Book Review:

Welcome back to another episode of The Social Chameleon Show!

In today's episode, we take a dive deep into the inspiring story of David Goggins and his book "Can't Hurt Me"

Goggins, a retired Navy SEAL and renowned endurance athlete, takes listeners on a journey through his difficult childhood, military training, and incredible feats of physical and mental strength. Join us as we explore the key themes of pushing past comfort zones, finding inner strength, and defying the odds to achieve our full potential.

So sit back, relax, and get ready to be inspired on The Social Chameleon Show!

Update - Goggins has a new book, Never Finished: Unshackle Your Mind and Win the War Within 

I think this book is even better than the first.

Navy SEAL (Retired)
David Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL and is the only member of the U.S. Armed Forces to complete SEAL training (including two Hell Weeks), the U.S. Army Ranger School (where he graduated as Enlisted Honor Man), and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training.
David Goggins, retired Navy SEAL


For David Goggins, childhood was a nightmare—poverty, prejudice, and physical abuse colored his days and haunted his nights. But through self discipline, mental toughness, and hard work, David  transformed himself from a depressed, overweight young man with no future into a U.S. Armed Forces icon and one of the world’s top endurance athletes. The only man in history to complete elite training  as a Navy SEAL, Army Ranger, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller, he went on to set records in numerous endurance events, inspiring Outside Magazine to name him “The Fittest (Real) Man in America.”

In Can’t Hurt Me, he shares his astonishing life story and reveals that most of us only tap into 40% of our capabilities. Goggins calls this the 40% Rule, and his story illuminates a path that anyone can follow to push past pain, demolish fear, and reach their full potential.


Ranger Creed

Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of the Rangers.

Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite Soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than any other Soldier.

Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one-hundred-percent and then some.

Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-trained Soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor.

Rangers lead the way!


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Episode Transcriptions Unedited, Auto-Generated.

Tyson (00:00:15):

So the social community and show it's our go to up. You learn, grow and transform. The person want to come as book review time. This time we're doing can't hurt me master your mind and the five, the odds by David Goggins. Real quick book summary here to get us all on the same page, I guess a little bit for David Goggins childhood was a nightmare, poverty, prejudice, and physical abuse colored his days and confidence nights, but, but through self-discipline mental toughness and hard work, Goggins transformed himself from a depressed, overweight young man with no future and into a us armed forces icon. And one of the world's top endurance athletes, the only man in history to complete meet training as a Navy seal ranger and air force tactical air controller, he went onto set records in numerous endurance events, inspiring outside magazine to name him the fittest real man in America.

Tyson (00:01:08):

And can't hurt me. He shares his astonishing life story and reveals that most of us tap into only 40% of our capabilities, Goggins calls this the 40% rule and his story illuminates a path that everyone can follow to push past pain, demolished, fear, and reach their full potential. David Goggins is a retired Navy seal and the only member of the U S armed forces to ever complete Navy seal a ranger. And what you said earlier Goggins has completed give you the, the more than 60 ultra marathons triathlons ons and ultra triathlons setting, new course records and regularly placing in the top five, a former Guinness world record holder for completing 4,030 pull-ups in 17 hours. He's a much sought after public speaker, whose story had started his story with a staff of fortune 500 companies, professional sports teams and hundreds of thousands of students across the country.

Tyson (00:02:03):

This guy is just an absolute animal beast. There's a great as a really great, really great book. I love the new emoji things here that we've got going on on the on the podcasts recording software, zoom thingy. But yeah, anyway, Raza, you recommended this. I never heard of this guy before. When I Googled him, I, I actually had seen him before. I'd never knew what his name was or whatever, but I had no idea who this was. I've heard of this book. It was recommended to me other people, you recommend it and said, dude, this is a must read. I mean, where do we go from there? Well, I guess I stumbled upon, you know, whatever. I was just flipping through YouTube and just one of the things I think it was, I think it was on Joe Rogan's podcast or something like that. He like caught a of this 

Ransom (00:03:00):

Interviewing are talking about this guy and he's just like talking about this guy and how he like works out and stuff like that. And they showed like a video clip of him, like working out, you know, like who is this guy? So I started like Googling him. And then I caught one of his interviews and I think actually the story that, that you like most about the book, which we'll talk about a little later and the recording he, he did an interview with someone else about that. And that's ironic that you liked that story and that's kind of sorry that I took and I was like, I think I should read this book. And then of course, Joe, Rogan's talking about it too. So I was like, ha, let me just grab this book real quick. And then from there, I guess I can relate with a lot of stories in there.

Ransom (00:03:47):

I mean, I didn't have it as hard as he did growing up. I don't think very many people did, but you know, I had a pretty difficult childhood too, and I'm sure everybody does, they have their own stuff. And I know your story too, cause we grew up together. So I was like, I think he can really relate to this. Plus he's, you know, into the military, you know, special forces is, is, but we were in high school, it was kind of stuff we wanted to do. Yeah. You know, and then just after this, like I wasn't even like halfway through the book. I was like that and I sent another, you gotta read this, this and get good luck anyway.

Tyson (00:04:22):

And it was a great recommendation. I just loved that book. It was one of these, another one, just like the last one review we did for talking to strangers, this one, to me, you, your listened to audio book, there's like audio books slash podcast slash like extra slower,

Ransom (00:04:43):


Tyson (00:04:44):

Yeah. So you get a lot more so the, the co-writer, he reads the book and in, David's also in the studio and then they'll stop after a section or whatever, and they'll chit chat, David's shares extra stories or he expands on things. So, so the audio book, I highly recommend the audio books so much more there to get out of it.

Ransom (00:05:08):

Yeah. I mean it's longer. Don't, I mean, it's not a downside to me, it just kinda got into like an audio book and kind of get lost with everything that's going on because like you hear the book read, being read, and then like, he'll stop the tape. And then they'll like talk about the story and then like, you know, towards the end of the chapter, like, they'll start talking about behind the scenes and then building like, you know, a little podcast. So David, how's your day going? So like kind of like miss, you know, there's challenges in the book too, which I like. So you kind of like, I guess get piecemeal here and sometimes you can get distracted you know, from the challenges and stuff like that. So I just encourage you, like, there's a lot of stuff going on in the audio book.

Ransom (00:05:49):

If you go that route, I'd definitely recommend it. I mean, bang for your buck, you get the most value in that way. But as far as, you know people who like to kind of stay focused and hone down on things you know, just kind of remember that you got to kind of hone down on some of the chapters. I mean, not the chapters, the challenges and the chapters and kinda like try to get fixated on that and kind of don't lose sight of that with everything that's going on. But anyway the auto book definitely also makes it good for a reread cause there, there is so much going on that you just forgot about that. Oh yeah. I forgot about that. So it's good. Good stuff.

Tyson (00:06:27):

Yeah. I, I didn't find, I didn't feel or find it to be distracting. I definitely utilize the bookmark feature in the audio and audible. And I bookmarked all the challenges so I can easily just jump right back to that without that extra commentary, whatever stuff. Also, if you I have scribes it's like the Netflix of, of books or whatever. So I just jumped in there and I I got the PDF whatever version. And so then I I just go to the section. I want it to go to, and I could read it a little. That's maybe,

Ransom (00:07:08):

Well that's again, I guess you had that extra, right. Like, versus me, I'm just listening to the audio book, like as I multitasking and doing other things and it's like, Oh, dang then there's I was like, he started going down to the store and like, Oh yeah, I forgot about the challenge. And then it's like, Oh, that was like this challenge. I was like, wow, for out with the first challenge. And like, like the book was written first obviously, and then like, yeah, you know what I mean? So if you go through the book, it's a little bit more focused on getting that account Herbie attitude, right. When you become the hero kind of thing, versus the audio book is more of like, it's like, let's see how far we can take this book even further and do like all this extra podcast behind the scenes, all that kind of stuff. So that's pretty cool.

Tyson (00:07:52):

I am kinda digging this trend of audio books, like on a new level, you know, Jocko did a little, little sound effects. And then and then with talking to strangers, that was just, that's the pinnacle. And then this was a little bit below that like somewhere in between,

Ransom (00:08:12):

I kind of like this, but I like this

Tyson (00:08:15):

Duction value, like as an audio book, you like that better than talking to strangers.

Ransom (00:08:20):

I mean, I guess they're, they're two different animals per se. Like when you listen to talking to strangers, it's kinda like there's no

Tyson (00:08:28):

Fluff in talking to strangers. It's this whole, it's the whole book.

Ransom (00:08:30):

Right. But I mean, it's just like, it feels like a, it feels like a documentary. It feels like you're listening to a movie or something like, right. Versus, you know, this one is kinda like, you know, you get the book feel, but then like, you know, you get the behind the scenes and that, I, I don't know. I guess I just kinda liked the interaction between the ghost writer and David Goggins, like connection going on there. We're pretty good, you know, back and forth story going. So I like that kind of stuff.

Tyson (00:09:00):

No, I, I'm not saying I don't. I just saying as a production or whatever, as a, to me like, and this, I like this, like once in awhile I'll read something. I know Gary did it in some of his books. I, Ryan holiday, once in a while, he'll say something real quick in the audio book that he's about, this is the hindsight of, you know, recording audio book. This was written six months ago. And at the time, you know, there's a couple of things like I can tell you about that. Like putting the book. So once in a while, all authors, if they do read the book themselves, you'll, you will get a small little something. But this is, I don't know this. I think this is a fun place. If people keep this trend going and audio books, I think, I think it's gonna be real fun. And it'll, I think it'll get a lot more people to read quote, unquote, that, that don't read and with these podcasts are getting very, very popular amongst the average, I guess, person. But it, the audio books going is trying to think, well, people will consume more books and I think it's, I think it's a good thing.

Ransom (00:09:59):

Yeah. I like it.

Tyson (00:10:01):

I like it. Any other quick little highlights about, and around the book that we want to touch before we kind of get into some more in-depth

Ransom (00:10:10):

Nah, nah, nah, I think that's good, dude. Get into the weeds a little bit. I guess let's get into the weeds.

Tyson (00:10:18):

So I don't know where you want to start. What was your, what was your favorite part of the book?

Ransom (00:10:23):

My favorite part of the book I guess, was I think the chapter is called the impossible task. It's one of the earlier chapters. But I guess I kind of liked that book cause the keys like against something that's just like the odds are stacked against them and you know, that's the part where like he starts like breaking stuff down. It's like, look, we're going to make this happen. Like we got to focus, we got an X, Y, Z to do, and we gotta do this, we gotta do that. And then like he goes through that mental process and like the things that he did and like for me, that chapter kind of sits home with me because like when I was going through school to get into the medical field, that's kind of exactly the same thing that I had to do is just like, okay, I want to get this degree.

Ransom (00:11:12):

That way I can get this job. And in order to do that, it's like, okay, we need to get into the program first. And we got to take the prerequisites. So right down the line, you know, and it's like, how do you get into programs? Like, will they take your GPA and all that kind of stuff? So it's like, you know, you start breaking things down to the back burner. Can I got to get as many A's as I can try and get a fourth grade all so that it looks good so they can get into the program. And like, you know, from there you just start breaking things down. So even every class you're trying to get an a and like, you know, so like that kind of stuff for me, that chapter sat well with me. And I guess resonated the most with me. I don't know. What about you? I don't know, first that, that,

Tyson (00:11:54):

That strategy you're talking about that this whole big overarching goal, and then how do I achieve though? I got to achieve this step then. Okay. How do I achieve that step? And you breaking those things down to all these really small parts that is a great philosophy or methodology, whatever you want to call it for achieving these huge long-term goals. So that, that is, I guess, a nice lesson, if you can extrapolate that, like ransom did. I mean, obviously he read the book after that happened, but that is good thing. My, my favorite thing was, I, I don't know if it was, it was one of the early chapters chapters, maybe two or three or something like that or whatever, where he did, he wanted to do this. I was at racist, like one of the craziest races. There is like 138 miles through death Valley and up the mountains,

Ransom (00:12:37):

It was called bad water or something. Okay.

Tyson (00:12:39):

Yeah. Okay. I think, I think that's right. But in order to, that's like a, you have to apply to that and you have to be like this hundred mile miler race kind of do like these extreme event, ultra whatever they call ultra marathons.

Ransom (00:12:55):

Yeah. He wanted to do that for charity, right. Like for the wounded warrior, I believe for wounded warrior. And then so like he went to go apply to like do it in the guy's like well, yeah, you, can't just, you just kind of get into this race. Like, he's like, you gotta go run a hundred mile or first. And he's like, by the way we have one on Sunday. If you want to go try it.

Tyson (00:13:18):

Right. And it's like Thursday or Friday, they could do a hundred miles him and his time, his, his wife just get some brisk crackers and some mild flex. I'm not sure what that is. I guess, whatever energy drink, whatever thing is something. And he's like, let's just go do it a hundred miles. I went to, I'm a Navy seal. I can run a hundred miles on a drop of a dime. So I guess you have 24 hours to run a hundred miles or

Ransom (00:13:43):

I'll have to run the whole thing. It's just the 24 hour event that I, you know, and then ironically, after he finished it you know, I think in the book, David Goggins is like at mile a hundred. He's like, I wasn't sure how many laps I did or how many miles like just did an extra mile just in case I didn't want to miss it. So he ended up doing 101 miles and then like, he emailed the guy back. He was like, Hey yeah, whatever. Like, did your, did your hundred mile race around a hundred, one miles on that day? Whatever. And then like the guy's response to him was insane. He's like, Oh, you gave up after a hundred miles is like, the whole idea of running for 24 hours is to run for 24 hours. But okay. And then who another one, right. He's like yeah, so you gotta get another one under your belt. I was like, what Dave was like, what the hell? Who is this guy? Like I did, I did one while more than he asked me to do. And he's just like punking me, but I don't know. It's kind of, yeah.

Tyson (00:14:43):

And the part about that, what that, that story that really has really stuck out to me is not only did go in there cold, he's never run anywhere near a hundred miles in a single session, unprepared it, no idea what it takes. As far as, as far as preparation, as far as equipment, as far as support, as far as nutrition, hydration, and then on top of all that, and not knowing all that and all that just came to bite him in the, then he's like, and he says like, I'm S I, we sat down for whatever it was. I think he needed a break or something, whatever, and he's just blood all over himself. And then he, he himself. And it's just bloody all over himself is like, my body was just shutting down and it's like all those things. And still he got back up and kept going and he walked a good portion towards the end of the

Speaker 4 (00:15:37):

That as well. Yeah. I mean, it's a hundred miles and it just goes to show with nothing going in your not

Tyson (00:15:44):

Gonna run solid straight for a hundred miles. I'm right. I mean, he thought he could,

Speaker 4 (00:15:49):

I don't know how these people do it, but I, I rarely think, I mean, don't get me wrong. There might be somebody out there that can run a hundred miles without stopping, but I think they stop.

Tyson (00:15:59):

Yeah. I know some of the stories he had said

Speaker 4 (00:16:02):

24 hour event, like he said, you know, he ran it in 17 or something. I dunno. However many hours it took him, took him, took him hours to do it longer than you need to stay awake. But anyway, right. 

Tyson (00:16:16):

First stories where people, you know, they stop the eat, they take a nap different things like that. I know people do stop.

Speaker 4 (00:16:22):

It's different, different strategies on how to do it. I guess the other thing we forgot to mention that this book is really raw. Like, like Tyson's just going to, yeah. He and he himself. Like he says, yeah, but like, even, even the time, like when he talks about his childhood, like he has an unbelievable childhood and like his father was just relentless and like, you know, the things that he says in there, like, you know, for those of, I guess, you know, faint heart or those people who are kind of

Tyson (00:16:57):

The problem with swear words, you got to get over that. Three number ones.

Speaker 4 (00:17:01):

It's number two, just violence in general, towards children. It's women. Yeah.

Tyson (00:17:06):

Racially racial words, racial words, like ease very, very

Speaker 4 (00:17:11):

Ron this book, just like spoiler alert. Like yeah, I guess we forgot to mention that. So, you know, if you're one of those people like happy go positive kind of thing, this book might not be for you because there are a ton of swear words in it. Ton of violence, ton of, you know, just a lot of things in there. Like Tyson, just a description of it like him and himself. But anyway if you can get past all that or if you like that kind of stuff, then this might be a book for you.

Tyson (00:17:40):

I loved it. I just, as soon as I like the very opening thing, I was like, Oh, this is great. I love it. This guy is raw and straight up. And, and

Tyson (00:17:50):

I think I surmise a little bit from, they didn't really talk too much about it, but they do briefly touch on. It seems like the publishing route, they went, they went that way, so it could be raw and unfiltered type thing. So they never confirmed that, but that's the kind of the feeling I got from what the conversation they had.

Speaker 4 (00:18:09):

Cause he's talking with the ghost writer and the audio book version. If you get the regular book, like, Oh, never know that. Yeah. But the audio book, like they kinda, you get that feel that like, he didn't want to just give this to anybody and I'm sure people are like, Hey, we love your book, but can you check?

Tyson (00:18:25):

I think he said he got a lot of big dollar offers from big brands.

Speaker 4 (00:18:29):

Yeah. I mean, again, this is all behind the scenes stuff that we're speculating, but yeah. So anyway but yeah, the ironically though, like I was telling you at the beginning of the podcast is that story of the a hundred miler is kind of the story that that I, I guess what made me want to read the book too, because what Tyson didn't get into is like halfway through, not even halfway through, but like just a quarter of the way through the race. Like he started having major shin splints and like, he just like broke down and then like, he's like, it got to the point where his shin splints were so bad that he couldn't even like flex his ankles. And then ironically, this wasn't his first school round because when he did this in you know, hell week for Navy seals, which by the way he went through three times, he went through three times and like the span of like a year and a half or something like something like that.

Speaker 4 (00:19:25):

Yeah. Three times, if you can just imagine that. And you know, this is something that he did on his last go round because they, they wouldn't let him go another time after that third week, he's like, dude, you've been here three times. This is three strikes. You're out. Like, I don't care if you failed on medical the first two times, or if you fail on medical a third time like this, this is it. So what he ended up doing is after hell week, he was so broken that he learned the strategy. He would get duct tape and he would put his sock on and he would duct tape around his sock, put another sock on top of that. And then duct tape that. So basically he was making a soft cast for both of his legs, not one for both of his legs. He had, so, you know, such pain and such stress factors on a shin splints that, you know, for the hundred mile there, he did that like halfway through, he did like 50 miles on shin splints and he duct taped his legs to finish that race.

Speaker 4 (00:20:25):

Like, that's the kind of like mental, like things that are going through his mind. It's like, Oh, I have this pain going on. And I guess to me, that's kind of where, you know, you get, okay, we have goal a to do like there's pain in my legs. I need to do something about that. You know what I mean? Then it's like, Hey, like, you know I didn't properly prepare for this. So like, let's go, let's go get some water. Like I need water. Like, you know, you just start breaking things down. And I'm like this task that seems impossible, like running a hundred miles with no training, like all of a sudden, like you start to see the light in the tunnel and just keep pushing yourself. And, and doing that. But yeah, I mean, mentally though, that's just crazy. He was in that race. He was mind over matter. Like basically, I don't know.

Tyson (00:21:10):

That's the, that's the why I liked the story. I mean, I I've heard this before. I don't know if he came up with this or, or what, or he doesn't realize that it's something out there, but I've heard that our body stops at 40%. It's a self-preservation thing, you know, so that your muscles are ready. If something else ever comes up, like you shut down at 40%, you know, you can there's I know there's different techniques, different things. You can get yourself to 60, but majority, whatever of 99.9, nine, 9% of humans, that when you get to 60% of your body's capacity, capacity capabilities, whatever you want to call it, you're, you're just, you're, you're just done. Like, it's a very, very small amount of people that can push past that 60%. And that's kind of what David is doing here. He's getting to that 9000% of his body's capabilities.

Tyson (00:22:03):

And that's the stuff where it's just, it just goes to show how short we stop ourselves, all stop ourselves. And this is, this is at the maximum, you're stopping yourself at 40% all the time. I mean, and that feels like the end of everything to you, you know, that's the stuff I just, just love. And then it reminds me of this, this stoic quote from Seneca he was an old, he was one of the richest men in Rome. He was a Senator in something that he said, no, man is more unhappy than Hugh who never faces adversity for, he is not permitted to prove himself. Yes. Like just think about like, we stop at 40% all the time and we think that's why I give it my all, but biologically you haven't. And then this just illustrates that to just, I mean, obviously another level, but you know, it reminds me of my day-to-day life and, and I've, I've known this for a long time.

Tyson (00:22:59):

So sometimes when I feel like I can't go on, I can't push through the last 15 minutes of class or whatever, or the last few reps. I think, dude, you're not even at, you're only at 40% of the most, like you can, you can push out three more reps. You can go 15 minutes more of class. And you know, and then I think back when I was reading this book, I had some flashbacks when I went to basic training, different military things. And it's like, when you're just getting your face beat down. And it's just that when I went to basic training, it was, it was snowing and it was cold. So a lot of times, I mean, we're doing stuff in, on icy sidewalks or in snowy fields. And it's like, you're like, you just want to stand up, say, this, you.

Tyson (00:23:38):

I'm out of this. Like, I don't know why I'm here. And then you think to yourself, like I know girls, I know we weaker people that have passed this. Like you can get through this. This is just a temporary thing. And when you have those tricks or those thoughts in your head and, and you know, like, dude, you can just endure anything for 30 more seconds for 60 seconds, two more reps. Like when you know those things and you know, them to be true are very, very powerful. And this is a great story that illustrates that to me.

Speaker 4 (00:24:05):

Yeah. I mean, obviously in a hundred mile race, at that point with no training, he was going physically, like his body was just physically shutting down, which is why he was peeing blood. I think in the book, it, it lead it to a, he and actually go through what happened when he went to the doctors after that moment. But he was alluding to the fact that his body was in kidney failure because of just this high stress with low metabolism or not metabolism, but it wasn't low nutrition and not being properly trained for it. Like his body was just trying to break down everything and to preserve itself. But yeah, he also goes into the whole thing about just the mental game. Like not only is your body physically breaking down at 40%, but because your body's breaking down, like mentally up here, you think, yeah, this is over.

Speaker 4 (00:24:54):

This is like, Oh, I'm peeing blood. Like I need to stop running. Like for him, he's like, hell no, I'm going to keep running. Take me, you know, again, and he says it in the book too. Like, I don't think you should take things to that extreme. You know, you probably damage him. So again, he doesn't go over what happened at the doctor's office, but you know, it's just like, we're not doctor's office, the emergency room, I should say. But anyway you know, like your, your body does physically break down, so you do need to stop at some point. Once you get past that 40 however, like, you know, if you do it safely and you do it progressively, like, you know, you can take it to 41 or 42% or 45% safely. And a big part of that is just the mental game up here, you know?

Speaker 4 (00:25:41):

And it's like, he goes into detail many times throughout this book, even the part where he's trying to do the impossible task and get into Navy seals to begin with. It's just like mentally, you just have these, these moments when you want to quit and you want to give up, you know, and that happens to all of us every single day. You know, it's like, Oh, like, you know, my goal this year is to go running and, and, and run so many miles every day. And like, you get up and you walk outside and it's snowing and you're like, yeah, maybe I can miss that mile today. You know? Like, but that's just your mental stuff, like going on in there. And it's just like, no, like you need to get over that and stop whatever it is. And this book too, after reading this book, or even, you know, if the book is too graphic for you, just go watch. One of his interviews is this like, you know I'm sitting here complaining cause like 10 minutes into my run. I'm like, Oh, I'm just finished. I'm starting mile, you know, halfway through mile two and I can't finish mile two. And here's this guy, David Goggins, who's like on mile 101, you know, like still, still huffing it, still kicking out and doing his thing. It's like, all right, I can, I can make the end of this, like half a mile. Like it's not that it's not that bad.

Tyson (00:26:56):

That's funny. I mean, that's a constant battle in my head. I have on a lot of mornings where, you know, my morning gets away from me and, and I don't like to work out in the morning, but it seems to be about the only time I can really get to, to do it. That's not work distractions or family distractions or obligations. And the first, if anything goes awry in my morning, the first thing that goes is always my workouts. I'm like, ah, I get this, this tomorrow. And lately I been like, I got to do something. Even if goes awry, I've got to just get some type of movement going. And just like this morning, I was like, you know my morning was going great. Like everything was lining up. And I was like, it's eight 45. And I was like, I was like, Oh, well, well we're going to record a podcast and a lab. And I was like, I got it. I got some emails I got to do. And I was like, ah, come on, man, cut this out. Like you got plenty of time when everything's lined up this morning for you to succeed. And I'm still trying to figure out a way

Speaker 4 (00:28:00):

Yeah. To mentally just get artist out of it, you know? And it's just, you know, I guess part of that comes back to like, you know, other books I read like decide how guru talks about inner engineering is like, we live in the most comfortable times of all of humanity. Yeah. Like literally you can just, Oh, I'm hungry right now. It's like, you can just go to this and have whatever have drive-thru delivered to you. Just like, have McDonald's delivered to your front door. Like you don't even, you know, and you know, there'd be, McDonald's like, it can be whatever you want. Whole foods probably like, go, go get it. Like whole foods will be here. Like whatever you want, we'll come to your door. Like in seconds or minutes, seconds. And like 15, 20 minutes it'll be, or you do nothing. You been just little over top of button. And like, your food will be here. It's crazy. Like even to pay, like, you don't have to bring out your wallet, just like phones. And like, you're, you're, you know, it's like paid on the app. It's like, it's crazy. Like, yeah.

Tyson (00:29:03):

Our homes keep us comfortable. Like my, my house just takes care of itself. Like it knows the temperatures I like, and it just takes,

Speaker 4 (00:29:09):

Yeah. I was going to say, it's a smart home. Like you come home, just, Hey, Google I'm home. And like, the lights will turn on. The AC will drop to whatever the TV will turn on to your favorite channel. The radio will start playing your favorite songs. Like this is a comfortable world. And like, even to the point when it's like, we have either coworkers or acquaintances, you know, in our life that are making our life a little uncomfortable, you know, it's like this David Goggins guy wants me to run like a hundred miles. Like, I don't think I should associated that guy anymore. Like we just start excommunicating people or saying that will are mean, like, I get told that like on bunch of like, Oh, you're mean I'm like, I'm not mean I'm just trying to get you to feel a little uncomfortable.

Speaker 4 (00:29:53):

Cause I think you're just a little too comfortable in your world that you don't, you know, and that's, I guess it that's. The other thing for me that resonates with this book is like, people are so comfortable that if they just went an extra one or 2%, like they could accomplish, or they themselves could be so much more. And our world nowadays is just so comfortable that people just, they don't want to reach for that. They don't want to do that. And I don't know if that's good or bad. I mean, you know, if you're comfortable where you're at, I mean, why change? Right. Like, life's good. Right. But you know, I like this book and I agree with Goggins is like, bro, get out of that comfort zone. Yeah. Like I think you're letting yourself down. I think you're, you're just letting this excuses like, Oh, I'm comfortable just being an excuse as to why, you know, all of those insecurities that you have inside about yourself that you'll never become anything. And you're just, you're just holding onto it. Cause it's like ice cream or milkshake or something. That's just comforting you. You know, but I think he could have more, I think he could be more, I think he can do more. And that's what God is just trying to get through in this book. And that's another part of why I love this book so much anyway, off of my rant homes.

Tyson (00:31:07):

So box off. No, I absolutely agree. And you know, I talked about this many times on the show, like I'm constantly trying to find out, you know, where can I get uncomfortable? Where are these uncomfortable situations that still persist in my life? How can I face them? Why am I scared of it? Like, and I get like, you know, kinda, you know, goes back to that Seneca quote. It's like, if you're, if I'm not pushing myself, if I don't know what adversity feels like, how do I know what I'm capable of? You know? And when these situations really do come up, when, when, when you're out in the world and life is smacking, you hard in the face, you don't know what you're capable. You don't know what you're made of until that moment. Right. And but, but then even that, what are you going to do?

Tyson (00:31:56):

Wow. I shied away from everything in my life. Every person that was sorta not nice to me, I turned them in and I blocked them on Twitter. And I've never had anybody say anything mean or you know, all this that we just like, you're saying that this comfortable, you're good. I guarantee right now you're going to run the away. I guarantee it I've been on in emergency situations with trained professionals that have never had adversity and they've run the away. Yeah. And I'm like, this is your job. Not in this capacity. Obviously this is an obviously an emergency you're gone. Like you're just frozen in time because you don't know, you've never challenged. You don't know how to deal with adversity. You know what I'm saying? Like we talked about many, a times on here too. Like, you've got to train this of you.

Tyson (00:32:48):

You're not gonna, you're not when a situation comes about, you're not going to rise to your expectations. You're gonna default to your training. If your training is I run away. I tell my mom, I tell my dad, I block everybody on everything. I throw a storm. When somebody says something mean you're, you've trained for nothing. You know, you've got to know what you're capable of. Don't sell yourself short. Like this is a huge part of this, this book that that really is. And I bet you, it turns a lot of people off, like what? I got to push myself through things and people are going to now, you know, I'm turning this book off. This. Like I can go on YouTube and somebody can coddle me and tell me all my confirmation biases to everything I already think. I know. And I can just sit in this little world,

Speaker 4 (00:33:32):

You know, I'm not trying to rag on people that do that. I do that at times. I'm guilty of it. You know, I need a reprieve, but you know, I think if you challenge yourself more, I think if you take yourself to the limit, I think if you push yourself harder, you'll have a lot more in your life that you really, really want. Instead of just settling for this comfortable existence that you think is happiness, you know? But then again, I don't know you, so maybe I'm wrong. I don't know no idea. Yeah.

Tyson (00:34:04):

I mean, I, I, I think if, if, if you are comfortable that get, just get a little uncomfortable, I, it really opens up your mind and it opens up, like there are solutions that are available to you. I'll give you guys a quick example. So well, Hey, a year or so ago, whatever, I keep hearing about this fast and stuff, I kind of want to try it, but then there's also that counter thing. I've heard my whole life like, Oh, we gotta be eating, you know, four to six meals a day. You can't go two or three hours without food. You can't do all this stuff. And, and you know, we'd be in the middle of the jungle in the military and they'd be trucking and flying us food in like, you know, it's like always, it's always this constant, like we have to eat food.

Tyson (00:34:49):

We have to. And I was like, you know, this makes sense. You know, from an ancestral point of view, like there's times where we're out on a hunt for who knows how long. I mean, obviously I wasn't alive then, but trying to track down a something where it was those nut trees out, then you guys see blueberries down like a hundred miles that way, like, let's go find like there's gotta be. So we've got to, it made sense that we're capable of not eating for days and days at a time. So I was like, you know, I'm going to give this, I got to give this a whirl. You know? So I started, you know, doing a few things and you know, please take this a grain of salt, consult your doctor, whatever your medical you have going on. Don't blame me for dumb. You do. So so I started, I kind of, well, I'm hungry. Well, cool. What is this about? Like, you know, and then so then I kind of challenging now, like I would be out, you know, about, and I'd be like, Oh man, I'm hungry. Like I gotta, I gotta stop somewhere. And I got to get food. Like I'm hungry this moment. Like I got to,

Speaker 4 (00:35:46):

Those are those small questions, right? We'll block those little tiny questions. Right?

Tyson (00:35:50):

All these things we've told all this time. It's like, Oh, I haven't, I need breakfast today. It's already noon. Oh, I've got another meeting. I've got to pull into somewhere a convenience, something and get something, stuff it down my throat as fast as possible. And then I started doing this fasting and the first, the first three-day fast I did, man. My brain was telling me all kinds of stories, Oh, you don't need to do this. You can quit. Just have a little bit of something you're going to need this. And I was like, Whoa, look at this. My brain is just doing all these things to me right now, telling me all these stories, do all these little tricks. And to me, the, the hardest part of the, of the three-day fast I did was getting over my mental tricks in my brain. But as soon as I conquered that, I think it was like, it was, it was somewhere through day two man at the end of the day to definitely by day three. I wasn't even a thought in my brain since then when I'm out and about, I don't have lunch, it's five o'clock and have eaten anything all day. I don't even give

Speaker 4 (00:36:53):


Tyson (00:36:56):

But do you see how freeing that is? Not only am I not running through a burger King and stuffing a Whopper down my throat or pulling into a convenience gas station and throwing three Snickers bars down my throat. You know, there's not, I'm not doing that now. And then I'm also not spending that money, you know? And then I also lost over 50 something pounds and that's only thing different I did. But to me, I could, I could be working. I could be in a meeting. I don't give a what time it is, hunger doesn't control me anymore.

Speaker 4 (00:37:30):

Yeah. See, that's the part, that's not as the free part about that. Yeah.

Tyson (00:37:36):

But if you never get over those mental hurdles and understand, these are just fictitional limitations that either society has put on us or whatever your brain wants to be comfortable

Speaker 4 (00:37:51):

Habitual. But once you start the fasting, once you interrupt the cycle and break it, you realize how false that really is.

Tyson (00:38:03):

I mean, barring a medical condition. You have, you know, these things are all within everybody's.

Speaker 4 (00:38:08):

I was going to say, I mean, you're not the fattest kid on the block, but you're kind of chunky. I muted myself too. I got like over 20% MFI fat. Right. And it's like, you know, ironically, Oh, you're saying it. I just flashed back filling my chemistry days. It's like our body actually takes the fat and stores it until these long fatty acid chains that are, that are crazy. And those are they're perfect because they have a bit of

Ransom (00:38:36):

Carbohydrates at the beginning of it. So you use that to break down the whole fatty acid and it's not like eating, McDonald's where, you know, those are triglycerides, but whatever the case like that fuel is actually good for you. And you know, I mean, I'm not doing the three-day fast, but I do intermittent fasting nowadays too. And in the morning when I get hungry, it's like, I just go for a run. And when I'm, when I'm on my run, I, you know right before my run, I'm like, Oh, it's time to eat. Because when you go through the run, your body's going to actually break down your fats and use that for energy. I mean, it's not the greatest energy, but yeah.

Tyson (00:39:13):

But your glycogen stores are going to be depleted and right. There's so much that goes into it. Check out a previous podcast that drive, there's a bunch of episodes of go real in-depth into this. And then also the times we live too, we can be smart about these things. You know, there's a couple of supplements you can take to keep your, your magnesium levels up and keep your kidneys

Ransom (00:39:31):

In the right condition and make sure you're sleeping well. I mean, but right. I mean, don't do the David Goggins and just go like whatever, you can flash back

Tyson (00:39:41):

Back to him and say, you know what, this story in my head, wherever it came from, innate true. And if it was true, I can make a new truth and I can push onto a new level into a new limit. And I'm not going to be controlled by it.

Ransom (00:39:56):

Yeah. And then for me, even the impossible tasks, I guess my favorite chapter, I mean, David lost a hundred pounds and 106 pounds in three months, three months, you know what I mean? And like you said, like you fat and possibly it was like 300 pounds. Like he couldn't even run a mile, you know? So he did others, but like, you know what I mean? Most people it's like, Oh, I can't even run a mine. Or like, I'm never going to lose this weight. And I'm like, you just have to walk around the block. Why am I trying keep feeding yourself this crap? Like, you know what I mean? Like there are things that you can do. And like, you know, I'm not knocking people did. I know a lot of people who've had like the bypass surgery on their stomach or whatever, or staple their stomach and it helps or whatever, but you know what I mean?

Ransom (00:40:37):

Like you can I'm just saying that, you know, it is possible to do this though. Like you couldn't run, so what did he do? Like he can, he can do cardio. He can jump on a stationary bike, you can get into a pool, you can swim. And so he liked did all of that stuff. He was on a stationary bike. He was swimming until he could run. And then once he could run, he added runs on top of those worked out. And you know, he did the same, I mean, maybe not fasting, but yeah, like one chicken breast a day with some veggies and like a thimble of rice and that's all he lived on or whatever, you know, according to the book. Right. I don't really know what happened, but like, you know, and like him too, he's like, you know, went through all this mental game. I couldn't sleep at night because I felt hungry all the time. But that's just the mental game. Yeah. So you can push yourself to the limit again, consultant, dietician and stuff. Don't, don't try to do the David Goggins weight loss program. I bet it sucks more than anything you've ever felt in your life, but you know, you don't have to eat five times a day and you don't have to eat as many calories as you think you do. Like,

Tyson (00:41:45):

I mean, unless there's a, you're in a select group of people, that's bodybuilders or something, but most of us are not that we don't have meals and three snacks a day. That's ridiculous.

Ransom (00:41:56):

Yeah. You know, but, and then like all the other things he had to do and like, it's just like on top of losing a hundred pounds, he had the past the ads bad and like Tysabri or another, remember, I mean, high score pretty well on the, but you gotta remember like, David's growing up. Like he, school was not, I mean, school was not school for him. School was like nap time. Is that accurate? Was it,

Tyson (00:42:22):

Did he say something he couldn't even read past like the second grade or something like that?

Ransom (00:42:26):

Yeah. I mean, whatever the case is, but I mean, like for him, he slept in school because after school finished, that's when real life began, you know, he was an eight year old kid working at a state ring, like all night, like four in the morning. And then like, he'd have to go to school by like seven or eight. And it's like, you know, he slept and did whatever he had to do to recover from them because that, you know, he wasn't allowed to really learn in school. Right. You know, it was all about the family hustle. Yeah. It was all about the family hustle and all this other stuff. And then like, since he didn't learn all those skills early on in elementary school, like that carried with him to middle school, to high school, how he is behind the curve on the last or for, and passing it how's, that was crazy. And to get in the seals, he had to get a 60 on the mechanical comprehension at the time. You know, I, I, you know, as far as the asthma was concerned to me,

Tyson (00:43:21):

So real quick, if anybody doesn't know, the ASVAB is like the entrance exam for the military, you've got to score a certain score. And then your score depicts the types of jobs available to you.

Ransom (00:43:32):

Yeah. It's a, it's an acronym stands for armed services, vocational aptitude, battery. And it's it's just you know, I guess maybe SATs, but you know,

Tyson (00:43:43):

Something like that,

Ransom (00:43:46):

But it it's, the military uses it to figure out what jobs you're designed for. So the way they sold it to me in high school anyway, to take it was that I could find out what I'm good at. Whether I'm good at math or whether I'm good at stuff, but anyway, the military uses it to find out what jobs you are and it has different sections. So it'll have like language and I'll have saved them and it'll have men without mechanical comprehension and stuff like that. But you know, for me, I guess the mechanical comprehension part was all right on the ASFAB, but I just get notes off. Cause when I was taking the firefighter exam, they have a mechanical comprehension part of it. And it's crazy. It's like you turn gear a like how many times does gear be an attorney and stuff like, so you know, so, so he had two goals. Not only did you have to pass as bad at a certain point, but he had to get, you know, 50 on mechanical comprehension, which is one of his weakest points. And, you know, on top of that, he had to lose a hundred pounds. He had to do all of this in like a matter of months.

Tyson (00:44:49):

Yeah. Have three, three or four months of something that he had to do it,

Ransom (00:44:53):

You know? And, and then he got to the point where like, he would like miss a quarter mile or like miss miss one of the reps in his workout. And then, you know, in order to prevent himself from doing that again in the future, he's like, look, man, if you miss a rep or you're short a quarter mile, you got to do the whole workout all over again from the get-go, you know, Brian shared right there, you know, ironically, you know, I mean, rest in peace, ironically, he does mention Kobe Bryant in their book. I was like, Oh, was, yeah. I mean, I don't know if he's in the real book, but as far as the interview part and the audio book, like they talk about Colby, like having a sort of risk for one of the games or something like that. And I was like, I was like, ironic, like how we're doing this around this time. They're talking about it.

Tyson (00:45:38):

That's funny. But that's something that was said about Colby. Like he had to make whatever, a hundred free throws before in a row before he leaves the gym, you know, whatever and all these different metrics he set for himself, these impossible standards most would say, but that's where this greatness comes from.

Ransom (00:45:54):

Yeah. And it's like, you know, like how many times did he want to quit in that? Like he talks about it all the time. It's like, you know, like I wanted to quit. I wanted to do this. I wanted to do that. Just had to keep telling him no, no, no, no. And you know, a lot of this, you know, people think like, Oh, he's just this big fitness freak or whatever. But ironically, he doesn't do this stuff for the physical aspect of it. He does it to get a strong mental game because that's when things get real, you know, it's like your body wants to quit and your body can't feel like you're at muscle failure. And you got to keep pushing beyond that. Like, it takes a lot of mental energy and focus to get that done. And you know, just, that's another again, another tool that you can use to unlock a appear, you know, this book is about, can't hurt me. It's a mental mindset, not a physical one. Ironically, you know

Tyson (00:46:53):

That like like we've said like that once you can identify, understand and like overcome that self-talk in your head, like the we say to ourselves is just unbelievable. You know, most people would never say that stuff to your

Ransom (00:47:09):

Closest friend, you know,

Tyson (00:47:11):

When you can master that, you know, and it's an ain't every time it's not, you know, every day, but you know, slow wins, small wins, like identifying it saying, Oh, this is just a story in my head. Maybe somebody told you, maybe it's something you don't even remember how it got implanted

Tyson (00:47:30):

In there. But that man, like, I don't know how, how, how many times like this, that mental game, like just being able to overcome that is just so powerful. I dunno how else to explain it, but

Ransom (00:47:45):

Yup. And yeah, it is. And then, you know, as far as him getting into or making, instead of Navy seals, it's like, you know what I mean? Like that I'm sure like everybody is recruiting office was like thinking it was a joke like, and all the voices in his head was just telling him, no know you're not going to do it. You're not going to make it. But the second, like, I mean, he wasn't under 200 pounds yet, but I mean, he'd gone. He gone already. You'd already lost like putting like 70 or 80 or 70 pounds. So he knew he would make weight. But the second he passed that as bad. He's like, he's like, hell yeah. He's like, yeah. Yeah. Like he just like kept yelling at like, dude, that's gotta taste so good. But yeah. You know, just that victory alone of like, dude, I'm a Navy CNR and I'm probably going to get the chance to be a Navy seal. My Navy seal. Yeah. That chance

Tyson (00:48:39):

This isn't a book to write is I hate to say, like I just said, pass this doesn't mean I'm a seal. Like I still got do the work.

Ransom (00:48:45):

Yeah. I mean, you gotta, you gotta imagine like how hard it is. Like you need to lose a hundred pounds and you need to pass the AskPat and get a score when you don't know how to read and write. Right. All those things were stacked against it. Right.

Tyson (00:49:01):

Because they look insurmountable. You can't read, you're not as smart. You've never been able to score anywhere near these scores and you're as I have in the past.

Ransom (00:49:09):

Yeah. Without cheating or whatever. I think on top of that, he said on the test day and whenever they switched over to computers, computer music, computer, like it's like, I was like. So like, you know, you just add that new element that, that might've helped them actually. But I mean, who knows? I don't know as far as you know, but I mean, just understanding that if you can go through all of this stuff, you can answer all of these tough questions in your head. You can get past that mental game. Like you can taste the victory at the end, then become something that you never thought would ever be possible. And you know, to me, that's what makes this book amazing and great. I mean, I like the way it's put together. Not everybody agree with it, but yeah, I could relate to it a lot and just getting that mental toughness to accomplish, you know, things that are beyond your wildest dreams. And I don't know to me, that's awesome. I like that.

Tyson (00:50:08):

Yeah. And it's, there's so much good in this stories in this book. And that mindset just, it keeps evolving. You can see it from the beginning of the book and how he, that mindset evolves. And it goes, and the things he puts himself through and the tough questions he asks himself. And I mean, so many

Tyson (00:50:28):

Times in the story she tells what use out there, running this a hundred mile races, like, why am I doing this right now at home, sit on my couch, getting this air conditioning, you know, whatever. And then just chill out. Like, why the I'm out here? Like a weird old retard doing this crazy, you know? And then he's got to like dip back into what he calls his cookie jar and say, you know, why am I doing this? Like I'm doing this for this. You know, sometimes he's raising money. Sometimes he just wants to see how he, how far he can push himself like this, you know, whatever his reasons are. I mean, you got to be able to take those same lessons and say, what are my reasons? And as in a lot of times, like, we've talked about here in the past, this is why we give up on things. We don't have a reason to do things. We're just doing these things because my parents told me I should be this. Or I saw this thing on the gram and I should just, I figured I would do it. Or I thought I could make some money. And when these tough things come up, that's why you quit because there's no reason behind any of this stuff. There's no reason to push through. It's easy to set a fat, this. Like I'm going to go back and get comfortable.

Ransom (00:51:36):

So yeah. I mean, yeah. You know, for him, I guess the cookie jars, just all the things that he never thought or never imagined that he could ever do, you know, like passing out as like doing Halloween three times or running a hundred miles in one day. Like like with three days notice, like not like he just, you know, and that's another thing people don't understand too, is like, you know, that you, you think you can go out there and like drugs and alcohol or sex or whatever your vices are, you know, food or chocolate milkshakes, you know, whatever those vices are that you go to, right. External sources of, of happiness or what you think is happiness that is out there. You know, like in this book, David Goggins can explain to you, like, you can find your own happiness, you can find your own, feel good things, right.

Ransom (00:52:30):

This cookie jar of sorts that he just goes into and, you know, whenever he's there just every day, it's like, Oh man, I did that. Like, frankly, that's amazing. I did this, I did that. I did this, I did that in bond. Not an egocentrical way, not your ego talk, you know? It's just, you put in the blood, the sweat, the hard work, that effort. And when you do that and taste the victory of that, like, you know, I mean, just like that day, I'm pretty sure he goes behind the scenes when he passed as bad and he was gonna make it in like you know, I felt the same way when I got into the respiratory program. Like, I didn't think it was possible, but you know, I got in and like, I can tell you, like I saw like a million bucks in that day.

Ransom (00:53:16):

Like I don't, I don't care how many chocolate milkshakes I have, you know, the hottest woman that you could ever have intercourse with whatever. Like there are things that just not compare. And that is one of them. It's just like, they got into the respiratory, I'm going to make it like, I'm going to get this degree. And I have a chance of getting a better job to like better my life. And like there's so much meaning behind things. And that's the kind of stuff that I think David Goggins is trying to reach out to people and explain that look, you can taste these things. You don't, you know, you don't need external sources of happiness. You can provide your own. It's going to take you a little bit of work and it's going to be tough. And everybody's going to tell you to quit. You're going to tell yourself to quit, but you should. Yeah.

Tyson (00:54:00):

Yeah. That's, that's a, that's a key point. We, especially in these social media days and stuff, you know, we think happiness comes from external things and it don't wants, this comes from within. And if you're looking at that, you think more money, more likes, more followers, more, whatever, a raise, a promotion, and you think that's going to make your life better, man. And ain't, ain't I say right now, it doesn't, it's got to come from within yourself and you know, like ransom shared one way to feel that is to set out, to have these goals, have these accomplishments when you're pushing yourself and you just have that peanut, like, wow, I feel so good. I'm so proud of myself. And it's just, you it's just from within you. It ain't nobody else give a about you now, you saying, man, I feel so good. I was like, man, look what I'm capable of. I set a goal out and I did it. And even if you don't quite make the goal yeah. Just doing it, just doing that,

Ransom (00:55:04):

You know, it's powerful in this book, anything else you want to highlight a touch on? I mean, there's a million things that we could talk for hours on his book. And I like this book hardcore, but I, I think we drilled to the core of, you know, the message behind the book. And I think we'll, I mean, he's got, you know, one challenge for every chapter that's in the book. And I guess we'll, we'll do one of the challenges here today. And so talk about it. Yeah.

Tyson (00:55:34):

And every chapter, I love that it's got a challenge and it's pretty well thought out and it's kind of in depth, there's a good little lead up and some different things and you want you to do you want us to share and stuff like that or whatever those are. Great. Great, great, great. Things go through the book. Do those challenges, your life is going to be immensely.

Ransom (00:55:55):

Yeah. Cool man. Well, yeah, I think I think I'm good with that, bro.

Tyson (00:56:00):

Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. So if you're looking for something out there, a little, maybe little, little help around something, a little handout, maybe something like that. Check out this month's giveaway. See what we got. That's helping you live this better life, helping you overcome these obstacles. We do books. We do course with all kinds of stuff, whatever we can get our hands on. Now we're loving and we're liking. We want to share with you check the social, by then we've got going on for this month's giveaway. And I will link to this book and some, a couple of different resources in the book. There's a great stretching thing that he winds up talking about the end that he literally, I, I, from my impression he credits with saving his actual life. His body was so destroyed and shut down from all the years of abuse, this stretching stuff. I, I went ahead and bought one of the courses I've been having fun with it. I'll share that with you guys. And I'll link to David Goggins stuff in there. Some of the crazy pictures and stuff that are out there around this stuff. So you can see some of the little visuals to that stuff. We'll, I'll be at the social media that show. You would just look for this episode and get in the show notes. Any other, any other things around

Ransom (00:57:11):

Just, just pushing out there. The ranger creed he talks about it in the book is actually a pretty good story in the book for me anyway. I know, I mean, he's mostly known for being a Navy seal, but he has done, he has been through ranger, ranger training, you know, ranger, but now you should check that out if you need motivation or, I mean, it's more of all soldiers, but you know, you can look at it from the context that any soldier can be anything or just do whatever. And the philosophy that the ranges that behind is being the best of the best and not leaving anyone behind and, you know, being an example and like, there's just so many good things in the range of CRI about being a better human and about, you know, taking things a step further than, and, and doing that just because, so that out there, we'll add it in there.

Tyson (00:58:04):

Linkedin has shown us for you guys, reading that apply the principles, raise your kids are great little piece of poetic knowledge to improve your life. Definitely. And then this week's challenge. We're doing the challenge from this book challenge number one, I'll read it off for you guys real quick. And I want you guys to go out there and implement this. So it starts off like this. My bad cards arrived early and stuck around for a while, but everyone gets challenged in life at some point. What was your bad hand? What kind of did you contend with growing up? Were you beaten, abused, bullied? Did you ever feel insecure? Maybe your limiting factor is that you grew up so supported and comfortable. You never pushed yourself. What are the factors limiting your growth and success? Is someone standing in your way at work or in school?

Tyson (00:58:59):

Are you unappreciated and overlooked for opportunities? What are the long odds you're up against right now? Are you standing in your own way? Break out your journal. If you don't have one by one or start one on your laptop, tablet or notes app on your smartphone and write them all out in minute detail, don't blind with this assignment show. I showed you every piece of my dirty laundry. If you read the book, if you were hurt or still an arm's way, tell the story in full, give your pain shape, absorb its power, because you're going to flip that. You will use your story, this list of excuses. These are very good reasons why you shouldn't amount to a thing to fuel your ultimate success. Sounds fun, right? Yeah, it won't be, Oh, don't worry about that yet. We'll get there for now. Just take inventory.

Ransom (00:59:54):

Nice. I like that. And and just, I guess ending with that is his final thoughts is, you know, this can't hurt me. Book is just about having a rock car, rocks, rock, solid mindset, you know, which is very rare in, in today's world. Just because, you know, as far as where humanity has gone, we're so comfortable with where we are so comfortable about everything. And that's what I like about disperse challenges. Like, you know, sometimes that comfort is what stands in our own way. You know, it's like type people like Tyson. And I, we can tell you about our rough childhood or all the failures that we had had if you watch our previous episodes and the journey that we've been on and that we go through, but you know, what's your story, you know, and for me, I think ending the final thoughts is it just comes down to answering the small questions.

Ransom (01:00:51):

You know, all those times that you want to give up all those times that, you know, you think it's not worth it or that you'd never get an amount to anything, or, you know, just even doing this challenge. And like, I'm not even going to do that challenge. If that's going through your head right now, that's a small question you need to take control of yourself and you need to start answering those small questions and figure out where that comes from. Is that really who you are? Is that really who you want to be, that little voice inside your head? Or are you going to be you and tell that voice inside your head, the best BS.

Tyson (01:01:26):

Absolutely. And you know, somebody that needs to hear this message, or you want somebody to do take this journey with you, share this with them. It's a great way to help the show. It's a great way to support yourself in the community. Get this stuff out there. You'd like to move. Like we got going on. You guys can leave likes, reviews, whatever you want to do. Subscribe your favorite podcast app or YouTube. You liked the video version. Don't forget to connect with us all week long at the social community show on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for past episodes and everything we talked about here today, you can visit the social until next time, keep learning, keep growing, keep transforming to that person. You

Speaker 5 (01:02:06):

Want to become [inaudible].

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