Dave Glaser
The Certified Strength and Conditioning Certification is the gold standard in the industry which allows Dave to train the best athletes anywhere in the world online and in-person at a private studio in Denver, Co.
Systems based business coaching to help personal trainers reach their goals. Education, experience, and leadership training enables Dave to coach personal trainers to scale their businesses to serve more clients.
Fit Life Champions specializes in women 25-40 years old with a history of trauma who want to become stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally. FLC offers safe training programs online, in-person, paired with nutrition programs.
As a sports nutritionist, Dave coaches clients from a “fuel to perform” philisophy to be the best before, during and after competition. Dave coaches clients with an online meal prep workshop that helps you to balance and prepare for your busy schedule.
Books & Links From The Episode
Links For Dave Glaser
Book Recommendations From Dave
This instant classic explores how we can change our lives by changing our habits.
The Wall Street Journal • Financial Times
In The Power of Habit, award-winning business reporter Charles Duhigg takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. Distilling vast amounts of information into engrossing narratives that take us from the boardrooms of Procter & Gamble to the sidelines of the NFL to the front lines of the civil rights movement, Duhigg presents a whole new understanding of human nature and its potential. At its core, The Power of Habit contains an exhilarating argument: The key to exercising regularly, losing weight, being more productive, and achieving success is understanding how habits work. As Duhigg shows, by harnessing this new science, we can transform our businesses, our communities, and our lives.
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level
With over 100,000 copies sold, New York Times bestselling author Gay Hendricks demonstrates how to go beyond your internal limits, release outdated fears and learn a whole new set of powerful skills and habits to liberate your authentic greatness. Fans of Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, and Gabrielle Bernstein will discover the way to break down the walls to a better life.
Now updated with new research, the book that has changed millions of lives with its insights into the growth mindset.
After decades of research, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., discovered a simple but groundbreaking idea: the power of mindset. In this brilliant book, she shows how success in school, work, sports, the arts, and almost every area of human endeavor can be dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities. People with a fixed mindset—those who believe that abilities are fixed—are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset—those who believe that abilities can be developed. Mindset reveals how great parents, teachers, managers, and athletes can put this idea to use to foster outstanding accomplishment.
In this edition, Dweck offers new insights into her now famous and broadly embraced concept. She introduces a phenomenon she calls false growth mindset and guides people toward adopting a deeper, truer growth mindset. She also expands the mindset concept beyond the individual, applying it to the cultures of groups and organizations. With the right mindset, you can motivate those you lead, teach, and love—to transform their lives and your own.
Praise for Mindset
“A good book is one whose advice you believe. A great book is one whose advice you follow. This is a book that can change your life, as its ideas have changed mine.”—Robert J. Sternberg, co-author of Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success
“An essential read for parents, teachers [and] coaches . . . as well as for those who would like to increase their own feelings of success and fulfillment.”—Library Journal (starred review)
“Everyone should read this book.”—Chip Heath and Dan Heath, authors of Made to Stick
“One of the most influential books ever about motivation.”—Po Bronson, author of NurtureShock
“If you manage people or are a parent (which is a form of managing people), drop everything and read Mindset.”—Guy Kawasaki, author of The Art of the Start 2.0
Episode Transcriptions Unedited, Auto-Generated.
Speaker 1: 00:00:01 Opening Music
Speaker 2: 00:00:05 Welcome to the social committee show. It's our goal to help you learn, grow, and transform into the person who wanted to become. Today I'm talking with Dave lasser. Oh, the owner of fitlife champions in Denver, Colorado. Fit Champions, trains busy adults that want to improve mental health, decreased stress and boost energy. After a few years in business, he discovered a passion for mentoring personal trainers to build a business mastery online training and eventually open his own gym or their own gym. He also has his own gym as well. David's a certified by the N, s, c a n a s, m and precision nutrition. So really a great conversation with David. We go into some tips for boosting energy and decreasing stress and he shares are very amazing sounding orange chicken recipe, a very healthy chicken recipe. I'm excited to make it. I'll be guys making share your posts with me and we talk about his book and how that came about and his stories and troubles with depression and anxiety. Uh, here's some fitness and training tips he's got in there and a bunch of other gregory things. I'll be really enjoy this amazing conversation with Dave Glasser of fitlife champions. Hey, welcome to the social community shell. Great to have you here today.
Speaker 3: 00:01:17 Thank you so very much for connecting. Appreciate it.
Speaker 2: 00:01:20 No problem. No problem. Really excited to have you on here. Um, I guess I want to start off with what would give you the love for fitness and see you're into so many fitness things and coaching and you personally, what did you get that love from?
Speaker 3: 00:01:32 You know, I grew up watching my older sisters and my parents, uh, continue their fitness throughout their adult life. Um, my dad, my mom and my sister would compete in an annual triathlon together as a team, uh, up in Montana, you know, they would canoe as a pair of my dad and my sister and then my mom would ride the bike and my dad who had finished off the run. So it was just, um, playing sports as a kid and then wanted to continue that throughout high school and college. I got into, I got into weightlifting and, and that was the big game changer, uh, right around the time I was 18. You started doing that pretty seriously in college, put on 45 pounds my freshman year in college. Wow. Have a little bit of your weight and some, uh, some muscle in there too, but, but found a serious love for the results and feeling that I got of just health and wellness overall when I was continuously. I'm striving towards those goals that I set for myself.
Speaker 2: 00:02:33 And did you do a competitive like weight lifting or strength kind of physique kind of things. And what were you into?
Speaker 3: 00:02:42 Well, at the beginning of my weight lifting journey it was simply just lifting weights, you know, how much can I leg press, um, how can I keep myself healthy? But freshman year in college I had a lot of free time. School school wasn't hard for me that year. It got hard after that. But uh, so I was swimming twice a week, rock climbing twice a week, playing racquetball twice a week and then lifting three days a week. So I never got into competitive weightlifting until, let's see, probably when I was graduating college at 31, I started to fall in love with power clean and the snatch and Olympic lifting as it applies to pro athletes, collegiate athletes and high school athletes, which was where I thought my career was going to go the entire time. So if I'm not proficient at lifting the weights myself, then I can't really teach other people how to do that. Uh, so I pushed myself. I got up to about 195 pounds on the power clean and, uh, at a, at a modest rate of like one 67, but never really competed on, on like the official USA weightlifting circuit or the state level. I'm just wanted to help my athletes that I coach on a monthly basis get to their fastest, strongest and best performance on the field.
Speaker 2: 00:03:58 And did you study that in college? So it, was that your major?
Speaker 3: 00:04:02 Yup. I finished with an exercise science degree and uh, got about five certifications after college and now we're running a studio here in Denver with three teammates, a yoga instructor and online training programs that go across the world.
Speaker 2: 00:04:17 Yeah. What, why, what made you want to start the fitlife champions?
Speaker 3: 00:04:22 Well, you know, I graduated college and I wanted to work with athletes and so I interned at the University of Denver than their strength and conditioning department. And then as soon as I graduated I was still a little bit lost, you know, as a 31 year old guy going back to college and I wanted to show my daughter that it was very important to finish with college degree. Uh, so it took me about nine months to find my first client to really dedicate myself to building a business. And that just happened to be my mom. He hired me and she asked me to work out with her once or twice a week at a local 24 hour and then we got busted because it's kind of frowned upon somebody else's facility. And so she asked me to find something more private and I landed in a small studio space that I could rent for three and a half years and then took the leap and open my own space. And here we are two years later, um, you know, almost tripling revenue from that first year to the fifth year.
Speaker 2: 00:05:23 That's, uh, that's amazing. Good old mom gets you off. You're going to judge you on your feet a little bit, Huh?
Speaker 3: 00:05:28 Yes. He's always valued. What the time is that we spend together. She's been very reliable and consistent for five and a half years. And she keeps giving me raises. I Dunno, I dunno what she's doing, but she dragged my dad along and then gave me a raise for training the two of them together.
Speaker 2: 00:05:45 I wish my mom would give me a raise. So it sounds like you had a good split between high school and college. What was that about? What were you doing in there? What was happening?
Speaker 3: 00:05:56 I was raising my daughter, you know, um,
Speaker 2: 00:05:58 met, met her mom in a college when I was right around 21. I'm an unexpected pregnancy. Led to a young marriage and then a young divorce and then working a couple jobs just to make ends meet and by the time she was eight and 2008 rolled around and there were no jobs in the hotel and restaurant industry where I was managing. And so I just like, I'm just serving tables or bartending at a, at a restaurant. I'm going to go back to school because this isn't fulfilling my life at all. And what was, what was that like? What was kind of, what were, what was the self talk? What were you kind of feeling when that period of uneasiness and you had a young child and that marriage was kind of working on what was, what was life like then?
Speaker 3: 00:06:44 A life was challenging, you know, just now that I reflect back on it, it was, it was truly that I did not have a purpose. I was regularly exercising to moderate my mental health and to feel better about myself. And then, um, I always thought that I could outrun a bad diet, but that wasn't true. Right around 28 years old, I started to get some knee injuries from running too many miles and not fueling my body for the proper performance and I was frustrated at work and I wasn't in a relationship and I was really challenged in raising my daughter by myself, a Co parenting with my ex, but just lost, really lost and wondering what the next year or two would hold for me if I didn't challenge myself and get outside of my comfort zone and overcoming a limiting belief that I could actually finish college. Right. That's. Oh, go ahead. No, go ahead. Finish your story. Well, that's when I landed on the exercise science degree and so I applied to a couple of colleges that were close to home and finished it in about three and a half years. Once I decided to dedicate my time and go back to school,
Speaker 2: 00:07:54 what? Was there a book or an incident or something that happened that really made you say, listen, I gotta get my shit together and clean up my life, or is there something like that that happened?
Speaker 3: 00:08:02 I wish I was reading books back then. I think it was, uh, it was another breakup, you know, I had a long distance relationship that wasn't fulfilling my purpose as well, a really frustrated with not connecting and seeing this person in person. It was mostly just phone, phone calls, skype and facetime weren't really around accessible back then. So the connectivity that I was lacking, um, between close female and male friends between my family. Um, and then of course between the relationship that I was having in, as soon as that was over, I'm like, all right, things have got to change for me, for my daughter.
Speaker 2: 00:08:46 Yes. Sometimes we need those, those little things in life that just really kind of kick us a little and say, listen, this is not going the way I want. No more of this. And that's that.
Speaker 3: 00:08:54 Yep. I'm sick. Tired of being sick and tire.
Speaker 2: 00:08:57 Exactly. I'm switching gears a little. I was looking around your thing. I poking around and I see you guys. I guess you're kind of, you're missing or your focus is,
Speaker 3: 00:09:07 oh,
Speaker 2: 00:09:07 mental health through fitness, nutrition. What, what is that? Explain that to me. How did you get on that? And what is that all about?
Speaker 3: 00:09:13 Well, I had A. I thought that's a great question and I, I love talking about it because it has become my purpose now that, uh, now that this entrepreneurial spirit has really caught momentum and I want to teach it to other people. Um, but we'll get to that in a second. So what I had done for 20 years from 17, 18 years old was manage my mental health by running his therapy. Um, weightlifting as I'm self efficacy is improved with quality, lean muscle mass and decreased body composition. Of course you're going to look better and therefore feel better about yourself. So I saw the benefit of fitness and then later on in my life the nutrition piece so that I could actually improve the way that I thought on a daily basis about my situation, about myself and about the world around me. And when I began my business, based on the laws of attraction, I would have people come to me that were very, very similar to me.
Speaker 3: 00:10:15 However, we weren't talking about it. And that was a reflection on me because I had these stoic walls up or the stoic mask on almost all the time and it was to the detriment of my community that I wasn't sharing the full story. And when, um, last fall, um, I had, I felt like this tug, this pull in the, in a new direction for the business. And then the me too movement came around on social media and I realized that a lot of my community was participating in that social media movement and they still do and shoot. Well 80 percent of my community are experiencing mental health ups and downs, the upward spiral, that downward spiral and everything in between. Why not actually call it what it is and use fitness and nutrition to improve mental health and decreased, decreased stress, and then boost energy as a result.
Speaker 2: 00:11:12 That's great. What, what would it be for people out here right now? What is your one or two things we could do right now starting today that will help improve that mental health, that decreasing stress, boost energy? What are your one or two little things for each of those?
Speaker 3: 00:11:25 I'm primarily, the first thing that we want to do is just get the body moving. We want to a get off the couch if that's where we're spending most of our time. If we're stuck at a desk all day at work, we got to get up and move, like if there's stairs in your office building, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Um, if you have a restroom break frequently, you know, step number two is drink plenty of water and drink plenty of water so that you have to go to the bathroom, you get up out of your desk chair and then go down a flight to use the restroom, go up a flight to use the restroom, take the long way to lunch. Uh, just get the body moving so that your joints feel better so that your muscles start to work their way that they're supposed to. And then you'll see the improved work productivity. You'll see unimproved demeanor and, and your, um, your quality of life will improve across the board if you just get moving.
Speaker 4: 00:12:28 I agree. If you can tell I'm at a standing desk here. I like. I love to standardize. This has been a blessing to just be able to come up and down and I really like it. I really enjoyed it. You can feel it. Sometimes you, you know how it's like sitting down at your desk and you're hammering away and you're like, oh my back and my hips and it's like. And just stand up and kind of have that different feeling and posture. And you're getting something standing here. Yeah. I'm, you know, I'm standing up. My body's in different position. It feels so much more, so much better. I really. Some good stuff. I like that. I never. And that's fun. I never thought about going up and down the stairs to use the bathroom. That's little clever little thing you think of 10 stairs up or down and
Speaker 3: 00:13:05 yeah, based on the compound effect by Darren Hardy, we can, we can accomplish a big goal just by taking one step at a time over and over and over and over again.
Speaker 4: 00:13:15 Right. That's amazing. So with, with your business and whatever and these things that you're doing, what are some, when you first started, what are some ideas you have like, this is, this is going to be perfect. This is exactly everybody needs and it just never happened.
Speaker 3: 00:13:28 I love, I love that because now that the business has progressed, I work with a lot of beginner trainers who are just starting out. They might not even have a client yet or they might just have one or two, but what they have in common, which is what I experienced five and a half years ago, was they have an ideology and they have this perfect image of what their, um, program design is gonna look like, what the end result for their first client or for their second client is going to be. And what I realized very, very quickly is that you cannot hold onto that dream client, that dream ideal logical philosophy in the fitness industry because there are so many factors that come into play to help us help other people reach their goals. And the ideology that I held onto, um, very early on in my business was that everyone's an athlete and if I train them like an athlete, they're going to get to these huge gains in these unreal expectations that I have for the human body, for what my 60 year old mom that's.
Speaker 4: 00:14:43 We just got to find it in there. It's in there. We got to just pull it out.
Speaker 3: 00:14:47 That's exactly where I was at and what I, what I learned and think, God, I learned this early on, is I need to meet my client where they're at now so that we can move them forward down. If it's measured like a football field, they're going to start on one goal line and then they're going to move to the one yard line, two yard line, then the five yard line, and then the 10 yard line. So one small step forward. Getting the body moving is a step in the right direction. Hell, you're laughing everybody else on this still sitting on the couch.
Speaker 4: 00:15:20 Right? Exactly. It's like even even if it's just you go out and you walk to the mailbox and maybe you walked to the corner and back, that's probably a lot more than most people are doing every day
Speaker 3: 00:15:31 or it's more than what you are doing yourself the day before.
Speaker 4: 00:15:34 Exactly. I mean it's so easy now in this economy we live in. I mean there's a lot of great convenience, especially for people that have health issues or or mobility issues to get things delivered to them and brought to them at such great ease. At the same time, us able body. People are relying on these things a lot to bring drive through food to our house. It's like, I mean, come on like we've even seen now you can have somebody go to the ATM for you and get money out of no way. Really. Absolutely serious.
Speaker 3: 00:16:01 Who's gonna do that and
Speaker 4: 00:16:04 it's A. I don't wanna, I don't want to name the bank, but it's a bank that one of their services are not offering customers is they have their employee go to the ATM and bring you money because a drive through atm was already hard enough. Credit cards, paypal, all of these things are starting.
Speaker 3: 00:16:20 You know what I call that? For me, I call it, I call it job security. It is. I'm always going to have a client. The more convenient our world gets, the more pain points are our ideal client is going to have because of aching joints or just the lack of mobility or shoot the lack, the lack of active options. Like I, I, I just signed up for adult coed softball on Monday nights for the fifth season in a row and the reason why do that is so that I can find other people that I can relate to. Like I'm, I'm at work all day. I need something to relieve my stress. I need something to connect with a new community and I'm just going to go do something as simple as swing a bat, throw a ball, and the one thing that I cannot get if this thing goes online or if it becomes an APP like, oh, I can never play adult coed softball on an APP.
Speaker 4: 00:17:21 Right?
Speaker 3: 00:17:23 I don't know, maybe maybe soon enough, but there's an app for everything. That's the convenience factor that I'm talking about. I was like, I don't feel connected. If I were playing a video game, even if I have a headset, I'm talking to somebody else. I've never been much of a Gamer, but this is a great example of what our clients come to us or sorry, our clients send their boyfriends to us for this reason, like get out of the house playing video games. He'll actually teach you how to play madden on a real field. So. So I'm, I'm still staying active with things that are not convenient for me. Jujitsu is the least convenient activity I've ever done because it's the most difficult thing I've ever done.
Speaker 4: 00:18:08 Jujitsu is no joke and it surely it's great sport. It's great exercise team building, Camaraderie. There's so much good. They're great. Most of not all studios are always amazing. Family environments and Gregory places before that will kick your butt
Speaker 3: 00:18:23 every single day. Every day.
Speaker 4: 00:18:26 Yes. After all day long with within your business and maybe even your life, what is, what is a failure you've had now looking back on it was really a blessing or just the greatest thing I could have? I'm glad that this happened because I'm now at this point.
Speaker 3: 00:18:41 Yup. Uh, the greatest failure I've ever had that I still share with my personal trainers that I work with as their business coach is opening my own studio and thinking I could do it all myself.
Speaker 4: 00:18:54 Do you mean you couldn't do it all yourself?
Speaker 3: 00:18:57 I'm not a very good janitor.
Speaker 4: 00:19:00 I'm also not good at accounting. I hear you.
Speaker 3: 00:19:03 I'm not, I'm not a great copywriter. I'm great at leading and developing a team both on the trainer side and on the personal training client side. So what I thought when the studio that I run in space at keeping my expenses low and keeping my profit high for the first year and a half years of my business, that studio is a great platform for me to run my business. I set my own schedule, I recruited my own clients, I worked small group training, large group training classes for the gym and I got a lot of experience under my belt and then they moved to move locations and I wasn't willing to go with them. So I took the leap and I opened my own studio space. It was about was about 1600 square feet. It had a full service kitchen, hardwood floor. So we did yoga and then it was like a really nice garage with AC and heat.
Speaker 3: 00:19:53 So my existing clientele loved it because it wasn't far from the previous location, but new clientele and new trainers weren't buying into the vision that I had in place. Like again, going back to that ideological philosophy that we've talked about in the beginning of my career. Well, the next step forward was I had another ideological philosophy and it never panned out the way that I wanted it to. So fast forward a year, the expenses were killing me. The overhead was killing me. I was head janitor. I was head Cmo, I was CTO, I was cfo, I was coo, CEO, you name it. I was doing it and it was exhausting. Yes. So I collaborated with my Jujitsu gym and I brought my business into their building and now we share space and we're building a community with each other so that neither one of us, the head professor at my school or myself or my team has to do everything.
Speaker 2: 00:20:48 That's amazing. That's a great story. And it's good to share that. A lot of people think they have that, that um, ideology will kind of thing or if it's got, if it's going to be done right, I got to do it myself and, and all these things. And I tried to tell people, especially in some of my clients, it's like if you broke your arm, would you figure out how to be a doctor right now? You wouldn't you, you would go see the professional, so go see a professional, get your taxes, then go see a professional will get these things done, focus on what you're good at, your skills and hone in on that and this. All you should be doing is just those things as great. You'd discovered that. It's really amazing.
Speaker 3: 00:21:21 I realized quickly what my, what my greatest weaknesses were because it did drain me energetically. I had no energy for cleaning my restrooms. Right, so I asked a friend for a referral. They actually did commercial cleaning on a large scale. They would do 30,000 square foot buildings in a night and so I asked them because they're the experts and they refer to me one of their previous employees, so I brought him on, paid him a very agreeable amount of money per month to clean my studio twice a week and he did five times as good of a job as I could and because we built this relationship over time, he became a client. Nice. It almost became like a, a kind of a break even point, right? I give him revenue in his business. He would give me revenue in my business and everybody won and he did have five times better job than I could and we helped him lose 30 pounds in the first three months of his workout program because we were the experts and he was no longer doing it on his own.
Speaker 2: 00:22:24 Nice. What other, what other things have you seen from getting that kind of like Jocko Alexis did a decentralized command. What, what other benefits and different little things that you never would have dreamed up that have come from that,
Speaker 3: 00:22:36 uh, like delegating to a teammate who has better strengths than me? Yeah, exactly. Well, we moved into the new studio in July of 2017. What year is 18 now? 17. We moved into the new studio and immediately I got two new trainers because the space was more attractive if it was bigger and they could freely roam and we have better equipment. It was a good setup. So I started to build that vision really, really quick that I could never get off the ground in the first year of running my own studio. And by the end of six months, let's see, they came on in August and September. By December I took a two week vacation.
Speaker 2: 00:23:22 Wow. That must have been something unheard of before that
Speaker 3: 00:23:26 I, I've never taken more than longer than like a four or five day weekend, uh, jumped off to vegas and came back single. Anyways, went where the girl came back single, you know, that was my, that was my kind of, uh, another story for another time anyways. Um, so I took two weeks off because I built a team that I trusted my clientele bought into the vision that they're like, yeah, Dave, you're right. You need to stop working session after session after session and actually go out and tell your story of the improved mental health and how we want to leave a legacy and fitness and nutrition. I can't do that if I'm stuck on a treadmill day after day after day. So my team just knocked it out of the park. They ran the business for two straight weeks sending Jujitsu classes as a member. But I never stepped foot in this for two full weeks. And that was the big tipping point forward. Now I only work about eight session hours a week with clients.
Speaker 2: 00:24:33 Wow, that's amazing. I'm glad to hear. That's a great story. I like. It's good to have that practical examples. I tell people a lot of that. If you can't go on vacation, you can't walk away from Your Business. If if somebody came into you right now and said, hey, here's, here's, here's a million dollars. I'm saying business. You're like, well, I don't know. I'm not here. I can't. This doesn't run that. You really need to start rethinking, reevaluating what you're doing, and started getting those systems in place. You should be thinking about, if I sell, can I sell right now and walk away, and if you don't have those systems in place, you really should be the invite. I'm glad you. That's what a great start. I really do like that.
Speaker 3: 00:25:05 Yeah, thanks man. It. It was definitely not something I did on my own. I went out and I sought out business experts to become a student of theirs and I on the right community where we met in a group twice a month and I learned certain systems that are out of before to apply to my personal training business so that it wasn't dependent on me and where I'm at now is I actually want to be replaceable in my business. So we recruit interns from a local university, a Myeloma. My Alma Mater at Metro state has fed us a couple of interns that were both very qualified to take over my position in the business and then I on a constant search to find the next trainer who believes in my vision enough to take over the day to day operations of the business so that I can go out there and a self published my book. I do speaking engagements and speak to more people like yourself.
Speaker 2: 00:26:08 What, what does a typical training session with you look like? What is your methodology on that?
Speaker 3: 00:26:13 Uh, so we, we, we ease into it, you know, uh, we're going to work a, a, an active warmup that develops a rate and an intramuscular temperature to prevent injury. A, then we walk our way through a dynamic warmup that's basically like active stretches that you do with movement through all planes of motion and through every single joint of the body to prevent injury. And then we get into a big lift, like a deadlift or a squat pattern, and we focus there, uh, like day one, day two, day three of the week. We pick which one we're going to work with and we focused on form safety, low risk, high reward, uh, so that our clients get to their goals quickly and safely. And then we work a few extra exercises after that that are more accessories to that big lift that compliment it, that help us gain strength, gain size or gain endurance while decreasing body composition, lowering stress, improving energy. And I'm moderating mental health. And then we always go through a cooldowns segment of that workout. Whether that's self myofascial release on a foam roller or a static stretching or partner stretching, um, that is based on our client's utmost needs. The need at hand.
Speaker 2: 00:27:36 It was mostly if I could summarize a weightlifting kinda move stuff, pull stuff, lifts off kind of thing instead of a spend 30 minutes on a treadmill kind of workout.
Speaker 3: 00:27:45 That's right. We don't even own a treadmill in our studio. We don't own or elliptical. We have, we have one rower that our team shares that's just for the warmup or like an interval sprint in the middle of a strength training program to boost the cardio. We do believe in programming, cardiovascular health and to moderate weight loss, but what we've learned over time is that when we plug in a shorter duration cardio burst on a treadmill or elliptical or a bike at the end of a weight training program, we actually reach our goals faster in less time.
Speaker 2: 00:28:20 That's good information to people. I see a lot of people, they waste a lot of time. My, my wife and her coworker, they go to the gym after after work and they're like, oh, I burned 240 calories on a treadmill. I was like, you guys just did like four or five squats. You'd have been out of there in no time.
Speaker 3: 00:28:35 Yep. And as a, as I learned in my second life, basically after hotel and restaurant management and going back to school for Exercise Science, what we learn is that the body continues to burn calories 24 hours after a weight training session, but it's only about a three hour window after a cardio session. Right? So if we're looking to lose body composition, improve self efficacy or self confidence, why would we spend time on a treadmill? Unless we really enjoy running, nobody enjoys running. They're just not many people are crazy. And as a professional, if I, if I had the choice between the two, I'm going to pick the one that's going to get you to your results faster. And that's weight training.
Speaker 2: 00:29:20 I mean, not only, just not in just the sense of fat loss. I mean, there's so many more benefits to, you know, the muscle and the skeletal thing in your bone density and there's, I mean, you could probably go on and on about the benefits of having a strong body from weight lifting and moving ahead, moving heavy things versus wandering around on a treadmill for an hour.
Speaker 3: 00:29:39 That's right. Yeah. I'm going to nerd out about bone density thing. You just brought up
Speaker 2: 00:29:45 people so they don't think I'm crazy. You're not
Speaker 3: 00:29:49 crazy at all. Uh, I'll sum it up in just one quick sentence. When we choose weight training to apply to our bodies, the external resistance of that weight a causes our muscles to bend, twist and strengthen our bones, result of weight training. We don't get that one. We're on a bike when in fact people who are tested cyclists, people who are obsessed with cycling, like Lance Armstrong of the elite level cyclist, spend so much time on the bike with no impact whatsoever with the ground that their bone density is one of the weakest out of all professional athletes.
Speaker 2: 00:30:28 Wow. Similar to what you said and be like an astronaut, something like along those lines where they have that
Speaker 3: 00:30:34 because there is no gravity in space. There's no resistance. Weight training for NASA astronauts has actually become a niche in the industry that is one of the fastest growing because there's so much activity going on in space. There are a few astronauts, but the select few trainers and coaches and exercise physiologists that are working in that niche right now are doing great advancements on how to weight train people with no gravity. And that's very similar to what a cyclist, um, experiences. So the number one prescription to prevent osteopenia and osteoporosis in a cyclist is weight training to compliment their cycling.
Speaker 2: 00:31:15 Yeah. I've seen some really, really interesting machines and stuff that are coming out of that space. Programs space better. I really want to get my hands on some of those machines and really test out the. I'm sure you know a lot about those are, they're really, really interesting.
Speaker 3: 00:31:31 Are you talking about the air compression machine? Um, that makes it like a little sound when a, an athlete pushes against it.
Speaker 2: 00:31:39 It is that one and there's this other one I seen. It was a, it looked like it. I think you're just holding or pushing or pulling in. The machine is pulling resistance and you're just kind of, you seem stationary, but the machine is provided in the resistance as well.
Speaker 3: 00:31:53 Isometric contractions are one of the strongest contractions. You can hold the weight in the same position for a lot longer than you can pick it up and set it down. I'm one of the tricks, one of the cheapest, um, modalities out there for strength training as a resistance band. It's multifaceted. You can go in any direction up, down, left, right forward, back with a resistance band. And guess what? Resistance bands work in space. You go like, if I'm pulling a resistance band apart like this, uh, he can't hear this or I can't see this on the audio portion, but I'm pulling my hands apart and I have a band between them that works anywhere in space. And you can variable resistance as well. You can make it tighter. You can make it looser, you can make it bend up, you can go down, you can go around a resistance bands, probably the best place for somebody who is beginning a weight resistance training program to start because it's low risk, high reward gets the body moving and you're going to protect your joints at any age with a great benefit almost immediately.
Speaker 4: 00:33:01 I need to get my resistance bands out of the garage and put them up here by my desk. I like this little idea here. I'll do it while you're taking a poverty. I'm doing stuff and I like to ask the question, do 10 reps ask a question? I make my guests do it too because guys just go. That's the weekly challenge that we're going to go. There it is. You know the other thing I was, I was poking around looking at yourself. You're, you're really into this meal prep thing. Personally, I don't like you. Can you convince me why I should start?
Speaker 3: 00:33:35 Oh my gosh. You have given me the challenge that like my heart's racing. I'm just pumping so fast. I want to. I want to convince you so quickly and it comes down to who our client is and why they would want to meal prep. So like, correct me if I'm wrong, you work mostly from home. I do. Uh, so the convenience factor for you is there's a, there's a kitchen right downstairs. If I'm going to take a lunch break and I enjoy the cooking process, I'm going to take half an hour, cook my food, eat it fresh. Right? Right. So the purpose for you for meal prep may actually be different than somebody like me who I got here at the gym at 6:00 AM and I'm leaving at 6:00 PM because I'm, I have administrative duties throughout the day. And then I get to jump on a couple of podcasts today actually.
Speaker 3: 00:34:23 So my necessity is that I have to eat my breakfast here at work. I have to eat my lunch on a dedicated lunch break. It's at least half an hour where I don't do any work. And then I have to have my morning snack, an afternoon snack either on hand here in the office or prepared in my lunchbox. So, uh, my needs analysis, if I were my own client, I would program meal prep for myself. Where you would want to actually prep is to save time and to save money. Okay. We like your day yesterday was from 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM of just straight up recording, zoom calls, marketing game plan. And it was like your biggest money generating revenue day ever, right? You made you made $200,000 yesterday because he worked from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM straight. Even though you have a kitchen 10 feet away and seconds away, you wouldn't have time to actually make the meal.
Speaker 3: 00:35:28 Nutrition like to fuel the body for performance, you would just grab something quick and you would grab something that's easy, that's already premade. Maybe I'm a mass produced food or maybe it's a bag of I'm a bag of chips or that Greek yogurt. That's high insurer. Anyways. Those are just a couple of examples. Grabbing, go, you're going to grab what's easy, you're going to grab what's available and on hand and quick. Well, what we're doing for meal prep, for, for professionals who have a lifestyle like that, even though they work out, even though they work at home, right, they are generating their salary on a monthly basis. They need to have a grab and go meal prepared ahead of that busy Wednesday. Um, so I choose to do it on a Sunday for an hour and 15 minutes. I cooked my protein, I cooked my, um, my uh, grain rice, uh, excuse me, brown rice, sweet potatoes or Keenwah as my carbohydrate.
Speaker 3: 00:36:22 And then I have my fats on hand, you know, so I need to grab and go. And on a day like yesterday, you may have needed to grab and go your lunch as well. Right? And if you have a day when you're working through lunch, because we all have it, we've all done it and I'm guilty, uh, work through lunch, maybe on a conference call, maybe on like a, you're, you're teaching your, your second in command, how to do a new task and all you need to do is observes, but you still need to be there. Like eating through work. That's when meal prep would be the perfect fit for your lifestyle to maximize your productivity throughout the day while saving time and saving money by preparing your meals ahead of your busy work week.
Speaker 4: 00:37:07 I like that. Typically what I do, I get, I just get bags of lettuce, dumped them in a bowl or a little avocado oil or something or mct. Um, I really like on it has those same also fired flavored mct oils. Just throw it on there, some pumpkin seeds and stuff and I just kind of eat that and throw a can of tuna or something in there, a chicken or whatever. That's usually what I do because it's just easy for me. But I liked this meal prepping thing. I might, uh, I might have to get on this.
Speaker 3: 00:37:35 I love that actual meal that you just put together. You had a lean protein, you had some fats, you had some carbohydrates, so the actual meal that you put together, grab and go style in your kitchen when you have 30 minutes to set aside for a lunch break. What I cannot do is I can't eat the same thing every day. Oh, right. So I have two to three Goto lunches that I prepare in alternating weeks. Like week one, I'll have these two to three week two, I'll have these two to three that are built on the same principle of macronutrient consultation. And then I don't get bored with my meals. Oh. Because I need to like, I don't know if you can keep up with how quickly I'm talking, but like this is me all the time. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. I hear you, I hear you. I get bored real quick. I get distracted real quick. So I cannot eat the same thing every day.
Speaker 4: 00:38:31 Not here. I usually have, I mean I alternate the, usually the protein or whatever. And then usually I get a, I get saucy for dinner. So that's usually my, when my variety comes in,
Speaker 3: 00:38:41 you get saucy for dinner, is that what I hear?
Speaker 4: 00:38:43 Yeah, that's right. That's what I find the spice or the, the uh, the variety or something new. Um, I was trying out the hello fresh, something different. I was checking that out, I got a meal thing last week, made some different things. That's been kind of fun.
Speaker 3: 00:38:59 Good. And it's convenient to that. All the ingredients are right there. You just get to do the cooking, which is what most people enjoy. Most people don't enjoy going to the grocery store.
Speaker 4: 00:39:07 Yeah, that's the last thing. I'll be in a store for anything. I'm, I'm good. I'm good. I just bring it to my house and, and I, I'll figure it out when I get here.
Speaker 3: 00:39:15 Right. So what we did after see the prep work is meal prep system is about three and a half years old and we've had clients in Vietnam do this program. We've had clients in Utah and then local here in Denver. Um, it's a quick four week meal prep workshop that's virtual you access, access it on your phone. But why I bring that up is like the one area where I didn't create any type of meal prep was dinners in the very beginning. And then based on the feedback of the first round of clients that went through at 12 at a time, they, they just post blasted on social media with Hashtag prep wars because we are trying to compete and like who's gonna do the best meal prep this week was shared on social media and a one up each other, right? There you go. And their feedback was like, Dave, how do I make dinners fast and easy, but still have that variety, right?
Speaker 3: 00:40:06 So what we chose to do is educate people online with an online course that's easy to use and teach them how to dice their chicken, portion it out, freeze it, and then grab it out of the fridge, grab it out of the freezer, the morning up so that it's thought and ready to go for dinner. And then it's easier to actually meal prep your dinner. Kinda like I'm making my own hello fresh once a month. And then on a daily basis when I need to pull out that fish or when I need to pull out that diced chicken, I'm good to go. I'm, I'm preparing for my busy work week.
Speaker 4: 00:40:41 That's a good idea. Usually with me, it's five, 6:00. I'm like, Oh crap, what's for dinner? I'm not going to open the freezer. I'm like, oh, everything's frozen. I got frozen meat in here. Got All kinds of great meat in here and got some, you know, some businesses and elk and steaks and chicken is like, it's all frozen. Right? I like that idea. I've got to think about this. Maybe the night before and then in the morning when I get up, pull, pull that out of the freezer. That's your prep or is it just a course that teach people how to do this? You're not sending them anything.
Speaker 3: 00:41:13 Now i. Oh, who has time to cook for a thousand people?
Speaker 4: 00:41:17 You could have a facility. I don't know.
Speaker 3: 00:41:21 I've got a lot going on. So that's one thing that I didn't want to do is I'm passionate about cooking for myself. I love cooking. I love chopping veggies. I love actually sautéing my entrees, but I couldn't do that and fit it into my week for other people. So here's what we're doing. We're teaching. You were teaching a man how to fish so that he can eat for a lifetime, love it, and we're applying any a nutritional program that you want to apply to it, a Keto Diet, a Paleo Diet, a Vegan Diet. Vegetarians can actually use the meal prep principles that we're teaching you to save time and money and reach their weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance goals.
Speaker 2: 00:42:04 What? What is either your favorite or the community favorite? Go to dinner. Whatever it is, lunch, breakfast, whatever. Whatever you guys going. What's the favorite show or serious? The recipe?
Speaker 3: 00:42:16 My personal favorite is actually a healthy version of a Chinese dish. Orange chicken. Oh, I love orange chicken and this is. This is using a Garvey as a substitute for sugar. This is using fresh squeezed orange juice and it's using. You can use an oat flour to bread your chicken and make it just like a. you're going out to pf Chang's and we've created this orange chicken recipe with, uh, the healthiest version that you possibly can have and yet still enjoy your favorite Chinese dish.
Speaker 2: 00:42:52 That sounds good. Would it be possible to share that with me and I posted in the show notes?
Speaker 3: 00:42:56 Yep. Let me, uh, let me upload it to the brand new website as a blog and a, it will only take me a, a short amount of time to do that, but it'd be my pleasure to share that.
Speaker 2: 00:43:05 That's perfect. That's perfect. You know, you know what I found too few, maybe five or six years ago I started getting into, you know, I, I was eating the typical American diet and I thought it was doing a good job. Man. I just keep getting fatter. Like the older I get here, I just keep getting fatter. I'm like, I'm decently active. I swear to God I eat as good as possible and I'm going to finish what I started looking into this nutrition. And you know, the weirdest thing of all, if I found out was the better the ingredients you use it. The food tastes 10 times better than anything ever. You can make the same. I don't care chocolate chip cookies, but you use the best chocolate chips. You can get great quality butter. That stuff just blows my mind how good something can taste with such high quality ingredients and you can keep it simple like that recipe is not not hard and I bet you it's the best orange chicken you'll ever have in your life.
Speaker 3: 00:43:57 It's pretty good. Um, I couldn't eat it everyday and I don't. And I love variety in. So you get what you pay for everything in your life, a service based business. If you go discount, you're done to get a quality of service that's down to the level at which you buy at the discount. So when I go out, when I'm buying anything, I never look for the best price. I always looked for the best value. And the same thing applies. Food. If you're shopping for the best quality ingredients, your foods that you prepare, your meals that you prepare at home will actually taste better and you can still get to your weight loss goals while living your best life. And what I like to coach our clients on is you pick a level, I'm going to meet you where you're at, and if you want to start at a 70 slash 30 diet, then eventually get to an 80 slash 20 diet and then make your way to a 90 10 diet, which is where I live.
Speaker 3: 00:45:00 Then we will help you get there through the, uh, through the process of meal prep. What do you want to know? I'm glad that you clarified that because, um, I really want to explain this concept as succinctly as I possibly can. Seventy percent of the time, I'm 100 percent committed to my nutrition and fitness goals. Thirty percent of the time I'm going to live my life as I see it. Drink what I want, what I want, be as lazy as I want you to think that it's 70 slash 30 nutrition plan or commitment is going to get you to. Your goals are going to be pretty close. Okay? It'll get you headed in the right direction. And once you set this new lifestyle in place, you're gonna. You're gonna actually do this natural curiosity thing of like, what's next, how do I improve upon where I was then, where I am now, and where it's possible to go in the future.
Speaker 3: 00:45:55 And that's when we stair step up to an 80 slash 20 lifestyle choice. Eighty percent of the time I'm 100 percent committed to my goals at the time I get to go on vacation, I get to eat at the buffet, I get to go to Vegas, I get, I get to do this. I mean if you like to drink, it's a lifestyle choice. My, my, her, my process has a raw has gotten me to arrive at a 90 10 nutrition program, a 90 10 week look. Like is it like a cheat day, that cheat meal? How does that look? Uh, so this is gonna sound so regimented and so type a that it gives people a kind of the wrong impression. So let me just break down, break down how a typical week works in a 90 slash 10. Last Sunday, a Sunday breakfast. I'm cooking like a brunch style breakfast.
Speaker 3: 00:46:52 This fits into my 90 percent lifestyle choice. Actually, I can still have breakfast sausage, I can still have bacon, I can still have eggs, I can still have pancakes with my 90 10 choice, but what we're gonna do is we're going to pick like a sweet potato pancake. We're gonna pick Turkey Bacon. We're going to pick the best quality they can that we can find. I'm going to pay for it like nine bucks a pound. I'm going to find ground Turkey sausage links or ground Turkey patties. Um, those are my alternatives. Just egg whites for breakfast. Or what I'm going to do at breakfast is I'm actually going to start preparing my meals for the week. Oh, I'm already cooking breakfast. I might as well cook for more breakfast for Monday through Thursday, right?
Speaker 4: 00:47:39 Yeah. You're already there. Everything. Everything's out and ready to go.
Speaker 3: 00:47:42 Then in the afternoon I'm going to prep everything else. I'm going to portion out my stacks. That means veggies or fruit. I'm going to actually prepare my lunches, which might be a lean green, mean salad that you were talking about, but it might also have some, um, some carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates in there. Because my Jujitsu regimen, is it 1130 on a Tuesday, Thursday. My postworkout meal is my lunch, so I'm going to refuel with carbs, right. So I'm going to finish preparing my meals in about an hour and a half. That includes dinners as well. Um, and then I'm going to actually take a break for the rest of the day and I'm going to enjoy whatever dinner it is that I want on a Sunday night. Then Monday breakfast snack, lunch, snack, dinner all fits into that 90 percent lifestyle. One hundred percent committed to my goals, eating my meal prep throughout Monday through Thursday. And that's refueling need for performance because Jujitsu expends a lot of energy. So it was weightlifting. So I have to eat 3,300 calories every day.
Speaker 4: 00:48:49 Oh yeah, I do. I do acro yoga Monday and Tuesdays. I don't know if you've ever heard of that, but very, very intense. Come Wednesday, I probably eat five, 6,000 calories. I'm so hungry. Oh my God.
Speaker 3: 00:49:01 And you asked me about cheat meals or cheat day and we do program them in their. Early on in my career, my cheat meal, my cheat meal was Thursday, lunches. I have very rarely had a Thursday afternoon clients, so I would actually enjoy myself Thursday lunch. Well now that Jujitsu classes, 11 to one, um, I have to actually refuel my body for performance after that class. So Thursday lunch can no longer be a cheat meal. So I actually wait until Friday dinner to not be a cheat meal, but actually to be a refuel meal. So I no longer beat myself up with that negative connotation of the cheat meal. I actually positively reinforce myself by refueling my body so that I can perform the next day. And that dinner on Friday night as part of the 10 percent
Speaker 4: 00:49:52 I use. It was a typical Friday night dinner look like for you, but that refueled dinner,
Speaker 3: 00:49:59 it can be, it can be twice as much of a portion size of Thursday night's dinner. It could be a burger and a beer. Um, it could be pizza with the family. My daughter comes to see me Friday nights, leaves on Sundays. This is kind of why my lifestyle is the way that it is so that you and I can enjoy our time together in a celebratory fashion. Like we finished out our busy work weeks. I'm not going nuts. That's just like one beer and then whatever I want for my entree, uh, either at home or out doesn't matter. And then Saturday throughout the rest of the day on back on point, uh, that's my 90 percent a Saturday dinner. Uh, that's another choice meal or a refuel meal. I just need to take away that negative connotation of a cheat day because then I beat myself up for seven days because I call it cheating. But if I call it a refuel, well shoot, there's no negative connotation in the, in there anymore. Then I'm more apt to adhere to a nutritional program that I believe in because I'm not punishing myself for eating terribly. I let it go. I put it in the past and then I move forward with my breakfast on Sunday morning.
Speaker 2: 00:51:09 I liked the way you use that. You frame it in a certain way like that. I really like how that's a little nice little mindset trick there and you frame it in a way that doesn't matter what you eat because it's got its intended purpose and that's what it's for. I liked that. I liked that. Kind of switch gears a little bit here. I noticed and you kind of spoke earlier to you, you wrote a book, um, aspire higher why and what was that process like?
Speaker 3: 00:51:37 Alright, let's dive deep. So I'm using fitness and nutrition to improve my mental health for the last 20 years is essentially the premise behind the book. Um, and you were talking about catalyst moments where we need to make a lifestyle shift or our life actually changes in a moment and 17 or 18 years. There's a catalyst, uh, when I'm 17 or 18 years old, there was a catalyst moment in my life that everything thereafter changed. You could call it the butterfly effect or whatever, but I had been battling depression and anxiety for 20 years all by myself and I was only using fitness and nutrition, jen to actually, um, keep myself level on an even keel and healthy mentally. Um, I refuse to speak to anybody about it. I distanced myself from any spirituality and then, um, I was shut down in Guardian and walls up for 20 years.
Speaker 3: 00:52:41 Well, another catalyst event actually occurred 20 years after that and my daughter and her health deteriorated and she spent 10 days in the hospital and I didn't know what the future was going to hold for us. So this catalyst moment, 20 years after the first, uh, propelled me on a new and different path, a one, it created an opportunity for me to rebuild a relationship with God, which I had been missing. That was a big key piece of the puzzle in my life that I was missing. It allowed me to, um, seek out a community and church because I knew that I couldn't do this journey alone. And what that spirituality helped me do is keep the faith and actually give me hope that things could change. Uh, so I went through a breakup during the time that my daughter was in the hospital and it, it destroyed me mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Speaker 3: 00:53:39 But thank God I had that spiritual peace in my life. And Jiu Jitsu as well, so fast forward a little bit down the road and I'm, I'm working on these steps in the process through my spiritual journey and then through my parenting journey I get into a new relationship. My daughter's health deteriorates again twice during this short period of time. And then that relationship ends because everything was just like blowing up in my face and it was business was good. I mean, like I said earlier, I took that two week vacation because I was systemizing my business. What if I didn't systemize my business, my business would not have made it through this turmoil in our lives, but because I could step away momentarily throughout the week to be by, be with my daughter or be with the relationship or be with myself, then the business would have actually gone away.
Speaker 3: 00:54:32 So another catalyst event. When this relationship, the new relationship ends again, depression and anxiety came back full force for me and it sent me to rock bottom. Thank God you just Jitsu. Thank God I had a relationship with God and then I started seeing somebody professionally and I go, I spend each week, I spend time with a career counselors. There are consultants for me. Um, they helped me become a better father. They helped me become a better man and that was the catalyst moment for me to really essentially begin journaling about the previous 20 years of my life. But I get it on the computer because I can't, I can't hand write anything. Me. That's so, uh, so archaic. It's not convenient enough. Right. So I started journaling in my computer and it turns out that that story was good enough to share with other people and in about four months it got to about 50,000 words and that equates to 200 pages once you actually publish and print. And I said, you know what, let me put this in front of an editor or two or four.
Speaker 3: 00:55:47 I got some professional feedback on it and they say let's do these five things in a self publishing kind of a path. And they gave me the positive feedback that gave me the confidence boost. But I also saw the benefit of fitness, nutrition, spirituality, a community counseling, and then journaling on top of that that took me from rock bottom all the way up to a completely different person and what I've chosen to do with that book is I've chosen to actually release it for free before, before published it, and there are two places that you can find. That. One is probably the best place to find it is on Dave glaser.com. You can click the link at the top of the menu bar that says aspire higher book and you can get the first few sections emailed to you, but then it redirects you to a on computer, excuse me, a website called medium where bloggers and authors can post their things for free. I've posted this book in a series fashion on medium. You can find it there and read it as I publish a new section each week.
Speaker 4: 00:56:56 Oh, that's. And we will link that in the show notes for you folks. So it's easy for you guys to go ahead and get rid of it to there. I was poking around and looking at it earlier.
Speaker 3: 00:57:04 I appreciate that. That would be awesome to share the message and overall I kind of breezed over it just a little bit, but the message of the book is if you're dealing with a mental health and you need to seek out a solution, one, you're going to find out that you cannot do it alone. One, you're going to find out that you cannot do it with regular exercise and proper nutrition, especially to avoid us a pharmaceuticals. Right? And lastly, um, if you continue to have your walls up and be guarded with the people that are supposed to love you most, you will never accomplish that great change that you know you need in order to become your best self.
Speaker 4: 00:57:48 That's, that's, that's beautiful. And um, is your, is your daughter doing okay now? Share everything. Okay. You guys got that sorted out.
Speaker 3: 00:57:55 Yep. Things are improving. Um, we, we do have our swings up and down with her health, but um, but she's a very, very intelligent. She's also a talented writer. She's working on her first book also. I read it and I'm like, holy crap, this is like, this is like App, like enjoyable level for me to read. It's about our high school child. It's about a high school kid who struggles with fitting in basically. And um, my daughter is an exceptionally well a well read and very, very talented writer. Way better than me.
Speaker 4: 00:58:30 You need to hire to ghost write for you. Maybe the second book. Can you go straight for data? We gotta get something going here.
Speaker 3: 00:58:38 Joe. Tell my story from her point of view and it'll be a totally different.
Speaker 4: 00:58:43 The New York Times bestseller list. You're like, oh
Speaker 3: 00:58:46 no, I'd be so proud. Oh my gosh. You'll see over there one day. She's that talented.
Speaker 4: 00:58:50 I'm glad to hear that you guys are managing her health and so that's good to hear. Um, you know, that's the tough. I, I look at that and I just, I mean, I'm so blessed that I'm, I, I'm at this moment, we don't have no one that was problems. My kids and I look around and says, you know, these things, they can go at any minute people. I'm you gotTa, you gotTa, be grateful for them and understand that these things aren't guaranteed for you. Anything can happen at any moment. Be grateful for what you have today and everybody's house and everything
Speaker 3: 00:59:22 is doing good. That's absolutely correct. I wholeheartedly agree with that.
Speaker 2: 00:59:29 What does a typical day look like for you? What is the, either of their habits or morning routines or whatever that if you get those one to three things done, you absolutely win the day no matter what else happens.
Speaker 3: 00:59:40 Um, I love this. I love this question because about a, I read the power of habit by Charles Duhigg and not only did that book changed my life, I lost eight pounds by using the principles of the healthy habits that are in that book, but my clientele started to see better results too because I would share the book and then I would share what I learned in our sessions and I would actually, um, through that knowledge, impact their lives greater than I had in the first three and a half years of my business. It was, it was crazy that I didn't expect our clientele to actually get better results, but because we started implementing these seven healthy habits into their daily routine, they saw greater results faster and safer. So if I get plenty of sleep, if I drink plenty of water, if I eat slowly, if I eat to 80 percent full, if I eat plenty of veggies, I could eat as many veggies as I want to lose weight. I eat 5,000 calories a day. Well, okay, I'm exaggerating, but everyday will help us lose weight. A fiber. This is the trick. If I give myself time for rest, that is a key key component. So that's number six. And then if I take time for me, if I implement this self care program and plan in my own life, I actually reached my goals faster. I'm a healthier human being, my mental health has improved and I'm also enjoying life a lot better, which means I'm easier to spend time with, which means I make better relationships. Uh, which means everyone's happier. You can, we can, uh, we can actually see that positive change if we do those seven things.
Speaker 2: 01:01:29 That's, that's, that's nice. Um, what other books that you either you know, gift or really like your recommend that has helped you on your journey?
Speaker 3: 01:01:38 I, oh, this blog and website and I'm a, I'm an avid audible fan. I can't actually read a physical book. Um, it's something about the page turning or it's something about like multitasking, gotta go, go, go, go, go. So on my commutes that we're about 45 minutes each way. Um, I began with the big leap, right? The big leap is an amazing book that helped me identify what my limiting beliefs were so that I could overcome them. Those two are a burden and a fear of not being good enough. And I was telling our, entering this morning, he's a black belt in Jujitsu, so he's much philosophically in tune and a very humble person. He says, Dave, you know, you're not alone. Right?
Speaker 3: 01:02:26 And of course I know that to be true because I got the opportunity to read the big leap by Gay Hendricks and it changed my life. It changed my business. I actually increased revenue by $12,000 a year that I read the big leap because I no longer felt like a burden on my clients, future clients or past clients because I dealt with my own stuff. Wow. So that's book number one. That's the one that I recommend to everybody. Um, mindset is an amazing book. It's the new psychology of success by Carol Dwek. I hope I'm getting her last name correct.
Speaker 2: 01:03:03 We'll link it in the show notes for you folks.
Speaker 3: 01:03:05 Mindset is phenomenal book. Am I stuck in a growth mindset or I'm, I'm sorry? Am I flourishing in a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? And when I needed to make the change from fixed mindset, well, things will never get better. I'll never be a great trainer. I walked out of Jujitsu for the first three months, never thinking I'd be good at the sport. And without a growth mindset, I would have quit the first week.
Speaker 3: 01:03:32 But knowing that knowing that the foundation of Jujitsu or anything in our lives grows over time, like the knowledge of another person allows me to grow in that relationship so I'm not going to meet somebody and know on the first date that they're the one, oh my God, like that's an ideology that we need to get rid of in the American culture. Well, the more we learn about a person, the more that relationship grows. But if I'm stuck in a fixed mindset, I'm going to meet this person on the first day and ignore 90 percent of the things that they're saying. If they're not saying 100 percent of the content that resonates with me, I'm just going to walk. We never even give him a second chance. That's a fixed mindset with a growth mindset. Go out with somebody new, has sit down, either have dinner or drinks or coffee and maybe pick out two or three words that might be aligned with your core values and then give them a second chance. You're only going to remember that small 10 percent of the conversation anyways. So focus on those few things that are bad you and then implement this growth mindset and you will actually have relationships.
Speaker 2: 01:04:49 I like that. So I'm trying to have to pick up some of these books. I love the new recommendations.
Speaker 3: 01:04:54 Awesome. I'm, I'm happy to hear that
Speaker 2: 01:04:57 we're working on what's the best place for people to get a hold of you. Where should we send people to, to learn more about you and what you're up to.
Speaker 3: 01:05:04 Dave Glazer Dot com is probably the best place to find me. Um, that tells a lot about my story and how I ended up, um, building the business that I have. Um, I'm very active on instagram and facebook. Uh, instagram is a, my first and last name, Dave Glazer, underscore, cscs. That stands for certified strength and conditioning specialist. Connect with me there. That's a great place to stay up to date with instastories and my family life. That's probably pretty much the only place that I share my daughter's birthday was yesterday. Today. So happy birthday. Yep. She's sweet 16. Oh boy. That sounds fun. And then finally, if, if people are more interested in the fitness and nutrition programs, then fitlife champions.com. This is the best way to book a free consultation. Okay,
Speaker 2: 01:05:54 this was great. And like I said, um, we'll link all those up so you guys usually get ahold of Dave and what he's up to. Keep in touch with him and whatnot. Dave, here on a social community show, we like to do a weekly challenge and this week I'd like to get you to do the challenge.
Speaker 3: 01:06:07 Okay. Awesome. This is my idea. This is, this is free form, like free flowing. I can come up with whatever I want and challenge our
Speaker 2: 01:06:16 sounds, all the listeners and the viewers. Yes.
Speaker 3: 01:06:18 Alright. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna get moving. We talked about it earlier on the show were simply just take a few extra steps on your way to lunch on your way to the restroom. But I want you guys to get your body's moving for the next seven days. So@fitlifechampions.com, we have, we have already set up at a seven day healthy habit challenge. You can go onto the website, underneath the menu bar, it says free week. This will send you those seven healthy habits that I talked about earlier and how you can implement and why they're important in your life. You'll also get three free gym workouts to try on your own in a reasonably well equipped Jim like 24 hour fitness so that you can keep moving. I'm using that resistance training, the weight training to build stronger bones, better lean muscle mass, boost your energy, decrease stress, and improve your mental health.
Speaker 2: 01:07:13 That's amazing. What a great challenge. Before we wrap up, is there anything you wanted to share that we didn't get to or anything like that?
Speaker 3: 01:07:21 Wow. I mean, we covered everything. Well, almost everything, you know, hopefully you guys take away 10 percent and then come back for a second date, uh, to get the rest of the 90 percent. But there's, there's one thing that I hold dear and it's a great quote that I share as often as I possibly can. And your business will only grow as much as you do. And what Bob Sugar is saying there is, if you're not learning, you're dying and your business will go south very, very quickly if you don't grow personally. Another reason why I recommend the big leap mindset, um, you are a Badass by Jen Sincero, daring greatly by Bernay Brown. These are book recommendations that will get you unstuck from the position that you're in now, so that you can live your best life, whether it be professionally, personally blending the two or emotional at home.
Speaker 4: 01:08:16 I'm a future emotional connection. Um, that's what I want to lead with the lead with you guys today. Thank you so much. It's been wonderful talking with you on here. Thank you so much for being on the show today. It's been really great. And like I said it guys, we'll link up everything so you guys can get to all his different things, his book and everything in the show notes. Thank you so much for being here today. I really appreciate your time. I appreciate it as well. That was a lot of fun. Great night guys. Thank you. Well, thanks you guys. Um, what a great conversation with Dave. Dave, thank you again for being on. It was really just an absolute pleasure. Like I said, we'll link everything in the show notes are all the different books and things he's got going on there. Um, as always, guys, this is the end of August when this airs.
Speaker 4: 01:09:00 You haven't gotten into that giveaway for the $50 Amazon gift card. Please make sure you do get in there. Uh, if you're, if you're catching this after August, jump onto that September giveaway. I have something in the works. I'm not going to quite share it. It comes through, I think. I think it be pretty awesome. Not, there's always something amazing there for you guys. Head over to the social chameleon.show/pick me and enter in for every month's giveaway always at that link. And, you know, um, in closing here, if you guys found some help and some great information here from Dave, please share this with at least two other people you think this could help too if you'd like to support our show, but investing in yourself and your education, you can always have patrion page and if you think we've met at Burnett, you can become patrion was get some fun little extra things there.
Speaker 4: 01:09:49 We can do a q and a and all kinds of things. There's lots of great perks. Their patrion.com in between shows. You can follow us on our journey at the social community that show on facebook, instagram, twitter. You can also subscribe on Youtube and your favorite podcast APP. If you're listening to the podcast version, if you wouldn't mind leaving a review and rating, it helps our show which more amazing people just like you and for past episodes and links to everything we've talked about. You can visit the social community in that show. Until next time, keep learning growing and transforming into the person you want to become.