The Boredom Challenge

Do you want to be in the top 5% (most likely 1%) in your job, field, and or industry? Do you know how to give your brain a chance to relax, solve problems and refocus? Did you know that people who multitask all the time can't filter out irrelevancy, they can't manage their working memory, and they're chronically distracted? What if I told you that one of the solutions to all of these things was being BORED. Yes, the Lost Art Of Boredom can unlock to edge you need to stand out in the sea of talented people. I’ll talk you through The Why, The Who this can benefit, and The What to do. Welcome To The Challenge! 

Enjoy the episode!


Books & Links From The Episode

Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World

Minimalism is the art of knowing how much is just enough. Digital minimalism applies this idea to our personal technology. It's the key to living a focused life in an increasingly noisy world.

In this timely and enlightening book, the bestselling author of Deep Work introduces a philosophy for technology use that has already improved countless lives.

Digital minimalists are all around us. They're the calm, happy people who can hold long conversations without furtive glances at their phones. They can get lost in a good book, a woodworking project, or a leisurely morning run. They can have fun with friends and family without the obsessive urge to document the experience. They stay informed about the news of the day, but don't feel overwhelmed by it. They don't experience "fear of missing out" because they already know which activities provide them meaning and satisfaction.

Now, Newport gives us a name for this quiet movement, and makes a persuasive case for its urgency in our tech-saturated world. Common sense tips, like turning off notifications, or occasional rituals like observing a digital sabbath, don't go far enough in helping us take back control of our technological lives, and attempts to unplug completely are complicated by the demands of family, friends and work. What we need instead is a thoughtful method to decide what tools to use, for what purposes, and under what conditions.

Drawing on a diverse array of real-life examples, from Amish farmers to harried parents to Silicon Valley programmers, Newport identifies the common practices of digital minimalists and the ideas that underpin them. He shows how digital minimalists are rethinking their relationship to social media, rediscovering the pleasures of the offline world, and reconnecting with their inner selves through regular periods of solitude. He then shares strategies for integrating these practices into your life, starting with a thirty-day "digital declutter" process that has already helped thousands feel less overwhelmed and more in control.

Technology is intrinsically neither good nor bad. The key is using it to support your goals and values, rather than letting it use you. This book shows the way.

Description from Amazon


Also consider A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload 

Links I Talked About

The Myth Of Multitasking - NPR
Meditation Apps
The Resistance
The Distracted Mind with Dr. Adam Gazzaley

This documentary explores the impact that multi-tasking has on our safety, our memory, our education, our careers, and our personal lives.

Watch Here

Episode Transcriptions Unedited, Auto-Generated.

Tyson (00:15):

Welcome to The Social Chameleon Show where it's our goal to help you learn, grow and transform into the person you want to become. I'd like the issue, the boredom challenge. I know, I know Tyson, listen, I'm not going to be bored. It's wrong with you? The thing I avoid every moment of my day, and that's the point and, and today it is too easy to avoid boredom and we're missing out on the benefits of boredom and some other things I think surrounding this whole, this whole boredom concept, the distraction and the brain and, and also stuff. That's what I kind of want to talk about today. So let's get into this here. Why w why, why, why, why should we be bored? First of all, we need to give our brains a chance to relax, to solve problems and have the ability to refocus. That is really the key, the core to being bored.

Tyson (01:22):

Bo B boredom's taken on a negative connotation, a thing to strive to stop. Netflix automatically plays the next show. So you have no choice, but to continue on and make sure, Hey, we're not going to be bored. We got you, we got the next one, you know, tick talking to all these places or whatever, and they just keep playing the next video. And, and it goes on and I seen that on YouTube now, and Instagram has it, but, you know, just keep, keep it going and keep you sucked in let's not face the, our real problems and it's not do anything to, to, you know, have a little bit of downtime, but that's really the thing. The power here is when you allow yourself to be bored and maybe, well, we're gonna talk a little bit more about even scheduling some of this kind of downtime.

Tyson (02:06):

You, you allow your brain to relax and start to solve problems, things that have been bothering you at work thing, a project you're working on a book idea, whatever it is. And the next thing you're maybe stuck on it, a little writer's block or something like that. This is when you have that ability to bring that up. And then I think of all the things I've read and all the things and stuff I've learned about are in and around this concept. To me, the best resource really, really talks a lot about this from front to back is in the book deep work it's rule number two. So head over to your public library and local public library. If there's a Barnes and noble sill around you or a used bookstore or something like that buy it and return it. But if anything, just go read this one chapter real quick and understand this boredom from, from beginning to end.

Tyson (03:02):

I, I pulled a bunch of notes from this. Cause like I said, this is probably one of the best resources I found onboard of. My I've been interested in this, you know, for, for a little while now. Because frankly I don't really understand the concept of boredom. There's so many things I'd like to do in a day. So many books to read so many, I mean, shows to watch movies to watch. Like, I don't understand when people say they're bored. I mean, some of us had to go so many things to do. I don't understand how you possibly be bored. And, but with that said, I've learned that we've got to have this boredom time. And that's where I want to, you know, enlighten you guys and, you know, kind of fill you guys in a little bit on, on this and break you guys away from the pack.

Tyson (03:48):

That's very relaxing to the power of this here. So concentration must be trained. That's really the, the key insight to me here is, is, you know, we've got to train concentration. I've talked about this before. We default to our level of training. We never rise to expectations. So when you think like, Oh, when it comes down to it, I'm going to get my stuff done. I'm going to get the, no, this, the, the evidence is in the jury is out. This stuff doesn't happen. You do not. And you cannot end up people. You know what we find a lot is that people that think I, I got this, I watched me do 17 things at once. I got, I'm going to nail them all. They're the worst. They do everything, horrible, everything they think they're doing great. They're doing terrible at, and, and the book they do talk about this.

Tyson (04:36):

There's a great NPR, a little audio thing on this. And what kinda says in there is people who multitask all the time, can't filter out irrelevancy. Think about that. Especially in the modern 2020s, the 21st century, all, you know, things we live in. Now, if you think you're, you're, you're great at this. And you're out here, multitasking, this, you can't filter out irrelevancy. Do we? You know, we start to think about that for a second. The power other people that understand these mechanisms and, and believe me, when I tell you this, these people understand these mechanisms, these news outlets, these social media things. They understand how to get you going, how to keep you moving, how to keep you in their little hedonic treadmill of, of, of all this stuff. You pick your red team, your blue team, whatever this side, this side, that side, they know how to do this.

Tyson (05:32):

They know how to manipulate. They know how to keep you there. The news, it's not news. It's theater. This is these people understand this. These guys spend tons of money. They bring in experts. They understand if they keep you as you're working and you're watching tweets. And the news is on the background and you are constantly multitasking. I'm just so informed. I'm listening. So foreign person I'm so woke. I know everything about everything. Listen, you can't filter out your relevancy. Think about the impact it has on your life, your family, your, you know, your community society. We were being trained to not filter out irrelevancy. That's huge. And then it goes on to say, I still excerpt. I took from it that they can't manage a working memory. And they're chronically distracted are linked to this. Like everything here. I'll link to everything in the show.

Tyson (06:25):

This for you guys. So you guys can dig into as an understand what's happening here and the mechanisms that are happening. So you have to think, you know, you can constant. You think you can concentrate on demand, miss. Like I was talking a little while ago, it's not possible. We don't have this on demand, ability, our brains, they get into the habit of this. And then they crave it as why you're compulsively checking your phone. You're compulsively these things. Not only to mention not, let's not even talk about the addictive mechanisms that are built into these things, just that your brain is constantly looking for it's it's elastic. It's, you know, it wasn't necessarily lasted, but it's, it's, you know, it's plastic, you know, it can expand out and it can grow and it can be morphed and stuff. It just can't come back. It's not like a rubber band where you stretch it out and you can hold it there for a while and you can let it go and return to shape the brain.

Tyson (07:16):

Doesn't it adapts. And it changes. And when you, you train your brain to always be this guy and another, trust me, I am captain distracted. I like the shiny lures. And if I was a bass, I would be hooked all day long. What am I learning about this stuff? You know, thinking I could multitask thing. I could do things, but learning how ineffective I was, how subpar my work was and, and training my mind to be able to think, to be able to concentrate so many things open up. He has a great story in the, in the, in this chapter in deep work. And I've heard a lot of examples about this, where like I trained his, he had some kind of injury or, or some sort of learning ability. I kind of forget the exact thing, but he trained his, his mind for a memory championship.

Tyson (08:05):

And what the side effect of that was we did an episode on side effects. If you want to go back and check that out. The side effect of that was he was able to increase his ability to concentrate what she excelled in college. He was a poor student in school. He couldn't pay attention. He couldn't do these things, but by training his mind and training his brain, he was able to cultivate that skill of concentration of deep work, through memory, through training. The mind goes back to this you're you're, you're, you're training your brain to be distracted. Your brain's going to have to create that distraction. You know, your brain likes to have things the same every day. We know how many calories we're going to spend. We know how much this and that we're going to do. We know what we're going to do.

Tyson (08:47):

We're going to go here. We're going to wake up. We're going to go to sleep. We're going to eat. It loves that. And so it craze it. And that's, you know, we have a lot of pounds with things when we deviate outside of the brain and it takes some time for your brain to readjust. So, and then another fun kind of thing here, switching from low low level tasks to high high-level things teaches your brain to quit when things get hard. So we need to turn, turn us around. So I think a lot of, a lot of business and a lot of different things, we, you know, people you want to know, you want, you want to be rich. You want to be successful and stuff like that when you're in this mode of distraction, because you're in this mode of not being able to do deep work, to do deep thinking to, to put the phone away and put the stuff on the side, when things get hard, your brain is automatically just wants to go.

Tyson (09:43):

And Whoa, no way. Let's go back to that easy stuff, which also feeds back into the cravings and addiction. So again, when you're training your brain to do low-level tasks, to do low level activities, to do low level things, repetitive, you know, things that you know are, are, are simple tasks, some commonly referred to like, you know, manufacturing and the steps. You constantly just screwing the one bolt in all day long. It doesn't take any effort switching to the high testing. Your brain just wants to quit. So this is what we've got to do. We've got to swap that around. We've got to be diligent and focus on the high level tasks and high level ideas, the high level thinking. And then when we need a break from that, we can switch to the low level things and give ourselves a chance to relax, to let, let boredom sit in and let the brain relax.

Tyson (10:35):

And then you're not going to give up on his heart that you're not going to quit the business. The very first roadblock you have. You're not going to quit the screenplay. You're writing, not going to quit the novel you're writing the very first sight of writer's block. Or you sit down in front of the blank page and like, well, that is blank. Thing is terrifying. It's the impressio does a great job in talking about this, the resistance I re recently re-read war of art boy, just so many great nuggets in Anna and I wasn't even deeper. And I call it the Pressfield pack, you know, press play on the resistance is what I have to call it. It was a, I like to say a three book series, a set, a war of art, turning pro, and do the work really talks really in depth about this resistance in doing this work.

Tyson (11:19):

But this is where this comes from. You want to conquer this resistance, but you've got to train your mind to get off of these distractions, to get away from these things. So you can allow yourself that freedom, that flexibility from going from high to low, because like we said, when you go from low to high, we quit. We don't want them to do that. We want to conquer resistance. We don't want to let the resistance win. Okay? That's all every day long, all day long, this is what we're fighting. We're finding resistance. We call it procrastination. We call it lots of things. And that's what we're fighting is why I fought during this episode. I was, I need to do more research. That's the resistance fighting me telling me, all right, no enough, let's get hit record and let's get going. You got enough of this.

Tyson (11:58):

You know about this. You've learned about this before. That's the resistance. We all face it. That's why we got to stop this. That's why we got to embrace this. We got to embrace the, the board and we've got to embrace the I'm not going to be controlled by. I'm not going to be an emulated by this one thing I did to personally, you know, really start to see this addiction, start to see this distraction. Oh, what made me write this down? Let me Google that thing real quick. I'm in the middle of reading a book, I'm three, three, three words into a sentence and I got to Google something. And all of these things popped in my head. Meditation was the one thing that really helped me start to see when you pick up your phone and say, why have I picked this up? It becomes this reflectional happier in the middle of do something hard and say, Oh, something, something easy, something easy.

Tyson (12:44):

Like we just talked about. Meditation really helped first that first thought of why is this happening? And then, you know, and then when I initially started really getting kind of getting into meditation I would be jumping on social media or email or something that, whatever, the check something. And I see, you know, I'm just kind of going through and then I'm like, Hmm, why am I still here? I don't know, mess up every flexible habit. Maybe most likely I was probably avoiding something like we just, like I said, running away from the high cause I'm, I'm too focused on the low. That was great. I really like this this waking up is when I use calm Headspace with those great apps, I'll link to those in the thing. One of the keys here in the book and throughout history lots of, you know, Ben Franklin and all these kinds of guys, they did this walking meditations.

Tyson (13:40):

Or did you go on for these long walks, no phone, no headphones. You're out there. This is your chance to be born. This is when I think your brain really gets a chance to thrive. This will help you with a work problem, solving a problem, strategizing things, coming up with ideas, writer's block. All these things are what ideas are going to be flowing. And you, you know, something, you know, some people have talked about that when we're walking and you know, every time our foot hits, it pushes the blood up and it pushes the blood up and it helps get more blood up into the brain from the feet. It helps by circling the buzzers one, three along those lines. But really what really, really is, is it gives your body and your brain a chance to relax. If you can do this in some type of nature that really finds, it seems to be the best strategy.

Tyson (14:30):

They found that if you're doing this in a city and you're trying to cross different streets and stuff, you don't really get your brain. Isn't really going to ch and a chance to really kind of let go, because he's got to worry about crossing the street and the cars and these different things. And if a lot of people are walking by, you got to negotiate that. So try to get somewhere where it's either neighborhood and there's very little, no traffic. Here in Arizona, where we live, we have these walking trails by the city, they did a bit of a trails off sometimes on the side of the freeway or something like that, along the lines, really out of the way, there was no traffic, nothing to no, no streets to cross these beautiful trails. Those, I really find, you know, when I, when I'm doing this as well, that's where I had.

Tyson (15:08):

And like my neighborhood, I can walk one giant square as well, and I can just keep walking and square onto cross any streets and have to worry about any pedestrians that have to worry about any cars crossing. So my brain really gets a chance to flow. So that is great. But ultimately beyond this little hack, the productivity increases in stuff that will you'll get from this walking. Meditation is going on his walks. It's the biggest benefit of this is, is that you're able to have time thinking deeply. And this is the ultimate master key. The ultimate antithesis of boredom is that opportunity to think deeply, especially if you have your phone gone, not with you, no headphones in your ears. And if you do have your phone for emergencies or something along those lines keeping it on silent, not on vibrate.

Tyson (16:09):

You may only have this opportunity all day where nobody's bothering you. Somebody is not knocking on your door. Somebody is not interrupting you. And if you work in an open offices, there's not all this noise and all this commotion going on. This may be the only opportunity all day long to have this moment to be deeply in thought. And there's a lot of power to this. The thing you have to be mindful of is this is a new thing. If you don't do this, it takes time for your brain to kind of relax and let go. And for these benefits to pop in. So try and schedule some time pop outside. It's also great to get sunshine, no breathing, the fresh air and all these things. There's also those also great benefits from it as well. But give it, give it some time, give it a few weeks, you know, if you can do it every day, it's great.

Tyson (17:02):

But try to get out once, twice, three times a week, give yourself the opportunity for sort of, for deep thinking. It's a great, great way. Like I said, to not only solve problems and come up with different strategies and really get through, but it's a, it's an opportunity for you to think deeply. Another thing to help with this, like I said, is practicing memory. Jim Kwik is my favorite guy. He's got great things, got tons of stuff for free. He's got a great book. Lemme, lemme let's, I believe it's called or something. I'll link in the show notes for you guys. It's a great book, a memory. I mean, obviously I'm not being the greatest spokesperson for that at the moment, but some of the things that my mind trying to get all this out, great, great stuff. That is one way to help us cultivate this discipline, this strategy for being able to think deeply, to be able to eliminate the distractions, to embrace boredom.

Tyson (18:01):

Also digital minimalism is a great book, also same author from the birth count Newport, great book. These, they also go into a little bit about this as well. So you may be thinking to yourself, yeah, but this isn't for me. So, but who is this for? And who is it? Who is boredom challenged for? I'll tell you who is for anyone that wants to be, I'm being conservative here and a top 5% in your job and your city in your field or in your industry. How is this possible Dyson? Let me tell you, the bar for excellence is so low. I mean, basement level low. It doesn't take much for you to become the top of the heap, the top of your league people more and more every day, especially as these older generations go out and he's doing January to come in.

Tyson (18:58):

These are the distracted folks. These are the people not putting in the work. These are the people not deep thinking. It does not take a lot to be the best. It doesn't take a lot. The bar is so low. It's sad, but that's okay. You can raise the bar. You can be in the top of your field, let all these people go. Don't worry about them. You want to be the best that you want to be better. You want to be the top of your thing. It doesn't take much. Okay. This is one of the strategies to be the best. Imagine if you can get off the Twitter, get off of Instagram. I was, I was doing some research and stuff. A hundred billion hours of social media is consumed a day. Don't be one of these fools. It does not take a lot.

Tyson (19:47):

It doesn't take your whole day to do this. It just takes a few hours of this deep work to get these things done and to be the best to be great. I'm going to do another episode later on about this quick little thing. I was doing this Wim Hoff. So if you know who am Hafez Iceman, look it up. I'll link to him. I'm going to skip this. We're doing this breathwork I was turning my son onto this he's 10. I think it was nine at the time. And so, first of all, to, to, to know who Wim Hoff is, you, you gotta be concerned about your health, okay? And you gotta then be concerned about what's going on here. The breath work, the ice baths and all these things. This is pretty fringe already. You know, you're, you're, you're in a small set of people.

Tyson (20:35):

Okay? And then you've taken this one step further and you've downloaded the Wim Hoff app. Okay? Millions of people have downloaded this app or they need taking it a step further. And you've paid for this ad on this. So this is why I'm at, I've paid for this ad because I want to learn these a little bit more advanced techniques. So we click into the, to the app and we loaded the video. We watched the video, we do the exercises and then the video done a little achievement, low gamification we're in a top 94% of people in the world.

Tyson (21:16):

So you, you you're, you're in this fringe community. You've downloaded this app. You've paid for it. The bar to being the top of 94% is to open the video. Nobody knows if you do it, nobody knows anything. Opening the video. That's how low the bar is. Look around you and understand how low the bar is. It's pathetic, but we're not going to dwell on that. We are going to raise it up. We're going to become the people that set the benchmarks. We're going to be the top 5%. I really honestly think if you, if you really nail this down, it would be very easy to being a top one or 2% in your field and your industry absolutely. In your city, because it's so easy to leapfrog all these fools. Okay? It it's, it's as simple as pressing play and doing the work and it's not hard.

Tyson (22:22):

And you're in the top 95%. That's just one example. This, this, this examples are everywhere. The bar is so low. I got my car serviced. Every time I get my car serviced at the best place I know to get a service, it's always Shetty because there is no pride in work. There is no integrity in the quality of job. There's no professionalism anymore. Like there used to be. And then they call and they text and they want emails. And how do we do if you're doing a good job, you don't got to ask. Cause you know, we did an excellent job. We know we perform above and beyond all expectations because not only after our technicians have done the work, a quality control person has come by. Verify the work was done up to standards, exceeding standards. The vehicle was clean and tidy after, before the customer's ever called to come in.

Tyson (23:26):

That is an environment where you do not need to ask if we did a good job. Cause you know you did. Nobody's questioning you. And in fact, they're calling you and saying, thank God somebody is doing a good job nowadays. I don't know how many times I get fired up about this because I don't know how many times service people come. Things get done. Half-Ass they want tips. They want review doodle work. Like I told this last time, I just don't think I should have to tell professionals that they're doing a job. So that's what you need to do. The basement is the highest level. Nowadays. Get out of the basement and be better. It doesn't take much deep work to write your book, to write your screenplay, to get your app going, to get your going. I trust me.

Tyson (24:23):

I'm victim of the. I love the resistance. The resistance in me are best friends, but I know right now I'm outperforming most people because I understand these things and I can sit down and say, Ooh, I know he's got me today, man. Resistance has got my hands tied and I'm gonna say, that. And I'm going to move forward. And I've paddled battle this every day. Okay. Now what do we do? Thanks again. We talked about all this stuff. I hear you. I feel you. I hope you feel the passion. Cause this is one of the things that just drives me nuts. Okay? Because it's so easy to help yourself to give yourself a hand up. So many things out there. There's so many things we got off of the distractions. We can figure this stuff out. We could find resources. We could find things, all right, let's go beginner level.

Tyson (25:14):

You're new to this. You think I'm crazy, but you feel the passion. And you're like, okay, I'm going to give it a go because you're you, you must be on to something. If you're just crazy about this, this is what I want you to do. Sorry, beginner level. Okay. So our small at a stoplight or standing line, this is going to be novel. You think I'm crazy? Don't grab your phone. In fact, when you stop at the stop light, when you're standing in line somewhere, look around and watch heads dip to their laps. Blows my mind. I've seen people four or five, eight car links ahead of somebody cause they're on their phone. Okay? That's the beginning level. Stop that. Okay. I'm going to go on here. When you feel the urge to do something with the 11 seconds, you've recently found available, ask yourself, why are you checking IgG? Take that, whatever, whatever your thing is. Or if you have a new message to somebody, most likely cannibis during your time with dumb. That's where it starts. The mindfulness, this awareness. Okay. That's where it starts is when you start to see, why am I doing these things? That's where beginner. Beginner. Okay. Then I want you to do is turn off all nonessential notifications on your phone and your computer. You don't need a ding when a email comes into and computer. Okay?

Tyson (26:50):

You are the one in charge here. You're going to lie to yourself. Eight that's on you, bro. Okay. You would only want to know is what's essential, right? And I'd also urge you, especially, you know, maybe during work hours, if not during family time, turn your phone on silent, not vibrate. So you can hear it buzz silent. Okay. Then the last level of beginner is to set a limit to shut off your most used apps after a certain amount of usage. Okay. And all phones nowadays, if you've got the most up-to-date software, it shows you how long you on Instagram today. How long you're on email, how long you're on these apps. I want you to spend five or 10 minutes go into that thing. See two or three top news apps. And I want you to say, look at that and say Instagram, I was on this thing for six hours today.

Tyson (27:51):

Just today. Not me example. And I want you to cut that in half. Okay. So if you're a six hour Instagram guy, you know, set a limit to shut that down after three hours. Okay? Go through all your apps and do all that stuff. That's beginner level. Those are the, the, the levels within the levels right next in immediate. Okay. So you got all this you feel good about at the beginning of stuff, maybe you want to just dip your toes right into a little bit harder, harder level. You really want to get stuff going. So what I want you to do, but on your big boy or big girl pants, and think about the rules slash habits, you're going to adopt to break free from your slave owner. Take breaks from focus, not distraction and schedule off time. Right? Like we talked about earlier, we're going to go from high level tasks to low level tasks.

Tyson (28:48):

Okay? So you're gonna schedule these things into your day. When you feel the urge revert back to deep work, chapter two, he really gets into that's about this. We feel the urge to have to Google something, to have to do something, adjust your schedule, to bring your next block of off time down. But no sooner than five minutes. If you start to break this rule, your brain is not going to respect this rule and it's going to go out the window. Okay? And then when it's off time, enjoy social media. Enjoy texting back your friends, all dumb, laugh at all the cat videos and all enjoy all of the conspiracy theories you can handle. All right. Schedule non negotiable, uninterruptible. Deep work time is anywhere between one hour, two to three. Some people can go to four hours and they're really our brains really start to kind of get fried. So you don't want 20 minute chunks all day long because then you really can't get into a flow. So you want to try and schedule 60, 90 minutes. If you can do three three-hour blocks, I try to do three hour blocks. And then that way you can really get in the flow. You really get that steam. When you know what I'm talking about, when you you're feeling that and you're just going, you're flowing, everything's going great. And [inaudible]

Speaker 2 (30:11):

Building or whatever you're doing. You know, everything is. And he was sitting like, Oh, Whoa, man, lunch time is over. I will. I just blew. Right.

Tyson (30:18):

That's what we want to schedule. Okay. And then you can schedule your off times and different things on that. Understand your schedule. Be honest with yourself. You're the only person you're going to lie to. Ain't nobody else. No, but you okay. And then the next level it's turn off all texting, chatting and social media apps. Shut them off, shut them down. Okay. Unless there's an emergency work family, whatever. I have exceptions on my phone where only like my wife and like my brother and sister and my mom and dad can, they don't, they don't particularly bother me all the time. They call me as for something typically important. So I don't have to worry about them. Bother me with cat means. So these are the only central things that can bust through my, my, my walls on my phone. Okay. And these are especially dialed up in the evening when it's family time. I think I've talked about this in other places. I will link to some things for you guys. If you're interested now, extra level or for those trying to break free from the resistance, you just want to go right to the right, to the Gusto. This is what you got to do. The other things apply. Absolutely. I think the most important thing is to delete everything from your phone. Ooh, that's scary. I've done it. It feels weird. Played all the social media did all the email did all that nonsense off your phone. Okay.

Tyson (31:52):

It it's weird. It's hard that Phantom

Speaker 2 (31:58):

Like checking things. Hoo,

Tyson (32:01):

That's tough. But the freedom day to day three, really just, it just kind of disappears. And you're good. Now do this in the book. He recommends 30 days, which is awesome. I find that a seven day challenge seems to be a little more palatable for people that are a little scared. So choose your poison anywhere in between that minimum, seven days running out the 30, and then when you're done, I need you to look deep within your own soul. Like I said, you're only lying to yourself. Okay? What is truly an honestly necessary to be left back on your phone? Everything else to delete is leaving deleted. I guarantee you, you will live. You'll probably live better. Okay.

Tyson (32:58):

And I said, those are the levels. That's the, that's the story right there. Like I said, I'll link to everything we talked. I talked about here. So now what are we going to do? How we can get this moving. How are we going to implement this challenge? This is what you do. Schedule a date to start commit to that date, commit to yourself, commit to your family, commit to your loved ones, commit to a better life for you. Okay? Start. It will be hard. You will face difficulties. You will fail. Then you will get back up and you will fight. Fight for your freedom. Freedom from the Strachan, freedom to concentrate, freedom, to create freedom, to build something, something great. Freedom to break free from that slave owner in your pocket today, once you to fight for it out of freedom, okay? That's all folks.

Tyson (34:18):

You know what to do? Share this with people that you know can benefit from this that want to be in the top of their field. I want to be in a top of the industry. You want to be the top in their city. Okay? Share this with them. Get together, do a group challenge. All you guys get together, hold each other accountable. If that's what you need, that's the best way to help the show. That's the best way to help your community. That's the best way to help your neighbors. That's the best way to help your families the best way to help yourself. Okay? You like what we got going on here? Leave it, like leave a review. As always in between shows, you can catch me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Also, if you like the video version, don't forget to subscribe on YouTube. Check us out on your favorite podcast app, which is probably where you're already at. Now hit that subscribe. If you're new here or pass up episodes, it makes everything I talk about. You can visit the social until next time don't let distraction win, embrace boredom, keep learning, growing, and transforming to the person you

Speaker 3 (35:17):

Wanting to become. [inaudible].

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