Goal Setting

Are Your Current Goals Making You Excited And Energized?

Do Your Goals Belong To You Or Do They Belong To Somebody Else?

What Do You Know What You Really Want?

A goal is something you are going after that you’ve never done before. A goal is designed to help you grow, it causes you to draw something from yourself that you didn’t even know was there. If you know how to reach your goal, the goal is not going to do for you what goals are designed to do. If you’re really going to accomplish something, you’re going to need to be inspired by going after something you really want, it’s going to have to come from inside.

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” Earl Nightingale

A silhouette of a person leaping between rocks against a sunset, with the text "side effect of your goals" above, for the social chameleon show.

21| Side Effects Of Your Goals

Are you having trouble with your goals? Are the goals you’ve set producing the side effects you intended? A Goal Side Effect Is – The unintended results and or accomplishments that are achieved by setting a proper goal. On this episode, we talk about a little know thing we like to call side effects of […]

Goals Toolkit: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals

From the Huberman Lab Podcast In this episode, I describe science-based protocols to set and achieve your goals in a way that maximizes the likelihood of reaching them. I explain how to define a priority and reach a specific goal by systematically assessing the challenge level, measurability, milestones, and action states needed to make progress from start to finish. I also explain research-supported tools to improve your performance during cognitive or physical goal work — including directed visualization, variable reward timing, and optimizing your physical environment. I also dispel common myths about goal setting and achievement. This episode provides a science-supported toolkit of zero-cost strategies for goal-setting, goal-pursuit, and goal-completion that can be applied to any physical or cognitive endeavor.

Get the toolkit here


Episode Book Recommendations

22: Goal Setting 1Think and Grow Rich - Over 80 Million Copies Sold

This edition of Napoleon Hill's Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill's personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY original version recommended by The Napoleon Hill Foundation, originally printed in March of 1937.

The most famous of all teachers of success spent a fortune and the better part of a lifetime of effort to produce the Law of Success philosophy that forms the basis of his books and that is so powerfully summarized and explained for the general public in this book.

In Think and Grow Rich, Hill draws on stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of his generation to illustrate his principles. This book will teach you the secrets that could bring you a fortune. It will show you not only what to do but how to do it. Once you learn and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success.

Money and material things are essential for freedom of body and mind, but there are some who will feel that the greatest of all riches can be evaluated only in terms of lasting friendships, loving family relationships, understanding between business associates, and introspective harmony which brings one true peace of mind! All who read, understand, and apply this philosophy will be better prepared to attract and enjoy these spiritual values.

BE PREPARED! When you expose yourself to the influence of this philosophy, you may experience a CHANGED LIFE which can help you negotiate your way through life with harmony and understanding and prepare you for the accumulation of abundant material riches.

Think and Grow Rich: The Original, an Official Publication of The Napoleon Hill Foundation

22: Goal Setting 2Napoleon Hill was born in Wise County, Virginia. He began his writing career at age 13 as a "mountain reporter" for small town newspapers and went on to become America's most beloved motivational author. His work stands as a monument to individual achievement and is the cornerstone of modern motivation. His most famous work, Think and Grow Rich, is one of the best-selling books of all time. Hill established the Foundation as a nonprofit educational institution whose mission is to perpetuate his philosophy of leadership, self-motivation, and individual achievement.

Episode Transcriptions Unedited, Auto-Generated.

Speaker 1: 00:00 Opening Music 

Speaker 2: 00:05 Welcome to the social community show where our goal is to help you learn, grow, and transform into the person you might have become. Today we're talking about goal setting, understanding how to set a goal. Is The foundation of your success or your current goals, making you excited and energized your goals belong to you, or do they belong to somebody else? What do really, really wants?

Speaker 3: 00:36 Really,

Speaker 2: 00:39 I think about this as a goal, is something you're going after that you've never done before. A goal is designed to help you grow. It causes you to draw something from yourself that you didn't even know. It's there. If you knew how to reach your goal, the goal is not going to do for you what goals are designed to do. If you're really going to accomplish something, you're going to need to be inspired by going after something you really want. It's going to have to come from inside. It's really nice quote I like from Earl Nightingale says, success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. I think that's pretty kind of cool and like I guess what it is is people think that they're not successful until they reach that goal, achieved that success or whatever, but the purpose of a goal and where I think about it is, you know, it's not about a of getting the house or in their business, but it's about the growth that goes into doing those things.

Speaker 3: 01:46 Yeah, Kinda, I kinda liked how you said that there is designed to help you grow because like a lot of people sit there and think about the goal as, you know, I want this big house or one of the dollars, you know, kind of the stuff we talked about last time. It's like one of these weight, whatever, whatever the case might be. But I think that there are more to goals than just the outcome. Yeah, definitely. I liked the part where you're saying where it's designed to help you grow, whether that be as a person or whether it is to develop other skills. Um, you know, because I don't think a lot of people focus on that part of Google's.

Speaker 2: 02:28 Yeah. That's, that's like the secret sauce behind goals, like the things and the skills you develop the relationships or you're able to talk to people getting precise in your speech and all these things we've talked about. Those are those like the last episode, those side effects that happen, right, that you never. I set out to make a million dollars, but little did I know I wasn't have to learn to write better and speak better and talk better and lead and follow and so much that goes into it.

Speaker 3: 02:57 Yeah. And definitely, and I liked that little added thing you put in there, like to be inspired. Um, you know, when you go after your goal, especially, you know, we're going to talk about the different types of goals that are on this section, but you know, if you're going for something that's outside of your reach or outside of your comprehension, like you know, you're a, in order to achieve that goal, you're going to have to grow. And you know, those are Kinda the things that inspire you as a person that's going to give you that drive to be better. I liked those things, inspire, being inspired, having growth. Like those are crazy. Yes. Those are all good things for me when I see it.

Speaker 2: 03:41 Yeah. Especially, um, I know we were just talking about like prepping for this time. I'll let you know, goal starting off maybe when you're younger as materialistic or like, you know what I mean, like car car goals or dollar figure goals versus other types of goals along those lines.

Speaker 3: 03:59 I think to me that's, you know, that's Kinda part of the reason why I like your definition here about being growth and inspiring because for me, I, I do kind of see goals as being materialistic things, right? We did have an episode of power of intention, but you know, we are a spiritual creatures. However, most of our things are all physical, you know what I mean? It's like I got this, I want to drink some water because I'm thirsty, so I'm gonna drink some water. Uh, but for most people I wouldn't say they need money, but I mean, you definitely need food. You definitely need shelter. Um, Amani will, will help get you those things. Right?

Speaker 2: 04:40 When we're talking about money, like I don't want to vilify, like having wealth or whatever, but like, it, it's good to have because you can solve problems, you know, with money, it's easy to throw money at problems and then they're just taking care of.

Speaker 3: 04:56 Yeah, for sure. I'm throwing money at problems. I love throwing money at problems, really iffy. I'm not a lot of problems in my life. Uh, you know, that I've had to deal with and definitely not having the money to throw it and it takes a lot more resources to handle those kinds of things. But uh, some people though, the part that I liked about being inspired, like you said it earlier, is that some people when they go to achieve this money goal, whatever that number is going to be, whether it's $10,000, there's $100,000 where there's $100,000,000. Like people just get caught up in the process and then they start to, you know, like you said, they grow and they start to learn these habits and do these things to get this money coming in. And then all of a sudden they kinda get used to that lifestyle and maybe that's not the right word or they get stuck in it.

Speaker 2: 05:51 Yeah, I know what you mean. Like your, your, your default is continuously raised. Like you know, you start making this much. So now your default level of living is here and then you make more money. Now your new default level of living is higher.

Speaker 3: 06:02 Well that too. I guess I have part of me when I started my real estate stuff is kind of frustrating and say you, you deal with clients and like you want to take them out, you know. But it's like here I am driving my 99, nine Ultima, united, all the rest of our realtors, they, you know, they drive bmws, Mercedes for combined. But capital jumped in my range rover and it's like know you want to, you know. But I'm just saying, yeah,

Speaker 2: 06:30 it's hard. It's got to be hard as a really sort of going like, yeah I don't have $150,000 truck we call jump in like damn.

Speaker 3: 06:38 Start like later on when you make some money. Like you might make enough money to at least least those types of vehicles starting out. Like you don't, you don't have that kind of like that to some paint people as shallow as going to be like, that's like a sign of success. Yeah, no, it's, it's like, oh, this guy's driving around in a Nissan Ultima versus this other guy who's driving around in a range rover. Like I think the guy who drives a range rover is more successful when that's not always necessarily the case. It doesn't necessarily make them a better agent or a better person for say. You know what I mean?

Speaker 2: 07:12 Yeah. I used to know this guy, um, when I was in Hawaii and the uh, army reserve and I always, always a great guy and it's nice guy. He drove this old lady, I don't know, 84 Nissan little pickup truck. And I was like, he must have bought it new and it was just, it was all. But, you know, it was, it was decently captain, you know, it's just like. And as I got to know him over the years and I'm saying that's motherfuckers a multimillionaire, I was like, wow. Like how cool is that? Like how like you got a regular old car, like your assistant. Super Nice Guy. When I say this every time, every time. Like it was funny, I had more respect for him after I found out. Like he was humble, he was like so cool. Every time I'm like, that's so cool man.

Speaker 2: 07:58 I want to one day be able to be like that because I used to think when I was younger back then and say like, what do you mean you're a millionaire? You do not come here in the mouse. Roddy like that's stupid. Like what is wrong with you? Like I would definitely like how, how much would it, would it be a, you know, a stroke to my ego to this relative, you know, drilling a Ferrari lake, it was a, you know, like, and it's like wow. Like I said, I guess something didn't learn here. Like this is interesting. I mean,

Speaker 3: 08:23 yeah, but I mean, for most people though, you know, getting back to the topic, like most people, it starts off materialistic either. Well, I take that back, for most people who have goals that they strive for is going to be one of two things. Number one, it's materialistic things I want, um, or a number two there at breaking point. Then they've been dragging their, you know, what, in the dirt for so long that it's like, enough is enough. I can't, I can't take this anymore. I need to, I need to change like something's gotta give here. Otherwise I'm going to, I'm just going to lose my mind. You know what I mean?

Speaker 2: 08:59 Yeah. That's not me. And that's when I started off. I mean, I, I don't wanna speak for you, but um, that was how that was Michael. I was like, I don't, I don't, I don't have any other goal, but to, to have a Ferrari to make a million dollars, that's the only thing, like whatever, whatever I need to do to make that and do that. That was my goal and I thought that was a sufficient goal. And I found like when I, when I said okay, I started thinking about it more on, okay, what do I need to do and how, how do I want to make the million dollars? Like I started thinking about more of the how and then getting behind the how. I was like, you know, the money doesn't really matter, but this how and why. Like that's, that's what's kept driving me all these years.

Speaker 3: 09:34 No, of course, no, that's, that's what it is. And for some people, you know, whether it be children in their life or loved ones or you know, for some people, just extraordinary circumstances come up. They have this disease all of a sudden. I mean, it's like, hey look, you know, you got, you've got so many years to live or you know, whatever the case may be. Or for some people it's just like they're sick and tired of going to the same job. You know what I mean? They get stuck in that process. Like they hate their job. It's like, man, I hate being at this job. I can't stand it anymore. And um, for them that's enough to get out there and do breaking point, but, uh, you know, I do think materialistic goals are a good start for sure. We get you down that thought process, right?

Speaker 3: 10:23 And for, especially if you're in the first quarter of life or the youth of life, like, you know, sometimes that is a big enough why it's like, man, I want to go on trips to all these places or a house or I want to make a lot of money. And like sometimes that is enough drive and that's enough why to get the process started. But, you know, as we go through this, I think what more people will learn is that it's about the growth that comes with it. You know, you have to be inspired by your goal and you know, you have to be willing to grow and go through some things that you may not have otherwise thought to it. You could get through. You know what I mean?

Speaker 2: 11:03 Yeah. Sometimes they're unpleasant and shit's fucking hard and I know, but going through that adversity and getting through those tough times and stuff, I sort of growth is really at, you know, and that's the thing that's, I really like about this quote. Like I never, I never thought about this before. I always used to think, I'm like, man, like I know I'm working on, I'm doing things, but man, I'm not, I'm not successful and I'm not at the thing yet. And then when I, when I heard this quote and I read more about his success, is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. I'm like, you know what? I am successful already because everyday I'm working on this and I'm getting closer and I'm learning and I'm growing. I'm like, I know I said, but I started to shift my mind. Like, yeah, maybe, maybe it'll have that mansion or whatever, or these different materialistic things that people think of it with success. But you know, I'm out there every day. I get up in the morning and go to bed and this is all I'm doing is just working on this. And, and then from there, that shift inside is like, you know, I am successful no matter what comes from anytime out, like I already have enough, I already, I'm already winning. And that's what I think about it now.

Speaker 3: 12:04 Yeah. That, that's part of it too. It's like, you know, most people think that, you know, say that, let's get back to making them a million dollars or whatever million dollars when I, when I make my million dollars, like I'm going to be successful. It's like, well, how much money do you make this year? Like, you know what I mean, take $50,000 away from a million. Like you're almost there, now you've got to make you know, $950,000 as you know, you can't sit there and see things as black and whites like, oh I didn't make a million dollars. So not successful. Right. It's like you accomplished part of your goal, whatever that meant. And you know, more importantly, focused on their growth. Like you became that much better of a person. Right. So now we're going to look back at it next year and we're going to be able to make more.

Speaker 2: 12:56 Oh, what kind of foundation did you set this year? Maybe you didn't make that million, but you've said that you're son to set that foundation now to make that million. Maybe next year you might make $200, but guess what, you have new foundation you're setting now. Like you're starting to roll that out. You know what I mean?

Speaker 3: 13:11 Yeah. And that's kind of like as we were prepping for this show, like we kind of have different ways about how we set goals and stuff, but I mean as far as what we're going to go into, like the AB type C goal kind of thing going on here shortly, but it hasn't. I have a slightly different opinion. I Dunno. Maybe

Speaker 2: 13:30 from two different schools of thought maybe a little bit or how we view things and that's fine.

Speaker 3: 13:36 Yeah. But I guess for, for you, you basically have like the top down process, right? For me, I kind of like the bottom down process and again, where people out there watching the video. I guess you want to go over the types of goals first and then we can talk about the process.

Speaker 2: 13:54 Yeah, so the way, the way I think about it is, is this top down approach and this is how I like to teach it to my clients and whatnot and this is how I like to set myself up. So what it is, it's, it's a eight B and c type goal. So An, a type goal is something you already know how to do, you know, or get a job, go to school, you know, all these things you've already done. You're just, these things keep moving sideways. Things you already know how to do. You usually moving sideways,

Speaker 3: 14:20 things within your comfort zone,

Speaker 2: 14:22 right? Things within your comfort zone, things you have already. Um, maybe at one point you didn't know how, but you know how to do. Now you've gone to school, whatever, you've got a little experience. You know how to continuously do them. If you went from a company, you can get that same exact job at b company. You know how to do these things already. You can easily move around your life sideways, no growth, just continuously maintenance a, b type goal. Something think you can do. And with, uh, with uh, you know, you said together a plan, you probably can accomplish it, you know, like say you own a business. Like, oh, it did last year, we did 10 percent growth. I'm pretty sure we could do 12 percent girls. We make a few minor corrections so it's not quite sideways. But if there's not really any kind of big growth there, you know, you've already bought a car in the past. Maybe you've never bought a new car. These kinds of things that are slightly off of that killed her.

Speaker 3: 15:11 So instead of going sideways, maybe kind of just go up a little bit of an incline,

Speaker 2: 15:15 right? Like, like, uh, there's no real growth but it's not quite sideways. Like maybe like safe steps. Like, you know, this doesn't feel too risky. If I just, you know, I think we could do 12. We did 10 last year. I think we could do 12, like, you know, versus saying, why can't we do 100? Why can't we do 10 times like why, you know, those, those tend to get scary, but then that brings us into Seatac goal c type goals or something you've never done before. You have no idea how to do it. What, how do I build the next Amazon? I have no clue. I've never worked in retail like I have no clue how this even works. Like, you know what I mean? Or those things that you dream of and everybody's like, listen, but like that sounds cute, but you're not that kind of person.

Speaker 3: 16:08 Ferrari. You can, you might as well just quit now too.

Speaker 2: 16:11 Right? So when you get this kind of feedback, yes. You know, like, listen, our family doesn't do those kinds of things. Like we're not doctors, we're not lawyers, we're not entrepreneur. Whatever the thing that people around you are listening to your crazy or if you feel like, you know, like Gary V, Z, I wanna buy the jets. I bet you everybody's like listening. It sounds fun and all but Russian immigrants don't buy the jets like you know it, but that's the things that we hear, right? Especially when these things are frayed, but these are the kinds of, to me, these are the top level goals you should be setting and that's the way I think when you go out that you set out to buy the jets. Like you're gonna you're gonna need to have a and B type goal is to get to that. That's the way I like to think about it. This is one aspect. To me, this is like the top down approach.

Speaker 3: 16:59 Yeah. And I guess maybe we can just get a little bit into the weeds about that, but I know I definitely kind of see that kind of thing. It's like you set this large goal that's way up the hill beyond out of sight and then from there you're gonna, you know, eventually that goal will become something that you can do eventually or whatever the case might be. And then from there, once that that's there and you make the next one. Um, and just kind of moving up the wrong. I definitely have that. I, I understand that mindset. For me, I kinda liked the idea of, you know, sometimes setting goals that are just big in general and maybe not necessarily achieving them. I don't know if that, you know, I'm not trying to sway the bolt, but this is kind of where my opinion is different.

Speaker 3: 17:49 It's like you, if you really want to write like a book for say as an example, you know, it's like you can kind of take a look at other people who have wrote books. Right. And then like take the biggest book out there. I mean for me the biggest book I've ever tackled to read is the Bible, like balls and pages long, right? Like somebody wrote that, you know what I mean? Somebody wrote that book. It's like if somebody can write the Bible, then you can write a little pamphlet book that's like a hundred page big no. So you to take into account perspective as far as, as what's going on. And for me, I definitely liked the a goal people I understand that and you just. For me, I like to just build upon things that keep that seagull out there, but it just kind of builds and builds and from there I think that's how it should go. But I mean, what we can agree to disagree however it is

Speaker 2: 18:53 and like, you know, like I was thinking about was, you know, um, you know, there's, there's, there's lots of different ways to maybe set your goals and do these things. Um, and I think it comes down to what works for you and what's bringing you success, if what your current method is not bringing you success and not showing you progress. If you're not progressing towards this thing. If you're not moving, I think you should reevaluate the type of style you're using. And here's, you know, here's, I think one of the greater ways of thinking about this. Like when you set the goal to buy the 40 niners and you've got to, there's a lot of things that are going to have to go into buying the 40 niners like I can't even fathom right now how I would eat him possibly by the 40 niners, you know.

Speaker 2: 19:45 So then you gotta take that into this is ultimately when I die, I'm going to be the owner of the $49. Okay? Now I've got to figure out no fucking clue how to do that. That's crazy. But I started telling people about this. They're gonna say you're a fucking moron. Nobody in your family has ever bought a franchise. Nobody in your family made $100,000,000 a year. There's no way you could do this. And if you let that get to you, you're going to start to waver. But I've got to start to think now, okay? Like, well, okay, what things do I need to do to have 100, $500,000,000 in free cash or billion dollars in free cash or whatever to buy the foreigners? If that opportunity came and that to me, that that level of thinking starts to get these things and opportunities will start to show up and all these things that we talked about in previous episodes will start to kind of happen for you. When you get that dream kind of goal and you've ruined it down and you just kind of set that up.

Speaker 3: 20:40 Well yeah, I mean definitely, you know, the whole thing about the outside voices coming into your head, like that's just like, like seeing things into, you know, like when you were a kid when you were two years old, like the sky was the limit. You know what I mean? Like you just see something on tv or go to the store and you're like, oh, I want that toy. You don't mean like when I was a kid I was like, wow, I want to play station. I didn't know that decision cost 100 bucks. I didn't even have my allowance was maybe like five or 10 bucks a week. It took me a whole year to get a playstation, you know, crazy like, no, go ahead.

Speaker 2: 21:16 No, you know, um, when I hear like titus, you know, he's 78, soon I hear him talking about things and it's like. And my first reaction is like listen, like, but then I got, I don't say that and I got to think, know what? It's never been done and it probably sounds stupid, but go for it. Maybe you're going to be the guy that's going to make it happen.

Speaker 3: 21:34 Yeah. And that's kinda where the outside voices coming into play and for people out there, if you're setting these c type goals, like things that you can dream big. Like you just got to remember like those are outside voices allow those outside voices to get inside your head, you know? Then sometimes the that has a side effect, right? That's gonna. It's gonna have you quitting, you know. And that also kinda think about timeframe. Like sometimes, you know, especially for me in my youth as well as now, like sometimes my timeframe are not realistic, you know, it's like I want, I want to make a million dollars in two years is like, is that even realistic? Like the most money I've ever made is like 100,000 and I went from 100,000 to like a million. That's like a, that's a pretty big increase like this, this, you know, you kind of have to think about, you know, the timing of things. I think Wayne Dyer said, I forgot that we didn't even have that, but Wayne Dyer's book, he's like, infinite patience creates immediate results. Think about that. You have to be realistic in the timeframe, like be patient if you want it to and you want it too fast. It either it's a, it's not going to happen. Or B, it's gonna happen. It's gonna fall apart because you're not ready for it.

Speaker 2: 22:57 That's the thing, I believe it was Bill Gates. It said we underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. I mean, sorry, we overestimate what we can accomplish in a year and we underestimate. Won't get washed in 10 years.

Speaker 3: 23:08 Yeah, exactly. Ten years is up. That's a lot of unknown factors. There's so much unknown in 10 years. Look at this thing. Exactly. So once that came out as a game changer, it changed the world. Yes. You know, like in the next 10 years or whatever the next big thing is that can change everything. Just kind of have to think about that, you know, um, some of the other things that, those are the out there. If you want to accomplish c type goals, you got to possibly look either at or possibly changing, you know, the people you hang around. Yeah.

Speaker 2: 23:52 Even even on top of that, maybe even a coach or something like that, some type of performance coach or something along those,

Speaker 3: 23:59 whatever you want to go buy a program to start things off. Like I had a dream, I wanted it to be big and real estate and I kind of started with those, you know, it's like I didn't have a mentor at the time. I didn't have anybody to show me the ropes or how to do it. So I went out there and I'll watch these infomercials at night, you know, it's like, Hey, buy this book or go to the program for whatever. And it's like at the time I was like, Hey, I got 500 bucks, let's do this. And by the first book you go to the first seminar, whatever it is, and then you save up again and you know, it's kind of crazy. My girlfriend at the time, I remember I was like, oh, sorry honey, I'm going to make like a bait. We purchase this, and she's like, Oh, like what? You know, what are we talking about? I was like, oh, it's, it's like, it's like three grand. She's like, oh, and she thought she thought it was like a ring, and I was like, oh wow. It's a real estate course. She's like, oh, oh, okay,

Speaker 2: 24:57 that sounds fine.

Speaker 3: 24:59 I was like, I messed that up. You should have led with that, but yeah, you know, but I mean, whatever it's gonna take, you know what I mean? That's the thing where you have to grow. You got to be inspired by these things because especially for your c type goal, not only can you possibly, I mean hopefully you can imagine it being real everyday you wake up and be like, yes, that's my dream house. I'm going to live there and that's my dream car. I mean like he's breathing in the morning when you wake up and you could smell the new leather on the seats, but you know, you will have to do things that you've never done before. You know, you'll have to come up with ways to be intuitive that you've never had that before. And that's kind of where the amp has kind of come in.

Speaker 2: 25:51 Yeah. So that's the thing, you know and understand a mentor doesn't have to be somebody you have this maybe one on one physical relationship with. They can be on, on video maybe like this or other things. They could be, you could be on their instagram or whatever their facebook page a lot of to add and you can have their book.

Speaker 3: 26:12 Yeah, yeah. There are some mentors out there that you, you know, they're just not alive anymore. You know, what they did or you want to visit their past. You can go either read their books and see what they've done. Youtube is another good source of things that is out there. Like, you know, I may not be for like those big major things, but for the smaller steps you've got to do, um, you can find a lot of that stuff on Youtube for sure. I know for some of you out there, you know, this might be a stretch, but that's the point. Fine. I, yeah, but I'm just saying for those of you that are really want success, like having a mentor is, is a really good strategy on how to make your dreams come true. You go out there and find somebody that's done it before and write them a letter.

Speaker 3: 27:03 I mean don't be a stocker and like hide in their bushes and night and wait for them to come out the house. He's know a way to get arrested. But write a letter, send them an email, look at us like we, we contacted Jordan Peterson's team to get a copy, a signed copy of his book and they sent us one. Yup. It's crazy. So like, you know, get out there, send people emails, call people up and be like, Hey, I live in Hawaii, but I heard you're a really good mentor for real estate. Like can I fly out to meet you, can we have lunch? And just, you know, make those, you might, you might be able to get them. Has a personal mentor where you can have a one on one relationship you never know. You never know.

Speaker 2: 27:46 Absolutely. I mean I, I have conversations all the time with I want to say all the time like you know, everyday or whatever, but I would say once or twice a month with, with sometimes very, very wealthy famous people on, on instagram or on linkedin and you know, when you get these people's attention, ask them questions like for think palms you have like don't ask them simple things. You can just google like fine, you know, because that's the, that's gonna be the quickest way. Trust me, when I get messages from people and I'm not very, I'm not famous at all. Friends, like you're wasting my time. You could have easily googled that answer. Come to me with something I can actually help you with because you've exhausted your options. They don't take these people's time for granted, you know, especially if they're generous with you on instagram in the DM or something like that or whatever.

Speaker 2: 28:37 These little things like you get this small moment of opportunity. Ask them something you're struggling with, you know, understand that a mentor is hindsight, becomes a mentees foresight if these guys have done it and they've, they've, they've experienced this things like, so when you're in, you're starting to get in there and start to read and learn and you're like stuck. Like that's the opportunity when you've exhausted it, say, hey, you know, ransom. And I was trying to structure this deal and it just wasn't working out. Like, this is the thing like, well, did I do wrong or what can I fix? And here's your answer. Like, like I've spent on it if you consider

Speaker 3: 29:11 or hadn't considered that. Um, and especially real estate because there's a contrast kind of stuff, you know what I mean? Like you, you know, they might just be like, hey, in the, in the contract, go down to section whateverj, five, six, seven, eight, whatever. What does it say? You know what I mean? And like you just Kinda tell them what the contract is with, you know, without breaking confidentiality, it'd be like right there, that's your escape clause that and use that to your advantage. And it's like, oh my gosh, like, okay, like that's how we, how we do it.

Speaker 2: 29:43 Yeah. And then the next time that email pops up, it ransoms inbox. Like this guy, he's coming to me with an educated problem. Yeah, I can help them solve. And you're willing to open that email sort of saying this guy some dumb crap again. And he could just google like, don't bother me.

Speaker 3: 29:58 Yeah. I mean not all mentors have that type of attitude. At the same time, you want to present yourself as a knowledgeable person, as somebody who's resourceful.

Speaker 2: 30:09 Yeah. You're out there trying. That's when I broke in through some of these things. It's like I've asked those like like, listen, I'm having this problem or can you help me? This sort of thing. I've tried a thing and that's what I've been able to break through and people like easily responding, hey, no worries. I understand if you're going through, here's the, here's something that I've tried, go do that. Yeah, sure. Thanks.

Speaker 3: 30:31 You know, and then, yeah, so definitely get books. Youtube video was go to seminars and even for seminars like trust me, I've been to a ton of seminars. Most of the free seminars that are out there, even like the three, $500 ones, those are just like the opening seminar, have background packages that you can buy to upgrade your theme. Like you know, this is again, the goal is not always about the end result, it's about the journey is about the process. So if you truly want your goal to happen and you go to this seminar and the next level is like $5,000, you know, we'd been to Andre, like the xl was like $60,000 will be like, don't, you know, be, be cautious. I'm not telling you to go spend all your money on these kinds of wounds being responsible, but have a button. You know what I mean?

Speaker 3: 31:29 Like know that there are programs out there that people will pay for to accomplish certain things. I mean there's free ones out there too, but just be careful what's out there for free. You get what you pay for when things are free so you know, but just just know that there's all kinds of people that are, you know, that will either teach you or whatever for whatever the price is and for the best mentors. I'm going to tell you right now, those best mentors that you're ever going to get that one on one face to face relationship worth. You're probably gonna work. You're gonna have to work for them for free. You have to show up and they're going to tell you, okay, you're going to work for me for free. And they're gonna. We're gonna. Make you work hard and you may be getting coffee for the first month.

Speaker 2: 32:14 It's funny you say that. I was watching a will smith on youtube and his, it was his wife's brother. I want to say he's so willing. Hey. Um, and I kind of want you to the film business. I wrote this script and we'll grab the script. Music ashes. Good. Actually this is the first time you ever done this. Like, yeah, he's all right. Is it you're looking kind of fat. You'll see my trainer. So he was doing. He's like, if you want to be successful, you want to do this business, then you need to do what I tell you to do that and then I can know you're serious. And the guy was like, Hey, well that's what I want to do with my life, so this is what I'm going to go see his trainer. That six months later he, it was like, Hey, lift up your shirt.

Speaker 2: 32:53 He's like, yeah, six packs. They all right now you can come, come, come meet me here tomorrow morning. Like, go get coffee, swept the floor. I was like, all right, sounds good. And he did it and next thing you know is like, all right, given that script, let's do this stuff. And then now he's like, he's living his dream and like, and he's like, if I would've, if I would've just, you know, said fuck this, I ain't going to the gym, like, my life would have been completely different. Like we'll never have helped me, you know, but he taught me so much. She's like, it's amazing, but that's just, it's funny you say that because it was just watching a thing about that and he was like, I'm sold. I'm so grateful for all this stuff. I'm just saying number one in that example, like, yeah, you got to be willing to do the work, going to work with just anybody that jam and he wants to be in the movie business.

Speaker 2: 33:39 He's out. I didn't work. And I say that to me just because it's in the real estate realm, you know what I mean? Again, it's like we got an intern coming into the office like, hey, go grab everybody's coffee. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. I don't know what Ge wants to go back there and find out what she wants and make sure it's right or wrong. I mean, you come back with the wrong coffee, like Geez, pissed. She was like, go back and get the right coffee. Can't even get coffee. Right? You want to do real estate? Like, come on now. It's a detailed oriented business. You know what I mean? So it's just like. And so don't get discouraged when they just have simple tasks for you to do and the moments that you are around them, it's like, hey, you got the coffee.

Speaker 2: 34:22 All right, come no, come sit down next to me. And it's like sees that, sees that moment. You've got the coffee. Sit down next to a handout to everybody while you're in there and listen. You know what I mean? These are mentors who were trying to teach you stuff. Listen to what they have to say. Look at how they're dressed, look at what they're doing, like just being in their presence like that's, that's more than half the battle. That's more than half the battle. You got to emulate who they are. You know what I mean? Again, it comes out or whatever they're projecting, right? We talked about this in the 12 was of life, know what I mean? Where are they on the lapsed, on the lobster rung, you know what I mean? When you want to hang out with the number one lobster, guess what, you hanging out with them and I've got to see what the. Yeah, exactly. And that's when you know these guys and then start getting your goal and start breaking it down into these different steps, you know, and asking these guys these questions like how do I get to this to do this? I want to, I want to do this, like how do I start doing this stuff? Start getting there. And so watching what they're doing, you start building your own system and starting to, you know, find out what's working with succeeding and improve upon it.

Speaker 2: 35:34 Yeah, for sure. So just kind of you, we went into a lot

Speaker 3: 35:38 up to this point, so just kind of want to get back to getting on track. Right? So number one, dream big goal, right? And that's kind of my approach. I mean faces approach, right, top down your Siegel. Then from there you have things that you are capable of doing, right, like, and then from there, you know, Kinda work on those, make sure you upkeep those. And then when you have your beagles are, these are the things that are just outside your reach, right? This is Jordan Peter. So say you got one foot and things that you've mastered, right? And then you got the other foot in something that you're trying to master and unaware things meet. Eventually you're going to step foot into this new beagle. That'd be goal will become an egg or something that you've done. And now once you've mastered that, you can go up to the next step and just take tiny little baby steps. You know, this isn't something that's just going to happen overnight, you know? So, um, and then I guess Tyson, you had something about like your Segal, what or why don't you share about the Lamborghini? Like how do you, if I want to own a Lamborghini, how do I make that possible? Like how, how's that possible? Maybe not own. I want to drive them.

Speaker 2: 36:56 Right. So the way I like to think about it is, okay, what do I need? So I want. I have this goal of getting a Lamborghini. Okay. So what does that take? It says $250,000 or it's 1800 bucks bucks a month to lease. Okay, great. So now I have A. I have an objective. Okay. So it's $100 a month to lease. Huh?

Speaker 3: 37:18 Tillys

Speaker 2: 37:18 I think. I think it's something like that. I looked into it a few years ago to come up with a budget, like what do I need to make an extra two? It was a Ferrari. I think it was a. I at the time it was like four or five, eight. I was like what can you lease one? How much would it be the lease? Like as sitting like A. I'm trying to set like a, a future budget. Like I need to make these amounts of money every month so I need an extra 1800 bucks a month so I can use that as a lease payment for Ferrari so I can come at the time. That's what I believe I was, I was looking into um, so, okay, so how do I now, how do I make an extra 1800 bucks a month? I don't know. And so I think in some ways I could do that, you know, some, you know, can, can I, can I, can I upsell current customer, can I reach back to old customers and see if I can provide new services, whatever.

Speaker 2: 38:06 And you're starting to think like, what can I do to get an extra 1800 bucks a month? And then so, and then write this down. I like to go, um, personally I've worked up to six and that's like the all time maximum, but start off with two to three, you know, daily activities you can do to, to get towards that goal. So go seeking activities, not go getting the laundry, not getting this different things that just, these are my goal achieving activities for. I'm going to have two or three of those. So I've got a, I got an email, this person, I've got to go read this book, I've got to go get into this course or whatever it is. These are my goal achieving activities for today and I've got to try and knock out these two or three today. And if you don't, if you get to one today, that's fine, but don't add two or three more tomorrow.

Speaker 2: 38:53 No, if you, if you, if you're, if you have to and you knock out one ad, one more, you still stay to me. If you knock out both of them, you put two more on and you just keep going every day and getting to the next thing. And this is, you know, when you get to a day where like, I don't know what's next, this is when you reach out to a mentor and say, hey listen, I've done all these things. I'm stuck. I read all your books, I've taken your. I'm stuck. Can you help me? This is an opportunity. You could reach out to a mentor or something like that or whatever, you know. So write these down and I like to make sure you write them down the night before so you're freshest in your mind instead of waking up in the morning or whatever part of your day, you're like, oh, so what am I going to do today? I don't know. Like you should already have a list and be okay, this is what I've already done so I didn't finish yesterday or whatever. And you just look at that list and say, okay, here. And you just start going. Yeah, exactly. I have, I have my list here too from today and Kinda, well yesterday I wrote a fresh new list. There we go.

Speaker 3: 39:51 And then just getting back to the whole thing about the goals. Yeah. So look, we're recapping Tyson's, talking about releasing a Lamborghini or Ferrari or whatever. Like you're gonna get the monetary money down. So you know, x amount, I need x amount down, I need x amount a month to lease this out. Right now I need money making activities and again try to get these steps down to either a or a b goal. Right. You know what I mean? I know what you're trying to do is think about this huge goal and just kinda make it something simple. Turn it into everyday little and goals that eventually your opponent to lead to your Siegel. For sure.

Speaker 2: 40:36 I go. I'll give you a quick example here. I've just thought of. I was, we're going to client and her, her CEO goal was to do five k a month in her business. She's never made more than I want to say a couple of hundred bucks a month and she's like, and I was like, that's interesting vacations that scares the shit out of them. You have no idea how to do that. I was like, wow, that's crazy to think about, but I was okay as well. Let's break this down. Like what does that break down into? Into a week. Okay. What does that break down into a day and as, okay, what can you do every day? I think it wound up being. I don't remember what it was like what can do everyday to get three new clients, and I was like, can you just spend every day thinking about what can I do today to get three new clients is if you can get three new clients every day. Eventually you're gonna add that after a few months of that you're going to have 5,000 a month and you're not even gonna. It's just gonna kind of come to you, but just in this very small chunk at a time and not Sarah was like, well, that's how easy I can do three clients day. That's super easy. It came such so much less of a burden in this scary thing to think about.

Speaker 3: 41:41 And that's, that's just it. It's like you want to take this thing is you want to dream big. We're trying to make that something that you can do and make it a reality.

Speaker 2: 41:52 Yeah. Then I guess I'll just say, you know, and doing this, you know, um, understanding that there's going to be, there's going to be failure and it was going to be setbacks. There's going to be hard times. There's going to be adversity and and this is the time to, you know, this is a time for growth. It's time for learning and it's a time to figure out when things get hard. Is A, is your why is strong enough for like, are you doing this for the right reasons? If you're not, that's the time you're going to quit and you're going to step back.

Speaker 3: 42:19 Yeah. And talking about failures. You know, I forgot where I got that quote from, but it's like the master has failed more times than the student has ever tried.

Speaker 2: 42:28 Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3: 42:30 You gotta. Think about it. These mentors out there, these people that are doing exactly what you want to do or you know, they have made mistakes, they've made mistakes just because you have mistakes right now. You think you're a failure, you're not accomplishing it or whatever. I assure you people have been through these mistakes before. Know you just kinda gotta. Just anytime you fall off that horse, you got to just get back up on there, you know, okay, that didn't work. Let's try something new and see if that's going to work over this problem and you know, you just gotTa keep trying.

Speaker 2: 43:06 Yeah, as long as like, like I said earlier, as long as you're progressing progression that you know, as long as you're progressing every day, you're not a failure. You are succeeding. There's a whole lot of people that are like Netflix, like this is going to be hard. I don't want to do it. You know, like be the guy that's progressing every day. Like that sucked. Yesterday sucked. Tomorrow's going to be better. I know what not to do now let's go this move and maybe it takes a day or two. You've got to kind of shake it off, but get back on your feet and get going. You know, I think it's, Confucius says fall down seven times. Get up eight.

Speaker 3: 43:40 That's crazy. And then another thing about failures that I just kinda want to add on there is that sometimes failures are actually blessings. Yes. You think that hey, you know what? This didn't work out or this didn't happen. And you know, sometimes that failure is what you need to set you back a step because when you take the next step forward, that's when your next big breakthrough is going to come through. And I can't tell you how many times in my life, like something didn't pan out, something didn't work, it failed. And you know, I had a positive attitude about it. I had the right mindset and as an advocate we're going to try this again and Bam, a light turned on. I was like, this is what I was doing wrong the old time or the next time I went out there and I tried it, I found something that was even better than what about the first time these or don't take failures as something that is a setback or a negative thing, right? Sometimes there are many times when failures are a good thing.

Speaker 2: 44:42 There's, there's, there's a lot of stories out in the world. Instagram was a failure at first flicker and slack came out of failed video games. I mean, there's so many stories of these companies. People laughed at Nike, you know, it's like, there's so many things that come from these failures, don't, you know, don't, don't take them in a negative way. Learn from what happened and maybe there's a, you know, a process or a product or a thing within that failure that, you know what, this is the real gem that's pulled this out of this failure and let's make this the new thing and evolve this and bring this into the New Light.

Speaker 3: 45:20 Yeah. There's almost always a lesson. Then it's like they're always, even in sports, you know, it's like, yeah, you got the victory. You got the trophy. Yeah, that's great. But as you know, from there, it's like you have to look at the failure that the losing team, they're like, oh, what did we do wrong? They rewatched that video over and over and be like, okay, we messed up here. We messed up there. We didn't pay attention to this, you know, we needed the mark display or whatever the case is. When you go through the mess that that's when you learn of anyone that's ever done anything out there. It's like it's hard work and setbacks that they've had to overcome those setbacks. That's just the way life roles, man. It's the way life is. And then from there, I definitely want to add on here about followup. Followup is just, is just one of those things that know a lot of people when you get into height, maybe you're watching this video, you're like, yeah, I'm going to go set this goal. I got to see dream I'm going to do in my living room. Do it, come tomorrow when you wake up and be like, man, you know, I don't want to see what my cousins up to

Speaker 2: 46:34 told me. I wasn't that smart. So

Speaker 3: 46:37 I mean, so like, you know, there's just 10 percent of people out there and it doesn't matter who you are, you're going to have those negative people. Ten percent people are just not gonna do it. They're always going to argue they're going to come up with an excuse. I get that. Um, you know, no, no fault there. It just happens, you know, and just like the negative, you also have the positive spectrum. There's 10 percent of you out there that you just got to do. Nobody's got to check up on you. Nobody has to follow up with you. Nobody has to do anything. You're just like, okay, I'm going to get out there and we'll do those holders out there like me. Yes. The majority of people, you know, 70 to 80 percent of the people out there, you said you will need followup. Absolutely will need follow up.

Speaker 3: 47:21 Whether that follow up is somebody just sending you a text or email, hey, how's things going with your bowl today? Um, or whether that, whether that follow up is just kinda like you, you always need to reaffirm their reason why you're doing these, these goals, you know, I'm just one of those two forms either just a quick, hey, you know, slap on the wrist, eight get back at it. And most people come in or some people need that follow up. That's just more than that. It's like, hey man, you want that house? You want that lamp. I mean, don't forget why we're doing this. What are you doing today? Those are kind of the things that people, you also have to know about yourself, so you got to have these goals. You've got to have either mentors or accountability partners coming, following up with you. Um, and again, it's just, that's just like we are as humans, we are social beings. So that's part of the process.

Speaker 2: 48:18 And if you're that kind of person, it's okay to go get an accountability partner. Stop letting these fucking people tell you, just go do it. You know how to do it. Obviously you don't and that's okay. You just realized you're just the kind of person I need somebody just to hold me accountable. Go find that person or those people or that group. Go do it. Don't be ashamed. Don't let these other people tell you you don't need to go through it. Start getting after your goal

Speaker 3: 48:42 or you know us student to say like, Hey man, I got this goal. Can you follow up with me next week? We'll shoot your tenants will shoot you an email and be like, hey, how are things going? Yup, exactly.

Speaker 2: 48:52 Exactly. No problem. I can set something up super easy to, to remind you guys.

Speaker 3: 48:56 Yeah, and I guess

Speaker 2: 48:59 and then the other half of that, you know, that group of people too, they're going to like me. They're going to want more information, want maybe to to refine their wind stuff now. Don't get caught in the weeds and don't get caught in analysis paralysis, you know, get in there, get that information a little bit extra. You need set a cutoff for yourself. Like, listen, I'm going to, I'm going to read two books on this. I'm going to, you know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. Check out seven articles and that's it. And I make a decision on when to start going. You know, the real, the true learning comes from the doing. You know, you're gonna, you're gonna. Make those mistakes. You're going to make good calls you to be back calls, start getting there and learning don't be like me and don't fall into analysis.

Speaker 2: 49:40 Protestants, if you're that type of person that, that questionnaire that wants more information, I can, I can, I can go down a rabbit hole for 17 years and never started anything. Like I've done it many a times where I was like, I'll wait. I'll start this as soon as I read this extra, this textbook. Okay. No, no, no. After this course that I'm going to stop [inaudible], I'll have all the information I need. The next thing you know, it doesn't happen. So set yourself a limit for the research you're going to do and then start getting out there and, and, and start doing is writing your list out. Get your two to three, you know, if you can handle, you know, a six list, whatever I would recommend we started two to three start Herrmann dodger goal.

Speaker 3: 50:16 Yeah. And then for all of you out there, they're just listened to everybody's bs. You mean belief systems, right? I like that. Tell me about, because of their belief, that's what they don't let their belief, right? Don't let their bs become your belief. I know this is something that you believe in. This is something that you want and there's only one person out there that's going to get it for you. Msu.

Speaker 1: 50:43 No,

Speaker 3: 50:44 and I just firmly have to believe that. Believe in yourself. You don't even if nobody else does you, you've got to believe in yourself or you know, get an accountability partner. Go find people out there who are going to believe in youtube because I believe in you. Let's get going and just get out there and do it. Don't, don't start with the excuses. Don't, don't look into that doubt. I know when you try to add another zero onto your annual income, a lot of people doubt that. Like they look like, damn, I'm trying to. I make 50,000 a year. Next year I want to make 500,000. They like, you know that vs starts to kick in man. And it's just like, don't listen to it. Don't listen to it at all. This is you. This is you were talking about you can accomplish what you want to accomplish. Don't let anybody else tell you otherwise.

Speaker 2: 51:34 Yeah, absolutely. And with that August giveaway head over to the social chameleon that show slash pick me to get into August giveaway. So they will all month long to, to the end of August. So I had over there and find out about August giveaway. Don't miss your chance to win and in books on this subject, um, we were talking about this, I have never read a book on goal setting are taking a number of classes. I do teach it on this top down method that I, I've learned and I really, I really like, I'm the only book I could think of. I'm on this subject, was thinking grow rich by Napoleon Hill. A link to that. If you guys want to check it out, he does go through some similar things. If not, it's kind of the same theory. Um, I use here I think is actually drawn from, from this book to begin with on the goal setting. Do you think you didn't have anything ransom, did you,

Speaker 3: 52:39 you've read? Not necessarily. It's just kinda like something that people don't really write books about. Um, this isn't usually like a seminar kind of thing that people go through on the job training sometimes. Sorry about that.

Speaker 2: 52:55 That's good. And then, um, what I would like to do for you guys is if you'd like to learn more about this, a, b, and c type goal thing is, um, I, I am, uh, I'm a certified consultant with the proctor Gallagher Institute and that's where I've learned this in teachers from. I do have a video and a worksheet and stuff like that on this goal setting. I can, I have a link for you guys in the show notes. Click the link and then you enter your email. I'll send you guys the username and password, and then all this stuff that goes along with that and you guys can work on up your ctr golden learning more about how this kind of works. Cool. We've got a challenge today. Yes. This challenge. Grab a piece of paper C type goal.

Speaker 2: 53:42 What are your wants? What you really want, what do you really want? What is it you would like very much to be do or have? Even though you may feel it is for one reason or another somewhat beyond your reach at this present time, allow yourself to sit there and relax. Let your imagination wander. I want you to fantasize like a little child. All the things you dreamt of. Create a shopping list of those ones. Include your personal wants and your professional wants. As you're fantasizing, do not give one speck of mental energy to how this goal is going to be accomplished. Do not concern yourself with where the money or the time or the assistance you may require. It's going to come from attempting to think of how would either limit or destroy your fantasy. Just think of what you want. Write it down right now, going after it. When is now a good time, you know are going after that.

Speaker 3: 54:54 And same thing, man. Just final thoughts. Take away from today is dream big. We talked about like times when you're a little kid, what did you want? You know, just like you're waiting underneath that Christmas tree, man. You just, just, they're very ready for that president. Like, oh, I can't wait. I'm so excited. I can't even go to sleep. You know? And belief. A lot of this comes from belief in you and what you can do. You know, if you don't have the belief within yourself, go get that strength. Go see whoever you got to seek. We'll talk to wherever you got to talk to to get that strength within you. Get that mind right because you're worth every penny. You're worth every goal you ever want. You can get anything you ever want. You've got to believe that's final thoughts. You've got to take away today. It may look. Yup,

Speaker 2: 55:44 exactly, and in this episode has helped you have to share it with two people. You think it could help like to support the show by investing in yourself, your education in your future. Head over to our Patrion page and if we've earned it, made me become a patriot in between shows. Connect with us at the social community show on facebook, instagram, and twitter. You can subscribe to this on youtube or your favorite podcast APP. If you're listening to the podcast version, you want to leave a review that helps our show. Reassure we're raising people like you and for past episodes and Linkedin, everything we've talked about here tonight, you can held over to the social chameleon, not show until next time. Keep learning, growing and transforming into the. You want to become.


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