets in this giant game, man. We don't know the playbook. We just, yeah. When they want to reveal certain things, United is what it is. You know,

Tyson (00:37:04):

That's why, if we don't know the playbook, you gotta know the rules. And that, that's what I thought too. So when these guys aren't playing by the rules, we need to be able to step up. We need to be able to assemble petition, have this freedom and the confidence and the, the ability to not be fearful of our jobs or careers, our families to be, to speak our opinions, facts, you disagree, or don't disagree. Doesn't matter. We need to be able to have these conversations. And that's why I think number one is foundational and you can't, you know, especially, you know, the funny thing I look up at these people that, that are like, like having fun, you know, the, the counselors are becoming the canceled and it, ain't funny when it becomes your turn. So, you know, eventually you, you're going to turn on this.

Tyson (00:37:54):

It's going to turn on itself and then it's not gonna be fun anymore. But by that time, the game's over. It's too late. Our, our, our rights have been dwindled away so much. That's why you need to be able to stand up for what's right. Have the confidence and ability to speak and stand for what you know, to be true. And there's going to be consequences sometimes. And if you believe in what you're standing for, cause you know, it's right. And you know, it's for the greater good, you can stand in confidence and say, you know, it's okay. Take, take my body, take my stuff. But you're never going to take my mind. I'm never going to be an, a prisoner in my own mind. You know, my, my body may not be free, but my mind will always be free. And you got to understand that and you gotta bring, we gotta bring each other together and we've got to move forward and stop letting these things, um, be infringed on. And maybe, you know, maybe the next move is to get out of this country. That's something you also have to have to think about. You know, maybe it's better to go somewhere where you're treated a little bit better. Now, maybe something that's gonna start to happen here in America. Um, so something to think about

Justin (00:39:00):

Ego is the enemy, man. Yeah. Problem with that. Uh, I mean, it's, it's a novel idea, but we breed and we cultivate ego. We push capitalism, we pushed the ideas of being number one, we pushed the ideas of being better than the other person. We push the ideas of being jealous. We push the ideas of racism because it's, it's, it's broken down by community. It's broken down by, this is all psychology stuff, man. Our country pushes that. Yeah. You know, and people have to understand that. Yeah. You know, we, we want you to be construction workers. We want, you have kids at a young age, which is why we give you Tonka toys, which is why we, since the eighties and seventies, given you little babies with, with carriages, right. Because we want these little girls to think, Hey, now I want a little baby too.

Justin (00:39:54):

Right. And then we complained the government complaints about the problem of overpopulation. So what do we do? We fix it. Yeah. But that's, that's prevalent in any country you go to, except over here, they do it with the smile. They do it with the dance to give you a little bit of dinner and they D they twirl around you other countries to straight up goodbye. Yeah. They don't hide. They don't, there's no mixing of words. So just as they say, stay woke, right? Keep your eyes open right now with the lingo. Now at his terminology is what people, but this cancel culture. Just going to tip it on that just a little bit. This council culture, people have to understand this. This leads to the number one, the freedom of speech and everything else. Look, somebody says something 20 years ago, who gives a? You can't sit there. What's that whole thing about the Bible as Christians and Catholics, like the repeat to everybody else here who has no sin cast the first stone? Well, I'm sorry. I remember the one joke where Jesus said that in somebody still threw a rocket Mary,

Tyson (00:40:55):

Right. There was something we're just looking for a reason to give somebody too, to feel good on the internet. I, I have no self esteem. I have no worth in this world. I sit in my room and I can go on the internet and I can end your life and I can end your career. And then suddenly makes me feel cool. I've got a bunch of, you know, social media points on and here go pick up my little, uh, invisible score. And now I'm cool. And then yeah,

Justin (00:41:15):

Because people are stupid. Yeah. People are stupid. I'm going to keep saying that they're gullible. They believe whatever they see on the net. Perfect example. I just read a story about this last week. There was a thing last year that be, I think two years ago, Jason Memorial and a pitcher circulated of him in Hawaii doing the

Speaker 6 (00:41:34):

Aqua man release, um, in war theater. And he was holding his daughter and it, the person who leaked the video and everything else made a claim that Jason Mamoa was inappropriately touching his daughter. And it showed the video in the video, the hand rubbing the daughter's chest like this. Right? Well, after he got, uh, slammed in the media for about a week or a couple of weeks, whatever his truth came out, that it was a doctored video that the guy who put the video, it was just a troll. He just wanted to, uh, end somebody's career. So Jason Mamoa followed suit, went out of his way to find this guy and take everything from him, Sue him the whole nine yards people don't always believe what you see on the net. Yeah. There are two sides to every story, but we want to,

Tyson (00:42:25):

There's three, there's my side. And the truth

Speaker 6 (00:42:28):

Jump. When, uh, somebody we admire some sports figure jumps on one side of the train. We're like, you know, he's right. We're going to jump with them or we jump on it because we're, we're utilizing other issues previous to that. Like for instance, uh, the, the, the girl, the young girl that just got shot by the, I think it was the Cleveland police department. The video came out. Look. Yes. She's a, she's an African-American girl. And yeah, she was shot and killed by a white, white cop. But look at the video, look at the body cam video, she was wielding a knife and it was about to stab somebody. Yeah.

Tyson (00:43:03):

Yeah. He saved many people's lives. Yeah. I see that.

Speaker 6 (00:43:07):

Like I said, I'm not an anti-cop, I'm not racist. I'm ninth. And I'm just saying before we judge a situation, let's gather the facts. Let's look at everything and go, okay, what happened here? You know, what is this really race driven issue? There's a lot of things that has to come out. So like I said, this, this first amendment is very important, but I've always felt that it's been fringed upon. It's been slowly sucked out of our culture and it's, it's the government's fault. And it's our fault. Just if people want to take a responsibility or accountability for this, we're losing our own rights because we're allowing it to be lost. Right. So

Tyson (00:43:49):

Yeah, every time we sit by and we'll let it happen and it was always okay this time and you know, the, the latest thing now is it's safety. And that's the thing that we keep all it's just to keep safety. Um, there's laws trying to be passed. I don't know if they have been passed. Like I said, I don't, I don't follow up on it, but, um, they're trying to outlaw groups of, um, more than two or three, and they're calling that, you know, so there we go here, we're trying to make laws that are infringing on your right to assemble. You know, we're trying to make laws on, on these seats. We're trying to make laws what you say, huh?

Speaker 6 (00:44:15):

No, I was just saying these politicians. Yep. Yeah.

Tyson (00:44:17):

Right. So, so this is real things that, you know, um, they're trying to make laws to stop people from being, getting together and, and you know, it's funny. Uh, the one thing I had seen on, um, I think it was in Kansas. It, it shows you the intent of the law. And when you see the highlights of it, it was saying something about, you know, if three or more people get together and it becomes a crime and you also lose three months of your benefits for your EBT and stuff. Who is this? After who was his law intended for the poor people? I don't have an agenda. Right? So the people that don't have EBT D they do want to protest. They don't care. Right? But now I can't go. Now I can't fight for my rights. I can't fight for the things I have grievances on because I'm worried about not getting my food stamps for three months. Cause I'm in a crowd of more than three people,

Justin (00:45:06):

Slavery. We are dependent in the government, on the government, look at Georgia, Georgia lost the Republican representation because they fail to understand the power of movement that all of these African-Americans, these Latinos had never voted before are going to come out and vote because they feel that they are being with. And what is their response instead of applauding the next generation, the future, they go out and make these restrictions that says you can't give people water in line. When they're voting. Once again, like how you say, come together with X amount of people, can't do that. They're trying to restrict all the, how you vote because they say, Oh, it's a conspiracy. It's a conspiracy because you didn't understand how many people didn't vote before. How many people didn't give a. Cause guess what is lot of there's a lot of Americans just don't give a.

Justin (00:46:05):

They sit here and go, you know what? I really don't care. Who's president because it's going to be the same BS over and over and over again. But there comes a point in time in history when you just had enough, you're like, you know what? I understand. They're going to wipe their feet on, on me. That's fine. Whatever else. When he started kicking me, um, I'm done with this. I'm done. That's why they came out in droves and voted. And now we're going to restrict them in every other city. Or we don't want an LA riots. Well, you know what, Ellie, Ellie did it wrong. And they've admitted that they handled that whole situation wrong. They were ill prepared and they underestimated the response. But because of that incident, at least precedents for these other cities and counties and States to make these asinine restrictions and laws, and it just really makes it look like we're in a communist country.

Tyson (00:47:02):

Yeah. It's very evident with COVID. It shows how quickly we all bow down and we let it happen. And there's been a couple of governors that have come out and said, Oh, bill of rights, we weren't concerned with that. It was all about safety. And that's the new word I keep hearing. If it's under the guise of safety, you know, like my, my friend, uh, loosely saying Mike Gross said, safety third, look that up. If you're interested in what that is. Um, but it makes people feel better. Oh, you're just a horrible person. You don't, we're not worried about my safety. You're not worried about my kids. And it's, it's hard to be like, of course I'm worried about like kid safety. Like you, can't not, but that's like that straw man argument. And then you feel stupid. And then as soon as you start defending yourself, you've just lost, you know?

Tyson (00:47:47):

And they call you a Nazi. You've just lost. You tried to defend, well, I'm not, I have black friends. Like you, you, you just can't win that game. Bill of illusion, man. Yeah. Right. And then the more we, we sit by and we let this stuff happen, we let these laws go and we let these things pass. Um, let's move on to two because I think two is what backs up one. So number two, a well-regulated militia being necessary to security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A lot of controversy in this. I'm not trying to be a scholar on it, but you can't defend one. If you get rid of two, we can't, we can't assemble. We can't become a militia. We can't fight back events, oppression against the government. If we have no weapons, like president Biden just said the other day, listen, Hey, no amendment. The constitution is absolute. If that ain't troubling words, I don't know what is,

Justin (00:48:47):

It's not absolute. Because if you think about it from a, I guess an academic perspective or from now look how long ago it was written. At some point any organization there, their founding by-laws, whatever else are subject to change, because times have changed. Things have changed. Now my issue with this, this thing is that there's a lot of stupid people that shouldn't be owning guns. Sure. I think better regulations, a better training is needed before people can get a gun. I'm all for people owning guns. That's fine. Yeah, because it's not guns that kill people. It's people. Yeah. And sometimes ought to be honest, like I said, studying psychology. A lot of it is mental health illness. A lot of it is, um, pressure from, um, stress, from things failing and whatever else. And they just have access to the, to the weapons. So even if they pass qualifications, even if they are they're most certified and most qualifiable person to own a weapon, it's unpredictable. You just don't know. But my problem with this whole thing is how, how the government, along with big business push agendas. Yeah. And you know, not every state allows you to have a weapon, look at Hawaii. You can count on a gun and hard. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like, so basically our bill, right? Number two, doesn't exist out there.

Tyson (00:50:25):

But if you understand the constitution, you would, that's a violation

Speaker 7 (00:50:28):

Of the constitution and that law is not valid.

Justin (00:50:30):

Exactly. But if you try to prove that it's going to go hard time and you're going to cause why over the, over the centuries it's been, it's been a one bubble thing. And then it's breaking down by, by state, by city, by County, you know? And, and, and my issue, like I said, it's just how certain things have come abolish all of a sudden these shootings and these deaths and all this other stuff. Um, these mass murders, um, just seems, it's all timing to me and Alexa follow the money. It's very interesting. It's all timing on how these issues come about and when it gets addressed and what they try to do to solve the issue. Um, just recently, we've had several more shootings and more killings over the last, I think three weeks or so, and right in line with, with Biden's agenda, with the weapons and everything,

Speaker 7 (00:51:24):

He already had an agenda. And the issue that hadn't happened yet.

Justin (00:51:27):

No it's, but what's an existing thing that's been carried throughout. And sometimes, I mean, like I said, maybe this sounds like a conspiracy, or maybe it doesn't, but I always believe things center on money, things center on power, money and influence. And I sometimes think that when government threatens, cause it's all been threatening when they threatened to take away your, your amendment, right. Your right to bear arms, it kind of feels like they're just doing, turning the tourniquet on the NRA or these other gun, toting organizations to get a little bit more scratch. Um, I don't know. I just, I think because the government owns the ship, sails, the ship builds the ship. They can do whatever the they want whenever they want. They don't got to tell us anything. And I can remember as a kid all the way up until now, I'm 40 of issues of them talking about taking away your gun rights, but they've never done it.

Speaker 7 (00:52:31):

Well, that's the thing that it's a little bit, every, so many years, it's a little here. It's a little there with a shave off the top. We'll just keep shaving off the top. And you don't notice it like, like every, the others, you know, things like when we were kids and recess, things used to be little bit bigger. Bottles used to be a little bit bigger. We'll take a little out, what's it a little out the bottles, the same size. It was like a little out look at thing. I, I screamed at the day. I was like, why it's container? It looks kind of small. And I'm like, Holy crap. This thing's about half the size. It used to be. But a little off the top, every single year, the beginning, it's a little different

Justin (00:53:04):

Because it's business and money. Yeah. At the end of the day, it's a, it's, it's a reaction to economics. That's all this goes. So if you had 16 fluid ounces of ice cream, whatever it is, right. You're going to get probably 15 fluid ounces of ice cream. Cause at one ounce out of every container is going to save them a lot of money. It's millions of dollars, but they're going to post that. Now they're going to give you the exact same container, except they're going to put 15 ounces. Yeah. And you don't know any better because just like this is a perfect, good thing. You're positive. This is perfect. Because when you go and get your little ice cream and you open up, how many have actually read everything online?

Speaker 7 (00:53:43):

Well, I usually do for the first time I've tried that ice cream. And then after that, it's a familiar ice cream to you eating outside. Don't you

Justin (00:53:49):

Just like, I want that ice cream, take it off. You just start going at it. Right. It's the same thing. When they write bills, it's the same thing. When the government passes all this legislation and stuff who sits there and reads what's on the stimulus bill, nobody does. That's what government is counting on. Because look,

Speaker 7 (00:54:08):

If 5,000 pages for a reason, though,

Justin (00:54:11):

The reason why, um, we can call it government lingo or lawyer lingo, or the way things are written is because they're relying on these woke people to not read.

Speaker 7 (00:54:25):

Yeah. You're

Justin (00:54:26):

Going to go and say, you know what? I want to know, what's on this a stimulus package, Holy. 3000 pages. Do they have an abbreviated version?

Speaker 7 (00:54:34):

Is there an audio book? Is there an audio

Justin (00:54:36):

Book? No. And, and they're not going to read. And, and all of a sudden, you start, if you pour through the bill, you're going to see stuff like, Oh, China gets X amount of money. Iran gets X amount on my people. This is what I'm talking about. They are the puppet tiers. And we are the, sorry. They have a puppet masters. And we're just the puppets at the end of the day. All of these bills, if you take the time to read and actually break down the lingo, you're going to find out that if you ever watched James Bond and, uh, the quantum of solace where they're all sitting, all these rich power brokers are sitting in this theater and opera is going on, but they're conducting business. That's what's going on in these bills. They are communicating to each other that no worry, no worry. W w w Russia, which you want to know where I'll fit that into this next bill, around what you need. No worry. You know, we're going to say it's for, uh, coffee cans, no worry. Nobody's gonna look any better. And they write it into these bills. Next thing you know, the $3 trillion that they pass only a trillion of it, or 1.5 is for us.

Speaker 7 (00:55:41):

Yeah. The rest of

Justin (00:55:43):

It is partitioned off. And it's, it's a little bit subtle notice. It's a little bit here. It's a little bit there, right?

Speaker 7 (00:55:50):

Yeah. 25 mil for you, 50 million for you. Not a big deal.

Justin (00:55:53):

This is how business works. If people look it's wrong and I know you guys want a perfect government, but, but here's honest to God truth. That's how the world operates

Speaker 7 (00:56:04):

Pieces. The thing too, we are, are allowing it.

Justin (00:56:08):

There's a lot of, because we don't understand it. We don't know better from it. Look, these politicians that, that vote to get into office that say the right things to get into their first term, they might have great intentions. At first, they might have powerful things they want to back and do. But, but this is how it works. And

Justin (00:56:24):

You see this in the lowest form possible in high school. Yeah. It's government. You go in there, you have a voice, but you're going to get 50 other seats. How strong is your voice? What do you need to make your voice strong? You need allies. You need time. You need power, money influence people, the plain old Polosi and Biden. All these guys and Schumer have been in office for 40 years. Guess what? They've been in 40 years to get what they need to get done, because it took them 30 years to do it. Right? You need to join these. This is how the world operates. Or we don't want to Clinton in office. Well, guess what? They have a Putin in office. They have the, uh, the person in Iran and I forgot his name. They got Syria, all these guys, the Bashir, all these guys are just like Clinton, but worse.

Justin (00:57:20):

Yeah. Well we want a perfect president. We want somebody in there. That's going to be like Jesus and have a shining light. It doesn't work that way. Cause why that's the backbone of government? That's the backbone of every country. Anything that's ever passed, whether it's small, big business or big business is corruption. Money has to be passed through some sort of dirty hand so that the business can thrive. And what comes out of that business possible more jobs, better economies. So let's not on everything. People let's understand how this world works. And if you don't believe me, you think we're just full of. We'll read. Yeah. I like to tell people, prove me wrong. Find me a fact. Don't don't give me no Washington post. Don't give me no fake website. Give me something legitimate. If you're going to create an argument, you know, I want facts, right? Yeah.

Tyson (00:58:19):

And that's the thing. Um, we gotta be careful, you know, when these, these, these things are heavily politicized, they're heavily on the news and you know, what's happening behind the scenes. So a lot of times, uh, especially in the past, uh, there's suddenly this crisis that's going on. There's suddenly this uprising up all of a sudden, and then in the whispers you hear, Oh, we passed this bill by the way, when nobody was looking, it's like the magician's greatest trick. Look over here, guys. Oh, let's get side to send to the thing. So that's why you gotta be careful with these, you know, not to diminish what's happening. And this has happened and will continue to happen. These mass shootings in these different types of things. And these, these, these outrage and all this, there's a deeper thing happening. And the wool is being pulled over our eyes. And like I said, I go back to, Hey, it's about safety. We want our children to be safe. So we take away all your guns. So you can't do anything to us. You got to be careful here. This is a slippery, slippery slope.

Justin (00:59:18):

Yeah. Like I used to say, if you really want know what's going on in the world, go look at the news at two, three o'clock in the morning because no, I'll be honest. When I used to, um, when I used to work security and uh, on the television, I used to work overnight. You would see one thing happening in the daytime. And then all of a sudden, there's this one thing comes on the ticker real quick, right. Passes you right by and say, Hey, wait a minute. What deal is this? That's up. Yeah, that's up. And then you find out later on, as, as an example, people want proof, all the Wars that we've gotten involved in recently, all these little conflicts, I'm not going to call them Wars because Wars involves multiple countries. But all these conflicts in Syria, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, go look it up.

Justin (01:00:06):

It all deals with the rural banks. This is not crazy. This is honest to God truth. There are no world banks there. And the other thing too is with erecting Iraq, at one point, wanting to get off of the petrol dollar, they wanted to go on their own dollar. You don't do that power, money influence. You don't do that. And that's why we got into these conflicts. And it's, it's out there. There is uh, a facts on this, that the whole thing in Syria, that that was started by Israel was to kick off a plan. That's been in place for seven or eight years. Yeah. You can look up official documents on these things. There's official documents, there's videos. Uh, there there's one in particular where this retired general went back to the Pentagon to do a conference. And one of his buddies, who's still in the Pentagon said, Hey, did you see the paperwork Meredith?

Justin (01:00:54):

The thing in the middle East got approved. We're going to go for the plan. And he's like, Oh, you can't tell me that that's that's classifying. I'm no longer part of the Pentagon because I whatever. You know, this is, look, I'm a firm believer in this and you can call it a conspiracy or whatnot. I know we're not trying to go down this route, but I'm just a big believer that nothing happens without a reason. And in the U S government, they've got things planned. Well in advance, we gotta be stupid decisions in all. We weren't prepared for that.

Tyson (01:01:25):

We were good crisis. Go to waste.

Justin (01:01:27):

Right? So a perfect example, gas prices, gas prices right now we're blaming Biden for this. People understand this.

Tyson (01:01:36):

If he doesn't make gas,

Justin (01:01:38):

The gas issue is a problem. That's been building through the past four presidents.

Tyson (01:01:45):

I don't even know that's uh, you can, you can just, it's a private issue, right? It's it's you can even just say it's a COVID issue because people weren't driving anywhere. So they stopped drilling for oil. So when you stopped drilling for oil supplies with them, cause they, we didn't need supply. Hey, well what does this sound like? Oh yeah. Supply and demand. So what do they do with this? Well, there's no demand for gas because nobody's driving anywhere. Cause we were off to stay in our houses because that's about safety. And so they stopped drilling and then, well people started going outside and doing stuff. So do they open back up the rigs? No, they're not. The prices. Oil prices are falling too far. We got to let the demand come up and then guess what happens then gas prices go up. Well, if you don't like it, talking to your congressmen,

Speaker 6 (01:02:30):

It's called economics. Yeah. Go by some people. People don't want to study economics.

Tyson (01:02:36):

No, you know, there's a great book. You don't have to. It takes, I don't know. A couple of days, maybe at the most read it. It's called economics in one lesson. I think I'll link to the book. It's a great book. I'll tell you. If you get your head out of the about economics, it'll bring all this into light. You'll stop wanting to raise the minimum wage. You'll stop winding the over everybody. It really will open your eyes. It doesn't take a degree in economics to understand this stuff. It's really simple.

Speaker 6 (01:02:58):

I'll also read Thomas soul. S O w E L L. He is the foremost expert on economics. This guy is the top of the platform.

Tyson (01:03:09):

And then I'll link to in the show notes,

Speaker 6 (01:03:11):

Thomas Sowell, S O w E L L. He is like I said, the person you go to, if you really want a foundation, good, try to read his book. It's about six, 700 pages, but it breaks down every single thing. And then he has a secondary book called economic fallacies. And it's, it's, it's honest to God truth. Cause people don't understand how supply and demand work. They think that it's an automatic knee-jerk reaction. It's not, uh, this. It takes time. It trickles down. It's going to affect somewhere somehow somebody because why businesses need to survive. And when we've been through something that we've never been through before, such as a pandemic, they're feeling their way. All these businesses are feeling their way out because they're trying to find a way to survive. Look in Hawaii. They though the car prices to rent a car for a day is 500 to maybe a thousand a day when it used to be 60, 50 bucks a day.

Speaker 6 (01:04:09):

And they say, if you call the companies, they'll tell you it's a supply and demand right now. I get it. But I don't get it because why their company doesn't sell cars. They supply vehicles that they own unless they lowered their fleet, which doesn't make sense to me because they are a rental car thing and they don't have to run their vehicles. They can keep it what, but whatever it's supply and demand. They're going to use that as, as there a reason, but people, if you're going to make a comment about president is president at once. Again, these back to a Tyson said about the first, first amendment communication. Get your facts straight, study a little bit. Don't be afraid to be one of these non woke individuals and go to school.

Tyson (01:04:55):

But if you want to stop, there'll be woke. It's not a good thing to be well because the people nowadays want to be awake. You don't want to be woke. Okay?

Speaker 6 (01:05:02):

It's just like this. It goes, everything leads back to psychology, which is our mental health. Uh, the study of it is such an emphasis stage. Look, they're trying to find an identity. It's not a millennial. It's not an X-Box. It's not whatever you want to call it. This generation now, which stems between the age of, I don't know, 18 and 30, they're trying to find their footing. They're trying to plant their flags, build their castles. A lot of them don't know what they're building with because they don't want to know how to build it. That's the problem. They don't know how to face their issues. They don't know how to go out and make a living. I'm not saying work nine to five. I'm saying, build something sustainable. And as me and Tyson are big advocate for this sustainability comes from education. Yeah. Self-taught or through my run through academics either way.

Speaker 6 (01:05:54):

The one common ground between an entrepreneur, a self-taught person and straight traditional academics is books. Got to your read. If you guys read, you guys will start to piece things together. It's not just being told to now you're grabbing multiple things. It's like back in the day when me, Tyson's trying to do options, trading that his thing, uh, this is one company. I was an Investopedia or the best tools, but they're doing the same program. Now that all of these other multilevel marketing programs are doing, which is they're giving you three indicators. And if two out of the three indicators are saying the same thing, then that is the truth. That's what you're going to go after. Where are you going to put you put, you're going to put your sell, whatever it is. If you don't understand stocks, don't worry about it. You can look it, look it up.

Speaker 6 (01:06:40):

But it's the same thing in life. Go research. If you don't understand and find three sources and make sure to validate what you're thinking or what you're not thinking, make sure to or validate. That'll give you all the truth in the world. You know? So all this ties together. I promise you, but it does. Or as number two goes, I just, I just see where this country is going. And at some point, if the guns are taken away, which I don't think it will, it's going to be real hard to get with your heart. But if they do, it's kind of like them forcing us to massive vaccinate. Yeah. It's, there's an agenda.

Tyson (01:07:20):

There's no on to GENDA with this.

Speaker 6 (01:07:22):

No more freedom. But as far as the vaccinations are going, they're not saying you have to take it or you're going to go to jail. You have to take it. Or you can't travel. They're not saying that, but it's getting close.

Tyson (01:07:33):

But what they're saying is if you don't take it, you can't do any of these things. Do you like concerts? Then you get a vaccination. Do you like traveling? Get a vaccination? Well, you don't like those things. Don't worry about it. It's just safety.

Speaker 6 (01:07:45):

It hasn't gotten there yet. It's it's, there's there's been talk, but the president and the governors have backtracked from that point of, of making it. Yeah, you have to do it because why, if they do that, the cat's out of the bag.

Tyson (01:08:02):

See what this goes back to is that doesn't stop private businesses and individuals from enforcing these, you can make your own rules.

Speaker 6 (01:08:10):

Exactly interpretation

Tyson (01:08:13):

Here in Arizona, they got of the mask mandates and all that. 50% of places maybe are still like, you want to come in here. I want to take your temperature. I want to know where your family's band. I want to know where your, where your dog is banned on there. Your kid's a band. I want you to put a mask on. So basically like a fun having, let's go shop around and enjoy yourself. You know,

Justin (01:08:33):

It's interpretation though. See, the problem is the governor, just like our government, wasn't clear. He didn't get rid of the mass thing. He just said, it's not required. But if you want to require it, you can't. That is. Yeah.

Tyson (01:08:54):

But that goes back to prior. Businesses can do what they want. And that's the thing that people don't understand as well. I mean, within reason there are, there are some laws, but constitutionally, you're not, there's no protections there.

Justin (01:09:09):

Well, the, the hard part with that is that that would be true. If the governor didn't shut down all these certain establishments over the course of the pandemic, because if private business really had the type of power that you're speaking of, then they would have opened up and said, you kiss our.

Tyson (01:09:26):

Well, a lot of them stayed open and a lot of they

Justin (01:09:29):

Tried to and they got, they got

Tyson (01:09:31):

Walmart, never closed target, never closed, but they're never closed. So it's up to some arbitrary person to make up an arbitrary list of what can cap

Justin (01:09:40):

Witchery person. It's the government. The governor said, you know, restaurants, no movie theaters, no gyms. Now what you're saying, as far as private business, having a certain amount of power than those three entities could have stayed open, but it comes down to broad strokes, right? At the end of the day, Walmart Fry's always have the companies constitute as a business. That is a necessity to stay open. Look at Lowe's. They are, if you just look at it, they are just a business. They are a private business selling merchandise in the eyes of the government. They are a necessity because why the type of merchandise they sell. So the hard part I have with how this whole pandemic and our governor and everything else has handled. Everything is really the narrative. They are not crystal clear. And then they backtrack as the governor or as the president, you come on and say, look, this is how the going to go. Okay? No more mass in Arizona, no more masks. That is the law done. No interpretation. No. Yeah. Well, if a business wants, because why you create confusion, then you create incidences that lead to some sort of legal lawsuit. Look at, um, trader Joe's out here three weeks ago, a guy came in with no mask, even though policy outside, the clearly

Speaker 6 (01:11:14):

States, you're going to shop in an art establishment. You have to have a mask on. He went in there and I personally think he went in there to pick a flight. He went in there and that's what some of these people do is they go in there to create a scene and make some sort of statement. And he went in there and he picked a fight with the employees who told them, Hey dude, we're just saying, you can shop here. You can buy wherever the you want. Just, this is our house. This is our rules. And the governor allowed us to put this as mandate for our store. If you don't like it don't shop in our establishment. And he didn't, he put up a fight and it made the news. This is the problem I'm having with our governor and our government. They don't, they're not from footed. So it leaves a lot of room for interpretation that keeps saying that room for interpretation. And to be honest, there's a lot of stupid people out here that didn't need to have a crystal clear to the bone. Here it is.

Tyson (01:12:16):

And then to me, that goes back to one where we're worried about speech. We're afraid to speak. We're afraid to talk because, Oh, I don't want to offend these groups. I don't want to make, like, I'm not about safety. I want to make. So this is where we're, we're, we're afraid to speak when we're afraid to, to, to, to, to, to share our opinions or say our thoughts or, or tell people, listen, this is America. Um, you're free to do what you want. Take care of your body, put your, whatever you want in your body. As long as you're not harming others. That's how this country has been, is how it's supposed to be. That's what these things are designed for. And when we, you know, I think it's kind of comes back to things when we allow these things to slowly erode and we do this under the guise of safety, Oh, it's an emergency. Oh, it's this. And we allow these, this power to suddenly become given to these people. It's going to be tough to give it back. And then when you're scared to talk and you're scared to say things and you're scared to do things, um, this is when things get difficult. And that's what, you know, when it comes down to

Speaker 6 (01:13:17):

Lack of respect, look, I agree with you. People have the right to do whatever they want to do whenever they want to do it. As long as it's respectful to other people. Yeah. That's just my thing. If you want to on a Bush, that's not near my house, that's fine. But if you come inside my house and try to on my wall, because some people like to do that mental health is just human nature. It's not right. And you can't sit here and claim your rights cause I have rights to yeah. You're infringing on my rights. So it's a full circle thing, but what's number three.

Tyson (01:13:51):

Number three is probably not relevant. Um, something probably, I don't think I've ever heard of, but we'll, we'll, we'll go through three real quick here. So three, uh, I think this is just kind of dates the time that this was written, but no showed soldier shall in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to prescribed by law. I don't understand what that means, but boy, does this feel like COVID-19 stay in your house and don't go outside? Not what it's about. I'm just joking. Every

Justin (01:14:22):

Scene. You ever seen the movie, the Patriot,

Tyson (01:14:25):

Uh, many moons ago. Yes.

Justin (01:14:27):

Well, I think it leads to that where we're, uh, Mel Gibson, um, he was a longer part of the war, part of the insurrection or anything else. He was retired and there was war on his land because it was just leading through the country, right? The British and the uprising. And he was taking care of both sets of soldiers. And there were times where some soldiers just barged their way into other people's homes. And there was some times where people kept them as prisoners, you know, and we're no longer in that time period. So this one we can kind of just brush over because war happens abroad now. And we're not, we're not dealing with this bill of rights at all in a current problem.

Tyson (01:15:11):

It's very interesting how they wrote that in. But so let's go on to four here, the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Boy, there's some academic scholarly things on this. Um, the, the thing here that scares me is we have found some ways around this and I'm telling you, I think the theme of this is safety. It really, when you say safety, nobody wants to, to, to, um, to dispute you. So what I'm talking about is exit circumstances. If somebody was kidnapped or there seems to be a threat, um, they've found a way, say, the fourth amendment, you have no rights and we're coming on in and we're taking your and it's scary.

Tyson (01:16:14):

And we allow it and we continue to allow it. And this is, this is being more and more infringed upon where they're trying more and more ways. Um, and it's kind of goes back to also part of too. They want to be able to take your guns. Now, if one of your neighbors or friends or cousins or social Facebook friends thinks maybe you're having a bad day, we're going to come take all your. And you have to prove your innocence because you're guilty until proven innocent. So that this is the thing that's happening. This is part of, one of the, um, Biden's executive orders. We'll take your until you can prove you're safe and sane. So those are a couple of ways we've that I know of, not a lawyer in any way. I know that circumvent right around search and seizure and not to mention, I mean, the people make up and you know, it's like, all right, you know, I smelled that last week that you were doing something so going to come out in your house and because of whatever, this doubt and another, um, you know, people are, people are online.

Tyson (01:17:16):

It's a, it's a, it's a thing. I don't know how much it still happens, where you're, it's called being swatted or, you know, something doesn't happen. Like I call the SWAT team and say, somethings happen in your house. And they just bust on it and they look around and do what they want. So this one is, it's scary. So if you don't have to, you can't have one, four is out the window and you can't defend yourself and you can't stop these things from happening.

Justin (01:17:36):

The problem with this is, you know, um, I guess did I grew up in a cop's family? Um, I know a lot of police officers and a lot of them like to defend, um, their brothers and blue, um, because that's just what they're taught to do. It's, it's protect the profession, protect the profession first, and then we'll do what the consequences afterwards. But like I mentioned earlier at the start of this, this, this thing that we're doing this episode, everything is room for interpretation. Number one, number two, the advent of the internet and the smartphones and the cameras. Things have just brought all this to light. Look. There's a lot of corruption in the police world. A lot of it is coming to light now, but it's been going on and you see it in movies. You see it in TV shows. And if the people, if you think that's some big, guess what? These writers are grabbing inspiration from someplace.

Tyson (01:18:30):

There's some good documents, documentaries. So is it the five, seven, the New York thing that was really good. And a couple of others like that that are real things that happened.

Justin (01:18:36):

Look, it it's all over the web. Look in New York, there were precincts where cops were back in the seventies and eighties were running drugs for mafia members because why? And this is where I sympathize with the police officers. They're not paid well enough when you, when you don't pay them well, and they live in a city where crime is high cost of living is high. What the do you expect them to do? They have babies on the way they have bills? Oh, I know. I know. Well, they should uphold the law and protect the law. Well, you know what, if you were financially pinched and your job was extremely stressful where you don't know if you're coming home at night, because you don't know who to trust because the corruption went up and down the chain. It wasn't just the lower tier guys.

Justin (01:19:24):

These are guys that had aspirations of becoming politicians. These are guys that have aspirations of becoming the chief of police, the head to head honcho. Okay. Or if the senators, my friend, well, the Senator can pull this off for me. It power, money and influence. What do you expect them to do? Huh? Did they get an offer that they can't refuse? It is what it is, but, uh, but recently, um, perfect example. We'll look at the cook. I think it was a couple of days ago. This, this, uh, sheriff drove home. This African-American male. Uh, I guess African-American male. Couldn't get into his house, um, was being kicked out or wherever else. So he was on the phone, a cordless black phone. And he came out with the cordless black, the cop who

Justin (01:20:08):

Just dropped him off mistook deaf for a gun and shot him. Oh, wow. But not just one bullet. Several

Speaker 8 (01:20:17):

Were the cops

Justin (01:20:17):

Should have been Hey in Iowa. You know, put it down. Let me see it. What does that shoot first talk later. Okay. This all leads to what we're talking about with this, this, this thing about seizures. Well

Justin (01:20:30):

See, in law and order, you see it all over the place on TV. I've seen it in real life. If it fits the narrative of what they're trying to do, they will justify it. That's how some police departments work. I'm sorry. And if all the police officer friends of mine get off with that, we'll stop and look in the mirror as the truth, because it's not like I'm speaking from an agenda. It's not like I am coming from a background where I don't know police officers riding grew up in a cops, family. All right. Telling you right now. There's a lot of times where they're, if it fits their assumption

Speaker 8 (01:21:03):

Or if

Justin (01:21:04):

It corrects their mistake, right? They will find a way to circumvent the law to circumvent your bill of rights until they get caught. Until they come across an individual who I think it sells about four years ago, uh, they pulled over this one, dude who was a lawyer, but he didn't dress like a lawyer. He dressed like one of us and he had them on camera and he says, Hey, I'm a lawyer. I know my rights. And he started spitting up the right, the cop just went off. He knew he was wrong. Well, the problem with these police officers with these FBI agents, it has to fit their narrative. It has to fit their assumption. It has to correct their mistake or because I'm the law. I can do whatever the I wanted to. Yeah. But guess what? This goes further up the ladder.

Justin (01:21:47):

And you can call it a conspiracy because people like to put labels on this when they don't want to see the truth. This goes up to big government with other countries. If we want to illegally enter a country, we need a good reason to enter that country. So guess what? Little war here, little drug over the border, there, a little scratch there. Hey, fits our narrative. Now we have a story that we can sew and sell to the American public that justifies our action. We are illegally seizing, grabbing whatever ship. Uh, two years ago, I heard that if you traveled into a certain, I think it was like Vegas or Colorado or someplace where you had cash on you and you was you're your own cash. Let's see at bankruptcy for the cops will ticket and say, Oh, stroke money, right? He's that money from you? And you'll never get that back. Cause you know why that money goes to their funds. I have seen videos on cops in Texas, in the small Podunk towns in Texas, that intentionally go after people. They know not family that grew up with book parolees that they know who are clean, who are trying to do the right thing, live the right way. Just so that they meet their quotes

Speaker 8 (01:22:58):

  1. Yeah.

Justin (01:22:59):

That's why people don't trust the police. That's why people want to defund the now I'm against defunding the police. I think that you get what you pay for. If your cost of living, let's say in Hawaii, your cost of living to make 90,000, you're considered poor, but you're paying these cops 47,000 a year. How the do you expect them to protect and serve? Now let's say I paid them above that. Let's say I paid them 80, 90,000 a year. Right. It makes them kind of close to both poor middle class, whatever, just run the middle class threshold. I make them feel important. They would do their job better. Right? Put in more training for them. More restrictions is maybe, but I, I can't fault them for doing what they do, but I don't agree with what they do because yes, I do think sometimes that when cops automatically hear it's a black guy with dreads, boom, they're going to go and find the first black guy with dreads.

Justin (01:23:53):

Even on this guy could be a graduate from Princeton or Howard or whatever. University runs a multimillion dollar business and go you. You're the guy that just robbed the liquor store. Why? Because I'm black. I can talk on racism because I went to a Filipino screw where I dealt with racism every second day. So racism, there is no one set color for racism. It's basically majority versus the minority in that school. So I know racism firsthand. Maybe not like African-American racism, but the racism that I dealt with was pretty close to it. So I can see how people drive by and judge and assume things. Now with me having tattoos and stuff like that. If I am not dressed properly, I looked like a volatile. I looked like a guy that just came up the prison cell in orderly, right? no little than they come to find, Oh, what? Oh, you're educated

Justin (01:24:47):

Because we live

Justin (01:24:47):

In a world of ego and assumptions. Right? And the problem is these bill of rights are so,

Justin (01:24:55):

Oh, it did it.

Justin (01:24:58):

It's not defined properly. These 10 bill of rights where they should have only made a certain amount right. Or changed over 20, 30, 40 years reduced it, or be even more clear upon what they've got. They needed to expand upon it and not give that legal jargon. They need to be a little bit more clear, cut and say, Hey look, okay. This is what this covers. You know? And you have rights, but in truth with all the I've seen on video over the last two years itself, all the killings, even the Briana one on a piano, the, um, I think it was the one in the one in Texas. Um,

Justin (01:25:34):

Brianna Taylor, big, the cops kicked down her door and they're supposed to kicked on the neighbor's door. Oh jeez. They kicked the wrong door down and they shot her. Wow.

Justin (01:25:46):

But that's not the only case that's been going on for decades. How many times have you heard in stories and you see in movies, they make joke about it, but you see it happening in the news where these cops accidentally raid the wrong house. How the do you do that? You sit there

Justin (01:26:04):

With the SWAT team and I've seen Dallas SWAT and all this other. This rural live, uh, documentary stuff where they plan this stuff out. They draw it out on the board. This is the house we have confirmation. How the do you break down the wrong door? And then shoot the people. I don't get the, I seen another dude. I'm sorry. Keep going on. But I see another video of, of a guy African-American male with dreads living. I think it was Atlanta, big house, nice house. Beautiful was watering his front yard, watering his yard, a cop, just driving through the neighborhood stops gets out of his car. Questions. Him, what are you doing in his neighborhood? The guy he's water are already. He's like, you're talking to me. And he's like, yeah, what the are you doing in his neighborhood? And of course he had every right to do this.

Justin (01:26:54):

He said, you. I don't got to tell you. And he's absolutely right. Because as Tyson alluded, you have the freedom to speak your right, your respect on your property. Right. You have the right to say something. Now what he should have done was probably say, look, this is my house. I'm not doing anything wrong here, but you shouldn't have to do that. Right. But that's what that cop was expecting. That's the problem with these illegal seizures and stuff. A lot of the times, I just think that these cops are trying to cover their, you know? And whether it's illegal or legal or whatnot, there's a lot of agendas that go on with these illegal search and seizures. And some, I get, look, you're hunting. Uh let's let's say it's the fugitive task force. And they're hunting down a guy that's killed 30 people. I think they have the right to, if they have a tip and to go into least just search for the guy, not look for anything else because that's how warrants are built. Right? Warrants. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (01:27:50):

Say, Hey, we have to look at it. When we're looking for something is here in this place.

Justin (01:27:53):

You cannot, you cannot tear apart this. You cannot, your warrant only covers you for this amount, but that's the problem. How does that circumvent? The judges now sign an open war. Oh, just here you go. You have the right to do. If the you want to do

Speaker 7 (01:28:10):

You as the person being searched, don't understand your rights. Thank you. You allow that to be happening.

Justin (01:28:17):

You don't understand that when certain questions are being posed to you like, Oh, Hey, can I check the hood of your car? Can I look inside state? You don't gotta do just because they have a badge, but it's how you see it. Yeah. Right. And the sad part is, and I've learned this through, through car insurance nowadays, you have to have video. I'm sorry, which goes back to what we were just talking about. There's a lot of States that are writing into law that you can't video record a police procedure. How the, where is our bill of rights

Speaker 7 (01:28:52):

It's going away. And that's, that's what this episode is kind of. But this is, so this is, this is one of the things that, you know, you, you hear the argument for, well, you're not doing anything

Tyson (01:29:02):

Wrong. If you're not having anything to hide, then it's not a big deal. But what you fail to see is maybe you don't or maybe this, that and other, but what you do is you set a precedent. It's like nobody questions me. When I asked to search your car, nobody questions me. When I say open your backpack. Nobody questions me when I do these things. So the first person that does well, guess what I think is an officer. You've got something to hide. Something's going on here. Cause every other I've ever pulled over says no problem. Officer, take a look around and now you're guilty until proven innocent. And that's what I'd like to stop. And we need to understand that this is the way things kind of work nowadays. You're guilty until you're proven innocent and that's, it's, it's backwards around. And, and, and that's the thing we've got to stop and say, listen, Hey, listen, I understand. You're trying to do your job, your officer. I understand. Maybe you have suspicion. Maybe I picked the description of somebody, but I'm sorry, you're not going to search my car. You're not gonna search my property. If you have suspicions, please go through the proper channels and we can work out. We can work this out.

Justin (01:29:59):

I think I'm agreeing with you. I don't think it's ever going to happen though, because at the end of the day, they're not, they've got the wrong people in power in the police department level, they're hiring the wrong individuals because they're hiring to fill the need. Right? My suggestion, which I've had running in my head for years because of all these recent incidences is that it comes down to accountability. And as a department, they're protected by the union and the union will go out of its way to protect the brand, not protect individual rights, protect the brand. So my suggestion is instead of defunding the police department, we should fund the police department would break up these unions. And I personally feel that these guys should be individual contractors, which they hold their own insurance, their own license, which means they are held accountable to knowing the law.

Justin (01:30:54):

And if they were to supersede the law, break the law, it falls on them. It falls on their property. It falls on themselves. I think it's not going to clear up all the issues, but I think majority of the that's going on now where cops are shooting first talking later, because I am the law. I am tired or my life is stressful. So I'm going to with somebody. It'll decrease a lot of that because right now what's going on. All of these police departments, there's like, even in Phoenix, the, the chief has, uh, you know, she has the right idea, but the problem is it's not trickling down and it's not trickling down because there's a lot of people fighting the ideas they've been in their seat too long. They're comfortable, they're set to retire. They don't give a. And on top of that, it deals with psychology. A lot of them are basing their interpretations and their biases of personal incidents that happen maybe 20, 30 years ago maybe happened during their childhood. Like let's say they came across one, a Chinese dude that went ape and stabbed

Justin (01:32:00):

Somebody. Now they're going to think every Chinese dude,

Justin (01:32:02):

Right? So we create biases. Yeah, exactly.

Justin (01:32:05):

Schema is and all this other stuff and, and, and police department has to take accountability and I'm not trying to bash the cops. I'm trying to make this world a better place. I don't want to see the police department school away. I don't want to see, um, what I want to see stopped is wrongful

Justin (01:32:24):

Hirings. I want to see

Justin (01:32:26):

The right individuals with the right training in place, not just an Academy, but there's gotta be some sort of a quarterly training and different things, greater training. Exactly. But the biggest thing is everything has to center upon, um, um, the bill of rights, the law, the constitution, that's where everything has to be built upon and centered from. And until that happens, more cops are going to go to jail. More cops gonna end up like Derek shopping. It said, it's sad because he blatantly didn't give a. And because he did that, he now opened the door for other incidents between police and the public that might not be on purpose. That might actually be an honest mistake to be considered, uh, intentful and go straight to jail. He ruined the brand cause he didn't give a

Justin (01:33:29):

Whether he's right or wrong.

Justin (01:33:30):

And I believe he was wrong. I believe at some point you had the guy locked up and you had them arrested. What's the need for the extra excessive force, but it is what it is. But all of these things just I've studied a lot of, a lot of history, a lot of politics. And I've watched a lot of the news and it just, I just keep circling back to, there's always an agenda with things and these things happen in batches and then it disappears for awhile and it's something else happens. And then it's a bunch of batches again. And I'm like, Hey, wait a minute. What law are we trying to change

Justin (01:34:06):

Here? What are we trying to infringe

Justin (01:34:09):

Upon here? Yeah, it just it's weird. And, and to me personally, going back to the vaccine stuff, it started with the Bola. It started with, uh, uh, the other

Justin (01:34:18):

One that came was ours. And they said, Oh

Justin (01:34:21):

My God, it's so deadly. And then all of a sudden, it's three months, it's gone. Uh, look at, um, look at the war in the middle East with Syria. Uh, was that, was that faction? Um, uh, uh, I forgot what they were crisis. They were in the news consistently for six months, beheadings, killings recruiting, and then

Justin (01:34:44):

Gone and gone. Yeah. And then what was the next thing here comes Russia or here

Justin (01:34:49):

It's always something else. So once again, interpretation, bill of rights, what's being moved. It's just crazy. Now what's the next one

Tyson (01:35:01):

On this real quick. I wanted to tie this together just a little bit. Uh, this all to me goes to the thing of, you've got to stand up for your rights. You've got to stand up for what you think is right. Especially when you're seeing your neighbor, your neighborhood, a fellow human being. You know, if the, if the people standing by in these things put your phone down and you help the officer, you help subdue the individual, you help your neighbor do something. You help these things. You don't let injustice go and we can start changing the narrative. Here we start changing the precedents. We can start saying, no, I believe in these things. I want to be able to say things I want to say. I want to be able to go where I want to do. I want to be able to protect my family with firearms.

Tyson (01:35:50):

If I so choose, I want to be able to not have my rights infringement. I want to be able to not have my property seize because somebody thought something was cool and didn't like me or whatever, and takes my. Like we've got to stand up for these things and it's going to take one person every day. You, as your individual stand up for what's going on in your life, in your world. And then that starts to trickle out and we'll be able to start changing these things. We'll all take back. Some of these rights and States are taking back the narrative and start changing these things going forward. Go ahead, Justin.

Justin (01:36:19):

Well, the only catch with that is though, and then I've learned to being a first responder. Each state has a different law pertaining to this, right? And that's the part is that most of us human nature is to jump in and help, but laws within our own County or States restrict us from helping because they say we are held liable. And the problem too is a lot of people don't help. Especially older people don't help because of the time that they lived in, where if you were caught helping, you could catch some heat from the situation itself on the line. So, so it's human nature to help, to want to help. But if you're going to help, it's kind of like being a first responder. If you're going to jump in and save somebody drowning, make sure you look at the environment first. And if you're not at least able to jump in, at least go call somebody at least make a phone call and say, Hey, nine 11. You know this happening right now. Or if somebody doesn't have a camera and you think they're being persecuted record and be a witness because I've noticed that too is when there's, there's an incident. A lot of people watching, a lot of people don't want to say they were there. You know? So

Tyson (01:37:29):

Yeah, this and this, this is listening to this episode and going through this with us, this is your opportunity to say, what do I stand for? And you have this already set in you before anything happens. These are my rules. These are my principles. This is what I will not stand for. This is what's going to do personally. Some of these dying, I don't give a on my liability is I'm going to save your life. I'll deal with that later. And I'm okay. I already know this. I already have thought this through. I already understand that I have a first aid kit in my vehicle. I stopped when I see something you want, assuming later we can discuss this later, we necessitate the court. I'm okay with that. I've made my choice. And that's what it's about. I want you to make your choice now, what your tribe thinks, not what your clinic thinks, not what your homies think.

Tyson (01:38:14):

Not your party thinks not what your, the left or the right, whatever it is. I want you to stop and say, what do I, as a person want to do? How do I want to live my life? What rules can I put in place that I know when time comes? I just ask because I have a set of principles and that's what I want. All my episodes, all the things we talked about as always what I want you to do. I want you to come up with a set of principles you believe in and you want to stand for, and that's okay. We're, there's going to be consequences. Bet. So that's fine. And if nothing else, we're going to move on to five. Why one of the more famous ones as well, no person shall be held to answer for a capital otherwise infamous crime, unless by a present or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or Naval forces or in the militia or an actual service in time of war or public danger, a semi-colon nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or Lynne, or shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be the pride of life, Liberty, or property without due process of law.

Tyson (01:39:29):

Another semi-colon nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation. There's a lot that goes into that law. Um, I think the popular version of this is pleading the fifth where you don't want to self incriminate yourself. Um, that is one aspect of it. Also double jeopardy. I don't think a lot of people understand where double jeopardy comes from. That means, um, you can't be charged for the same crime twice. Um, but to me, the thing that's scary in this rule, like I said, there's a lot in this. There's a lot of time pack. Yeah. If you're interested in looking at some scholarly legal research and, and, and talks on this, but the thing that worries me is, um, you don't have to incriminate yourself anymore because there's a little thing that all of us, most, all of us carry in our pockets called a phone.

Tyson (01:40:14):

It's got GPS probably on all the time, if not, it's pinging cell towers, there's cameras on every block and everything. I'm recording what you're doing. Your social media, where a lot of people are fools and they post a dumb. They do on the internet for everybody and their mom to see. And on top of that, there is, um, in different places, American around the world, facial recognition is being installed in these public cameras. And there is some things I've seen in Europe. I believe it is in London when they had these special vans that, um, that they, they set up on the side of the street and they have these cameras that have facial recognition built into it. And as you're walking down the street, like I said, I don't know the laws in England and London or whatever, but, um, they're just stopping you.

Tyson (01:40:55):

Oh, you got pink for patient recognition. You're a person of interest and her stopping on the side of the road. And to me, infringing on your rights, uh, they there's no probable cause there's no reasonable suspicion of anything happens. And 99% of the time, I shouldn't say nine, 9%. A lot of the percent of time, there's false positives. And then especially people of color, uh, it's a very known thing in AI and in facial recognition, people of color, especially, um, females on top of that are notoriously not able to recognize your face well. Um, and, and so, and unfortunately in America, disproportionate amount of crimes are committed by people of color. So when you have these facial recognition systems going off and, um, pretty much set to a black person, yeah. Anyone will do that works. And it's really, it's really tough. So when you're in court and it's like, you, you know, you're asked these question, you're asked these things, it's, you don't even have to answer because we've got all this data that says you were at this place, you were here. We have you on camera. We have GPS things you posted about on social media. Maybe, maybe not. So that is where things get a little scary. I think,

Justin (01:42:04):

Look, I mean the right to due process. Yeah. I don't think that has changed. I don't think this is one of those things that's being taken away. I think there's a lot more stupid people out there do the crime and then brag about it on Instagram, Facebook, whatever else, 5g is changing the game. It's always been suspicious, but it's evolution. We started playing with electronics. We started playing with innovations. This was bound to happen. At some point, they're going to be able to pop you up on any camera anywhere and recognize who the you are. They're going to fix all those problems with face recognition, despite color and everything else, which is another reason why I'm going to talk, you know, talk about it, but I'm going to link it back to the vaccine stuff. It makes kind of sense of why they want a mass vaccine. And they're also instituted in the 5g stuff. How do you track this? Right. Have, have some sort of tracking thing in us. It may not be a tracking chip may not be a microchip, but it could be just some sort of liquid or some sort of antibodies that are in us that they can just pick up. I mean, you're saying

Tyson (01:43:02):

Everybody's got a cell phone carrying around and most people leave it on. It's pinging cell towers all day long with 5g. We know exactly where you are within feet,

Justin (01:43:10):

Right. But for me, the right to due process, I don't think that's being infringed upon. I think at the end of the day, the courtroom, a lot of people like to say favors to crooks, but it doesn't end favors who has the facts and it favors money to I favors money too. It depends on which courtroom, of course things, these things we can't prove and whatever else, but you know, I've seen a lot of things pass that should've gone one way and a wrong way that actually we went to the way that it should have gone. Um, and it's because they followed the law. And of course the smaller court you go to, the more Podunk town you go to, um, the more it's going to be, you know, politically favored or biased or agenda favored, but in, in, in more highlighted

Speaker 6 (01:43:52):

Courtroom, big city, metropolitan area, like a New York, or even an Arizona out here, it's clear, cut and dry because a lot of these proceedings too are filmed. Now, a lot of them are for court TV or for their own records to cover their own asses. Now was there corruption with judges a long time ago? Sure. There's corruption everywhere. Corruption is always going to exist. Is it, is, is it more now than ever before? Probably not. Things were a lot more loose back in the day. People could be bought off or threatened back in the day. Nowadays it's a lot harder to commit a crime and get away with it. And it's a lot harder for these judges to be, um, um, biased, racist, or corrupted without being caught. And a lot of them have been caught because like I said, a lot of these court proceedings are being taped.

Speaker 6 (01:44:43):

Um, at the end of the day, when it comes to the courtroom and it comes through the, the due process, these in America, people are read their Miranda rights. They go to jail, they have the right to prove their case, whether they're in the right or not, whether the CRA the cops are corrupted or whatever else, you have to prove your case. And if you've got a lawyer or you can't get a lawyer, tough rocks, whether you're right or wrong, the case works against you because nowadays, well, that's what it's supposed to be, but they're judging you based on facts. Prove to me, we'll get it done. Now. We want, as soon as they, well, that's not right. They're corrupted. Well, if that's the case, then Derek Chavez should have been free. It should have been just like the Ellie rights. Because if you want to talk about corruption, I'm going to give you that example of the LA riots, the court proceedings itself was moved out of the County, that it was supposed to be in.

Speaker 6 (01:45:37):

It was moved to an all white, all rich neighborhood where the defendants were all white cops. What did you think was going to happen? And it was not in the right time where it is now. Whereas the cancel culture where people are more open to it, the eyes looking at it. No, we knew what was going to happen. What they didn't expect was the African-American community, the poor communities of LA to go, man, that's up. That is, I mean, I've seen some low in my life. Yeah. But this is extremely low because if they didn't move the court case to that courtroom, with that judge, with that area that they were in and they kept it in LA, I think people would have been, they would have accepted the decision a little bit more. But once again, based on that era, the nineties and that timeframe coming out of the eighties, hard to say, if they wouldn't have gotten the same verdict, because everything is politically driven.

Speaker 6 (01:46:43):

What if that Ellie rights were have a repeat? Let's say, let's say it didn't happen. It was going to happen. Now. I think it would have gone the way of Derek Shaw. And I think all five would have been found guilty because why politically it makes sense to give the people what they want, find middle ground and keep an in a political seat. See? So there are signs of corruption and political influence. We'll call it. Cause corruption has many names, but political influence. Yeah. There are signs of it in the courtroom, in due process. Uh, back then I felt that if you were a politician, if you were rich, if you were a cop, fewer successful businessmen, you got a Ford. It's certain, uh, uh, things, um, treatment, uh, compared to, uh, scumbags, low lives. People that come from the poor neighborhoods, right? Lower East LA you know, so many rights afford to these rich wink, wink, you know, get them off the cuff right today. No, today the judges are looking over their shoulders, like, but I'll do the right thing. My is grass. And that ain't happening. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (01:47:54):

Yeah. Sad. We have to stick a camera in your face for you to do the right thing

Speaker 6 (01:47:57):

Is sad, but this is part of evolution. We are. We'd like to think we're an advanced society, but we're not. We might be at the advanced in terms of materials, uh, labor, um, electronics. But as the human race itself, there are other countries, a lot poorer than us that are more advanced as humans than we Americans will ever be. Because why we are hogs. We are not pigs looking to eat. We're not starving for food. We're hogs. We're privileged. I don't care what class you come from. We're privileged. And we like to on everything. And we like to see things, and we just don't understand how this process works. But leading back to this bill of rights, I personally feel that this one is, uh, is stronger than it's ever been before, because it really comes down to a free for all. I don't care if you're a bad guy or if you're a good guy, you're a cop. Or if you're a robber, you come in here and you give me facts, the jury is going to decide it. The public of opinion is going to decide it. And I'm me, the judge, I'm just going to go with it. It is what it is. I'm not going to say a different verdict. That's on the paper. I have to follow it. So I don't think that has changed.

Speaker 7 (01:49:16):

Yeah. I think the hard part there to me is, um, it's not necessarily about getting away with it, but it's, it's hard to have like a fair shake a little bit. Uh, and you're going to have a hard time with that. Um, which, I mean, I guess it depends on the high profile illness of, of the, the case or, or the incident or whatever. Um, you're, you're getting a fair jury. Sometimes it's going to be hard because there's so

Tyson (01:49:48):

Much political coverage around it. So much social media coverage around it to, to be impartial and unbiased, uh, that may be tough, um, to not have your spouse or, or, um, you know, against you, uh, you know, some places they allow that. So it's like, here we go circumventing around that again. Um, being deprived of life, Liberty, or property without due process. I think that happens often. I think it's not hard to, especially the poor classes to take your away and lock you up and, and get rid of your things. And it's hard to fight back. Um, it's tough that does all these things maybe fall into there. I don't know, but this is what things that come to mind when I hear these things. When I look at this and I look at the what's going on, I see this. That's what comes to my mind,

Justin (01:50:31):

Going, going on your legal seizure thing. I think that's a problem with this amendment is that it can cover multiple other amendments. Yeah. For me, this amendment strictly deals with the right to due process. Now, if we're talking about the other points you're talking about, it's a long amendment. Yeah. I get that. But what people know this, that is as the right to due process, you have the right to a lawyer. You have the right to a courtroom.

Tyson (01:50:52):

Actually. That's actually the sixth amendment. I think you're getting those mixed up. The fizzle six is six hour reach six real quick. Cause we're going to kind of, I think we're kind of, we're boarding on a two. So six is all criminal prosecutions. The accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial.

Justin (01:51:07):

Number six is I get the right to a trial, but the right to due process of law deals with that, as I'm saying is a lot of these amendments can cover multiple other amendments on the right to due process means that when you get arrested or convicted of a crime, um, it's not about the trial itself, but there's a process you have to go through. That's afforded to all Americans. But as far as the seizures go, that could also be linked to the previous one where these guys, these cops can come in and seize your. And that happens. That, that part, I agree. Look, the police have a lot of power. The Sheriff's have a lot of power. Uh, FBI has a lot of power and sometimes to cripple an organization and depends on the situation, they will seize your. But there's also intent.

Justin (01:51:52):

Like when we use to deal with the auctions, we know that a lot of the that they're dealing at, the auctions wasn't taken legally, right? Yeah. It was quote unquote taken legally, but they just were like, you know what, this guy, this girl. We're going to seize all their and just give it away. it. Here's why we need, we need money to fund certain things. So I am a hundred percent agreeance with that as far as the right to due process. I think that hasn't changed. Um, if we, uh, are talking about how people are being perceived close, though, the court of public opinion does exist. Yes. But as far as the trial stuff goes, look at Derek shotgun's case. They did an excellent job in sequestering, the jury. It did an excellent job of cutting off the media. They had to go through extreme links because of the high profile case.

Justin (01:52:44):

And to me, it depends on a case by case situation on how certain measures are instituted or put into place. So they did an excellent job. And I think this has been going on since the OJ Simpson trial, because court of public opinion, we all thought he did it. We were like, him. I don't care. The glove didn't fit. He's guilty because not because he's black. I know that's what everybody else is thinking was because he took off in the white Bronco and he tried to escape. But if you have researched your over years and not on people can find this controversial or not. But I personally in his law, people agree with me. If you look this up, don't think OJ did it. And why, and I know this is off the subject, but I'm just going to touch on this real quick.

Justin (01:53:30):

The reason why it's because court of public opinion just saw the incident for what it was and said, you know what, him. He's guilty because he's a high profile person. He had to have done it. We've seen multiple cases like this before. But in truth, if you, if you look at the facts of the situation, number one, OJ faints, when he sees blood number two, his oldest son suffered from a mental health illness. His oldest son was at the house at the time of the incident. His oldest son was not there when the police questioned OJ and everybody else, his son disappeared. The glove fits his son and his son has, and there is, um, paperwork on this file has attacked his stepmom before the son is not young. The son was, I think, 17 or 18 at the time. Big. Wow. Not all there in the head.

Justin (01:54:20):

Exactly. But OJ feeds the sign of blood and he's a fat, I'm sorry, I don't want to say the word. He, he he's he skirmishes. So that's what I'm saying is this, all these back to court of public opinion immediately, everybody was like, Oh, he's I wonder how long he's going to get, or maybe they're going to kill him. Yeah. And then he found out he's not guilty. The first thing people say to us, Oh, it's a conspiracy. It's a set-up no, it isn't. This would goes to the, the fun number five and number six that we're going to talk about because they both go with each other. At the end of the day, OJ was afforded the right to due process. The police did not do due process and due process for the police department was cataloging and CSI in the scene correctly.

Justin (01:55:06):

Instead they went in there with the assumption, he did it. He ran. him. You know what? We're the Sheriff's we can do ever the we want to, that was their mentality. And you know what? I'm sad to say. That is the Sheriff's mentality still today that we don't give a. We are the Sherwood law. If we don't have a case, we'll build a case. You know, that famous scene from training day, I'll put cases on all of you, you all will be in Pelican Bay, making license plates. That's the truth. That's how some of these cops and sheriffs think and court of public opinion, they trampled through the scene. They planted evidence. They didn't do their due process. And look what happened. OJ comes in and you know, what got them off the glove didn't fit. Yeah. So I honestly thought he was guilty on every other thing, except for the facts that were brought up.

Justin (01:55:56):

Number one, number two, the uncertainty of the witness who was I, ah, I think it was him. And the fact that his hand was way too big for that club. So due process, that's what happened. He had the right to a fair trial, which was number six. He got the fair trial. The jury was sequestered correctly. There was no, um, uh, intimidating a witness or anything like that. There was no, you could tell that happens when you have a change in jury. When you have all of a sudden, the jury thing makes the news that all the high profile case of OJ Simpson, three jurors had to be taken off of the thing. There's a reason none of that has happened. And, and all of these high profile cases, number five and number six to me have been upheld except for illegal seizure groups, which I think belongs with number four. I use for, well, but you were saying this

Tyson (01:56:51):

Four or five and six are very similar.

Justin (01:56:53):

That's what I'm saying is, so this is why the bill of rights, they wrote it back then to fit their needs back then it made sense back then because it wasn't as complicated. It was more of a couple towns, couple got a couple of States and we're not talking 50 across the world, right? Yeah. Across the U S itself. So it made sense. But I think at some point they have to scrap it. They have to scrap it and say, you know what? We have to redefine these and we need to make it extremely positively. No questions asked clear kind of like, uh, um, who's a hedge fund guy that we follow up. We read his book principles, revalue, the read-aloud. He says, you don't want, you want transparency. You want to be clear cut. So we there's no confusion. And people are going, uh, I don't know what that means. What does that mean? You want them to understand right. When they read it and not have, Oh, I didn't see page 300 page, page 400 on this. What are you talking about? Right. So, but that's my feelings on number five itself. And if you want to go into number six, that's my feelings. Number six as well.

Tyson (01:58:00):

All right. So let me read six here. So kind of wrap these four or five and six together. I know it feels like we, we, um, we linked them together and they do all, like I said, go together. So let me just read six real quick. So everybody's up, up on six. So it says to all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the state and district within the crime in the state and district within the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law and to be informed by the nature and cause of accusation to be confronted with the witness against him, to have complaints come holistic, plus a Tori process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Tyson (01:58:51):

Um, I, this is kind of commonly known as the right to, uh, dress your accuser and having a fair and speedy trial. And that's kind of how it's commonly seen, um, this, this one, the only thing I think about when I see this is a trend I've seen, especially in the, um, the impoverished communities is with such a backup in the court. I think there's some, some, some of that is part of the reason, but what, what I hear and when I kind of see, I, I don't have a lot of experiences, but this is the things I do see is, is people are led on the path of listen. It's easier just plead guilty, do your time. It's going to be three, four, five years before you get to trial. Anyway, you're probably not going to get off or you're a pro. So you might as well just plead guilty and kind of just do it. And that's, I don't think that's an, uh, an attack at this amendment per se. But when I hear this, this is the things that I think of. These are the things that seem to be, um, allowed to proliferate in the communities. And it's concerning.

Justin (01:59:50):

That's the problem is it's, it's the lawyer. It's not so much the law itself. Yeah. It's the system per se. It's a system, but, but look, a lot of people can't afford lawyers. Yeah. A lot of people, depending on the crime are, are probably in the wrong. Um, there are some instances where it's not a crime itself, or let's say like, you're trying to, um, let's say it's the electric company and they will rebuild them, but they can't take them to court because they don't have the right lawyer or go back to 2008 when the housing crisis happened and people signed off on documents that didn't know what the they were signing. And next thing you know, they were, you know, over ended on their in their deal. And they couldn't go to court because lower costs and fees are expensive. That's where the corruption lies.

Justin (02:00:35):

Some of these lawyers cost. And, and it's not based on how, if they win or not, you know, 400 something dollars an hour. I mean the better, the more expensive, the better you get. Right. But doesn't guarantee you win, especially nowadays, right? But there are a lot of instances where it's like, you know, the course isn't backed up timeframe. A lot of things are hinging upon a decision being made by the court. Uh, some sort of decision rendered, right? Guilty, not guilty, whatever else. And a lot of other things that are depending on is probably a person's job livelihood, things of that nature. So sometimes depending on the crime they'll plead down and then the lawyer will tell them, look, glorious job, especially with public defenders. Their job is to, to be open and honest and say, look, this is what could happen. This is what might happen.

Justin (02:01:19):

And this is not gonna happen, but I gotta, I gotta, it's kind of like a realtor, right? That they have to provide the offer to the person they're representing regardless of how crappy the offer is. And, and it's up to the person, honest to God to, to understand the law. Now I know, I know a lot of people from poor communities don't understand the law and don't understand people from upper-class and middle-class communities because they have to go and seek a lawyer and get this advice. But we have access to the web. Now people have to have some sort of accountability, um, to look stuff up, to figure something out or to ask people, uh, there's a lot of websites that offer free advice.

Justin (02:01:58):

So in this day and age, there's

Justin (02:02:00):

No excuse, 10 years ago, there could be an excuse. Uh, people might not have the ability to afford internet or to have access to internet. Guess what? You can have access to anyone.

Justin (02:02:10):

I see a lot of poor people with smartphones. Yeah.

Justin (02:02:14):

Here don't make excuses. At the end of the day, you can blame the system. All you want, the system can be systematic. It can, it can reflect that. But at the same time, you are accountable as well. And pertaining to these bill of rights, it's your bill of rights, which is your bill of responsibilities. And you have to take it, take some sort of accountability and say, Hey look, okay. I did this crime. How petty is it? What can I do? What quote, what I can't do. You know what I mean? This is going to live in me from getting a job. If I lie on an application, you know, things like that, right? So I get what you're saying. I believe that the poor should have better representation. I believe going back to our idea a long time ago with bobbers point, I think, uh, more community centers, community centers need to be built that provides financial education, law education, business education.

Justin (02:03:06):

Because if we want to change the system, if we want to take the poor and flip it back to middle-class communities, we have to change the way people think, which means we have to come to a very general understanding that maybe only 30% are going to actually change out of the communities that we're going to affect. And with that 30%, we want them to thrive to effect another 30% and another 30% we need to get off this wagon. Thinking of we're going to change 90 to a hundred percent of the people. If we just put the system in place, this is not field of dreams. You don't build it. They don't come, it doesn't work that way. And, and you have to understand, and this, this relates to sales and anything else, you can try to shoot for a hundred percent sales, but if you get 15, 20%, you're doing phenomenal.

Justin (02:03:49):

You're doing fantastic, except those facts. So with this stuff, I think that there needs to be a lot more community centers, communities that are built on not so much on clean energy, but cleaner energy is part of it. But I also feel that it should be built on building better communities, educating people, giving them tools, to put on their belt and say, Hey, you know what? The law can't with me because I understand what I'm doing. I now have access to pro bono. You know what I mean? I have access to a lot of things says, look, there's a lot of prisoners. And I've watched a lot of documentaries on Netflix and prime video and all this other stuff and stuff I've read about. There's a lot of people in jail that shouldn't be in jail. Yeah. Wrongfully accused because it was the wrong decade and racist, or it just, if any 50 crimes, yeah.

Justin (02:04:40):

It fit the need of the investigation. Whereas, this might take forever. And the governor wants an answer now, and this is the eighties. So I have to give them an answer. So you know what, we're going to pick the first that walks across the field, boom, here he goes. That's the guy. And we will plant evidence and we will do all that stuff. And the jury itself, the right to freedom, fair process. And the jury, all that is rigged at that point because you're trying to provide an answer and a solution that somebody else wants. But nowadays I said, all these things are intact. I just wish that there was more, um, services available to the poor, to the middle-class itself, even mental health services. Uh, I think that all of these mental health groups need to get off their high horse and start providing free services and say, Hey, look, I just want people to live better lives. And if there rewards me, somehow it will reward me. And if it doesn't, Oh, well I'm doing my job. Yeah. Doing what I got in here for. Right. So I think these, these multiple four, five, six, and I think even seven, they're all attached to each other. And I don't really think that they've been infringed upon or taken away since the subject of the episode. And if they are being taken away, I think it's just the latter ones are more on our own responsibility.

Speaker 7 (02:05:56):

Hmm. I think it's just a little bit of infringement. These aren't, you know, like the, like the first, the first few are definitely, I feel they're being taken away. These are definitely, um, there's a lot more infringement. I think that's, that's there

Justin (02:06:08):

People stepping on lines, but you know, not so much as taking yeah. You know, so yeah. I mean, all of these are subject to interpretation and these a lot, mostly all of the amendments you're going to read today are infringed upon some way somehow. Right. So that's my feelings on those, those four or five, six, I think seven. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (02:06:26):

Let me get seven out here. So, uh, and suits a common law where the value in controversy shall exceed $20. That just shows you the, the times they're there, right. Uh, of trial by jury shall be preserved. And no fact tried by a jury shall otherwise be reexamined in any court in the United States. Then according to the rules of the common law. And I think these all kind of tie back, it's very interesting how there's a lot of amendments about legal proceedings and, and your, and your rights and, and really securing your legal, um, stature there.

Justin (02:07:01):

Well, because it was indicative of the times. Yeah. It was indicative of the times at the end of the day, if you, uh, if you look back at England, right. It was the, it was the Kingsway or Queensway, nothing else, right? Yeah. There's nothing in the 10 and our court will condemn you the way we see it. Yeah. Right. you. your rights. Right. Right. But, uh, in America they wanted to change that. They want it to say, Hey, you know, we want to give people the illusion that you have a fair, fair shot at your freedom,

Speaker 6 (02:07:36):

If you have a fair case to argue. And I think that's what our country is built on is arguments it's, it's, it's uh, is trying to prove a point trying to, uh, um, make a case or whatever else. Right. And I think a lot of it was, was just, uh, for show and nowadays, um, nowadays I think, uh, it's little bit more fair on some aspects. Like I said, these things are probably just slightly infringed upon, but not that bad or anything to do with the juries. I think, uh, I think it's a fair process and how they select the juries and whatever else. At some point, I think technology is going to be more involved. I think at some point they're going to get rid of the human element and it's just all going to be jury by artificial intelligence, which should be interesting.

Speaker 7 (02:08:24):

I've seen some, um, some experiments that try with, with those different things. It's, it's quite interesting.

Speaker 6 (02:08:31):

It's, it's, uh, we're headed that way. Um, I think they're just testing out the boat. I mean, I'm not saying anytime soon, but it makes sense where it just cuts the human emotion element out of it. And you come in there and it's just based on facts. Right. We feed it into the machine. If you have an appeal, you can appeal it with the machine or with the process itself. But I think as far as

Speaker 7 (02:08:55):

Humans coming, there's an appeal that the humans slip we'll let, let's get our take on it. Now we ha we heard what happened. This may be a see what's here.

Speaker 6 (02:09:03):

Yeah. And then, like I said, I wouldn't even doubt at some point the whole process itself, maybe 40, 50 years from now being all AI. I mean, even the judge may come to a point where the person just shows up on a video and they go through the case and it takes cause everything is about time. Time is money. Right. Right. And with, with, uh, with economies being bad, especially recently off 2020, the States are gonna look to save money somewhere, some home. So getting rid of judges, teleconferencing, all these different types of things, make sense, going AI costs are probably gonna be expensive at first but long run. It makes sense. It's cheaper. You don't have to drive them anywhere. You can process them where they're at. It is what it is. And the thing is just like a lottery ticket. It spits out the sentence does a whole thing for you. So I think personally looking at all the innovations and artificial intelligence stuff, they've been testing it on. I think at some point it's going to go that route and maybe where we just have two sets of courts, uh, the Supreme court itself and one Google that because I think you know this, and I don't know if a lot of people do know this, but there's a Supreme court. And then there's a,

Speaker 7 (02:10:15):

The Supreme court, the district court. Yeah. Wow.

Speaker 6 (02:10:18):

Well, there's another court that deals with,

Speaker 7 (02:10:22):

I think like six districts, my dad or whatever. So like each like the territory or whatever has their own like Supreme court kind of thing.

Speaker 6 (02:10:29):

No, no, no, no. It's called. Okay. So it, actually, this was actually kind of, he did this, this is actually on an episode of law and order. They actually talked about this. There's another court that exists strictly for terrorism and for high related crimes that supersedes the Supreme court. They have their own rules. This, I forgot the name of it, but it's like a secret court, six secrets that of judges did, does it's there's facts or on this. And I was surprised they put it in law and order, which is why certain, um, warrants, uh, or, um, what are those things? Judges rights that the cops can go in, um, his warrants, right? Yeah. Whatever it is, right. Signs a warrant. Yeah. Yeah. So these warrants are Nolan void, and cops can't figure out how the, because there's, there's multiple layers to this onion and stuff like that.

Speaker 6 (02:11:21):

But I think that there should only be two to human level courts that exist to contest any artificial intelligence, things that come up because at the end of the day, the bill of rights that we're discussing, there's a lot of them that need to be changed that need to represent this day and age and not when our forefathers wrote this and created the constitution because a lot has changed. Um, business has changed worldwide. It's no longer just the U S versus the British or the Canadians or the French. It's, it's multiple entities in multiple countries, big business that drives government laws. Funding is a whole bunch of things. And a lot of these amendments that are afforded to us now need to change, need to catch up with the times. That's just my opinion. But like I said, the recent ones you've just discussed. I don't think there has been taken away from us. I don't think it's dying out. I think the early, the first few that we talked about, yes, definitely. I think there's lots of problems there and it's really evident and you can't hide from the is really evident and sad. Um, but yeah, five, six, seven.

Speaker 7 (02:12:38):

You mean, as we roll into eight here, eight is excessive bail should not be required nor excessive fines imposed nor cruel and unusual punishment infected. Um, I think when people think about this, they really think of cruel and unusual punishment. But I think what really is a problem is the success of bail. This is a really a big problem in once again, impoverished communities where these guys get, you know, 10, 20, 30, a hundred thousand million, half a million quarter million, a million dollar bonds. And, and with obviously the expectation, there's no way these guys can raise this kind of money. There's no way these guys can even get the 10% to get a, a bond or whatever it is. So that, that is a problem. And I know there's a lot of, I shouldn't say a lot. I know of a few organizations that are really working on the success of bail, um, that has become a problem or keeping these people, especially a lot of petty crimes. Um, a lot of things now, you know, marijuana and different things that are really mostly delay decriminalized, a lot of places. Um, where's where a lot of these really came into effect before as these big bonds that they were imposing on. Like I said, mostly impoverished people.

Speaker 6 (02:13:42):

No. Um, I, I agree with that. Um, the barbers community is just it's, it's, it's, uh, they're up against the wall, you know what I mean? It's, it's unfair and I've seen it as, this is where the pertaining to the bill issue where like somebody had a small bag of marijuana and they got a five or $600,000 bail put on them. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (02:14:10):

On purpose. Cause there are no, you can't raise the money to get bail or the money to get the 10% for the bond.

Speaker 6 (02:14:17):

I agree. And personally, I think that the problem with the bill courts has said, it's up to the judge. Yeah. The judge determines bias. And sometimes I don't think they are taking into account the whole situation because I don't think it's a racist thing. It could be a, I don't think it's a bias thing. I just think that they see so many cases come through. They're just trying to rush through the day. And it's like, what's the case. I it here. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. And they go with whatever the prosecution is asking for offering. Right. And, and look, if it's a petty crime, even a petty amount. Yeah. I mean, come on, the guy got caught a bag of weed. I mean, systolic, he's building a cocaine empire here and even so Sola. Yeah. You know what I mean? There's, there's other crimes that take precedence and all we're doing is building the system that we hate. Yeah.

Speaker 7 (02:15:08):

And we were in that backlog where we're initiating backlog into the system,

Speaker 6 (02:15:12):

We're overcrowding the prisons. But then again, you think about it though, and this is sad. This is actual facts. The prisons are private. Entities is big money in that. Prisons is business. And the reason why our prisons are overcrowded is because each head that enters their prison is money coming in.

Speaker 7 (02:15:32):

Yeah. Hundreds, thousands, millions of dollars. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (02:15:34):

Plenty of advocates fighting against prisons. Now I believe in a prison system of some sort, I believe that somebody, you gotta be held accountable for your crime, but at the same time, I think, I believe watching these documentaries and studying and researching that a lot of our major crimes that exist today or major gang problems is built through these private entities. Look, the mafias, uh, the area in brotherhoods, uh, uh, the cartels were all built through California prison systems, Texas prison systems, early sixties, fifties, right? Yeah.

Speaker 7 (02:16:12):

All because of drugs. While we, we made all these drugs illegal and then it created a business cause there's demand for these recreational drugs and whatever. And again, we're infringing on people's rights to put out our. We want in our bodies and created a huge, a huge business. A here's your industry

Speaker 6 (02:16:31):

Only. I mean, drugs is one part of it. I mean, early sixties, it was a race issue. The Zoot suit riots and all this stuff, which is what led to, uh, the Mexican mafia and whatnot coming out of Folsom prison and everything else, Arion brotherhood, the same thing. Um, we created the system and, and the sad part is all these prison systems. It's just a business. They don't give a. They're making money. That's why they don't keep up with the facilities they provide, uh, you know, a cotton three hots, right? That's what they're supposed to do, but they're getting money off of each head. And then, Oh, Hey, they committed an extra crime inside the prison. All they're here for another 10 years, 20 years to change, to change, to change, we've got 500 bids, but we can fit a thousand people. We'll find a way.

Speaker 6 (02:17:18):

We don't care because money talks, walks, power, money influence. The bill system is rigged and it is the poor communities. And the sad part is, and what people don't understand is that we no longer have a middle class. We don't, our middle-class does not exist. You're either 1% rich or you are completely poor and poor, depending on the state could mean making a hundred thousand a year. Yeah. It's all right. It's understand that. Right. There is no in-between and it's the poor now who are getting picked on persecuted and like how it has been for generations, but it's more prevalent because cameras, because smartphones, because of the innovation that we're living in, that we wanted. So all of a sudden, as they say, we're woke, we're like, Oh God, Oh. What's going on. Well, now your eyes are open. You're no longer just, you know, walk through the crowd like this, like Stevie wonder you're your eyes are open.

Speaker 6 (02:18:21):

You're like, Oh God, what have I been walking through? Yeah. You know, it's sad. So I don't think that's ever going to change. I think once again, going back to my original point from the previous amendment, I think all this needs to go to artificial intelligence. And I think kind of like putting in your order for a restaurant, your crime should be presented by your lawyer and a list of things and spit into the computer and the computer spits out your bill and your sentencing or whatever it is based on the facts that are presented. There is no. There is no trying to win over the jury. You know what I mean? Here you go. Boom. And if people want to contest that, then it goes to the Supreme court. But I think that's where this has to change. Because if we're going to sit here and say the judges aren't biased.

Speaker 7 (02:19:10):

Yeah. Stuff. We're all biased. Everybody's biased. You think you're biased,

Speaker 6 (02:19:15):

Human element. You can't, you can never get rid of that.

Speaker 7 (02:19:18):

Yeah, no, it's not. It's part of it's part of us. It's part of being a human. You know, we take our experiences, the things that happen to us and we create a mental model. Like when I, she, I get a rash. So guess what? I don't want to strawberries and you can implant whatever thing you want there. And when I see this, this has happened to me in the past. Um, well, when I see that again, I'm going to protect myself and I don't know. And it's hard. It's just, as human nature is being human. You have to recognize it. You have to understand, you have to be able to acknowledge, like, this is my bias. And are you going to work on it? Or are you going to admit it? Or are you gonna run and hide or whatever? Like you just, we've got to own up to that.

Justin (02:19:55):

It's easier for people to assume. It's easy for people to just get through their day. Because the one thing about this world we're living in right now, and you understand this by studying stoic, ism and stuff, is that we're not living. We're existing. We're existing to go to work. We're existing to come home. We're existing to keep the roof over our head. We're existing to put our kids through good school so that they could repeat the exact same, the same existing cycle that we are in. And we don't read enough entrepreneurism because a lot of people can't be entrepreneurs. A lot of people can't think for themselves, a lot of people can't speak up. A lot of people can't do the things that we think about and talk about a lot. And that's the part about the world we're in now, right? It's just that lack of, uh, of accountability and, you know, being, being open to admitting self-awareness that, Hey, you know what, if I fix these limitations that I have, I could gain a lot more life back. I can then start to live a little bit, but we're taught to be afraid of ourselves. We breed a culture where bullying just pushes that even more. Um, a lot of people, aren't what we're told not to talk about depression. We're told about not to talk about our problems. So if we can't talk about depression, talk about our problems. How do we talk about admitting and do that? Right? Yeah. It's frowned upon. I want help, but nobody wants to hear it from me. But then they blame me for not saying anything.

Speaker 7 (02:21:27):

That's part of the point of the show is we want to bring this attention and we want to bring this to light and let you let you know, like, think about these things, understand what's going on and be okay with that back to one, speak up, speak, be okay with being able to speak, being okay with, with these things. And you've got to, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta just be okay with w w what's going to happen and you gotta take the lead. You've just got to give it a chance. And unless you don't want to. And then, but you've got to, you've got to make that choice and not let it be thrust upon you or allow it to just consume your life or take over. Well, this is just the way is now. Uh, no, you can change tomorrow. Anything, any moment right now, or we can just stop and change and go in the other direction.

Justin (02:22:13):

Job is to find balance. You can create the change in your head, but you also must be realistic that the change in your head might not meet what's happening in the society of today. So you got to not create the whole world to be your heaven. You just got to carve out your little piece of heaven, which is how you think, how you react and how you do certain things. Knowing when to talk, when to defend, when to shut the up, you have to understand it because the last one is very powerful. You could actually win more battles and be more prepared if we just shut the up and listen with your eyes and just look and assess, and then come back with a better plan because your current plan might not be the best, but it doesn't mean it's bad. It just means that, okay, I'm missing a little salt and pepper.

Justin (02:23:02):

They put a little salt and pepper on it. Let me repackage it. Boom. Now we've got a stance. Now we've got something to build upon because you have to understand anger has a voice and voices want to sing. Problem is people are deaf to those voices and they don't want to hear that song. So you have to find an approach that where you can get your point across in a way that they are willing to sit with your ears open and look at you and go, okay, I heard about 30% of what you said, and I like it. You're not going to hear the whole thing, but them to hear you. That's the key. Cause you don't want people to sit there and start building a defense without juicing one single word. So when you make an argument, when you're trying to defend your bill of rights, when you're trying to defend your freedom of speech or religion or right to assemble and all this other stuff, you have to really script out what you want to do.

Justin (02:23:57):

And you have to think of this. Long-term there is no piece by piece and we're just going to build it as it goes. No, you have to have some sort of end game on this. And you have to understand that everything else in between, you might not have it all figured out. But if you have your end game figured out, you know where you want to go. Yeah. Every decision you make moving forward, you're going to shape it with that thought of your end game in mind. And you're going to make the right decisions and make the right movements. And at some point your voice will be heard, but don't expect overnight shift to happen. It doesn't work that way. It's a process. And to be honest, I don't want to fill you guys up with puff the magic dragon rainbow here, because that's not what we do.

Justin (02:24:39):

It may not come, come to fruition at all. All of your hard work may not add up to anything to other people, but if it made a difference for other people in your life, if it made an impact on other people in your life, you may not have won your freedom right then and there. But somebody else might have won their freedom 30 years after you've died because of what you've done. Yeah. That's what you have to think about as you, decompartmentalize all of these issues of women's rights or transgender rights, or, you know, uh, racial equity rights and all this other things. Um, there's always power and movement, but you gotta know how to move, right? Yeah. The other side of the power too, because the people in charge, if you don't know them, you don't understand them and they're leading your movement. You don't know if they're going to be like them because there's a lot of people throughout history that have done that. They have fought for the right cause. And the second they've got their position of power, they have forgotten what they were fighting for. Yeah. Yeah. There's the long way there. Cause yeah, our

Speaker 7 (02:25:44):

Power is a, is very interesting power,

Justin (02:25:46):

Money influence. Look at Braveheart. Great movie. Perfect example, uh, on politics for the dumb one. If you really understand how politics works, that's how it goes. You know what? We don't want to have Wars what I'm going to do. I'm the King of England. I don't want to fight these scrubs in Scotland here. Give them power, money and land. They'll off. Sure enough. Well, we're not going to go to war anymore. Wife. I just got 60 acres and in England. I'm not stupid with the King gave me, she gave me two horses, three pigs and 30 gold coins. Walk it. We're not fighting. That's how it works. Oh, I became a CRNA I'm sir. Justin. Okay. So you don't have a movement anymore, but that's how this world works. People gotta come to grips with reality and the truth of things. Right? Okay.

Speaker 7 (02:26:35):

Onto nine, nine is an interesting one. I, I don't ever recall this one, but here we go. The enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others. Others retained by the people. So basically this one is, it's just a blanket statement of we're gonna protect your rights. We don't have any idea what they all are and we're not here to list every single one out, but just know that we want to make sure that you're not denied. You're not or disparaged. Um, I think this kind of backfired a little bit because we wound up having to do, um, like the 13th and the 14th and 15th amendment to give all these different people rights and the States things where they really have to spell them out. So this was supposed to be like a backstop. I kinda think it failed a little bit. I don't think there's really anything much to talk about necessarily with that one. Unless you have anything to say

Justin (02:27:24):

Real quick, this one represents the government. Yeah, look, we wrote a bunch of that we don't necessarily know. We kind of understand what we did, but you know, whatever, uh, just understand that we will protect you to some extent. And if we don't know, we'll look it up. That's what that amendment means. Right. Welcome to the government. Welcome to the United States. Yeah. I think, I think at that point, that joint was a little too low. They were drinking a little too much. Like what's number nine. them. Just write something. We need 10 here.

Speaker 7 (02:27:56):

Yeah. Like I said, I, from what I was reading about about it, you know, it was trying to be a backstop for future, um, rights that like, listen, we're not going to name every single thing. Like, okay, but you guys get it right. The government's not here to take your and we're not here to mess with you. So, so that was interesting. Um, and then moving to Tanya, the last one for as far as the bill of rights is concerned, uh, see the powers not delegated to the United States by the, or prohibited

Tyson (02:28:22):

By it to the States are reserved to the States respectfully or to the people. So this is what this is trying to say is, um, back then they didn't have, they didn't want big government. They didn't want a big overseeing thing. It was, it was down to the States and the city States. It was really supposed to be a city state kind of thing. You guys handle your. Um, you being in Congress, being in the Senate, there wasn't a career. You, you went over there for a few weeks and you came back home, you went on your farm, you did your. Um, cause they understood that this big overarching what we call now, big government, wasn't a good idea. Um, and that what we're seeing here, you know, with this whole thing is, is the government is taking back more and more and more control.

Tyson (02:29:04):

Like we talked about earlier. Um, especially it was very, very prevalent during this COVID is the government wants, you rely on them. We're going to, we're going to cause a problem. And we're going to give you the solution and we're your savior. And it's something that we've got to really be, um, really cognizant of that, that these things are going to get taken away. And what, what, what all the, what I ultimately see happening serious, they make it easier to take away one and two. And when one or two are gone, basically shut the up. You can't defend yourself. Do what we say. You don't like it. We don't care. And that's where I think, um, things are scary. And this is really the basis of this episode. For me

Justin (02:29:44):

In summary, number 10 is powers reserved to the state. And all that saying is, is, look, we up. We wrote a whole bunch of that maybe we shouldn't have written, but you know what? When it fits our narrative, when we think that a certain agenda needs to be fulfilled, we're going to protect ourselves. If this wake up people, it's not about the people. It's about big business. It's about the government. It's about the right people that move money, that move. Um, I guess you could say that move economies, um,

Tyson (02:30:25):

They're trying to protect against, they were trying to protect against that big government and let, let your state do your thing. Your, your, your little town. We don't we're, we're aware we're way over here. We don't, we don't know what's going on in California. We don't know what's going on in Washington. You guys handle yourselves. You guys handle your own city. You handle your own thing. Overarching big things is all we want to tackle. You guys worry about yourselves. You guys live your lives.

Justin (02:30:44):

But the problem with that is that when they wrote this, they only thought that it was going to be X amount of colonies, X amount of States. They did not see it getting this big, this out of hand, this many States, this many cities, city, governments, these been public officials there is see, getting to this point because they didn't have to. Yeah, it was that time, that era, they were dealing with what they had. They're building a brand new country, which they were plotting and planning since the time of the Templars. Okay. This is global goes

Justin (02:31:20):

Way back. This is not just a novel idea. Let's go to war with England and get the off here and land on Mayflower and go build a another country. It doesn't work that way. This took a lot of planning, but they wrote these generalities to make them different from, um, bill of rights. Sorry, people understand that. But they, they wrote these things to make themselves different from the British. They want to be different from the church of England. They want it to be different from the monarchy and they didn't, they didn't see it getting this big, this complicated, this difficult, they thought their new Rome was going to be Washington DC and the 13 colonies. And that's it, the extent of it. And they were, they were happy building that and letting everything else just fall into place. That's why I was like, you know what?

Justin (02:32:06):

We'll take care of the big stuff while you smaller communities you guys have with the petty, that's fine. But fast forward to now, 50 States, 50 different state governments. And you have the big government and you have the changing of guard all the time. And I just think the corruption, um, it was a novel idea. At first, when they first created the constitution, the bill of rights, that we're all friends, all part of the same fraternity, all part of the Freemasons, they were, they were all part of the plan. Now not everybody's part of the plan.

Tyson (02:32:43):

Yeah. It's tough. When you get power and you get money and you get, you know, your, your agenda pushed. And it's hard to relinquish that

Justin (02:32:50):

This, this is, this is, I mean, you can look at it from two different spectrums. This is government, and this is, um, crime organizations at the end of the day, when the crime organization gets too big for the power, for the money, there's too many hands to feed too many miles to shut up. Here's the problem. And to protect their flow of money, because I'm sorry, there might be a couple of politicians that fight for the people, but in all honesty, I think if you've been in politics for at least eight years, it doesn't matter the form of it. You could be city council in Honolulu, or you could be in the house and the Senate and the government itself. I just think corruption is too widespread. And none of them are fighting for themselves. I mean, fighting for the people. Yeah. They got in for the people they're in for themselves now. And they will make the right partnerships to get the right votes because that is what lobbying is about. And that's why I'm all for eliminating lobbying. I think lobbying should be banned. I don't think these government officials should be representing or being friends with these big business. People who influenced decisions based on money that we can't track. Yes.

Tyson (02:34:00):

I think that's the spirit of this 10th amendment is to stop that and limit all that because they knew that that corrupting power from England and from France and from the European countries, they saw these things in Rome, they saw these things and you know, in Asian, all these different places, they saw these problems. It's a novel

Speaker 6 (02:34:18):

Idea. Like I said, the intention of those who wrote it, they had the right idea because like I stated, they were all on the same page. They were all from the Freemason organization. They were all, at least majority of them I should say. And they all, and then they're the ones with power. Now, the majority ones had the power and the push for the writing, the constitution, writing the bill of rights and all this. At the end of the day, they all followed the same system and they understood what power and corruption could lead to. But could they have seen what would happen now? Who can know,

Speaker 9 (02:34:50):

Of course not. Do you wrote, they wrote it for them

Speaker 6 (02:34:54):

Time. They thought maybe in the, the first half of the 19 hundreds that we're going to have flying saucers already. We don't know. You know what I mean? So to, to fix that, they need to make things relevant, responding to today's times. And unfortunately, the government itself, from every level, like I said, from city council, all the way up to Washington, DC, they have become the thing they wrote to hate. They have become Rome. And at some point Rome will eventually topple unless there is an agenda for them to stay in place, which goes back to this whole pandemic. Is this pandemic real? As far as the disease? Yes. As far as the intent, me personally, and this is just my opinion. I just think this fits so many of the narratives that have been talked about over the last 30 years on how to devalue the money, but still maintain a strong hold of power in the world that other nations want us to be because why our dollar, our currency, and beyond all that, cause that's just the curtain.

Speaker 6 (02:36:09):

The stage itself is our power and influence. Okay. Is what's backing all these countries. So United States, as far as Rome and falling and falling into themselves, it won't happen because if Rome had the backing of all the other civilizations that wanted to dethrone them, they would have stayed in power and they would still be in power. But back then it was savagery a it's you, your nation. My guys are better, whatever. Right? The visit, the visit GOs and the cath RS and all that stuff, you know, we're better than you guys. Today's time. It's about money. It's about power. It's about influence. So these guys know that we're going to put on a puppet show for everybody. We're going to I'm Russia. the U S China, the U S Russia, Syria. But behind the closed doors, as like, okay, we did our part.

Speaker 6 (02:37:07):

Now where's our money. Where's our, where's our infrastructure. How do we expand the new world order? Because if we're sitting here thinking that the new world order is going to happen, then you're pretty stupid because new world order has happened already. Money is just a piece of paper that somebody determines the value of that's any currency in this world, whether it's a silver Korn of gold coin. Cause we put value on gold. We put value on silver and bronze. Nobody else did. We determined that all that is is just the chess piece. So little shiny thing that says, ha ha I'm in power. And there's other things that drive the influence. So people have to wake up to that, which leads me. And this is all coming back to the bill of rights itself. When it was created, it was created with the intent of, of the founding fathers to keep their fraternity, to keep their stronghold, to maintain their balance.

Speaker 6 (02:38:04):

To say that if we stay strong and United, nobody can divide us. They feared division because the monarchy in England, that's what happened. People got tired of following church rules. They got tired. Excuse me, following the monarchy, the rules, they got part of that ship parliament. They said, you know what, it. Death to the queen. We're going to move. And they made their plan and they are, they move to the U S quote unquote what me being mean being mean historian itself too. It was a secondary theory that says that this whole United States thing was planned. It was planned by the British. That's why? Because the British had enough power to overrun

Speaker 10 (02:38:49):

Us. Yeah, they had enough power

Speaker 6 (02:38:52):

Overrun us, but there are several key founding fathers that were prominent in the upper echelon of the British, um, communities and flood lines. And lot of, lot of things happening here, once again, politics that we don't, uh, we're not privy to. Yeah. People have to understand that shadow games, all these different things, you know? So, um, am I worried about the bill of rights and are worried about these changing a little bit? This pandemic has kind of brought that to light. Part of me is worried that, um, like that picture I showed you Tyson where, you know, they're requiring us to wear masks. Now at some point they're going to force vaccinate us. That scares me because we really don't know what's in the vaccination. And for some reason I'm all about timing. I'm all about following the money, the, all of this lines up with 5g, all of this lines up with, um, complete government power world power, not just us jurisdiction, Canada, world power. Why do people want to track us? Why do people want to follow us? Why do people want to have all of our information now on a blockchain now on, um, on, on artificial intelligence or on smartphones, right? Don't have to carry wallet anymore.

Justin (02:40:14):

Just put it all on your smartphone and look, uh, like I said, I'm a big believer in coincidence, right? Look what happened in Texas par Greenfield. Right. And they've had, uh, another incident somewhere in the us. I can't remember. What about this? About a month ago or two months ago of another attack on, um, on the internet. Right? A lot of businesses are experiencing that right. Where people are hacking in and stealing their stuff. Right. Information. So these are the baby steps. These are all testing points. Yeah. Yeah.

Tyson (02:40:45):

And that's the thing. Um, I really hope people got out of non-religious this episode, you know, of 2020 is how quick and easy it is for your human rights and your liberties to go away in a heartbeat. And not only that, you know, like to me, the theme of this is it's all about safety and you know, it's hard to, it's hard to argue with safety, right? People don't know that doesn't sound good, but not only that, we just all bent over and allowed it to happen without ever questioning it. And if you, you did question it, you were shut up. Um, the, the, the thing that really, really kind of, uh, I guess honestly, disgusts me a bit is when you post something, now this is just for Colby, but this is going to be the new normal. I think when you post something related to a topic, they don't want a narrative that differs from them.

Tyson (02:41:36):

They're gonna have a little info box that says this guy's a liar. This guy's an. He's not telling the truth. Look at our little box. We checked it out. Please use our narrative and don't listen to this fool. And that is it. You think it's just, COVID no, it's going to be a lot of things. It's going to be the things that happen. Now I grab a little box and everything you have to say saying, you're a liar and you're wrong because you don't go along with what we say. And this was a dry run at how much liberties can we take away in a heartbeat. And they took them all away and they're not trying to give them back. And I just want you guys to think about that. Are you okay with that? Did you make that choice? And if you did AI, that's cool, man. It's your choice. I'm glad you made it, but don't allow the choice to be made for you and don't stop the thing. And just, don't go along with your tribe, go along with your group, think or, or your political party, whatever you want to call it. Um, that's the scary part.

Justin (02:42:27):

And that's what I said. I think, I mean, like I said, I'm, I'm I supported Trump, um, prior to him being president and getting in. Yeah. And then part of me was just disgusted on, on, he was a puppet. That's what I feel. I felt that he was put in there for certain agendas and certain issues to be pushed forward. And I'll look because of him. We have what you just talked about, this type of a, fact-checking a censorship happening on social media. But at the same time, you know, social media itself is just a theater of pain. Oh yeah. You know, um, the novel idea there's to say there's two things behind social media. If you're, if you have a business, when it first started phenomenal, right. Because it gave you access to a, of foot traffic, uh, that would have cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars unprecedented. Yes. Right. For free. Yeah. Even the advertising you have to pay now is still a fraction of what you would pay on a billboard or in a TV ad or something like that. Right. So there there's one that I say social media is phenomenal. What social media right now is just filled with narcissism. Um, arrogance, ego,

Tyson (02:43:39):

Just signaling also

Justin (02:43:41):

It's, it's a way for people to make up different narratives of, of themselves that I am popular. This is my way of an audience. And they want to hear from me and you know what? I never, I didn't want to speak on this, but I have to, because you know, everybody's expecting my opinion. Nobody gives a. Nobody wants your opinion. But people notice when they give their opinion and it's the wrong opinion. They get run over and stampede without question. And then they cry about it. What happened to being on the queen? Ain't nothing going to slow me down. You gotta be the victim. Come on. Then the following week, who a man, so many people wrote about me and I just can't take this no more. And then the problem too is the social media sites itself. Not really, um, strangle, holding, um, accountability. Look at how many times on Facebook live. People have streamed, beatings, bullying, killing suicide. So all of this innovation and whatever else. Yes. The initial intent novel idea to bring us calls together, to build better communication. But how do you build better communication? If people don't know how to communicate

Tyson (02:44:56):

The communication

Justin (02:44:57):

That I just talked about this the other day, um, with caffeine is that a lot of people don't know how to communicate because they don't know how to read a book.

Tyson (02:45:06):

Um, we also, sorry to cut you off here, but the younger generation never talked to each other. They communicated through, through texting through, through that, through, through a writing medium, what's hard to have nuance and in, in the, the ebbs and flow of a conversation, you know, so it's tough.

Justin (02:45:23):

Right? And I can accept that argument. But I also, from my own experience, there's a lot of people between the age of, I don't know, 25 and 38, somewhere around there that, uh, that our students in school that don't know tonality and words. And, and I firmly feel that that comes from reading books that comes from taking the time and reading a chapter and understanding what the person said, which is why at, at, at a second grade level, teachers are asking students, what was the intent of what you just read? What did the author, what was the author trying to convey? Because most people nowadays, most students nowadays just go through the motion, they just read the words. If they're not understanding what they're reading, they're not understanding the syntax context, anything

Speaker 6 (02:46:10):

Of it. And that's why we lack communication, because they're seeing what they're watching. What's on TV. Number one, that's part of it. It's not the whole problem. And I hate these people that say, it's always TV. It's always television programming. No, that's part of the problem. The other problem is, like I said, going back to you need two things to confirm out of three, right? Is when they go and hear their parents talk, hear their aunties and uncles talk, the conversations these people are having, or that they sit through with their parents. When the parents are talking to other people, it's not giving them a good sense of communication. They don't know how to, uh, provide empathy or sympathy, which is why a lot of high school and colleges are trying to teach empathy. They're trying to have people understand that if you just listen to the words and understand a whole bunch of other things, such as the person, their background or whatnot, you will see their intent behind what they're saying.

Speaker 6 (02:47:08):

Perfect example, key and Peele, the comedians. If you ever watched their skid on YouTube about text messaging, it's a perfect example. Pukey is typing something to peel. And he says something where it's like, Hey, meet you at the club. And then Pew goes to cake, just types in the layer cake. And he gets upset. And he's like this August. Cause he he's just, he's just assuming what's being said, normally I'll meet you at the club. Yeah. I'll handle my business later. Oh that, well, that's how people are nowadays. We're not taking the time to talk. It's more than just coming together. It's really about, um, Bridget Jones. When they told her before she went to her party, that you should read up on some articles and just to have some sort of footing in conversation. When you get there, that is game planning. You want to have conversations, discussion questions.

Speaker 6 (02:48:01):

You have to have something ahead of time that can articulate with people that says, okay, this is the tennis match. I volley to you. You've already to me, we're going back and forth. And I'm building, it's an exercise for me to build a skill on how to navigate a room on how to talk to certain individuals. Because if you think you can take your vanilla piece of paper and talk to the same person the same way with the same sort of subject, it doesn't work that way. You and I, because we were taught this at a young age, I was put into a room that had, um, high-end military officials, people that had a lot of money and people that were poor. And I had to navigate the room person by person and prejudge how I'm going to approach the topic. I'm just going to come in and listen and laugh a little bit.

Speaker 6 (02:48:49):

And then talk, if I'm gonna go, Hey Senator, how are you doing? So-and-so blah, blah, blah. But it takes work. And that's the problem with this generation work. They're trying to find the easiest solution to make the most money without understanding that anything in life that is foundational, that is sturdy, sustainable takes work emphasis on that work. If you don't want you to bill of rights, taken away, read up on it, understood, but also understand how the world is operating. There's a lot of kamikaze going on. There's a lot of cops that maybe in a big metropolitan city area, you're, you're going to be fine because they follow the rules. But if you in the country and the sheriff is one Oh four and it's a small, tight knit community and you don't belong there, don't run your mouth. In fact, you shouldn't even be there.

Speaker 6 (02:49:48):

And that's the other problem I have too, with this generation, they feel that, well, I have a car, I have a vehicle. I have something I could travel anywhere. I can go to any place because I have that freedom. No, you don't. There's a lot of small areas in these cities and States that you don't belong there. This is not because you're a tourist it's because they like their own kind. Yeah. They're used to living a certain way for 50, 60, 70 years. And they don't want happening. Right? Yeah. We've been uptown of a thousand people. We know everybody, we all went to the same high school and all of a sudden here comes these two tourists driving through. Cause they saw it on the food network that Jimmy Bob has the best barbecue. Get your barbecue, get the out. Yeah. No bed and breakfast on it. But that now of course, we're gonna sit here and go, but that's not right, right. That's not right. But that's how it operates so I can choose your battles, you know, be smart about things, you know, that's all I would recommend the them.

Speaker 7 (02:50:51):

No worries. And I, I was fine. Um, it was great to kind of discuss talk through this. So that's all 10 guys. That's everything. Uh, I hope you, if, if not learn something at least taking away the, the ability to S I want you to sit down and think and stop and make decisions for yourself. Oh, we talked about a lot of things, um, that there was a great meat eater, uh, article that talked about, uh, three things you need to know about president Biden's gun, gun orders. I really enjoyed the article. I think it was very well thought out. I'll link to that. There's a great, um, like I said earlier in the show, um, documentary kind of thing, um, series on Netflix, amend it's about the 14th amendment. Very, very well done. Um, I think it's very well, well, well research and well shot and stuff.

Speaker 7 (02:51:34):

I think they did a good job with that. I'll link to that. If you guys are interested in kind of going down this kind of road, the 14th amendment was really a lot of the foundational stuff. Um, it helps tie in a lot of these things that kind of were missing, kind of tried to what the eighth amendment, the ninth amendment tried to do. I think 14th was really where it kinda hit it home. Um, I linked to the bill of rights from the source. I liked as well as, um, the Wikipedia one as well. That was great. I linked to whatever other podcasts or things we had there. And then to, to kind, as we wrap this up here, I

Tyson (02:52:06):

Want to issue a challenge. So this week's challenge, I want you to stop and think about what does freedom mean to you? Not what your tribe thinks or, or the popular opinion. Are you okay with your rights to speech assembly, protest, firearms, privacy, and so on going away is this the country you want for yourself in the future, take some time and have a deep discussion with yourself and how you want to shape your freedoms. And in Justin, I want you to, if you want to add anything to say to kind of final thoughts to kind of wrap this up. Yeah.

Justin (02:52:39):

Leave, just leave the audience with this. Look, you know, I want people to understand that. I'm not saying don't fight for what you believe in. I'm just saying that the game has changed. You can't just go out your window and scream anymore. If you really believe in it, it's something that you are compelled to do. It's not only your passion, but you're driven to do this. Then find a way to live it out. It may never come to fruition. It may never come to completion, but you might be one leg in a Forman race. And the leg that you provide might keep you in the competition or might put you ahead of the competition. And we're finishes the fourth leg, 30, 40, 50, 60 years down the line, your descendants, uh, your, you know, the people in the future will be able to benefit from it, but find your voice, be smart about it.

Justin (02:53:37):

Everything in life takes, work, takes planning. It takes organization. And if you are highly organized and you play this game like chess, and you're thinking three moves ahead, you will be adequately prepared. Now it's great to stay positive. It's great to just stay focused on the big window in the car and not the rear view, but in truth, you have to have some sort of contingencies. You have to have a massive plan. If you want to fight for your freedom, fight for something you believe in and all these other things. So just take that to heart that I'm not discouraging you from doing that. I'm just saying don't jump on a cause because it's a novel thing to do. And because everybody else is doing it, if you really want something to happen and you want it to come to fruition, fight with the right tools, arm yourself, with education.

Justin (02:54:30):

I don't care where you get your education from just get educated. It's going to cost you. It's going to cost your time. It's going to cost you, your patients. It's going to cost you opinions from other people. That's fine. Predicts exist for a reason. What you're searching for is the critics. It's the people that give you the critiques that tell you, this is how you improve your process, improve your thinking. And I think if we can do that, we can be in a lot better place, better shape 10, 15, 20 years down the line for me, the last point I want to bring up is communication. If people

Speaker 6 (02:55:04):

Dove more into books than they did into the TV itself, even documentaries and whatnot, read books, not only are you going to gain an education, you're going to be more confident about yourself, but also you're going to possess a knowledge, a tool. That's going to allow you to talk and converse with people from different backgrounds, different ethnicities, and don't be afraid to approach. Long time ago, I was doing Uber. I was doing Lyft, all this rights, your stuff. And the power of that job was not the money because it was poor. The par of the job was the ability to have somebody in my car. That was two to three feet away from me that came from different backgrounds. And I had between five and 35 minutes to talk to them, to strike a conversation. And if you want to be a salesman, you want to learn how to be a better businessman.

Speaker 6 (02:55:59):

Practice your elevator, the elevator elevator pitches in that type of environment, where you have a compressed amount of time to talk to people. And you'd be surprised how I got people to communicate. I always asked me, how's your day going? Everything. All right, everything fine. Just being nice like that. People open up and saying, wow, thank you. Nobody's ever asked me that. And next thing you know what, where you're from? What do you do? They drop their biases. They drop their wall. That's not going to work all the time, but majority of time it will be. So with that, focus on those things, you know, and fight for what you believe in and stay awake. You know what I mean? Not woke, stay awake, keep your eyes open and focused. That's all you can do, man.

Tyson (02:56:40):

Perfect. Hey, thanks guys for sticking around. And this has been a long one, but it's an important conversation is a conversation we need. We need to have, we need to keep having these conversations, have these civil conversations with your friends, with your families, with your colleagues. If the show is a help to you, please share with two other people. I think that's really going to spread the message and you know, it starts, it starts in your community. It starts in your village and then your village can move out. And that's how we start a movement in between shows. You can connect with us all week long, a social community show Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Also, if you like what we've got going on here, you can subscribe on YouTube and your favorite podcast app for past episodes and links to everything we talked about here today, you visit the social and until next time, keep learning, growing, and transforming into the person you want to become.

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