
Opportunity Cost | Ep 66

66| Opportunity Cost

Opportunity Cost Opportunity Cost; The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen, a trade-off. What are you trading money or time or happyness for? Have you taken the time to evaluate the “Opportunity Cost” of one thing for another? How about that new car but we’ll have to take fewer

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Book Review: Latte Factor

65| Book Review: Latte Factor

Book Review: David BachAmerica’s Most Trusted Financial Expert David Bach is one of the most trusted financial experts and bestselling financial authors of our time. He has written nine consecutive New York Times bestsellers with over seven million copies in print, translated into nineteen languages, including two #1 New York Times bestsellers, The Automatic Millionaire

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Time Is On Your Side - Retirement Savings | Ep 64

64| Time Is On Your Side

Time Is On Your Side Retirement Savings What does saving $100 a month towards retirement really added up to in 30 years? Is time on my side? Does compound interest really make me that much money? We answer all these questions, plus other scenarios in the realm of retirement savings. This is an interactive episode

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