Dismissing Ideas

Sometimes we give up before we even try. We think to ourselves; I'm not an entrepreneur, I'm not that smart, I'm not this type of person, I'm not somebody that can do this. What if I fail? What if it doesn't work? We give up too soon. We fail before we even try. Our self-talk limits us. Friends and family discourage us from trying or following through. Well guess what your right, if you believe all that jargon, that is your future, these are your results. It doesn't have to be. You can push through. FAIL. TRY AGAIN. The most important part of this discussion is you don't give up before you start.

A life of trying, failure, experiences; is better than a life lived on the sidelines.

You choose.

What do you want?
What kind of life do you want to live?

Books & Links From The Episode

The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick)

In this iconic bestseller, popular business blogger and bestselling author Seth Godin proves that winners are really just the best quitters. Godin shows that winners quit fast, quit often, and quit without guilt—until they commit to beating the right Dip.

Every new project (or job, or hobby, or company) starts out fun…then gets really hard, and not much fun at all. You might be in a Dip—a temporary setback that will get better if you keep pushing. But maybe it’s really a Cul-de-Sac—a total dead end. What really sets superstars apart is the ability to tell the two apart.

Winners seek out the Dip. They realize that the bigger the barrier, the bigger the reward for getting past it. If you can beat the Dip to be the best, you’ll earn profits, glory, and long-term security.
Whether you’re an intern or a CEO, this fun little book will help you figure out if you’re in a Dip that’s worthy of your time, effort, and talents. The old saying is wrong—winners do quit, and quitters do win.

53: Dismissing Ideas 153: Dismissing Ideas 2

Mastery By Robert Green

Each one of us has within us the potential to be a Master. Learn the secrets of the field you have chosen, submit to a rigorous apprenticeship, absorb the hidden knowledge possessed by those with years of experience, surge past competitors to surpass them in brilliance, and explode established patterns from within. Study the behaviors of Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Leonardo da Vinci and the nine contemporary Masters interviewed for this book.

The bestseller author of The 48 Laws of PowerThe Art of Seduction, and The 33 Strategies of War, Robert Greene has spent a lifetime studying the laws of power. Now, he shares the secret path to greatness. With this seminal text as a guide, readers will learn how to unlock the passion within and become masters.

53: Dismissing Ideas 353: Dismissing Ideas 4

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Episode Transcriptions Unedited, AI Auto-Generated.

Speaker 1: 00:04 Okay.

Speaker 2: 00:05 Welcome to the associate community. You show where it's our goal to help you learn, grow and transform or depression will become tell you were talking about dismissing ideas too quickly.

Speaker 1: 00:15 Okay.

Speaker 2: 00:15 Sometimes people give up before they even try charged. Yeah, I did. And I don't know man. It's just like some people don't even give things a fair shot. It's like, ah, ah, I think we can now we can't ever do that. Yeah. It's always like those like, well, you know, my family, he doesn't do those kinds of things. Or I didn't come from that kind of background or I didn't go to college or I never studied engineering or, yeah. And it's just like they've left these prepositions are things like stop them or what about, you know, I think, I'm not even sure people are aware of this one, but like people's personal filters that cognitive biases and yeah, like that mental barrier that automatically prevents unwanted ideas from entering your head. Like, yeah. Even like sit like you don't even think about doing it. It's just like, no, that's dumb.

Speaker 2: 01:06 Right. That's the idea is formed or basic. Oh, shut this down. That's too entrepreneurial. This is in you. That's like, that's not who I am. That's not what I do. And it's like, yeah, I don't know. Some of those ideas may be beneficial to you. You know you got to wonder, I'm not sure. A lot of that stems from parents' childhood and all kinds of things. Teachers and whoever is shutting things down all the time. Like I was talking with somebody a few weeks ago and he was, he was asking you is like uh, you know, will at one years old like what, who was around like with your parents, what did they do, what kind of jobs did they have? And I was like, Oh when we talked about Dan and I as why he's like from the research here I was doing the Dave, they've kind of found, it's kind of seem like it's concluding to whenever your parents kind of did when you were a baby and kind of one you know one year old kind of range that kind of sets you up for what you think about as jobs and things in the word of your parents are entrepreneurs or small business owners like you have up like pre tendency to like be okay with that kind of stuff or have like a different view on work and life and things like that.

Speaker 2: 02:07 I was like clinic kind of interesting what he was kind of talking about. But yeah, I mean cause a lot of people don't really know like these mental barriers are these internal mechanisms or stuff. Like a lot of that stuff is not even program by you as opposed to if not thank gets programmed by either your past or things that happened to you in the past or what people you idolize either, you know, whether that'd be people on social media, people on TV, you know, just kind of this, be aware of that. And then you have the other people too where you know, ignorance is bliss right? Before is it? Yeah. Hey, not knowing is not at the fence. Ah, I don't know man. I Dunno. Look at Oj.

Speaker 2: 02:50 Her told me that one's not knowing is not a defense. How site. So we've got to figure this out. Then you just like, yeah, but I mean it's just for the most part, right. In everyday life it works. Right. You know, I don't want to think about that. Oh no, that is right. So what are you going, I didn't know it in the speed limit here. Well, I did read the sign and one side went behind him. Damn. Oh my goodness. It seems like guarantee I played this card of like you just don't want to know. You don't want to do the work. You don't want to look it up. It's easier that way. It's a good excuse. Even if it's not even true.

Speaker 2: 03:46 I didn't know so not a big deal. You didn't care. Yeah, sometimes you don't care and sometimes it's easier. Sometimes the juice isn't worth the squeeze, but I mean just just those types of things where like when you actually don't know. Right. We were talking about that and one of the other episodes, like if you can't explain something to an eight year old how to do it, like maybe you really don't know how to do it that well. You know? That's a better answer though. Like you know what? I never, I never cared about this. I haven't looked it up. I don't, I don't, I didn't put my saying those things to yourself and other person. That's a better conversation. You know what I mean? But saying, I don't know is easier, way easier. It's like it's just the escape go kind of thing. Exactly. Get you off the hook like I didn't know like nobody taught me. Nobody showed me.

Speaker 2: 04:39 Yeah, but I mean just like again this, this social is about awareness. It's about personal development and if you actually truly want to change and become something more like you want to stop playing that ignorance car and right. Sometimes you know a lot of this stuff too is just, you know, not even ignorance card but if you don't, if you give up too easily or you quit, that stunts your growth as a person. Again, you're going to throw in the towel when it's too early. It's like, oh you're just quitting because it's easier than, than moving forward. Like that doesn't get you anywhere. Yeah, I know. And I think there's like two things to that and from, from, from what I've experienced when I've read and different things I've done and what not or whatever. I guess the first one is when you're just trying to do something for like a quick buck or to be easy.

Speaker 2: 05:27 Like when it's, when you come up against a roadblock or an obstacle you're like, I didn't really care for it. Is Anyway and it's easy to quit because you're not invested in it. You don't want really want to do it. And then the second thing, I think it was epic, tedious or maybe Santa Curse with that guy, he was like, he was talking about, if you never, I don't know the exact quote, but if you never, if you never have any obstacles or challenges in your life, then you don't really know anything about your life. You'd never really test yourself. How sad is, you've never, you've never really tested who you are and I'm, and you know, it's easy link to not test yourself and put yourself in this nice little seat.

Speaker 3: 06:06 They have the same job for years, right then at the same local friends and like nothing changes in her life and having no change is comfortable. That's what needs to be. That's where everybody, I guess in essence wants to be right. If you're looking for change, like certain stable, you know, common things in your life that are there, those often need to change to, you know, this whole thing about not challenging yourself. This whole thing about, um, you know, being ignorant to things or just saying that you don't know. Like all of that has to, not even all of it, but some of it has to change at some point. If you want a growth and you want to change, you've got to go through that cocoon phase before you could come. Butterfly.

Speaker 2: 06:53 Yeah. Everybody's an amateur. Before pro ain't every, every, you know, every, every master was once an apprentice. Like you got to know, like, I got to get there. I got to get to this point, the next thing or whatever. But that's the thing. A few years ago I kept hearing this thing, I want you to stay in Paris. It's like get uncomfortable, get comfortable being uncomfortable, get comfortable being uncomfortable. I'm like, it doesn't sound right. I need to go do more of that. Cause I don't like the way that sounds. But I started doing things like, I don't like being touched. I don't like being hugged. I don't like people speaking. I don't like

Speaker 3: 07:26 you want to Holler at Tyson, I'll give you a hug buddy. Thank you.

Speaker 2: 07:30 I was like, I need to challenge these things. I need to get comfortable with being how different things doing different types of things and I whatever's been two, two and a half years now, I mean it doesn't even bother me.

Speaker 3: 07:45 Right. And then that's the part where you start to like unlock your mind. Like I mean like you, you come up to this wall, every time you hit this wall you hit this one but this one and say, okay, I need to stop hitting this wall. This time they started going over it. Once you open your mind to that possibilities, like new things become available, you know, you'd be surprised that you think something is extremely hard. Like for me, I thought, you know, being straight a student, like what's going to be like a hard thing. I mean he'll get me wrong, it was hard, but after a while it's like, hey, like there's a pattern to this. There's actually a way to do it. Like you look at the syllabus, he look at all the points, you need x amount of percentage of these points to do such. So it's like, okay, homework is once, like once you start thinking that you can do it, like you start opening your mind to, okay, how is this possible? And I like, and then just that common mindset right there for switching from something as impossible to now it's possible. Now your brain starts looking for all these ways in which something can be done. You know?

Speaker 2: 08:49 And that's the key. Like you're saying that you unlock your brain, your brain switches, it's focused, your brains and a focus on you are whatever your input is you're seeing can be done. Your brain's like, yeah, and let me show you the highways and you know, but then they, the same goes into reverse thing. How can I afford this? How can I do this? How can I get this? The dude, everybody's like, all right, let me show you that way. He's like, let's go. Like it's, that's he like you just listen to people. That's the key thing right there. Changing our focus. Give your brain the task though. I can, how can I, how do we get this dot. And that's the best.

Speaker 3: 09:21 Yeah. And that's palms to dismissing ideas quickly. Like sometimes people give up too quickly and like they, they may give up when, when the answer is right around the corner, like the answers right there and then like the day you give up, like you'll never know. That answer's right behind that extra door. Like three more doors down. You'd have the answer for what you're looking for or you know what I mean? Like your parents may have been answered or your dreams may have come true but you stopped three doors away. It's like, you know,

Speaker 2: 09:53 I think, I want to say most people, I've seen that meme of the guy, like he's digging a tunnel or whatever it is. It's a little sliver of thing and it's like right on us. There were like diamonds or gold or whatever it is. He's like walking away and then the guy in the bottom of the mean he's, he's still going and his path was like farther or whatever it is, but he just broke through and he, he got it or whatever. It's like funny that, I mean that kind of expresses this,

Speaker 3: 10:14 right? It's like the guy who was right there just gave up. Yeah. What way? The guy who just kept pressing on. Got It. Okay.

Speaker 2: 10:20 He's like, I got three feet, nothing, nothing here. Obviously it's like no three feet, three inches was where it was at. Like,

Speaker 3: 10:26 right dude, guys do it. It just depends on what your end dude like, ah, you're racing doing it and like it don't matter whether you were by mile.

Speaker 2: 10:36 Right. Sometimes it goes down two tenths of a second, hundreds of a second, thousands of a second. Like I was listening to Michael Phelps on the Tony and Tony Robbins podcast when he won the, was it the 20 2012 Olympics? He cuts the pad like one 1000th of a second before the guy and he won the gold. They had to, they had to go out there. It was so close to have to go down to the thousandth of a second or whatever it was to, to find out who the winner was. But that was all the difference, you know? And, and you know, my was like, I thought because of the stroke at the end I lost it, but I reached a pad just that split second before he did like, well you need, I mean at the end of the day, who would you look at the record book it says gold, silver, bronze. You, it doesn't say, you know, you don't look at the other side of the column. Like you know,

Speaker 3: 11:25 yeah, no, I mean some people do, but all the others on the flip side of that, for the people that do walk away, you know, is like, you know, you got also got to take the fact that that's not a loss to, you know, failure's okay even in that means that got me, that almost got the diamond and he freaking turned around and walked away. Like, and I mean there were a value. You got to, you got to take something away from that failure and just be like, oh, this is a failure. You know, failure is a, it's not a, now it doesn't describe who you are. It doesn't describe what you do. You know what I mean? It's just an event. Something happened. It didn't happen for you. And that's okay. Like you've gotta be okay with that too.

Speaker 2: 12:06 Yeah. Don't, yeah. Don't let failure be what identifies you. Uh, you know, that's not your worst. You know, you, you've got this after you're done crying or whatever it is you're doing, you've got to say, okay, why did I fail? And like how, like, what went wrong? Like what's after action plan here? Like what, what can I learn from this? What are the lessons? Maybe it takes a week, maybe it takes a month and you got to keep, and what happened? They're like, why did I fail it? What the fuck happened? You can't, you cannot blame everybody else. You've got to start with yourself. You gotta start with you and say, what did I do wrong? You know, not my goddamn account. Who's stealing? That's not his fucking bash. Your problem. Why weren't you doing what you had to do to maybe hire the right person to begin with or, or, or check in once in a while, you know what's going on. Like you gotta start with yourself and say, why did these things happen and how can I learn, grow muon future?

Speaker 3: 12:58 That's the thing about failure that allows you to learn about yourself and if they're, if this failure was something that was, you know, Aka not your fault, it's like, well, okay, how can I prevent this in the future? How can I prevent this external source or this outside force from coming in and and making this failure? What things can I do within my control to help prevent that in the future? Like those are the things that you know, that make failures of victory. Those are the things that you know, in the event that you do give up and are not ideal. It's too quickly. Like don't just let that go. Don't just play that ignorance carbogen or that bliss card or you know what I mean? Oh, that wasn't my fault. Like figure it out that time to learn so that way the next time you won't give up that easily or the next time you had that problem, you'll have something in place that's going to take care of it.

Speaker 2: 13:55 Yeah. Failure Canon last times least as accessible. You've got to go through those failures. You've got to, but if you're not learning from them, you're constantly blaming others, blaming the economy. You're blaming this or blaming the knock offs in China, you're blaming, you're not going to have an opportunity to learn what your doing wrong. What is happening? Am I, am I micromanaging so much on my hiring the wrong people? I constantly bring on our friends and family and you're not doing their job like what is it happening? It's dark with these stems with, with you.

Speaker 3: 14:27 I guess taking a step out from the micro and looking at the macro things, like most good things come after the slump, right? Just like anything in life. After resection comes expansion, after expansion comes recession, like these are the cycles of life. These are the things that you know, all in all they happen all too often. I'm home for everybody involved, not just you, not just me. Like it happens. Sometimes you go through a slump, you know what I mean? And it's just like sometimes you got to take a few losses before you get the win. So it's not always a bad thing.

Speaker 2: 15:05 That's when you do got to know what you're fighting for, what you're doing, why are you doing these things? So when these slumps come, the honeymoon phase is over, the sizzle is off the state. You've got to know, okay, I noticed this coming. This is the hard part is so the trenches, I've got to work through this. I've got to push through this cause I know on the other side of this is going to be, the victory is going to be the next thing that's going to be the catalyst that I'm looking for. Whatever it is, you've got to fight through that. Knowing that this is where everybody stops and if I go beyond this, this is where nobody's at right now because everybody stops here and I've got to be the one that goes past this and get us beyond this so that I can invent this thing, push the boundaries, be under the four minute mile, whatever it is. These things that are out there to people. Are, you know, I've said, can it be done? We can't go to the moon until we want to. And you know what I mean? All these things. That's, that's the key distinction as the new thinking, then you've got to have just beyond, this is

Speaker 3: 16:06 where I want to be. Yeah. And then in the, and the other three dimensional realm of things, it's like sometimes because you've failed out to what you originally, the wanting to accomplish, that doesn't always mean that you can't accomplish something else. Right. The guy that invented the post it note, everybody knows what a posted notice. But did you know that the guy that originally wanted to create the post to note, he was actually trying to create an adhesive that fricken never failed. He was trying to create the best ever that would never fail. And guess what? He didn't make it. He made something else, but he took that little used today. They ain't put it on these papers. And then he created postit notes. Like, you know, it takes, you know, again, if you open your mind to the possibilities, right? Like what is the goal? Like, yeah, I want it to create this super cool adhesive to begin with, but that's not what I'm ending up with. Like you know, the other flip side of that is how can I open my mind to take this failure and create it to something that's a win.

Speaker 2: 17:11 Wd 40 40 of the rendition of water displacement formula. You know, I want to do 40 39 times you fail. Yeah. I was listening to doctor Peter Thiel, his podcasts and he would have this guy on some cancer research or something along those lines, whatever, and he was talking about the when it, when it goes through the drug trials into different things and are trying to figure out what can this whatever molecule do or what does this thing in there. And they said, well most times after the first, the first trial and it doesn't, they say, oh, we think this is going to help with blood sugar. And they're like, oh, it doesn't do that and it just killed the whole thing. Never again. That thing will never get funding. We'll never see the light of day again because the first time office has failed and he was saying, and his experience and from what he's done, most of these things take the draw in the drug world especially takes three trines at something before they find out what the drug is really for good at.

Speaker 2: 18:07 I don't know if you guys ever heard of like, you know by Agra was I think it was for blood pressure or whatever and people are like, yeah, my blood pressure me and I said good, but man my erections are awesome. You know like, you know, there's a lot of those things like that you've got are out there. You know, like I think it was like champions or something like that. It was originally for like the pressure, something like that. People like, I still feel depressed but many quit smoking and they're like, wait a second, you know, like, but if it wasn't for people brushing acids, first failures, we wouldn't have this thing. They got to go through their trials. They got to ask the right questions. Yeah. And then go through the process, collect the data. I'd be like, okay, what do we have here? How do we have something that we can use this drug for? You know, and it just takes that far. It's fine. Any mission that Viagara did reminds me a fricking 40 year old version.

Speaker 2: 18:56 The commercial said to call you if I have an erection lasting more than four hours. And that guy I know that ends like, did you even take our drugs, sir? He's like, no. But he was talking about a Beta blocker. So that's cluster or something along those lines. I'm not a doctor, but the guy said that that drug, if it was in today's world, in today's standards, would never be an that because it took so many failures that I didn't figure out what that drug could do. So we would never have that drug. You know? Now a lot of these things, like he was talking about like who knows what's on the shelves now? That was just one, one thought at it. One try at it and we're like, no, and just sit on the shelf forever now. Never be, nobody will ever put any money into it because it failed one time.

Speaker 2: 19:46 And that's just crazy to think about it. You know what I mean? They might seem like every time we just did one time, one thing when it got milk driving's not for me. You know, now not a walker. Well, hey, they got over it now. It's okay. Yeah, it's a crazy, you know, so you gotta push through these things. You've gotta be open minded. You gotta be willing to at the end. You know what helps me a lot is bringing in people outside people and taking hard criticism and say, look at this. Like, what's going on here? What do you see? And it's like, Oh, you'll get, a lot of times you'll get people saying, well, what about this? What about that? Or you're doing this, you're doing that. And it's like, and then you'll start to, if you're open to it and you should be going to say, oh, I didn't think about it that way. I didn't see that. And call, thanks for the, you know, the incident happening. Oh Man, I'm fucking up. I didn't even notice it. You know? I agree. Great minds now, what is it like steel on steel, right? Steel sharpens steel. Yeah, exactly, but you got to bring in outside people, different perspectives, different backgrounds, different upbringing, whatever it is, the bounce things in a different way. Maybe somebody cynical, you're like, oh, I need a cynical point of view. I'm too optimistic maybe, or what am I missing?

Speaker 3: 20:51 What am I not seeing? You know? Like if you're cynical about it, like, Hey, you know what? I'm been down in this idea and let's get a positive person in here. Right? When you think about this, that's the kind of thing where you got to play to your strengths. If you, if you know what your strengths are and you know what your weaknesses are and it's like, Hey, I'm weak in this area. I need somebody in this area to come in, step in and help me out, you know? Or do you have the other things too instead of like Pfizer where the drugs to sit on the shelf and nobody goes on news because they don't know what they use for you. Have a story about at and t, like the t and t created so many things that I think was never used. Other people, other people took advantage of that.

Speaker 3: 21:33 And I mean like the microwave, like how the heck, why is a phone company making microwave? No, but they were trying to come up with new ways, right? New communication technology and it just so happened that there was a better use for it. It's like, hmm, well we have this new technology. I think you should kind of take a look at that. You know what I mean? And it's just like their, their contributions to society are great. What does all of too, they made cds too, right? Be careful who is watching this. You guys may not know what compact this or cassette, oop, sorry. Tracks are, but see these man, those, those things are big. Back when, back when I was a kid, man was big binders as 700 cds I got. I was up, man. I think I still got one. It wasn't going well. Yeah. You think texting your drivers bad and trying to be through a CD book. Where's that damn CD? I'm on page 12 already. I don't know. It was like sticking it in and you're driving over speed bumps like your songs to VP and above too hard, but you know it's just like, you know, again, things that just would never have in today's society had somebody not created a failure, you know?

Speaker 2: 22:49 Yeah. I heard something about today. They, they created like the transistor and they had had the patent and the government had some something when they were their monopoly, it was being broken up. The government said you got to give these out and let people use them for free and not what, what birth? Like the whole computer industry. If it wasn't for that patent being released, who knows where, you know how long it would've taken us to get computers and different things along those lines. But that's the thing. I guess the key point is there is, you know, maybe you're not the right guy for the idea to carry it forward any further than you have or whatever. Share those ideas with people like let you know, find something, hey listen, I got this idea for this thing. It's not me. It's not my thing. I don't want to take care of it.

Speaker 2: 23:27 But I think something that could be good in the world like airs is for you. Take it and run with it and you know, be okay with people taking your deals are sharing them. Maybe even you get it a little bit, a little bit down the road and you sell it off and say that I'm not the guy to take it from one store to two stores, but I think it can go somewhere and you can sell it off or partner with somebody or like don't limit your mind to Addis. Not mean it's not my thing or I don't know.

Speaker 3: 23:52 It's like, you know, it doesn't have to be a failure. It can be somebody or you know, if, if you're just letting it go and it's going to become a part of society that you contributed to silence me. No, let that be to map. You can be at peace with that. There's a lot of good things that the deeds don't go on punish. Right. You know, and this coming to all of these things too, I guess we kind of talked about it, a little examples, you know, up to this point in a show about dismissing ideas too quickly. Now let's Kinda get into I guess how the thought process of, you know, how can we start accomplishing these things? You know, and my first thought is instead of dismissing an idea altogether, just kind of put it low on the priority list, you know what I mean?

Speaker 3: 24:35 Or something that you used in the last ditch effort or the worst case scenario. Like let's just say we're trying to come up with an idea for x. No, the first idea that Tyson comes up with because he's such a genius as an illegal one can remind, you know what I mean? But instead of just saying, oh, Tyson, the idea is illegal, let's dismiss it. Why don't we just say, okay Tyson, I like your idea. It will get us where we need to go, but it's illegal. Why don't we just put that on the bottom of the list. You know what I'm saying again, but I said, this is all about walking in your mind, but you know, I don't have any felonies. You know what I mean? Oh, you know what, we'll keep it on the bottom of this. You know, again, we're at, we're going through the process. You're added to the list. The next idea, add that onto the list.

Speaker 2: 25:26 You know what I have on my, um, am I in my note app? I have, I have a thing called idea inbox. There's no deep or something like that. What's interesting, I might want to think about this later. I'll note it down in there and then once in a while I'll go back through what are some things I was bottom over the months of the years and I go back through my idea inboxes, look at some stuff and say, is it time to pursue this? Do I know somebody that could take this idea and maybe take it like, here's an idea. Hey, like you were looking for a thing, you were talking about some of the day I thought about this some time ago. Like take this idea and run with it. You know, maybe you know, a lot of times when you put things like on a low priority, you kinda put them on the back burner.

Speaker 2: 26:01 Your mind will start, your mind will start to kind of think about it and think about it kind of in the back or kind of away from your, your, your, your thoughts you have and all of a sudden one day and be, oh shit. Mafiosi mother day. Like your brain's got a solution now or your brain is saw something. So yeah, bring that on the backburner and let it sit there. Let it idle. Like they'll just be like, can't do it. Not Happening, not me. I'm not the kind of guy, I'm not from that kind of neighborhood or you know, whatever. Like all these different solutions we have. Yeah,

Speaker 3: 26:25 yeah. Whatever it is. And this is, again, this is about training. Your brain is about developing new patterns in life. You know, I used to say the same thing of just come up with a way to test new ideas. It's like, okay, there's this new idea that coming in instead of automatically rejecting it just to be like, okay, what are the benefits of this

Speaker 2: 26:44 new, I mean obviously you see the downside originally it's getting, it's illegal. Oh, it was a benefit of this, right? I mean we're going to start a goal. Okay, that's illegal. Okay. How can we take that premise and like where can we find, find a legal way of doing it? Or how can we make that not illegal by doing it like this or take this component, I'll put that in now. It's not something you can be whatever. You know what I mean? Yeah. And it's just like, you know, you got to come up with waste of test this idea instead of outright rejecting it and mean, and it's like just coming up with this thing instead of just dismissing it altogether because of some mental barrier that you had in the past. Like you developed this new process where an idea comes in and get tested and then from there it's like, okay, it's either for me or it's not.

Speaker 2: 27:28 No. You know, with the Internet nowadays and so many things are, are, are cheap or free or whatever it is, it's so easy to rapidly test these ideas, you know, put things together real quick. There's, there's softwares, there's things. Ask your friends like, Hey, here's my garage over the past three months, like I, this is rough, but check it out. Would you buy it? Yes. Give me 20 bucks. Yeah, it's, it's crazy. He got all kinds of things out there and youtube, Instagram, put it out there. You can research stuff. You know, it's just like, you can find investors. Like you can go home and stuff nowadays with the Internet and you know, don't, don't be scared if it's not quite right. It's not perfect yet. I'm not polished yet. Just let people know like, Hey, this is prototype three. Like, what do you guys think?

Speaker 2: 28:13 Like what you guys seen proof or improvements. I'm looking for somebody to make a cheap three d printer. You know, somebody who's got a three printer I can get on the weekend. I mean like let people know that don't be worried like, oh, it's not quite ready yet. It's not like bad. Four or five more features. Sanded a little bit more, but Polish the website a little bit more. Like get up. Sometimes you just got a launch and see what's happening. Ask for feedback. Be honest, like missing. We're in development, we're trying these things. Ideas are welcome. Let us know. You know, don't be scared to, you know, sometimes if you're not embarrassed by your first version, you waited too long, you know? So yeah, that's true. And again, this is all about learning about yourself, learning about what you'd like, what you don't like, what you're good at, what you're not good at.

Speaker 2: 28:53 Hey, you know, this is the process of developing things, learning things. And you'll come up with a process. You know, you just got to take a little bit of time just like anything you're going to, you're going to stumble and fumble the first few times. So, okay, just get back up. Try again. Yeah. Not a problem. Yeah, I mean, a good question I, I heard, I heard a, uh, a bit of was when you have a problem, what is your thinking process? It's like, what is my thinking process like? Yeah, right. I'm in the process of working on working that through that question myself. Like, um, and then we did the, uh, I was an episode five or something, that's when I was a long time ago, but we did radio dials, principles and that's how he kind of lives his life. He's crazy. He's was wait, wait.

Speaker 3: 29:43 Yeah, he's got all of these things. He's got like opening it seem like they got baseball cards. Like, oh, let's go see this guy. He's probably like, you know what I mean? Like you gotta you know, when you have a process in place, it's a little bit easier. But again, this, this is shows about awareness. It's going to take something off of that process. But

Speaker 2: 30:02 yeah. But even if it's two lines and you're like, this is what I've got now. And every time you think about something, write it down as you go through it. Like we'll have a problem right now. What am I, where's my thing? One of the document, all right, how am I going to work through this? Like step one, this is what I'm going to do. You're like, all right. Yeah, Oh, you know what I was doing earlier was this. I gotta write that down as part of my procedure. Like you can refine that and then you can go through that and say, I got to call them that. What's my checklist? What am I going to do? I'm going to do this and I look at that. I'm going to develop this thing. You're going to refine it and hone it and when he wasn't happening can become part of your brain and your mind, but it's also going to have it written down. You're going to get a reference back to, I'm going to share with others like, Hey, hey dad, or hey boss, I'm in this thing like Erin, this is something I've made is to build a decision tree. What I, how I worked through problems. Give it a look like and help you funding because what you're describing

Speaker 3: 30:52 is actually very relevant in the medical field, especially health care. It's like you have all these protocols which are basic algorithms. Does a patient should show these signs and symptoms? Yes. Go down this way. No, go to the next one. Do they show these signs and symptoms? Yes. Go this way. No, go that way and like, and it happens all over the place. Even computers, computers have algorithms all the time. All the time. You Click on one thing here does this, does that goes all the way down checklist?

Speaker 2: 31:21 Yes. No, yes, no. Yeah,

Speaker 3: 31:25 yeah. These are, these are basic protocols and any standard practice of any healthcare is our algorithms that all computers run mini program. We lay any type of a video game or go through any type of interface that has any type of decision, you know by know meal code, whatever, making process. Yes. Or one or two and just go down the line from their athletic, it seems complicated, but again, open your mind. There's an open your mind and go to this

Speaker 2: 31:54 and it doesn't have to be any, they didn't, haven't listened to the episode prior to this. Like keep things simple. It doesn't have to be copied. Stop Saying, Oh this is complicated. No it's not. It doesn't have to be like it wasn't after the simplest form. Make it simple and then you can come up with a simple decision tree. Like these are the things I need to think about before I quit, before I cut investment, before I do these things. Like have I evaluated me some time, I've gone through these things. Have I seen my three advisors that are, are other people that have trust I built trust with over years and then get their opinions and I'll put some outlooks on things I have. I gone through all of these things. Yes. Cutting investment, no, double down, whatever it is. However you work out your shit and then that's always a tough dichotomy. You know what I'm saying? I'm going to quit. And the quick

Speaker 3: 32:39 mama gets like, is, is there, have I expended enough resource? Cause that's always a good costume. Yeah. Like, you know, but then again, you also have to know how much resources do you have, how much money or time or erasers or whatever, what have you kind of mate, how much wood do I have that I can actually use to make this sculpture? Like you got to think about the resources that you have and expanding those resources out. What costs? No.

Speaker 2: 33:10 And then did that Connie meet it at being don't fall for the sunk cost fallacy. Like I've got 10,080. Why am I as we'll chase that cause I'm going to lose all that. No, it's gone or spent. It's done during another 10. You're just chasing another other 10 $90. You know what I mean? So don't get Boston not as hard. I was, I bought some, some, uh, some snack bars or whatever. I'm like, I'm gonna hold onto these and when I go hiking and stuff, now they're expired. And I'm like, well, I mean it's still good. I put 30 bucks into that. I'm like, I'm going to eat them and I don't like, and I'm, as I'm eating one, I'm like, Oh shit. I'm like, God damn sunk costs got me again, like I was 30 bucks into this two years ago. Like, that's so long gone and I'm putting my health in jeopardy.

Speaker 2: 33:57 You know what I mean? Like for this lost money, that doesn't mean anything. It's hard. He can't talk. So he got to valuate that. Knowing these things is, is key. Here we go again from the beginning of the show, like not knowing, no, now you know, sunk cost fallacy. I mean it, this money, it's gone. If you don't eat that chocolate cake, you already paid for it. It's gone. You're not going to recoup the money by eating the chocolate cake. You know, but know those names, but don't quit too early. That's the thing too. Like we were meeting last were talking offline before, this is like [inaudible] not on one, so I'll be able to quit. I'm like, no, I do. You know? And it's like, where do you balance that?

Speaker 3: 34:36 That's a rough thing. I guess for me, I'm a go get her. I'm offering to them. I'm still relatively young. I mean, I'm, I'm not a spring fucking chicken anymore, but, and I'm still relatively young. So for me it's like kind of a goal. Go balls out to some of the go for broke. Yeah. I'm going to get broke in the process, but I'm neither a gonna learn something. Right. I would be going to win. And from me, I know I've got to fail more than a few times. Yeah. Why get something. Right? So, you know, if you have the right attitude going in it maybe not expecting to fail, but I'm back burner knowing that yeah, I'm spending a lot of resources. Yeah, this is going to hurt. But at the same time I'm going to take something away from it. Like if you have those things in your sides, for me it's been, you know, failure's been a rather and we had a whole episode right up, so seven oh buffalo years.

Speaker 3: 35:30 Like you know, it's, it's been a very rewarding process. But at the same time, if you're of a different mindset and maybe you come from a mindset of something that scarcity or maybe you don't have as many resources. I have or you don't have the friends to go to in the event that you fail. Like maybe instead of going for broke, you should kind of maybe work on your support systems instead of like, I don't know. To me, I don't think failure, something to be afraid of, but you know, and I'm just that gold getter. I'm going to go get, I'm going to live without regrets, but I seen his right. I mean, you gotta throw some caution to the wind. You can't just go about and be reckless and you know, do something that's going to be a detriment to you instead of an acid. But you got to wait. I don't know.

Speaker 2: 36:20 And I think when I, when I took away from our conversation and then what I was able to kind of, um, I guess pieced together was going into these things that you're going to work on this project. No, I'm going to work on this project. It's going to be this. It's going to be that. It's going to be all these things. It's going to be hard. It's gonna be expensive, whatever it is. But I'm okay with that. You know, and I think that's what I, the away from our offline conversation was, you know, going through these things. It's not [inaudible] and not quitting because when you started, you knew going in, this is going to be a tough road. There's going to be ups and downs, there's going to be peaks and valleys. But I know why I'm doing this. For what reasons, and I know, I know the risks.

Speaker 2: 37:03 I know I'm probably going to live most of my life broke because I'm going to pursue this. That's what I want to do and I'm okay with that. Once you have that thought and mindset, then fucking go for it. If they show life to, to, to become KFC, that's fine. Like you can, you can send something 80 it's not a big deal, but all that stuff led up to that. You knew this is the life I'm going to live like that's your wife, knowing that your family, knowing that, listen, we're not going to have these things about her booty stands cause I'm pursuing this. You know what I mean? I'm going to do that. And this is the way I'm going to spend my life and just spend my free time. So my weekends, I'm gonna work on this project until the day I die or I figure it out.

Speaker 3: 37:39 Yeah. But I mean just, you know, we also went through other episodes too when you've got to stop and we evaluate along the way. Yeah. And then I guess now that I'm looking at the stock market stuff into like when you buy stocks, like they have this thing called stop walls. I mean you're going to purchase a stock and when it hits a certain point, you're going to cut that loose and just consider that a loss. Like, Oh, don't forget to add those in. Then you got to know what you can risk and what you don't risk. Like if you're going to expand your whole entire savings account to get something you think you really want, like you know, no that, that's all of your savings. But they go, maybe instead we should kind of build up a little bit more savings before expanding all of it. Or find another investor to go in with you. Or, you know what I mean? Like putting those stop losses in place so that you have something in the event that failure does happen. And I mean, I'm not trying to say be reckless. You got to be responsible. Is Lapses need. You have to have the right mindset and be, you got to have enough capital to walk away with so that you're not dead broke.

Speaker 2: 38:47 I like to do, and I've been in the past, you've got to understand that this money you're investing, you're putting up now, it's very likely it's going to be zero. It's not gonna be worth shit. If you're okay with that, we can move forward. But if this is all your life savings is everything you have and you're banking on this thing happening, and please don't do this, this is not for you. This is an opportunity. You know what I'm saying? So, I mean, all you have in your life is 10 grand and you're like, yeah, fuck, I'm all in. I don't care. I don't, I don't care if I go back to zero. That's your decision. That's fine. But if you're like, I can't afford to lose this, I got to pay rent, I lose this thousand on the game, like Oh shit. Or you know what I mean? Like it's hot tip or you say this is going to pop on Instagram tomorrow. Like you, you've got to be okay with like

Speaker 3: 39:32 he be responsible about it. Understand when you're putting up capital, when you're, when you're putting up time, you know, to me I think time is a lot more valuable resource kind of money and you can never get time back. People looking out, they're going to go to school if he doctors like that's 10 years of your life. Not saying it's not worth it, but you got to understand what you're giving up before you actually given up. That's on a heart.

Speaker 2: 39:59 That's up to you guys to figure out. Here's some thoughts. Here are some ideas to to bounce around. What works for you is ultimately what matters. Nothing we say matters. I hope it helps you make a decision, your decision and your decision and I hope it's the one that works out best for you.

Speaker 3: 40:17 I guess then just the end, I guess on the, on a story here, one of my coworkers was talking about it, so I just thought I'd share because they're a little bit of research, but this is, this is the Victoria secret story. Uh, but anyway, um, the original guy, right, Raymond started it in 1977 he borrow 40 K I guess to start it up. And then from there he went through, I think about somewhere between 1980 to 1983. This is according to Wikipedia, is getting it. I didn't watch the documentary or whatever the case might be, but um, yeah, so he made his money and he sold it for 1 million bucks. I say that's a way you borrowed 40 k money. You didn't have, you borrow 40 k you sold it for a million. I got to, I can't even calculate the return on that. It's like a, it's like over a thousand percent.

Speaker 3: 41:04 I'll take you over there the week, you know what I mean? And then he sold it to Leslie Wexner. Um, but at the time the Wexner bought it. I think there was only four stores in the entire chain and then from 1982 to 1988 so that's six years later. So roughly about the same time, right. Roy started or five years you went from borrow 40 k to one mill, but that one mill was only four stores. So in six years, about the same time Weisner grew four stores into 100 stores? No, I was looking for a number somewhere and we could pedia to dictate what that would equivalent to if you bought it at a mill, what it would be worth six years later and I couldn't really find that number. But if I imagine four stars were worth a million and now you have 94 stores, we bought it by four. Like that's like 50 mil. I haven't just, I don't know. I'm just, I don't, I don't know what that would be.

Speaker 2: 42:09 I can say that's a conservative estimate. Sure.

Speaker 3: 42:12 I don't know. No idea. None of the cases like, you know, this story is, it's kind of like that dichotomy. When did you quit? I mean to me for 40 K to one mils deal, everybody didn't think that way but you know, and then for less than you'd like, he took something and he built it into something greater like these are the two gentlemen who possibly maybe maybe one was good at startups and the other one was good at taking a startup to the next level like this. This story is a prime example of like knowing your strengths, knowing your weaknesses, knowing what you're good at. If you're the first guy, you got to accept that deep that you took the risk involved 40 k to start this thing in the mock the way with something and if you're the other guy you got to accept that too. You know it's all right to be either one of the players in this game. You just got to understand that the economy and understand where it's at and most of all after you understand who you weren't creative process, you've got to get that process down. Now,

Speaker 2: 43:16 some guys are good. Number two, some guys who've been number one, some guys who were starting businesses, some guys are good at seeing them through to another level. Understand what you are, maybe find the guy or other person that you are not, and getting things to the next level. And if you're looking to get your spring off to the next level, we got, we got spring, spring cleaning of the body. We're with Kelly from episode 51, uh, on his amazing health supplements and all these other things. You want to learn more about it. You want to know Barb on a helper to the social chameleon.show/pick me. Get your body right. It gets, it gets your mind right, your ideas to start flowing. Things will start going, let's do this. If you're looking for a little bit more, um, to, to, to help you evaluate different things for some books I read when we were discussing doing this topic, um, I read the dip by Seth Godin.

Speaker 2: 44:16 It talks about knowing when to quit understanding what that feeling is like that the dip that that valley and you know, the slump I'd integrate book. Um, another one, uh, mastery by Robert Greene. What is it like to master something, to, to become a master of your, your, your career, your whatever it is, you're, you're hop, whatever, you know, uh, master council, you know, uh, fishermen, whatever it is, understanding what that takes, what that's like. I'll use the two great books to help you on this journey. It's and stop giving up. Stop dismissing. I'd be as before to get going. If you guys know of some good resources, maybe a documentary or, or whatever it is under the book, share it with us, share with the community. You can share it on our Facebook page. A Webinar, especially discussion group were there as well. Um, tweet at US whenever it is. Share with the community, let us know. Let's all help each other get to the next level now. And that was that. Go ahead and it,

Speaker 3: 45:17 yeah. So for today's challenge, today's challenge is to hold on a little longer. All right. Have a process when it comes to holding on ideas alpha process when it comes to quitting your ideas.

Speaker 4: 45:30 No.

Speaker 3: 45:31 What will it cost to keep this ito? What we gain. Is that risk worth the reward? Maybe this is about something else entirely. Maybe it's about developing a process at the expenditure of your time or capital. Maybe this is about testing your mind to Steve who can come up with other benefits other than the one you originally planned for, but ultimately buying your process

Speaker 2: 45:57 and then practice up here. Oh, awareness. In order to develop this process of holding on or letting go and you have to know what is important to you. How would your family says not your friends saying all is a donkey. Say you as a person, what is important to you as a person. You have to know your limitations. It's okay, fuck, I suck at a lot of things. I know that I'm g, I'm good. And your strengths? No, no. Each of them know what you need to do. If you focus on what you really want, you stay positive. You can achieve anything

Speaker 2: 46:37 and if you know somebody that gives up too quickly on things, it's got a lot of great ideas but never pursued anything past the the late night hangout session. Share this with them. That's a note that they can do it. Well, there's passing on to somebody else or, or, or pursuing themselves. You like to support the show. The best way is, you know, subscribing, leaving a lake, reviewing it. If you find something awesome here, you can connect with us between shows all week long, meaning showing Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Also, you can subscribe on Youtube and your favorite podcast app for past episodes. That makes it everything we've talked about here today. Your Business Show, social scene and.show and until next time, keep learning, growing. Stop fucking given up and transform into the person you want to become.

Speaker 1: 47:30 Yeah.


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