Eden Myers:| Rd. 2

On this episode, I have a round 2 conversation with Eden Myers. She is a Health and Wellness Consultant that has spent over 20 years helping people realize their potential to live a healthy, happy life. Having been mentored by the best teacher on human potential and success, she has used those tools that we all possess to find success in her life and is especially passionate about sharing them with women who want to grow and achieve what they desire while balancing their busy lives.


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The Productivity Planner combines productivity principles based on scientific research and used by successful people throughout history into a simple daily format that will help you conquer lazy, distracted, and unaccomplished "busy" days. With an easy-to-read introduction that walks you through the process, you can get started on your important work quickly! You get 6 months worth of daily productivity planning and Weekly Planning & Review sections designed to make you reflect on your productivity and enable growth and improvement. Beat Procrastination and Accomplish Your Important Work. From the creators of The Five Minute Journal!

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Episode Transcriptions Unedited, Auto-Generated.

Intro: 00:03 Intro Music

Tyson: 00:14 Welcome to social community show where it's our goal to help you learn growing, transforming, pursuing to become. Today I'm talking about Eaton Maya. She's back for round two. If you haven't heard even his episode, she's on episode 41. She's a health and wellness consultant who has spent over 20 years helping people realize the potential to live a happy and healthy life. We talk a lot about that. We talk about, she's got this four pillars she wants to talk. She talked about here in the episode. And then also she kind of added in a fifth kind of center pillar. I've never heard of that concept. Very interesting. Oh, she calls it the emotional intelligence. We do spend quite a bit of time in there. We talked about some failure, which was kind of fun. And she has an interesting story about a, a family, a family member or family friend that she had a hard relationship with that she wind up being able to kinda overcome and find a new light and new empathy and sympathy for that. Very interesting. I think that's a great little lesson for a lot of us to think about. Maybe learn from. Without further ado, let's welcome Eden Eden. Welcome back for round two on the social committee and show it's so great to have you back around again.

Eden Myers: 01:20 Thanks Tyson. It's good to be here. I appreciate it.

Tyson: 01:23 Absolutely. So we were chatting earlier and stuff you've been working on balance for wellness and in that area. Could you kind of talk us through that a little bit? What, what are the things that you're thinking about and what are like maybe the, the core of that?

Eden Myers: 01:39 Sure. you know, I just think about the four areas of our life that most people focus on and you know, they're in different orders depending on the importance to each one of us. That there's your health, there's your family, there's your relationships and there's your work. You know, those are kind of like the, the four pillars that hold us together. And the trick is keeping them balanced and that's really important is to keep them balanced. And our, our lives are like our foundation and I kind of look at those four areas as the pillars that hold up our foundation in support our law. So you know, if I can expand on them a little bit more about your family, you know, everybody needs to feel like they belong. Family is very supportive. They can, you know, we can go to them with our problems. They're, they're really, you know, very important. Whether it's immediate family, spouse, children or you know, distant more distant family. But it's, we all as humans, we need to feel like we belong and have that support.

Tyson: 02:56 Right. And that's a big problem nowadays is not feeling that connection, even though we're more connected than we ever have been. But in reality, we're more disconnected from human interaction than we've ever been.

Eden Myers: 03:08 Right, right. So like you said, it's more important than ever. And then we have our work or our business. Some of us have our own businesses and that's really important because as humans we need to have something to work towards. We need to have, you know, things to accomplish. And it, and it gives us a sense of self worth or self esteem and just working with other people, you know, whether it's to your employees or your teammates. It's very, very important in our lives too. Then we have, or health and that's a big one. You know, we're always getting, you know, let's make sure we eat right. And there's always new things to learn about that. Eating an exercise, they really go hand in hand. When we eat properly, we feel better when we exercise. We, we feel better, we have more energy, but we also feel better about how that helps with our self esteem. And again, it's just, you know, really a very important pillar in our lives.

Tyson: 04:26 And, and I think to add to that pillar if maybe you're not even thinking about it, but we, I think about how to asleep sleep is a big thing we throw to the side. We've talked a lot about this and show we've done so for episodes and now we have some more things. Maybe you've heard them or not. We were doing a book review on, on sleep and stuff and, and other things. But that was one that we easily throw to the side. We, you know, we won't necessarily skip meals and different things like that, but we'll skip sleeping. That's one we've gotta really focus and hunker down on is getting a good quality and not just quantity but quantity and quality nights sleep.

Eden Myers: 05:03 That's right. And that's where nutrition comes in and in exercise, those things help us to sleep better too. And when we sleep it's like, it's like our car battery, it's recharging our batteries.

Tyson: 05:17 And the funny thing about that too is if you're not sleeping well, you're not going to eat well. And there's a whole lot that goes into that and then you're not, you know, you're not motivated or energized to exercise and then, and then you get stuck in that vicious cycle of not doing any of those things. Well.

Eden Myers: 05:33 That's right. It is a cycle really is

Speaker 4: 05:37 [Inaudible].

Eden Myers: 05:38 So we've got our family or health or work and then the other is relationships. We have relationships within our family, but also within our work. And friends, we are humans are just, you know, the, we're very social and need that another way of supporting each other. And you know, you got to put your time into relationships too. You got to support other people. If you expect that from others. There are areas of the world where, you know, people were more secluded and they find that those are areas where people suffer more from anxiety and depression, you know, mental problems. So, yeah.

Tyson: 06:24 Yeah, there's a lot. That's, that's a really big thing, especially in, in prison and jails and stuff. I've got that solitary confinement stuff. You can, you can go crazy. Literally just insane by just being by yourself. It is, it is. It is something that we're just not wired to handle.

Eden Myers: 06:43 Yes. Like we mentioned, we were, we're just real social beings and we need that interaction. Right. So yeah, those are the, you know, those are the four, four areas of our lives. But the one that I feel Tyson is the most important is our health. Because no matter what we're doing, if we don't have good health, like he talked about earlier, it's a cycle. You don't sleep well, you don't eat well, you don't exercise and then your relationships staying at your work, you know you're not at your best. Yeah, I personally really feel that that that should be, that should be our number one. It's hard to keep that, you know, all balanced and strong in those areas.

Tyson: 07:36 It is. And like we were saying, maybe a little bit alluded to it. That's like the first thing to go, you know, it's like, and then, and then it snowballs and now it's like we let our health go because we're probably overworked. Then we're probably under slept and then, and it's just that snowball and cascade. What, what is your, I mean you've been in this for a bit, I don't know if we've talked about in the last time, but in that house I wanted the space a lot. What is you, what, what are you finding? What are you thinking about that's like the number one or, or a couple of good tips on making health a priority. And then when it becomes a priority, what do you, what are you doing in that to eat well and and all that kind of stuff. And that's a long question. Sorry.

Eden Myers: 08:19 Oh, that's okay. That's, that's, that's good. Well I, I can share a little bit of my story with you. I grew up in Western Pennsylvania in the country. You know, I, my parents, they always had this big garden. Certain places we lived, there was orchards, there were not trees, you know, lots of berries. So, so we always ate really well. And at the time I didn't realize how well I was eating. I mean, I was eating organic before people even heard of the word, but my parents, yeah, yeah. Now, now we hear those words everywhere, right? Yeah. Coming meaningless actually. Yeah. Like soup, the word superfoods and you know, it's some people who have heard of them but a lot more haven't. So yeah, we got to keep them going. But my parents, they always believed that, you know, proper nutrition was the most important and they instilled in my brothers and I that it was key to keep the immune system strong it all comes down to our immune system. And so we as parents, when we have children

Eden Myers: 09:38 We need to take on this challenge of teaching them the best that we can because this is giving them a good strong foundation for the rest of their life. You know, it's kinda like a house when we, when we build a house, if we build it on a foundation that, you know, maybe out of gravel or in the rains and the storms come and next thing you know that the house is at sitting flat and properly, you know that there's a, there's a fine example of the importance of building your house on a good strong foundation. And so this is what we're doing when we take care of our health and we eat properly and exercise. And this is something that, you know, we evolve in learning or all these things, but it's key. It's key to pass it onto our children. What are some of those things? What are the things, maybe we aren't doing that affecting that or some of the things maybe we could be doing better that are affecting that. Rather, you know, like we were talking about the, the, the good food and the exercise and, and that, that is our health area. We got you know, our family or relationship is in our work and in those are all, those are all great. They're pillars, they're important parts of our lives, but as our lives, as they, they become more full and there grow with new people and new things and new work knowledge. It's like our house is growing and we still have those four pillars

Eden Myers: 11:34 So I think as our house grows, as our, our foundation grows, we need to have a center, the center pillar that may be even more key than anything. And I look at that as emotional. Okay. Can you expand on that a little bit? What do you mean by that?

Eden Myers: 12:01 Well,

Eden Myers: 12:04 It has to come. It comes down to really, because emotional intelligence is the key to our personal and professional life. It comes down to us understanding really what it is and it's, it's about understanding how our mind works. We've got, we've got to, you know, our mind is is just so we're learning it all the time. It's so complex. But the, the two parts that I like to focus on are the conscious and the subconscious part of our mind. Okay. And

Speaker 4: 12:44 Yeah,

Eden Myers: 12:44 There was a doctor back in 1934

Speaker 4: 12:49 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 12:50 And he felt that the problem with people's health is his doctors were treating the symptoms of our health and not the cause.

Speaker 4: 13:03 Right.

Eden Myers: 13:04 And because of this, there was no resolution. It's like, like when we're sick, if we go to the hospital or the doctor today, they're treating the cause by giving us medication. But until he said, until we treat,

Speaker 4: 13:21 Hmm.

Eden Myers: 13:22 The cause

Speaker 4: 13:24 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 13:25 They're the primary cause of the problem, then there isn't going to be any resolve. There isn't going to be good health. So that's where we get into the conscious and the subconscious mind. But wouldn't you agree that we as humans, we think in pictures we're very visual. Yeah, absolutely. And so, you know, over the years we've learned what our bodies look like inside. You know, we got to hard your all your organs, your, your mind. And we've learned how they function and how to care for them. So we have a visual, we have a picture, but we don't really have a visual in a picture of our mind. Right. And because we think in pictures, let me ask you this, Tyson what color is the interior of your car? Like a beige color. Okay. Do you have four door or is it two door. Car.

Eden Myers: 14:34 Okay. And what about your refrigerator? Is it a two door or is it a three door? Like side by side. Okay. So I thought, okay, gotcha. So you see that we think in pictures. When I asked you those questions right away, your mind kind of went to what your car looked like and frigerator look like. We think in pictures. Like the problem is is we don't really have a picture of the mind when you ask most people. It's a picture of the mind. They think of that picture that we know of as the gray matter of the brain. Right. But that's really no more our mind and our finger or toe is

Speaker 5: 15:22 [Inaudible].

Eden Myers: 15:22 So we really need to get

Speaker 5: 15:25 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 15:26 A picture in our mind, in our brain, in our mind of what the mind looks like so we can understand it. Just like this doctor explained. And he was his a, his name was dr Thurman fleet and this was back in the night early 19 hundreds so he came up with this picture to help us understand the mind a little bit more and excuse my little drawings, but is the picture that he came up with, I don't know if you can see it

Tyson: 15:57 A little too. Yeah, there we go. Yeah. So for the podcast people, it's like a big circle and like a stick kind of body kind of looking thing.

Eden Myers: 16:05 Yeah, it's what we used to draw when we were kids and they were seeing failures, you know? So you know, the top circle is the bigger circle in the bottom circle is the smaller one. And what my mentor, he tells, tells us, he said, picture the big circle as your, it's like your head picture. That is your mind. You know, it's, it's not really your mind because your mind is, is movement and it's actually, it's energy. It's every cell of our body. But picture that is your mind and then the small circle as your body. So you've got the stick person. Now

Speaker 5: 16:49 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 16:49 This picture right here gives you a little bit better idea. You got your mind and your body. Okay. Okay.

Tyson: 16:57 And then for the podcast folks in and everybody, I'll link some of these pictures in the show notes. So it's easy for you guys to look at and see.

Eden Myers: 17:04 Oh, that's a great idea. Great idea. So so yeah, so, so we have this picture now of our mind and our body. Now I mentioned earlier about the conscious and the subconscious mind and, and there's, there's many parts to our mind, but in this situation, these are the two that we're going to focus on. So again, we have this picture of the stick fig here. And we take the, the, the ha, the brain, the bigger circle, we're going to draw it in the horizontal line across the center of it. And let's call the top half of it, our conscious mind in the bottom half. Our subconscious. Now the conscious mind is their creative part of our mind. It's inner intellectual where we, you know, we think and we figure and we create and the subconscious mind is the emotional part of our mind. So when we think of something in our conscious mind, we think of it over and over and over again.

Eden Myers: 18:19 It's impressed into the subconscious part of our mind, which is again the emotional. So we think of something and we think of it a lot and it either gets us excited and we start, you know, becoming emotional bout it. We like the feeling like if we're, we're truck, you know, creating a goal or we to, you know, take on this new challenge, maybe want to learn how this guy die or fly a plane, something really exciting like that, you know, it can be a little bit scary, but it can be exciting. And we think about it over and over and over again. And we start to impress this feeling. We see motion upon our subconscious mind. And so whatever is going on in the subconscious part of our mind,

Eden Myers: 19:06 Since our body is an instrument of our mind, the body starts to move into action. So an instance of of skydiving or flying, applying, we can become really excited about it. And so our body takes action and we start, you know, going for lessons and all these different things. Or we can be terrified and say, I can't, no, I can't do this. And it stops us from taking action. So whatever we focus on in the conscious part of our mind, and it thinks into the subconscious, emotional part of our mind, and then the body acts out, it creates the results that we get in our life. So this emotional intelligence is really based around emotion. So I ask people, you know, what are you thinking about in your conscious mind? What are you thinking about? What are you feeling in it's, it's being instilled in your subconscious mind. Is it, is it good at happy thoughts? Are they hoarding the rest of your life? Are they supporting your work in your family life, your relationships, or are they negative thoughts and are they instilling fear and doubt and worry and anger, depression, because that's what's going to shoot out into the other areas of your life. So you, how this emotional intelligence can be looked at as the center pillar of our big lives and the really the main support.

Tyson: 20:59 What are some, what are some ways we can work on that or, or identify it? Like what, what are techniques that you're using to help people with that?

Speaker 4: 21:08 Yeah. Well,

Eden Myers: 21:11 If you want to know what's going on in side up here, I tell people, take a look at what's going on outside the results that you're getting in your life. So a lot of people come to me and they're T, they feel stuck. You know, I, I wanna, I wanna build my business and I keep doing this and doing that, but it just doesn't seem to grow. Or I have a family member and then she's just miserable. Every time I go to see her, she lashes out at me. And, and nothing's changing. So you know, there are specific little questions that you can ask yourself. Say, you know, what's going on in my life as the results, what's happening on the outside and it'll get you to take a look at what's going on inside. Lots of times we think it's everybody else's fault, but when we take a look at ourselves, ah, okay, maybe I could change this or gotta be better about that. And you know, fear, fear is, is such a big factor and it can take up a big part of our life.

Speaker 4: 22:29 [Inaudible]

Tyson: 22:31 Yeah, I definitely so, so many things. So fear, fear exist, just can just wreck lives and wreck so many things and really holds you back and hold you stagnant in place. Yeah. What, what, what, what are some maybe some more techniques or things we can do to, to really hone this bonds. I know it's balance and having this work life balance that's just a hot topic nowadays and it, it's really a popular thing. What are some things you'd like to talk about in that area or what tricks, techniques, tips, what are you doing in that space?

Eden Myers: 23:04 Okay. I think we talked mentioned a little bit about this in our last podcast that being more organized and planning our lives because you know, these, these cell phones and these smart phones, they're a wonderful thing. Like you said, we are more connected than ever, right? But we are allowing them to consume a good bit of our day. Some of us who are in business, we need those for our business. But then there's before work, there's after work, you know, it's, the more I'm aware of this, I look around and I see, you know, young mothers with their little ones and they're in a restaurant and Nate, they get their little ones something to eat and then they're over here on the phone in the child's trying to talk to them and you know, they're getting sucked up in it there. They feel that it's important to be in contact with this other person over here, but it's Eckert toll tells us to live in the now, right?

Speaker 5: 24:14 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 24:15 And, and we have these, we have these little sensory factors.

Speaker 5: 24:23 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 24:23 Draw out a little picture here and there like antenna. Okay.

Speaker 5: 24:31 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 24:32 Into the conscious part of our mind. They're like little antenna and they are

Speaker 5: 24:38 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 24:39 Hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching. Those are our sensory factors. But because life is so busy nowadays and hectic, there's, it's like a five lane highway, there's just spins coming into our brains all the time. And then with our smart phones and there's even more coming coming in all the time. So it's hard to live in the now. It's hard to appreciate, you know, walking down the steps and outside and listening to the burns saying and, and you know, maybe a child played over the neighbor's yard. Just enjoying those little things. Our minds are always elsewhere thinking about the next move and the next day and the next moment. And so again, it's, it's being a little bit more organized and being disciplined about that. So

Eden Myers: 25:36 We get up in the morning and maybe get up a little, little bit earlier, like an hour early, and just spend some quiet time by ourselves and get organized in the day. Because when you're a, when you're a mother or father, you have little ones pleasant around, you have to spend the time with them while everybody's getting ready in the morning. You can't ignore them. So you're making that time. So, you know, make a little more time, just a little bit of time to organize your day and say, okay, you know, and on my lunch break from 12 to 1215 I'm gonna check out, you know, Facebook because I want to see what my sister Annie's doing or you know, so it, it again, it's about organization and

Eden Myers: 26:26 Sunday evening or even early Monday morning is a nice time to just chart out briefly what you want to see happen for the week. And so it's, it's staying organized and not having all this rushing into our, our brains all time. And it allows them devote their time to our work and in more balanced time with our family and our relationships. And make that little bit of time for exercise and planning our meals. Sure. At the time it seems like, I don't want to do this, you know, I don't have time to do this. But if you take those little increments of time and plan and become more organized, you'll find out that things work out so much better for you. You have more time than you thought you had. Right.

Tyson: 27:17 Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Especially if you're not waking up in the very first thing is happening is your phone is dictating your life, telling you what to do and you're putting out imaginary emergencies or fires or whatever it is. Yeah. That's really, that's even, you know I like to do is when I go to bed, I put my phone on airplane mode and it's, it's just the way, and there's no notifications that can come in. There's nothing that can come in. And I dictate when I turn that back on in the morning, you know, so I'll make sure I do a bunch of things first. I'll make sure you might get up and I do to do some different things. And I meditate and stuff before I ever turn my phone back on. Cause I'm not gonna allow my phone and other people's agendas to, you know, disrupt my day or or, or ruin my whatever, you know, whatever it is.

Tyson: 28:00 Take my time up in especially like you're saying, I have little ones and you know, I'm getting ready for school in the morning and stuff and there's, there's questions, there's different things. There's all this stuff going on and I, I, you know, it's, it's tough to not let your phone distract you as much as you're not wanting to. It sometimes you know, you're just, you've grabbed something and you're reading an email or you're reading a message or especially if you have a business or something like that, people are messaging you and different things and it's easy to just get engulfed in that really quickly. And that to me is one of the greatest tips. Keeping that phone away and you being in control of when it's on or off when you're getting notifications and when you're ready to get into replying to things or different things after you've scheduled all your time.

Tyson: 28:41 I've got this a productivity planner I just love, it's got a very simple agenda kind of thing for the day. Sets you up with five things, you really your most critical things to do. And I think it really helps. I'll link that in the show notes for you guys if you're interested. It's really helped me organize my day. Like you were saying, that was something I was lacking in a lot. I like to kind of go with the flow and spite a fly by the seat of my pants and writing out. The three to five, six things are really must, must get done today has really helped me focus on just getting those done and not letting distractions take me down different roads.

Speaker 4: 29:18 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 29:19 Yeah. And so you know, you, you're raising your level of awareness and you're making different choices. You're making better choices for your life yourself so that things aren't chronic. And like you said, you're dating. Soon as you get out of bed, you're putting out fires. And I had a friend years ago that used to live across the street from me and she worked from home. And I her one time in the middle of the morning and she's like, ah, I'm working and I can't talk. And so she made it a point in a nice way that don't call me from nine to five because I am working and so we have to, you know, we have to draw some boundaries even with ourselves knowing what is best in to keep ourselves on track and be more accomplished, more organized. That I love that idea of that planner. Are you, you're writing down, you know, five 10 things are the most important.

Eden Myers: 30:16 And I'm there, I've heard too of of people have all these to do lists and you know, they scratch off a couple things. They have all these other things that are on there and they never get rid of them. But if you look at them and you're never getting them done, if they're not on the top five of your list, then just, just get rid of them. Just start over again. And maybe they weren't so important. Maybe they didn't need done. Maybe that closet didn't need organized right away and because otherwise you could just look at it and become overwhelmed. Yup.

Tyson: 30:54 And that's the thing. I, I would, I would do like these yellow no pads and I would just write a bunch of things down to the common man or write down and then, you know, each night or the morning or whatever, I'd come over and I look what I got to do today and I look at this list and I kind of go through it and be like, this is easy. I'll do this. And that's like, that's a lot of time. And this one I got to think more about and I would just cherry pick and just the things that, and then each time I need a new paper or something, I noticed the same few things kept being transferred over to the next page and the next page. And I'm like, these aren't getting done because they're going to take time or their heart or whatever it is.

Tyson: 31:30 And I'm not putting priorities. Cause next thing you know, you've done a bunch of these little little piddly tasks and then your day's over and you never really worked on this hard thing. So when I switched over to this kind of method, you know, taking that one critical thing and then putting down, maybe even at the bottom of the list, one of those two a little cuddly things that I need to get done. But at the end of my day when I've accomplished a lot of things, you know, I found that just to really just knock out my, all of a sudden my, my to do list of just gone away basically, you know. And it's been so much more helpful and, and all these things I've put off for so, so long finally get done. It's really amazing. It's one of those weird little hacks or whatever you want to call it, to just, just put you in this new mode of just getting shit done. It's really awesome.

Eden Myers: 32:18 You feel so much better about yourself,

Tyson: 32:21 Especially in those days. You knock off like all caps off at like five in his book. And I've done the days, it's like two o'clock and it's like I've knocked all five out. I'm like, what Greek day? And then you just, all right, let me get some more. And you did. And then you just feel that sense of accomplishment and productivity and you're all high on yourself, a high on everything and it carries over to the next day and the next day and the next week. And you build this amazing amount of momentum and you're really, it really starts to, you know, these little small steps where you start to build and compound. And next thing you know, you look back and it's like you've accomplished all these things. A lot of times you've been putting off. I personally, I've been putting off for months, maybe even years because it was hard a lot of time. And I've just noticed, I'm just getting just tackled. And it's really, it's really fun and it just gives you that little boost of self esteem and, and a sense of accomplishment. And it's, it's really a lot of fun.

Eden Myers: 33:11 It is as her, as her great points. Absolutely. So

Tyson: 33:17 What, I want to kind of switch gears in there a little bit here. What has been the best failure you've ever had and how did you like think about it and how did you get through it? What did you learn?

Eden Myers: 33:30 Wow, okay. Best failure I ever had.

Tyson: 33:40 We're talking to a few of them. Whatever works for you.

Eden Myers: 33:42 I have to say, I have to say that I'm, I had a relationship, it was with another female in my life.

Speaker 5: 33:52 Yeah.

Eden Myers: 33:53 And I felt that that person, that woman, she was just always trying to make me feel bad.

Speaker 5: 34:01 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 34:01 And it went on and on and on for years. And, and I go over to see her and spend time with her and I'd come back complaining or crying sometime because I was just taking it so personally. And until, and I kept learning that over and over again. I kept going through it until I really learned that everybody's in a different space. And a big part of our mind is perception. It's how we perceive something. And I can hold up a book that has, you know, something written on it on one side and nothing written on the other. And I'd say to you, Tyson, there's nothing on this ball. And you'd say yes there is. And I'd say no, there is it, you know, we go back and before your perception is different than mine because you see the writing and on my side there's no writing. So I learned to be more understanding of people and their perception of things.

Speaker 5: 35:17 Hmm.

Eden Myers: 35:17 It helps you to be more forgiving. And when you learn things about yourself, you're learning them about other people too. Right. And in turn, you know, empathy flows and you lead by example. That was always one of my things is try to lead by example. But I still had a lot to learn about leading by example. When I went on, I go in through that situation and it just, you know, once I got it and I got, you know, I'll be transparent here. I got it. That a good Viv? It was my fault too, you know, because I was going over there with an attitude because all I just knew how she was going to act and sure enough she acted that way and you know, because that's what I was expecting. That's what I got. So when I learned about myself more than I learned, okay, this is what she's going through and she can only give what she's got inside of her. I got to see, that's one of the biggest things.

Tyson: 36:27 That's a, that's good. And those are hard to recognize. They're hard to get through. Especially, you know a friend that you're close with and you have you, you want the best for them. You feel like that. Did you know, how did that relationship end? You still in contact with them? Did you want to kind of cutting them out of your life? Like what did that wind up ending?

Eden Myers: 36:47 Well like I couldn't cut her, cut her out of my life cause there was a family member. But you know what? When I let go of all that crap, it got better. And we had some good talks, you know, I was always, when I was younger too, as I was always afraid to make waves or upset anybody. My, you know, my mother taught me, she said, when I was little, she said, you know, your name is Eden. Do you know what that means? And I said no. And she said, it means pleasure and you should always be a pleasure to people. And I'm like,

Tyson: 37:26 That's a lot of pressure for the child.

Eden Myers: 37:29 Yeah, it is. You know? And especially when I got older, I'm like, Oh, I don't want to make waves. I don't want to upset this person. So I was afraid of saying things. I would just, yeah. And then I'd go home and I'd get all upset and what have you. But when I learned that it's okay to talk about it and tell the other person how you feel, then they tell you how they feel. When you can understand each other better, you know, much better. So the relationship is, is way better. Yeah.

Tyson: 38:01 What a great story. I bet that that just goes to show, you know, us all here that are listening, watching and my self reminds me of, of, you know, when you, like you were saying you walked into that and like I'm going over to whatever her name is, you know, house or whatever and it's like, Oh Eric, I know I'm going to walk in. Oh she's just gonna complain about this and I lie and you're just setting it up. But when you can let that go like I, that is, that is so powerful. Like we all can learn from that. We all can do that. We all can just understand like this person is in this position and I can, you know, you can choose how you want to act or react or how you want to be. That's a great little story. Like a lot of people struggle with that. I get a lot of questions about cutting out my family or my family or whatever, or close friend, you know, a sibling or something like that is, is really under my skin and I can't, I can't stand being around these people. And that's just a great lesson right there. I love that.

Eden Myers: 38:51 Yeah. It all comes down to understanding ourselves and then not understanding standing others. So what, so what about you? Can I ask you that? What is your greatest learning experiences?

Tyson: 39:06 To, to me, I think the, the thing that I, I really help change and turn around my life I think was when I stopped doing things for money. Like everything, everything I would do or think of or pursue was just for the sole purpose of getting as much money as possible and even sometimes at kinda whatever costs it took to get to get that. And I, and I, when I stopped doing that and they kind of proving that, you know kind of mentality of, you know, I'm going to prove how, how wealthy I can be or how much money I can make or eh, in, in that kind of frame, in that kind of realm. It really opened up opportunities and it really opened up my mind and, and different things and took, you know, I think in a better path.

Tyson: 39:50 And yeah, it just, yeah, I just, I don't know how to explain it. It's, it's freeing when you're not doing everything for money in 100% transactional type value. And I'm kinda glad I learned that early on in life. I'd say in my mid, late twenties, I kind of stopped proving, trying to prove somebody wrong or trying to, you know, do things solely without thinking about the whole, the whole picture and the long game and, and different things. It was always about short, short term, whether wealth or short term vanity or whatever it was. And that to me is one of the big things. I, I, I learned from, from Phil and there's a lot of, a lot of things, there's a lot of failure, there's a lot of burn relationship, burn bridges and stuff from living that way and having that mentality. And that was a big, a big lesson I think in my life.

Eden Myers: 40:44 So when you do what you do now, what is your reason for doing it is instead of money?

Tyson: 40:51 I know, I guess. I, I love, I love, I love helping people. And I love help, you know, watching people transform and stuff and it's just the greatest satisfaction. And also I know that in the end, you know, in the long run things are just gonna work out for from ya. You know, the more I put out there, the more good I do, the more things. I do without worrying about this immediate transaction. Like I'll get something more valuable in the end and it might not be money, it might be a favor. It might be something, a thing on opportunity. Like those are more valuable. Those can be worth even so much more than even if I charge this ton, like I charge a ton of money to spare my time.

Speaker 5: 41:41 And

Tyson: 41:43 You know, even if I got that all that money up front without even went on the haggling or whatever, I know that the other things that in the future are worth way more than this immediate dollar amount. Help. That make sense? Okay.

Eden Myers: 41:58 Oh, it does. It really does. And it might not to some people because they don't get that yet. But you know, we always, if we believe that good things are coming or you know, we will, we'll get what we need. And like you said, lots of times it'll be even better than you, you know, thought it would be you. And when you were 25, if somebody told you you were going to get this when you were 25, you'd say, well, I don't really want that. But when it comes to you, it's going to be the right time because it will make you very happy, whether it's when you're 45 or 55 or whatever. Yeah.

Tyson: 42:40 It is interesting how, how my, my tastes are, my my values, my different things have changed over the years. I see what you're saying like that. Yeah.

Eden Myers: 42:50 Yeah. We really, I think the older we get, the more we realized, you know, the, the simpler things in life and in relationships are so, so important because that's really what makes us happy. You know, they say you can have all the money in the world, you can have all these different things, but if you don't have, you know, a family life or good relationships with people, you're lonely. Right?

Tyson: 43:16 Yeah. I know. I know very wealthy people that are, are, are lonely or depressed, just hate their life, don't want to be alive. Because they don't have that, those, those people in I'd like to share it with. They don't have good relationships. Maybe they've stepped on people's toes and, and you know, shoved their way to the top of the world and, and they're now gonna spend all their money trying to get back to things that they lacked to get the money. It's very interesting.

Speaker 5: 43:43 Okay.

Eden Myers: 43:44 Right.

Tyson: 43:45 So what is a book or something along those lines, whether it's a class or course, something that you wish you knew about or read earlier in your life?

Eden Myers: 43:58 Oh, wow. Well, it's, it's the course that I took for my certification to teach these things to people and to guide them. It's called thinking into results. And just, you know, I, I know we talked a little bit before in both cases about, you know, how are understanding our mind and how it works and emotional intelligence and that it's, it makes the circle complete when we can understand

Speaker 5: 44:33 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 44:34 What's going on in our life and if we want to change it to make it a little bit better in certain cases in stronger, then everything else falls into place.

Speaker 5: 44:45 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 44:46 And yeah, thinking that's what thinking into results is about. So it's, if we want to change the results in our life, we gotta take a look at what's going on inside and how we're thinking about things. But I always to have to go back to this book called psycho cybernetics by dr well malts. It's just one of my favorite and I keep reading it over and over and over again. And he just teaches so much in there about, you know, our thoughts and how we view ourselves or self image and understanding when we understand ourselves and we're able to understand others a whole lot more and the world does become a better place.

Tyson: 45:33 He does say that. And this is something you you teach or you're a part of or both?

Eden Myers: 45:38 Well, I teach, thinking into results and anything I read, like, you know, Dr. Maxwell malts material, it all goes together and I'm able to incorporate that into what I teach and, and it just helps people even more.

Tyson: 45:56 Okay. That's awesome. If people wanted to get in touch with you more and find out all about what you're teaching in whatever things you have going on, what's the best way to for them to get in contact with you for that?

Eden Myers: 46:06 Well, my favorite spot is on Facebook. It's my new paradigm for life and it's the number four

Tyson: 46:13 Sally we got for you guys. So it's easy to get to and you just go to the show notes for this episode and we'll have it easily linked.

Speaker 5: 46:20 Yeah.

Eden Myers: 46:21 So I, you know, I put, I like to put, you know, regular content on there every day of just, you know, little things like we talked about today and supporting each other. Give people a little taste of what you know is, is in, in my, is my new paradigm for life. And what it's about and I'm going to be starting some webinars soon and eventually getting into a little daily read and discussing a book and just have people follow along. It'll be all complimentary and they can, you can get the book or they can download the material, whichever book it is at the time and, and read along and we can discuss it and answer. You know, it's so easy to do these things on Facebook now and in webinars and, and that's what I love about social media.

Tyson: 47:16 Awesome. That sounds amazing. If you guys are interested in learning more about eating, talking to eat and I will link that for you guys. It's real easy to get to there. From the show notes, I'm on your podcast player on YouTube. You just click in the show notes area. It should take you right over to to the show notes for this episodes. It's easy for you guys to get there and then you know, you've been on a show before. We'd like to do our challenges. Last time you did a gratitude challenge. I like to give you an opportunity yet again to challenge the audience for a weekly challenge. Whether it's something about the episode or not something to help people grow, you know, 1% get better, whether there's, we talked about emotion, we talked about a lot of things anyway, whatever, whatever is you'd like to challenge these people, I'd like to give it to you for this week's challenge.

Eden Myers: 48:01 Okay. Well kind of reminds me of what you were sharing with us before. And what I challenge everyone to do is to write down in one or two sentences, something in their life that they're having trouble with. It's challenging them, whether it's with their work or their health or relationship. So write that down and then counteract it with how could I change the way I'm thinking about this

Speaker 4: 48:41 [Inaudible]

Eden Myers: 48:42 And do that every day for a week. And I bet the second, the third, the fourth day, when you go back in and answer that same question again, you're going to come up with more and more things and more details and understand yourself a little bit better.

Tyson: 49:07 I liked, that's a good challenge and that's a thing we really need to do. As the more self aware we are, the more we can understand ourselves, the more we can help ourselves get better, become better people, friends, neighbors, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and all those types of things.

Eden Myers: 49:21 And you know, I'm just very passionate about helping children because they are the future. Right. You know, and because just like you, that we love doing what we do, I think about children and again, it's our duty. Even if they're not our child, that they're a child in our life or even just a child, I'm on the street and have the opportunity to talk to them. If we can help them somehow, then it's helping them to shore up their foundation of who they are because we can, you know, we can teach our children things and they get to be a certain age. They get out on their own and they'll kind of change a little bit, but they'll always come back to the strength of their foundation. They'll always come back to that. So as adults and parents, it's our responsibility. It really is our responsibility to help children to grow up, to be the best that they can be.

Tyson: 50:27 And I think the best

Speaker 5: 50:28 Way to do that is set an example. Be the person you want to be in the you want them to be. And when they're just going to see what you're doing and they're going to follow and they're going to emulate you. If you want your children to be reading more, you should be reading more. He should be reading with them. Whatever it is. If you're setting that example you're showing and you're leading the way, they'll follow you and you're not going to have to say a lot.

Eden Myers: 50:48 That's right. And I like that analogy of a reading more and learning more. Yeah. Cause then they'll see, they'll carry that through.

Tyson: 50:56 Yeah. And, and, and these are the habits. You know, w you know about this as well. You know, the most things we do are habitual. They're, they're, you know, all these things that we just do, you know, his habits. And if you're helping, if you're, if you're setting yourself with good habits, you know, either if you had them or didn't or whatever it is, and you're showing your kids by example, by doing things, they're going to be their habits and that's going to become part of their daily life. You know, so you know, like personally here, you know, I've got my note daily routine and morning stuff. I'd never said one thing to my, my son one day he just walked him down. Look, I, I wrote out my own daily routine and I, you know, wake up, I'm going to workout and he's got a pin on his wall. I never said nothing to him at all about it, but I did it everyday and I, I showed by example and I, I left little hands and breadcrumbs and now he's journaling and stuff and I'm like, because he sees me do this stuff and this is what I'm saying, you know, I want to be better and these are the things I know that help. And I'm setting that example every day and I'm trying to get new habits and new things. And long story short, that's what we need to be doing.

Speaker 5: 51:58 Okay.

Eden Myers: 51:58 That's right. Setting examples. You know, there's an example of, of a child there, you're going to school and they get their report card. Okay. And, and you know, maybe there's an area, a subject that they're not real strong in or they're failing. So, you know, they look at the report card and the teacher looks at the report card and then the parents look at the report card. That system is basically judging them for who they are. But that's not correct. It's where it's where their mind was at this specific time. They took that test. But it has nothing to do with potential.

Tyson: 52:42 Yes.

Eden Myers: 52:43 And so by spending time with our children and teaching them and showing them that they have so much potential that we all will have its deep seated in us, then we're, you know, we're leading by example and we're really helping them to grow up to be, you know, strong adults.

Tyson: 53:01 Yeah. And I know it's a sad thing that I've noticed and I've heard of others, is not nowadays parents are turning it around. And the teacher and the children's getting Chow's getting a bad grade and they're blaming the teacher for it and it's, you know, it, it takes, it takes a Blake, we said earlier, it takes a village. It's not just a teacher, it's not just the students. Also use a parent and, and I love that. You know, you got to understand, like you're saying, a report card isn't a reflection of intelligence. It's just a reflection of taking tests or, or being following the rules in that environment. Maybe your child has something that needs to be worked on. That's up to you as a parent to find out. Maybe they have a learning challenge or maybe school just isn't right for them. And, and you just got to say, listen, I know Billy school's hard, but I want you just to try. I'm not worried about your grades. I want to see effort. And that may be is, is, is what you need for your, but you gotta you gotta as a parent especially, you've got to look at, you know, everything, the whole thing and find out, you know, what's going on there and not just out, like you said, a snapshot.

Eden Myers: 54:03 Right. Because if that can be carried into their adult life and they go, you know, they get into their work and they're just not succeeding, they're not able to solve problems. And it's simply because they think they're, they're actually living in the past. They think that they're not capable of doing more than they've been in, you know, being more when than when they were stuck back here and that, that's really no way to live.

Tyson: 54:33 Yeah, yeah, exactly. You're so, well, I'm always been a D student and I just said I'm a D worker and I'm just going to live at D D style life and, and that unfortunately gets ingrained in our heads and, and it's tough to break out from.

Eden Myers: 54:45 Yeah. And then people, you know, they get older and they're so unhappy and they take it out on others around them.

Tyson: 54:52 Definitely. Is there anything else you wanted to touch on and make sure we share today?

Speaker 4: 54:57 Okay.

Eden Myers: 54:59 I don't think so. I think we had a great conversation. Tyson as always and you know, we both love to help people and we're sharing these tidbits of information with them and you know, I'm, I'm happy to reach out to people or have them reach out to me and discuss more about emotional intelligence and how important it is and, and just different techniques and ways that we can strengthen that emotional intelligence so that the rest of our lives can be balanced and strong and happy.

Tyson: 55:34 Definitely. I enjoyed having you on for round two. I'm always open for round three everybody, like, like we said earlier, if you, if you're interested in more what she's got going on, do you want to reach out? You have questions, whatever, please. If reach us to the show or reach out to her, we'll, we'll get you guys connected. Everything's gonna be in the show notes. Eden, thank you so much for being on, for round two. I always learned so much and I really appreciate your time and I'm sharing all your knowledge and your wisdom. It was really a blasting so much.

Eden Myers: 56:01 Thank you. Tyson will speak to you again.

Tyson: 56:04 All right. Thank you. You didn't once again for being on the show. Really do appreciate it. Hope you guys learn something here. Hope you guys enjoyed having her on. Like I said episode a few times. I will link everything in the show notes for you guys. So it's easy for you guys to get ahold of her if you want to learn more. And if you want more, more things out of life, maybe some, we all love free things, especially when they add and bring value. Check out this month's giveaway. Always putting something together. We're always trying to get stuff from you guys to help improve your lives, help you become better. People, coworkers, friends, family, whatever it is. Head over to the social chameleon.show/pickney. Find out what we put together for you guys this month. See what amazing things we got going on, and I hope it really can help improve your folks at life.

Tyson: 56:52 If you liked what you heard here, you want to share this with your friends and family, please do that as a best way to support the show. Also, if you're interested on leaving a comment, good or bad, doesn't matter. We want to hear from you guys. We want to hear what you maybe want to hear, what you, you know, ideas you guys have with different things for the show. Let us know lead like review. Don't forget to subscribe on YouTube. If you like the video version or subscribing on your favorite podcast app, you're probably listening to this on right now in between shows. You guys can connect with us all week long. The social community show on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and all those fun little social media places for past episodes and links to everything we talk about. You can visit the social chameleon.show. Until next time, keep learning, growing and transforming into the person you want to be.

Speaker 1: 57:42 [Inaudible] [inaudible].


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