Movie Review


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"I'm wasting my life pursuing a living. I battle non-stop emails, unnecessary meetings, overbearing coworkers, and a company that doesn't care about me.

I know I'll be ordering off the senior menu before I see the world or spend quality time with those I love. I'm excited on Friday, and depressed on Sunday.

I struggle to find time for what matters. I feel guilty for taking vacation days. I put my dreams on hold. I'm stuck on the hamster wheel. I'm supposed to do this for 40 years.

I'm burned out."

Millions of people working regular jobs, with regular families, regular responsibilities, and regular lives have these thoughts every day. 76% of Americans say money and work are the leading causes of stress. Rising rents and increasing student loan debt have pushed the national retirement to age 75 for recent graduates.

In Generation Freedom, filmmakers Christopher Sakr and Michael Hall take you on a cross-country journey through the lifestyles and minds of a few ordinary people who have broken out of today's nine-to-five prison. Some of them make millions, others make a living, but none of them work a conventional job, trading money for their most valuable asset: time.

Experts like Paula Pant (Afford Anything), Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income), John Lee Dumas (Entrepreneurs on Fire), Andrew Warner (Mixergy) and many others reveal their secrets to creating low maintenance and passive income streams-a blueprint to time, location, and financial independence-while some newcomers in the space bravely embark on walking away from their secure day jobs to better their lives, their family's lives, and pursue their dreams.

Generation Freedom will inspire you with what happens when individuals courageously and intelligently shape their lives around an essential question: "What would I do with my life if I didn't have to trade time for money?" Generation Freedom, live your dream on your own terms.

42: Movie Review: Generation Freedom 1

Generation: Freedom is A ShoHawk Production, Produced by Michael Hall & Directed by Chris Sakr
A cheerful young man from Generation Freedom, in a gray t-shirt laughing and holding a plaid shirt over his shoulder, photographed against a white background in a black and white portrait.

Michael Hall

A black and white photo of a smiling man in a striped shirt, sitting and making a peace sign with both hands towards the camera, symbolizing Generation Freedom.

Chris Sakr

Esquire. Ford Motors. Burton Snowboards. The Obama Administration. While all of these brands are vastly different, they share at least one thing in com­mon: a teeny, little bit of Aaron Draplin. Draplin is one of the new school of influential graphic designers who combine the power of design, social media, entrepreneurship, and DIY aesthetic to create a successful business and way of life.
Andrew Warner is an internet, startup entrepreneur. When he graduated from college, he founded Bradford & Reed, a company that ran a collection of startups. He now runs Mixergy, where he invites proven entrepreneurs to teach how they built their startups. The entrepreneurs featured on Mixergy include the founders of Wikipedia, Groupon, LivingSocial, LinkedIn, and over 1,500 others. In Generation Freedom, he shares details of lessons learned.
Anna Louise Harris is a vintage shopkeeper curating an online store to help her live a bohemian lifestyle she enjoys. The lifestyle her business allows her to live is slow living: stirring her morning coffee with a hand carved wooden spoon, keeping flowers on her bedside to smell when she wakes up, pulling all of the beautiful things around her into her home. She tells you how she's used social media and Etsy to build an ideal life for herself.
Brennan Agranoff founded his sports apparel customization company HoopSwagg at age 13. He has been pursuing entrepreneurship since age seven where he began selling his first products and flipping garage sale items on eBay. He’s been featured in numerous publications such as CNN,, and, and was named the 2017 Youth Entrepreneur of the Year by Baylor University.
Brian Clark has been building businesses with online content marketing since 1998, way before anyone used that term. Seven years and three successful businesses later, Brian decided to share what he knew with the world. He started Copyblogger as a simple one-man blog. It evolved into a highly profitable company with 8 figures in annual revenue thanks to useful content, smart copywriting, and exceptional products and services. His vision is to help you create the kind of audience-focused content that helps you reach your goals.
Chris Ducker is a serial entrepreneur and author of the bestseller, "Virtual Freedom", and more recently, "Rise of the Youpreneur". Based in Cambridge, England, he owns and operates several businesses, housing over 400 full-time employees combined internationally. He's also a trusted international business mentor, keynote speaker, podcaster, blogger, as well as the founder of - the leading personal brand business education company in the world.
Chris Huntley Built his insurance blog, to 70,000 visits per month then sold it for 7 digits. His websites and blogs have taken him from a work-at-home “solo entrepreneur” to a legitimate agency owner with an office, agents, and assistants. He details his evolution from broke life insurance salesman with no leads to an online entrepreneur in Generation Freedom.
Cole Cuchna is the host and creator of the serialized music podcast Dissect. Dissect picks one album per season and analyzes one song per episode, measure by measure, word by word. Season 1 examines “To Pimp a Butterfly” by Kendrick Lamar. Season 2 tackles “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” by Kanye West. Season 3 dissects “Blonde” and “Channel Orange” by Frank Ocean.
Jason Hibbs builds, designs, and sells custom furniture online through He runs a woodworking shop and handmade goods business with his wife in Oregon. His carefully curated Instagram account drives a ton of business towards him. Hear about his history, how he markets his business, and what he does to stay ahead product-wise. Also at
John Lee Dumas is the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, an award-winning Podcast where he interviews today's most successful Entrepreneurs. JLD has interviewed over 2000 Entrepreneurs (including Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Barbara Corcoran, Tim Ferriss, and many more), and EOFire has over 1 million monthly listens. Through these interviews, he learned the #1 reason Entrepreneurs are successful. They have ONE BIG IDEA and go ALL IN. That is what he talks you through in Generation Freedom.
Lee Shaker is a mass & political communication scholar. His primary interest lies in understanding the ways that new communication technologies affect society. As part of this, several of his recent articles assess how the changing media environment alters the relationship that citizens have with their local communities. In Generation Freedom, he walks you through the evolution of mass media communication and how it has created unprecedented business opportunities.
Fine artist, illustrator, and author Lisa Congdon is best known for her colorful paintings and hand lettering. She works for clients around the world including MoMA, REI, Harvard University, among many others. She is the author of seven books, including the starving-artist-myth-smashing Art Inc: The Essential Guide to Building Your Career as an Artist. She was named one of 40 Women Over 40 to Watch in 2015 and she is featured in the 2017 book, 200 Women Who Will Change the Way You See the World.
Meagan Wristen is a freelance travel writer, blogger, and social media influencer. Meagan is the author and host of Meagan writes for Media Group at USA Today, Travelocity, and Meagan also contributes to,, and Trekaroo. She tells you exactly how she built her brand in Generation Freedom.
Olaniyi “Niyi” Sobo is a former American football fullback. He played college football at Portland State. He was signed by the New Orleans Saints as an undrafted free agent in 2008. After being cut from the NFL due to an injury, Niyi decided to begin coaching. From there, in addition to being a full-time firefighter, he has built a coaching company to help young athletes be successful at an elite level.
Pat Flynn is a beloved thought leader in online entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and lifestyle businesses. Pat has been featured in The New York Times and Forbes Magazine for his accomplishments, and his book, Will it Fly? reached the Wall Street Best Sellers list. His top-ranked business podcast, The Smart Passive Income Podcast, has earned over 33 million downloads and continues to inspire people with his message.
Paula Pant is the founder of award-winning website and a writer and speaker, specializing in money and business. She has been featured in more than four dozen major publications, including Forbes, Fortune,, AOL DailyFinance, Marketplace Money, Magazine, and many more. She speaks at conferences across the nation on money, business, and lifestyle.
Stephen Chou is the founder of My Wife Quit Her Job - a blog and podcast discussing small business entrepreneurs killing it online. When his wife became pregnant, the two made it their mission to help Jennifer ditch her soul-sucking 9-5 while still generating income for their growing family. Within a year, the two built an online shop and six-figure revenue stream. From there, he has gone on to create a profitable online business of his own. With candid honesty and actionable advice, Steve shares everything the two did right AND wrong to help you on your journey.

Tyson: 00:13 Welcome to the social chameleon show where it's our goal to help you learn growing, transforming the person who I've become today. A first for us, a movie review, a big, big thank you to Michael Hall for reaching out and giving us the privilege and honor to get a pre release copy of this to, to watch and review for your folks. Uh, the movie is generation freedom is a Shabbat product produced by Michael Hall and directed by Chris Soccer. A little overview of the movie generation. Freedom is a documentary covering the revolution of starting an online business and the possibilities that have been created, it follows 16 people changed their lives by creating income stream as a full time business or side business. This documentary for people who believe they are meant to do something more than sitting down at a desk for their entire life. It's for those who want freedom and flexibility in their lives by generating an income through various revenue streams, by sitting in watching generation freedom, you'll be given a blueprint to a life of freedom.

Ransom: 01:12 Yeah. Cool. Yeah, I guess that was kind of taken back to us like, oh, I've never really reviewed a movie before the show, just all cool. I'm always reading books and stuff. So, uh, hey, it's new for us, new for you. But anyway, uh, I guess without further ado, I, I kinda liked the movie. I mean it has that documentary feel. I kinda like how it has that little mystery thing of like, you know, where is this going? Like what, uh, you know, it's like, it's kind of cool. I was like watching it first and I was like, ah, this is actually like, you know, like the typical, the typical documentary feel that you get and it's like, it's got a lot of mystery and then eventually it kind of comes together. Right. And it's like, oh, okay, okay, this is Kinda cool. Uh, what is it, I guess I had my notes are a little bit different. I guess I have like passion and attention tests. What is the actual thing that they have on the, you have there for the movie?

Tyson: 02:10 Yeah. So Passion or Aka your superpower? Pat Flynn's, that's his words. And then a income stream, find your audience, test your idea, begin and grow. That's like, I guess the plot of the movie and they go through each of those, which I thought was really cool. Really kind of go into each element from, from beginning to end of, you know, how, how to, how to find what you want to do and kind of break away from if you're looking for that breaking away from your job kind of thing, you're looking for extra income. They go through every single step and they really get into some pretty good detail. I really, I really enjoyed that. About the movie.

Ransom: 02:43 Yeah, definitely. I mean it's definitely like all from a to b kind of planned out kind of thing, which is cool. Um, and a lot of the techniques and a lot of stuff that, the point on it that'd be like, that it's real and it's relevant and it's relevant in today's world, which is really good.

Tyson: 03:00 That was good. I, I, I liked that and I, you know, when I first started watching, I was like, please don't be some motivational fluff piece. I was like, I really want to be able to have a good experience with this movie, especially being our first time and you know, I'm being asked to do something like this and I was really surprised. I really, really was. It wasn't. It was no fluff. It was really, really well done. Really well put together a sequence nicely. It wasn't as motivational piece. Everybody felt like they were really raw and sharing their experiences, sharing their emotions. You have 16 people. It was more than a handful of people so like you couldn't really get a fix on it, but it wasn't like so many people. Like there's just been other things that we have. It's like, okay, it's like this documentary is about 1500 people go through each one and it's like, no, like it's enough.

Tyson: 03:53 It's enough that you can actually sit down and the late and some of the people there and it's not overwhelming, which is kinda cool. Yeah. Yeah. That's the thing I was worried about. I was like, please, like I don't want to hear about how rich you are, how much money you make and how it was. You just got it done and you know that it was none of that. It was really good. I mean even there was a young kid, I think he was like 18 or something like that. He's been invited. Yeah, it was like making socks or something. That was pretty cool. Man was super cool and like you could tell that he's like, he looks like he's got that business mindset and like, you know, it's like he's got this business and he's got employees underneath him. I was like, that's like really cool man.

Tyson: 04:38 Yeah. He really had his stuff together. I was, I was pleasantly surprised that I definitely like the different tastes of entrepreneurs that they have on there. So good. And it's a good mix. Definitely. Definitely a good mix. Yeah. There's a couple of guys I recognize that I even follow as well on there. I was, I kind of was part of hooking me. I was like, oh, I like these guys. Like a couple of these guys I sent in the trailer and I was like, alright, I'll give this a whirl. You know, some guys in here, like definitely, definitely I don't want to. One of my favorite parts was a big Guy, Pat Flynn was to. I forget what part they were talking about, but he had this acronym plan so I think I think it was the research phase or something like that or whatever, but it's really cool. I've never heard the acronym is really well thought out or whatever.

Tyson: 05:23 It's just like, so plans are p problems, language that Anna anecdotes or the stories and then need the solution. So starting there, really identifying a problem, figuring out what's the real problem is not what you think are maybe not what you want to come up with and what would you want to do, but going out and feeling that problem out. Figuring out these holidays people are talking about. It was the language we're using and different stuff. Finding stories about people that are having those problems and then giving them the me giving them the solution. I was like, that is so well put together. I guess that's like kind of put like in the income, the income stream and it's like maybe we'll kind of to identify

Ransom: 05:58 like, you know, I like how they talk about like your passion as sick. Yeah. What is it that you can do and only you can do super well, I don't know. To me it was just kind of crazy sick your superpower. But that's true though. It's like we all have any abilities within us that kind of get out there, reach and resonate and then to take that further, right? Like how can we use those abilities to generate income? Right. And it's about solving problems. It's about providing products and services that, that are going to help other people. And I kinda like that too. They kind of set that mindset in there. It's like you got to focus on the customer or on the end product, it's not about what you want, but like, like you said, if you can figure out how to solve somebody else's problem, right? Or do they pose that question is how much money would you pay? Right? Or something like that to to get something to get something done then then you know, like if people will pay for that to be solved, you have potential for income on it.

Tyson: 07:07 So yeah, it was one thing I liked that they talked about. They're like nevermind asking people would you buy this? Ask them to buy it and then you know, if nobody wants to buy it or nobody wants to sign up for a Webinar as an example. Like if you get nobody up, send every Webinar, you're off the mark somewhere that you gotta fill this out.

Ransom: 07:23 No, I mean just add that in there. Like for our free Webinar, right? Like if you're providing a free Webinar, a free service is out there in the testing phase. Maybe it was just like if nobody's gonna come to something for free, then you can, you may have to tweak something or you may have to change something and the chances are they won't pay for it if you get it

Tyson: 07:46 right. And I mean coming to listen to a possible solution. And that's the thing like how they were saying like times like sometimes you aren't identifying the right problem that you think this is the problem and you think this is the solution and then like you go out and you make that and then all of a sudden crickets and I kinda like know like test this, like don't waste a lot of time and money. Like I really liked that they really kind of like go test. It's like a lot of these guys were like accidental things. Like one guy was, he needed a handkerchief for his wedding and he had to buy like a pallet full and then they sold them and then like a few years later they're like, you know what, we should try that again. Like, and then they wind up having a really successful business. They create out of it. No one killed with the socks. Same thing. He was like, I see these people at school, they were all wear the same exact socks. Like it's got something cooler out there.

Ransom: 08:33 Yeah. And then he's like, he's like, pick them out there and get out there. And I guess just the thing about this video, it's like, you know, it's like even that girl that likes sells rugs s like you would think like, you know, um, and that's the other thing too, is like they're not out there to do like these big businesses, big things. I guess ever since I was a kid when I started, I always thought about being an entrepreneur is like owning this frigging huge company like Google that's going to make millions and millions and millions of dollars. But like this will be kind of like, I guess takes a step back from that. Like you mentioned earlier, it's not, it's not like these big pieces with all this fluff. These are actual legitimate people like you and I and it just, it. They get out there and they work online. They don't, they don't make millions of dollars in either, but you know, they get by, right. And it's generation freedom, right? They need to do what they want to create a lifestyle to live how they want to. Their like some really good stuff, man.

Tyson: 09:41 Yeah. That that was a part, like that was a part that was really, really good to me. Like I think a lot of times I see a lot is like this romanticized idea of being on sure new granola and being rich and having this big mansion and that's just a such a small percentage of people versus the people that are featured in this documentary. It's like, it's more like having a job. Maybe though I think the one guy said he took a little, he makes a little less money, but he works from home and he's got all this extra freedom. He's, he's able to be more creative. He doesn't have and it's telling a story about he was in a meeting with a customer and they were just blue during, you know, being belligerent or whatever it was, or bad mouth, a hammer or something along those lines.

Tyson: 10:19 And he's like, I can't do nothing about it is I can't say nothing to this person versus now he's like, I don't need you as a client. Yup, exactly. He's like, I make, I make a little less money now. But guess what? I don't have to deal with that person no more. I'm not the type of people because I choose who's going to be my customers. I get to choose that stuff and ask the things I really liked about the movie. You know, like the lady that you said, the carpet and the other, you know, there's a couple of other people. It's like you could see where they were. It seemed like they were in their home and it's not this big lavish home, like the one leading the carpet. She has this nice little apartment, but she's free to do whatever she wants. She goes to a swap meet and stuff and she finds rugs and that's what she likes. She liked doing anyway and then she figured out she could make money and she makes enough money to just do that for her life. Like that was the coolest thing. It's not that she's rich, you know, maybe she doesn't even make 100 grand with. She makes enough that she's got a great life and freedom to go and do things and go places. That was the stuff I really liked about it.

Ransom: 11:12 Yeah. And it's just, you know, it's Kinda like the, I guess they call it a micro business or whatever. I guess it's not a new concept to me I guess, but from, you know, like you said, either the hype of everything, like people want to have like all these big businesses and they can make a ton of money. Um, you know, that kind of seems, I guess like out of reach for most people. The thing that I think a lot of people will be able to relate this movie is like luck. They just have these small little micro businesses like this is, this is something that's attainable. This is something that anyone can do. It's not going to be this thing that, you know, we're going to make this huge moneymaking machine. Like most, most people don't have it is the mindset analytic skills to create a multimillion dollar businesses. But in this movie, like there's a lot of good examples of everyday person and the put the skills that they have, they can do some stuff that's really cool.

Tyson: 12:18 Yeah. I liked that they were, they were wrong and they were sharing the hardships. The years and years of thing I saw nobody likes me, nobody followed me. Nobody cared. That was refreshing to hear. You never hear those stories of all this stuff. It's always, you know, like with mostly what we see nowadays and we hear it's just a highlight reel and these guys were being emotional and you can see there's a few of them. Yeah. I felt like they were ready to cry. Maybe even. I think that one lady was crying. It was so awesome to hear that.

Ransom: 12:48 Yeah. It's like, and the way they talk about like the feedback to, you know, um, people have that little small man syndrome on the Internet, you know, it's just like people will start trashing them on whatever platform they're on, whether it be instagram or facebook or whatever. And you just get those bad comments and like know that one lady was talking about like, you know, sometimes you just got to turn it off and walk away, you know, just know that the internet is a place where everybody can share and that means that even the not so nice people are going to start sharing too. And it's like that. It's, it's really real. It's really raw. I do like that aspect of the movie as well. That's pretty cool man.

Tyson: 13:33 Yeah, definitely. I like to. They talked about so many, like very precise and concise like steps, like in each of those categories of panning and you know, income and all these different. They have very, very precise like do these things like set this goal, do these things, like get these things on. I let one guy, the football player, the former former player, he's like, yeah, you ain't got time. That's bullshit. I was like, yes, it gets, why don't you get up an hour earlier? I was like, that's what's up. Like I was like, hell yeah, like

Ransom: 14:00 if you found, if it were important to you, but find a way to get out there and make that happen. And I guess I kind like that too about this movie is like there's something about it when I get up every morning and do it. Like they don't, they don't sit there and get the short when, right. That guy in the music guy, he's like, yeah, it's nice to get a short win every now and then, but it's life isn't always about a short wins. Like you got to be able to get up and do this whether for the money comes in or whether it doesn't. Like if you don't get the shore when you have to be able to keep moving. And that's the other thing too that I like about them is like you gotta have that. It's not, it's not all sunshine and rainbows and this money's going to come out of nowhere and we're going to be rich.

Ransom: 14:56 Like it was like, no, you put forth the energy and the time. It doesn't have to be something huge. Right. You know, I have to use big macro business that's going on, it's going to be a micro business, but it's going to be work, you know, it's not like you can just turn it off, right? Like the stuff, the wantrepreneur, right? Like I'm just going to be the middle man. I'm not going to do any work. I'm going to make money. Like that's. Those things are not real. Like if you want to do this, you go to work at it. Like it's a real job and with that you got to show up every day and I'm got to put the work in and whether you get that short winter, not like you, you got to keep going. Like I thought that was pretty real and I think that that hits home with me anyway.

Tyson: 15:41 Yeah. It reminds me of my, like probably one of my favorite quotes from the movie, the graphic artists, uh, Aaron, he said, you may never be famous. You may never be rich, but who gives a shit? You're doing it like that's it right there. Like, that is so perfect. Like you're just doing it like you're not, you're not stuck, you're not, you're not feeling bottled up or whatever it is, you know, I can advance or whatever it is that you're, you know, your current job or whatever it is you're doing. Like who gives a shit? Like it's not about making them nice, not a pop becoming famous. Like most of these guys, I want to say on average they have about 50, 60,000 followers on, on the difference. You're not these million plus accounts. Like my daughter, I don't know if it's her at her school or a friend of her school, one girl in her school is like a million and a half followers on instagram and I was like, these aren't those necessarily type of people like that that just love that quote. Just, you know, you're not going to be facing. You may not be famous. She meant to be racial. Who gives a shit? Like just doing what you want to be doing. That was the, that's the stuff I liked about this movie.

Ransom: 16:46 Yeah. Yeah. And that's, I mean that to me, that Kinda sits home with it and takes it from there. But don't get me wrong though, like if you do follow the steps on, you know, and again I'm not trying to sell the, you could get this May. There are a lot of people that do make quick, short, fast cash money. This movie's not about that. But at the time, you know, it does happen I guess per se, you know, just again it's about taking a home. It's about doing it like these. A lot of these people like you can tell like this is a passion, it's just a hard, this is what they enjoy doing and rather than getting out there and making somebody else rich off of what they enjoy doing, like they, they take it to themselves and they get by. It's kind of cool.

Tyson: 17:38 One of my other things I really liked about this movie, it's so it's, it's so educational and like the subtle way they had all these in all these definitions popping up, like all terms. Then somebody will say a terminate boom, they hit. They have the definition.

Ransom: 17:55 I guess new, not necessarily new definitions, but I like that thing in there about the passive income, like you know, you take traditionally right passive income that comes from either real estate investments or stocks, but like um, that one entrepreneurially in there, she's like, you know, I kind of want to add to the fact that passive income is money that's not really. Like I was like, that's a clean idea. Like good because everybody has this traditional sense, right? Like time is money. I work for x amount of dollars an hour, right? When in actuality, you know, for this freedom lifestyle that you want to have. Like if you're trying to break away from your, you're separating the fact that you don't have to. I mean you do have to do work. Don't get me wrong. Right. Again, that's, that's the thing that I like about this movie too, is like you gotta do the work, but it's not. If I go to work for eight hours a day and x is going to be that kind of thing, like, um, it's just like money will come in eventually, but it's not, it's not necessarily related to how much energy or how much time you spend on any one particular thing, which is Kinda cool.

Tyson: 19:12 Yeah, no, that was the one story that had, um, well I think it was Pat Flynn, he had made a, an ebook for the architects men and he said, you know, I wasn't the first day, day or week or something along those lines, a month or whatever. He had sold like $8,000 worth of those books. Yes. That's more than three months of my income. Like maybe he spent six months working on a book next to say, and within a, within a very short amount of time, he's already been three months worth of income and he's done or he's hands off at this point. So that point on that's just, you know, profit. Every morning he wakes up, he's like, I sold 10 books, I sold another tent, whatever. That's that passive income that you spent a lot of time and a lot of hard work and that initial upfront investment of time, knowledge, whatever it is you're doing and you put this thing together and then you let it go out in the world and say you just start getting checks, you know, I don't want to make it seem so nonchalant like that, but that's basically it. You spent a lot of upfront time, a lot of upfront effort and then you create that passive income stream.

Ransom: 20:13 But I mean, even like the guys to talk about like that one guy, he's like, you know, I always try to stay like 40 episodes ahead of me. I was crazy. Like I was like, yeah, that's like a pretty legit idea. And he's like, and that way if I need to take a break or I need to stop shut things down for a day. Like I know I have like a 30 day offer where all my episodes are going to continue to upload and continue to do what they need to do. Um, you know, while he's away. And like, not that still, you know, again that to me that's like the new, the new idea of passive income. It's like it's, it's continuing to do things for you, but yet you don't have to be there say every day to make that happen. Just kind of cool.

Ransom: 20:58 And, and that's a lot of things they talked about too in this movie too, is like technology, like we've come so far in advancements in technology, like um, they, they talk about doing the virtual assistant, you can't do it or you can hire somebody locally, like get out there, get a virtual assistant to do things right. Talk about like, that was other thing too, right? Chris ducker's like don't, don't double down on your weakness. And he's like, he's like, get somebody else to do, suck at. Like that's like, that's an important key part. They're like, I like kinda super paranoid or something like that, or oh yeah, like the super hero or whatever where like don't want to do everything out there, you know. But like, that's, I mean in the beginning when you, again, when you don't have money, you kind of agree with that statement, like you kind of do need to save money by doing everything yourself, but when you get to the point where you're starting to make a little bit of money, like, you know, get out there and do the things that you're good at because that's what's gonna make you money, right?

Ransom: 22:03 Like uh, the um, the pro athlete guy or whatever. He's, yeah, he's like, you don't, you don't see beyonce, like setting up her stage live, that kind of stuff. I was like, Dang. I was like, that's true, right? You get onstage and forget shine and do all this awesomeness while she has a team of people and backgrounds who, you know, sell the tickets, get the marketing and all of that for her. Like she just knows what she's good at. Like, you know, those are like a lot of good tips and tricks that you, you learned from watching this movie. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. I did also like how they really. And it went through the thing where like, yeah, I did it all and then I was like, I can't do anymore, but now I know how to do these things. I can hire somebody who can train them.

Ransom: 22:50 I was like, oh, that's, that's good information for people to hear. So many people have that mindset of if I want it done right, I have to do it myself, or you know, that type of, that type of mind frame like that. And it's like, if you can take some things off your plate, you can do what you do very, very well. I love how they really hammered that home and hiring and all of that. And um, I think Chris Ducker who had this whole thing, he went through like deep down, like, shit, I suck at Shit. I don't want to do shit. I don't like to do. Just hiring everything for everybody like that. Oh you went down deep on that one. I was like, Oh yeah. And, and you know, but that's just the part of like, again, when you have the drive to show up and you know, not make money and you know you're going to start stumbling and fumbling at first, but eventually because you have that drive to push, you're gonna, you're gonna figure things out and you're going to figure out, you know, I'm not the best at that.

Ransom: 23:44 Maybe not how can I do things differently or maybe there's a different approach. There's a lot of positiveness, a lot of good things Amani this movie for sure. Yeah, definitely.

Tyson: 23:57 I think it's, it's, it makes things easier if you just watch this and you just went step one. Step two is you could really, really accelerate your learning, accelerate your, your mistakes and stuff like that. The limit of things is really set out so, so well I think. I think just about anybody, if not anybody can just go and just watch, watch that step one segment and then just go do it, come back my step to segment and go do it.

Ransom: 24:23 Yeah, I mean again, you kind of run into the same thing. Like on the Gary v thing, like what's my passion and how does that work? But yeah, if you don't have a passion for much, and I'm not saying that, you know, not talking bad about anybody in this video, but a lot of people don't necessarily know what their passion is. Um, then, you know, I think if there were some improvement on that, you know, maybe you can kind of find out that's where everybody to find, um, for sure that's for everybody to find a. But once you get that initial push and once you get that initial drive, definitely the things they talk about in this video I'm in this movie are great. I like how they focus on like when you first get started, start with one platform, one piece of content like that is so key things and making it happen.

Ransom: 25:19 It's like you can just get out there and just be like, there's so many out there and leave it all off funds. You talked about they're all relevant today, right? Like at Ebay, Ige, facebook, twitter, that one guy who's produces and put stuff up on spotify. I was like, these are all legitimate things, like if you try to get out there and do all of them at the same time, maybe not the best thing to do. Like you're not gonna do any of them. Well yeah, they get out there, pick one platform, start with one piece of content, you know, and just kind of work at it. It just kind of follow, call it what it is and then you'll get better, you'll get better and then from there you can spread out in and get out there. I thought it was interesting too, that one guy, like he makes money off emails. I was like, I was like, that's kind of old school technology nowadays. Emails, but it is money. It was like, it does,

Tyson: 26:19 you know? It's funny because people are like, oh, it's going away. Oh he was old. But that's still in my opinion, one of the best ways to really just pound through the noise and, and, and get to people. You know, it's, it's so hard to, you know, so, so easy to see four, five, six day old posts on instagram or facebook and say, this is over, this is venice past the sale is over with already. And I'm only seeing the thing now, now two days late. So I still think that's one of the things and not to discount. And they were talking about, you know, going through the different things and they really, I like how they laid it out for people, um, the different sequences they have and how they,

Ransom: 26:53 you like that one girl that does like the carpet things, like she goes from start to finish was like this is what I do that I do that stuff. Then I knew this, but like yeah, you're right. A lot of them kind of get out there and maybe not give the whole secrets of their business away, but they kind of gives their agenda. And I think for a lot of people out there, if you're getting started, like just take a listen to what they're doing and maybe adapt and adopt some of the principles they have. And like, you know, I'm getting back to that carpenter, she's like, you know, and, and this is like, so from the, from start to finish I spend about an hour or so getting the listed and put up one and all of that. And I was like, Dang. I was like, that's legit.

Ransom: 27:37 Like these people know their businesses, they know like how long things are going to take. They know what the next step is. And like that's like so important to know in a business yet when you first started out, I don't think ever known any of that, you know what I mean by far our show, it's like, you know, you gotta get out there, you to do this, you've got to put everything on the comcast. Like you got to take some time to figure it out for once you get it, like it kind of just becomes awkward.

Tyson: 28:08 Yeah, no. In the beginning I, I, I spent pretty much all day, maybe even even a day and a half just getting one episode out. Now I'm two hours start to finish. It's done. Completely done.

Ransom: 28:20 Yep. That's good.

Tyson: 28:26 No, no, no, no, no. I was wondering what other, is there any other things you like? I, that's probably like, that's about it for my things I really liked about the movie.

Ransom: 28:34 Well I kinda like how they talked about like their audience and their content or say, um, a lot of it nowadays is personal. I mean they talk about personal brand and stuff, but more importantly it's about what makes you different. So many people out there, there's so many things and you know, they talk about being aware in a competitive space, like know who your competitors are and know what they're doing and you know, most importantly know what makes you different. Right? Like some people in there, like the email marketing is what they do. That's how they do it. One girl in there, she actually writes handwritten notes people and sends them out. Um, you know, some of them they talk about getting a website, you know, that's the other thing I like about it too, like, hey look man, to do a website, this is how you do it. Like we'd be like, dude, that's on point. Like that's legitimately, that is exactly how you do it. It's Kinda crazy.

Tyson: 29:37 And it was nice. I was like listing 500 bucks like from like start to

Ransom: 29:42 website to legally entity you're set. And I was like wow, that's like you. A lot of these people that teach us and stuff, they don't tell like there's a lot of things in here. Like you've got to beat the page to get into some type. Of course. That's true too. Yeah. It's like oh pay for now, let's just take you straight to finish. And they give you a lot of stuff. And again, the platforms that they talk about, the content that they talk about, the things that they talk about are very relevant space and if you know it's all relevant and they talk about even then just being and Ige influencer using affiliate marketing, like that's all like real world stuff that's right here right now that, that people are using really good and if anything, the concepts, the ideas, dozer evergreen, the platforms are going to change the, the, the, the, the environment of a change.

Ransom: 30:39 But the ideas they have to be aware of conscious of time, like somebody is watching this youtube video like 20 years from now, but today when we're posting this video, you know, the stuff that they're talking about is relevant and does work in today's world which is doing learn, learn those core concepts that will take you on for the rest of your life. Yeah, for sure. Yeah man. And that overall great movie. Definitely out there. Definitely check it out. If you're in that entrepreneurship and you know, you want or like you said, if you're tired of working your nine to five, you know, in our. Maybe for those of you out there, like if you're watching this and you're at work or on your phone all the time, every, every workplace I go to just, you know that person, like who's behind the desk just watching this.

Ransom: 31:36 And then when you walk up to the desks are like, oh, hi, welcome. This can help you. Like if you're that person, you know, just watch watches, movie drive, get out there. Because if you're obviously out, they're not paying attention to your job or it's just something that you just show up or um, or maybe people who are stuck in that trap where your job, you know, I've been in those jobs before, that job that pays you just enough money so that you get by talking about you can place it, like, this is okay, I can hang out for a bit. Here was like, yeah, I can hang out here for a bit. And that bit turns into one year, five years or 10 years or however long you're stuck, not stuck at that job. You can leave at any time. Yet somehow 10 years later, you're still there. You're still on your phone, like watching instagram, looking or playing clash of clans or whatever it is you're doing at work. Maybe this moment is for you because this will tell you that, hey, there's something else. There's something better out there for your life that you can have the freedom to do what you want instead of having to show up to work every day and be on your phone to not be at work. Right. You show up, not be at work and get paid.

Tyson: 32:59 You should watch. Watch this movie. Yeah, I was even on it. Let's say, let's say you like your job but you're just not making enough. Starting to one of these little micro businesses. I like that word is nice. There's a nice thing. That word it sounded a little micro business hustle. Passive income right now. Maybe. Maybe you love your job and your, you know like I want to stay here but right now I'm only making 36,000 a year and I, I really could use a little extra. I got student loans or or something or I want to put little away for, for, for retirement or savings or whatever. Like this. Movies for you too, like start that little microbes and side hustles. I've learned these things. Did these guys like the lady goes flea market shopping for rugs? You could do that. Like, you know, on the weekend or whatever, go pick up a thing or two post one or two things, 100 bucks a week.

Tyson: 33:46 It's like that one kid in high school maths friends. Nope. Start online business. That's crazy. Good stuff. And then also on their page, I'll link it down below it. A Gen They have a four video bonus that they're giving away for free. So if right now the $20 is a bit much for you, at least get that fourth video free bonus. I watched the first one out. Very, very impressed with, with the. It's just more teaching, it's just they're just more, more giving them more teaching. So the four videos are the fastest way to upgrade your life, your free success plan, your hack to start frack fast and your life on your terms and their objective is they want to help you step by step to identify opportunity and test it and start trying without wasting time and money. Unbelievable. These guys is such a good job.

Tyson: 34:41 I'm so impressive. I'm really, really. I'm glad is a really a good project. Then we could really get behind and, and it's just, they just want to give it, they want to, they want to get rid of some of these stigmatisms and these different things and these roadblocks and even if you don't pay for it, a movie, those four videos for free that they put out, that's a really a good little callus free as well. Yeah, definitely for sure. And I like to, this is not sponsored, were not being paid to say this. They gave us some movie and said, hey guys, tell us what you think. Yeah, that's true too. Yeah. All right. Any, any other, any other key points or anything you want to, you want to talk about without giving too much more of the movie away, right? Yeah. It's so hard to do like a movie review. Like, you know, we can talk for days and it's still not going to cover everything.

Ransom: 35:27 Um, yeah. We don't want to give too much more of a movie away, but ironically I think we do want to give the movie away.

Tyson: 35:34 Yeah. You want to give the movie away for February. I enjoy this movie so much. I enjoyed the, the, the plan. We really enjoyed it. The, the, the layout, the different things, the objective they're going after. We're going to give away five copies of moving, so five people will win the access to this movie. That's our gift to you. Like I said, this is not sponsored or paid in any way from us to. You really enjoyed it. Looking for something for February and I was like, Hey, what better than this? This opportunity for $20 a person. I think this can change your life if you're looking to do one of the two kinds of scenarios we laid out for you, so head over to the social community that show slash pick me, enter in to be one of five lucky winners to win this movie.

Tyson: 36:23 Nice. Nice and then we'll, we'll link. I'll link to the movie and everything for you folks at the, at the show notes and such commission that show a slash gen dash freedom. Those were the link for this episode. Just head over there or have a social media that show and you have the link to get to this, uh, all the different show notes and other resources I can come up with for you guys as well. And then this week's challenge. Go Watch this movie. If you're not satisfied with your life or you're looking for freedom from your job, looking to start a micro business or a side hustle, listen, a few extra hundred dollars a month can be a huge difference in most people's lives, a little extra money for emergencies, a little extra for savings, maybe for retirement or a vacation. Follow the steps outlined in this movie and find something you like or want to do and starts. That's their message. That's our message all the time. Just start, start testing things are trying things. The most important thing is just start doing.

Ransom: 37:26 And that just takes us to our final thoughts as well. Uh, this movie resonates with me a lot and reminds me of a lot of what we do on this show. Now we're not here to be famous. When I hear that will make a lot of money. We're not here for short wind, right? We're just following our intuition and just doing the things that we want to do and where the money comes or not. We keep going at it, getting better, and eventually we know. We know. We believe that things are gonna happen. Yeah, it's not everyday that you can find your passion, but when you do, you know what it is. When you can find that thing that you're going to do when no one's looking and when you don't feel good about life, you know that that's that thing and you got to find a way to make that happen and follow that drive. Stop being complacent, stopped being mediocre, and start following your life's purpose

Tyson: 38:24 as final thoughts for today. Absolutely, and if you know somebody like that and you enjoyed this, share this with them. Share the love. Share the knowledge, share the wealth. The best way you can support the show is is by liking, by sharing and leaving a review in between shows. You guys can connect with us on instagram, twitter, facebook, all those great places as well as you can subscribe and watch this on Youtube and on your favorite podcast app for this and all past episodes is going to have it to the social community that show and until next time, keep learning growing and transforming into the person.


Generation: Freedom

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