Kelly Duffy

Mental Wellness Advocate & Ph.D. in Physiological Genomics

On this episode, I’m talking with Kelly Duffy Ph.D. Kelly is a Wisconsin native who finally decided to trade in her snow shovel for sunscreen about a year ago when she moved to Arizona. She’s a wonderful mother to three energetic boys who keep life busy, fun and hilarious. 

Kelly received her Ph.D. in Physiological Genomics in 2007 and spent several years as a research professor studying rare vascular diseases in children. Specifically, she worked with physician partners to find if they could develop more effective and less invasive ways to treat the vascular malformations.

Unfortunately, about 5 years ago she became seriously ill. Kelly was eventually diagnosed with a rare disease of her own, causing her to quit her job so she could stay home and deal with the mounting health issues. For the past five years, she has struggled to do just that. Hundreds upon hundreds of doctor appointments, treatments, pills, and a battle to stay alive, until she found something that changed her life and put her on the path to finally healing her body.

Kelly is now healthier and happier than she has ever been and would not have changed this journey for anything in the world because it has led to this place, which is exactly where she was meant to be. She has no doubt that her background combined with the battle to overcome the seemingly insurmountable health issues for the past five years has been the broken road that led her to where she is today. This unforeseen path has allowed her the ability to share with us the knowledge of self-healing and an improved quality of life.

Mental Wellness Advocate & Ph.D. in Physiological Genomics
Kelly received her Ph.D. in Physiological Genomics in 2007 and spent several years as a research professor studying rare vascular diseases in children. Specifically, she worked with physician partners to find if they could develop more effective and less invasive ways to treat the vascular malformations.
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Kelly's Secret
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Resources & Links From Kelly

Fuck it & Let That Shit Go | Emotional Relief Meditation


The Mind-Gut Connection

Combining cutting-edge neuroscience with the latest discoveries on the human microbiome, a practical guide in the tradition of The Second Brain, and The Good Gut that conclusively demonstrates the inextricable, biological link between mind and the digestive system.

We have all experienced the connection between our mind and our gut—the decision we made because it “felt right”; the butterflies in our stomach before a big meeting; the anxious stomach rumbling we get when we’re stressed out. While the dialogue between the gut and the brain has been recognized by ancient healing traditions, including Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, Western medicine has  by and large failed to appreciate the complexity of how the brain, gut, and more recently, the gut microbiota—the microorganisms that live inside our digestive tract—communicate with one another. In The Mind-Gut Connection, Dr. Emeran Mayer, professor of medicine and executive director of the UCLA Center for Neurobiology of Stress, offers a revolutionary and provocative look at this developing science, teaching us how to harness the power of the mind-gut connection to take charge of our health and listen to the innate wisdom of our bodies.

The Mind-Gut Connection describes:

· Why consuming a predominantly plant-based diet is key for gut and brain health

· The importance of early childhood in gut-brain development, and what parents can do to help their children  thrive

The role of excessive stress and anxiety in GI ailments and cognitive disorders

How to “listen to your gut” and pay attention to the signals your body is sending you

· and much more.

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Episode Transcriptions Unedited, AI Auto-Generated.

Speaker 1: 00:00:05 Okay.

Speaker 2: 00:00:05 Welcome to the social chameleon show where it's our goal to help you learn growing, transforming the person want to become. Today. I had the privilege of talking with Kelly Duffy, Phd Kelly is a Wisconsin native who decided to trade in her snow shovel for Sunscreen, but a year ago when she moved here to Arizona, she's a wonderful mother to three and a drink. Boys will keep life busy, fun and hilarious. Kelly received her phd in physiological genomics and 2007 and spent several years as a research professor studying rare vascular diseases in children. Specifically she worked with position partners to find if they could develop more effective and less invasive ways to treat the vascular malformations. Unfortunately about five years ago she became seriously ill. Kelly was eventually diagnosed with a rare disease of her own causing her to quit her job so she could stay home and do with her mounting health issues.

Speaker 2: 00:01:01 Over those five years, she was she a struggled just to do that. Hundreds upon hundreds of doctor's appointments or treatments, pills, and a battle of justice stay alive until she found something that changed your life and put her on the path to finally healing her body. Kelly is now healthier and happier than she has ever been and would not have changed this journey for anything in the world because it has led to this place which is exactly where she was meant to be. Kelly has no doubt that her background combined with the battle to overcome the seemingly insurmountable health issues for those five years has been the broken road that led her to where she is today. This unforeseen path has allowed her the ability to share with us the knowledge of self healing and an improved quality of life. Without further ado, please enjoy this amazing interview with Kelly.

Speaker 2: 00:01:56 Kelly, welcome to social chameleon show. Thank you for having me. So excited to have you. Like what? Uh, I just, you got an interesting story. I'm really to kind of just dig down in you. I mean, you know, it's always, it's always interesting when you get these really awesome messaged on Linkedin and yours is one of those that was just like, wait a second, we got to talk about this. Like I can't let this one slip by. So you, you have a phd in physiological genomics. Did you always want to be like a scientist or a doctor? No. No. That's a lot of work to just be like, yeah, that sounds fun.

Speaker 3: 00:02:32 I had no idea what I wanted it to be. Yeah. Well actually when I was little, I want it to be a veterinarian. Okay. And then as I got older, I kind of just, you know, you get into college and it could you kind of wishy washy like, oh, maybe I'll do this. I knew I wanted to be something in the sciences. It was always really drawn to math and science. I was terrible at writing, so I knew I was definitely not going to be in like the English side of things.

Speaker 2: 00:02:57 I started writing, I should do English lit. Let's go.

Speaker 3: 00:03:01 I couldn't put words together in a sentence. Right. Just kidding. I can write a sentence, but you know, I was always really good at math and science and so that's kind of where I just naturally gravitate towards. Yeah. And so, you know, I tried with, you know, the veterinarian zoology, that kind of stuff. And then I don't know, as I went, I was, I considered premed and, but it was never really committed. And so, um, when I graduated I was, you know, I graduated with a bachelor's in medical microbiology and immunology. So I didn't really love it, you know, it was a good major. But, um, I didn't really feel like I wanted to commit my life to bacteria and viruses, which, which will come full circle. And I run a onto foreshadowing. Yes, I know the ending of this story, but, um, you know, so, so I decided to, to take, you know, to work for a couple of years and then figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

Speaker 3: 00:04:06 So I got a job at, um, so I moved, so I was in, I went to school at Uwm, Madison, University of Wisconsin, Madison. And, um, so I moved back to Milwaukee, which is where I grew up and got a job at the medical school. They're in a research lab where I'm, I was a research assistant and so I got really exposed to what a research lab dead and had an amazing boss who really taught me what research was all about. And I'm inspired me and convinced me that Grad school was a real possibility. And I think part of the reason I probably never considered it was, um, it was kind of a self confidence issue. You know, like getting a phd is kind of like a team and I'm one of those things that you just, I never thought I could really do. And so, um, she really instilled in me some, um, the confidence, you know, that I really could do it. And, and so I applied and I got in to the, to the physio physiology program and um, and I ended up getting a phd in physiological genomics.

Speaker 2: 00:05:15 What a great teacher. I, we just really need more of those type of teachers. This to bring something on you. Maybe you didn't even realize you had there and that confidence to just go for it. I mean, getting a phd, I don't even, I can't even imagine. I had never do that much college, but I can't imagine what it's like to, I know I have several friends getting their PhDs and that's a lot of work. I mean, that's not something that play around with and joke around with them.

Speaker 3: 00:05:35 No, it was, it was, it was a long, hard road. But that is for sure. But yeah, she, she's an amazing, amazing person and I'm, I will always feel indebted to her for, for, for that. Absolutely.

Speaker 2: 00:05:48 Yeah. So, so you got that phd and then you went on to, to, uh, to do different research and you got into rare vascular children's diseases. Yeah. What, what sparked that interest? It's like a really interesting path you've kind of gone down on, why don't you get it to that?

Speaker 3: 00:06:02 Yeah, so, so the, the focus of my, my work, while I was doing my phd, um, my thesis work was actually, um, what, so it was, it was genomics. So a form of, you know, kind of looking at gene expression patterns and um, in, in humans. And so the, the type, sorry, my lady in this weird, um, so the, uh, I was looking at certain patient populations and I actually looked at two different kinds of, of patients. Um, so my, my thesis is kind of broken up into two different pieces. I was looking at, um, kids that had down syndrome and developed a certain type of leukemia and then ended up looking as I was kind of the first half. And then the second half I ended up looking at kids, um, that had some vascular abnormalities. Okay. And so I was looking at, so that's Kinda high it.

Speaker 3: 00:07:00 And the only reason that happened is because I was working with a, a physician in the children's hospital there. And um, and so he had this, this interesting genetic question that he wanted answered. And so as a Grad student, you kind of, you were, you were with people who want to work with you because that's so I was like, okay, I'll do it. Um, and so I ended up working with him and keeping up and you know, he had patients and I loved, I've loved the translational aspect of research. I loved being the person that could work with the patient and then also in the lab because I wanted to see that what we were doing in the lab actually had, um, a clinical application. I didn't want to be somebody who worked in the lab and just sat there, you know, with my little pipette and my little dishes, petri dishes. And that's all I did all day. And I never got to see what, you know, the end result and what, how, who I was impacting. I wanted to know the people and the problem and I wanted to see that what I was doing was really making a difference. And so I love that translational part of it. And so that's Kinda how I got into the vascular non side of things.

Speaker 2: 00:08:14 So if I understand this correctly, so what you were doing was, I guess you guys are happy with the hypothesis, go see the patient's test that come back and report and that kind of really, what have we got to start on one on one kind of thing. Yeah. We kind of started with a clinical question,

Speaker 3: 00:08:27 wouldn't be a patient problem. Okay. And then they would come, you know, we would kind of work with them on that. So they would have a clinical question. We would say, okay, well what does that look like from a genetic standpoint? Can we find out something on our end that might then go back and be able to have an, a clinical application. So can we take a blood, you know, they have this issue, can we take a blood sample, figure something out from a genetic standpoint and then go back and somehow make, um, you know, a difference on the clinical side. Whether that's, you know, some kind of clinical intervention. If there's, um, some sort of treatment we can develop or some sort of, you know, something like that.

Speaker 2: 00:09:07 Okay. Makes Sense. Um, so, and then the, your story goes on to, to, you know, I'm going to give you a little brief thing you wrote, uh, when we chat on Linkedin and you know, it just, so you went from, you know, given your personal transformation I've been through over the past five years with life threatening health crisis. I never thought I'd be a lie to tell my story, you know, to be honest in you, here you are, what, take us back five years ago. What, what did you start to notice? What was starting to happen? Like you're seems like you're doing this, all this great stuff and all of a sudden,

Speaker 3: 00:09:35 yeah. So I, so I was working clinically and I'm so I, so I became a professor and had my own research lab and I was doing work. Um, and I was, you know, to be honest, I was under a lot, a lot of stress. Um, I had just had my third child right there, boy. And, um, you know, I was, it was working a ton. Yeah. Trying to supermarket, you know, do it and do it all. Yup. And, um, and then one day I woke up with this eye infection, which is totally weird and I thought I hadn't been guy because I had three, you know, three little boys and two of them were in daycare and you know, little petri dishes. And so I was like, wow, he came really hurts, you know. And I remember asking my friends like, she has a birthday and you know, and they're just like, no, like you're a Weirdo.

Speaker 3: 00:10:37 I was like, oh man. And you know, a couple of days later I couldn't, I couldn't open my eye without excruciating pain. Wow. Yeah. I remember going to the doctor and she was like, sweetie, that's not pink eye. You need to go to the igert clinic. Wow. Oh Man, I'm in trouble now. And it ended up being this really, really bad case of something called anterior uveitis. And I had never heard of that. So like, okay, just give me something big, this stop, you know. So they gave me some steroid drops and they now a little bit better. And, and then a couple of days later, it just like, it came back with a vengeance. Oh my God. I thought it was going to die so bad. And, and so then they put me on oral steroids and um, and so it got, you know, my, I got better, but I started having this excruciating pain or my temple, like over the next couple of weeks to a month.

Speaker 3: 00:11:35 And then I started getting really, really sick, like the worst flu you can possibly imagine. And it started coming in cycles where I'd get so sick for about a week where I couldn't move, I couldn't get out of bed. My entire body would just shut down and then, then I would get better for a week or so. And then it would happen again. And in the meantime, I'm just, I'm having this, just the pain that will just drop me to my knees, just a moment's notice and just over the side of my head and I couldn't, it was unbearable. And then I started getting all these random infections. In these rod and a viral infections that, you know, most, most adults don't get, you know, things that, um, you know, everything the kids would come home with and, you know, stuff I was vaccinated against but my vaccines weren't working, you know, just really crazy stuff.

Speaker 3: 00:12:33 And I'm so, you know, I'm what, I'm going to doctor after doctor and nobody can figure out what's going on. And you know, that went on for a year and a half and I'm still trying to work full time and it was, um, it was pretty terrible for that, that whole year and a half. And um, I had gone to Mayo Clinic twice, um, gone to all doctors in the whole region and I'm no diagnosis until, I think it was labor day. A year and a half later after that, that first eye infection I have, I suddenly lost peripheral vision in my left eye. And yeah, it was, it was pretty scary. And I went to my neck, my ophthalmologist, and she sent me right to a neuro ophthalmologist and he was the first one that, that really sat and listened. And, I mean, I think he sat with us for about two and a half hours. And, um, and he's the one that finally ordered the spinal tap that finally diagnosed me with, um, a super rare form of something called chronic viral meningitis.

Speaker 3: 00:13:46 We had spent the previous year and a half having repeat bouts of meningitis, viral meningitis over and over and over again. And so by that point I had, was so sick and had such neuroinflammation that I was, I was, I was dying. I was my, I was just out of it. My head, no immune system, inflammation was out of control. I was, um, I was so sick at that point. The spinal tap had just triggered just a terrible infection. So I was in the hospital then for a while and then I'm home with a picc line for a long time. And, um, and then I was way too sick to go to work. So I had to, I ended up having to quit my job and I spent the last visit. And even with a diagnosis, most doctors hadn't heard of it. There's so few cases. So, um, you know, so it was, it was great to have a diagnosis, but at the same time and didn't really get me anyway, you know, you'd need, I knew what was happening, some kind of relief. It was, it was definitely a relief in knowing and it just kind of, it led to, it was still frustrating. We'd done, we just kind of went from Dr Actor again, trying to get people to try to help figure out what the, what the plan was. And um, yeah, so the last five years have pretty much been bouncing around trying to, to get the right treatment, which unfortunately it has been a lot of just symptom management. And, um, so there wasn't much, I'm not the chronic form.

Speaker 2: 00:15:39 It always lives in your body constantly comes and goes.

Speaker 3: 00:15:43 Yeah. Yeah. So unless you can get so, so by that point, I had been so far gone without any treatment and that I had, my immune system was just not working, so I was picking up everything and, and so it didn't, you know, any sort of cold, anything like that that I was, you know, it immediately triggered a response. So I was, you know, it was just repeat meningitis over and over again. And, um, and then, you know, like I said, my, my inflammation levels for what it was, it was so high that I was pretty much just a walking Zombie.

Speaker 2: 00:16:23 Yeah, I bet you're, I mean, like you're saying the brain fog, I kind of imagine what you just felt like just constantly being inflamed and in pain and sick. As soon as you feel better, you're sick again. That's just gotta be frustrating. And I can't imagine what it like emotionally to, you know, it'd be a mom and you can't be there very kids and stay away from mommy. I can't get sick and you can't. Uh, that's to be tough.

Speaker 3: 00:16:44 Yeah, that was really, really hard. Especially because my youngest was so little, you know, a lot of times I feel like I've missed so much of his, of his life because he just turned seven and I just, you know, healthy within this last, you know, within this last year. I, you know, I feel like I missed the good five years, first five years of his life. And that's kind of a really, that's a really hard thing to come to terms with.

Speaker 2: 00:17:15 I'm sure your kids deal with it. I mean, I mean, literally it seemed like you were on the brink of death and battling just to stay alive. And how did they deal with it?

Speaker 3: 00:17:25 They were, yeah. Good, good. I mean, it's pretty incredible. I think, you know, as, as adults, we, you know, we take it so much harder, especially as a mom, that guilt factor is just, it's, it's taken me a long time to, it's still there. I'm still dealing with it, but I've gotten much, much better. Um, you know, it was really hard at the time because I wasn't emotionally there yet. Yeah. And I didn't have the energy to kind of, um, to emotionally deal with it. So it was really, really difficult those times, you know, to have to say, mommy can't play with you right now. And you know, mom come, you know, come play with us in the back yard and how many times I would try and I couldn't. And you know, mom doesn't feel good. Mom can't do this, can't do that. You know, and to hear them say it back to you or to hear them say it from the other room like, mom can't she sick or you know, mom can't do this or to hear, you know, especially my oldest, you know, grasped at the most.

Speaker 3: 00:18:36 It wasn't so much for the younger ones, but my oldest who would get upset cause we'd have to leave somewhere cause I wasn't feeling good, you know, and to have him, you know, to have that burden on him, you know, that that still gets me, you know, that that part of it is, it's still really hard. But, um, you know, he, he's so happy now that I'm healthy, so it's, it's great to see him. Uh, I kind of embraced that and he loves when we go play sports and you know, we'll play basketball and soccer and football and all that stuff. So, um, he, he loves that now. So

Speaker 2: 00:19:17 that is, thank you for sharing that. That's very touching. And I mean, it just goes to show not only how resilient children are, how resume we can be, I'll talk to him, the things we can deal with. That's, that's amazing.

Speaker 3: 00:19:29 So

Speaker 2: 00:19:31 from knowing a little bit about your story, it's been about just coming up on a year now where you've, you really kind of got this under control and start to manage it. What, what did, what, what did you, what did you find out? What did you, what was the catalyst that turned this around for you? How did you start to feel better? More often than not?

Speaker 3: 00:19:49 Yeah, so it was about eight months ago. Um, so take it back a little bit. So about, about three years ago? No, that was about two years ago. Um, I got really frustrated. I mean, I was frustrated the whole time, don't get me wrong, but, um, just because of the, the whole symptom management aspect of treatment. Um, but it was about two years ago where I really kind of felt like I was in, you know, fight or flight mode. Like I need to do something different or I'm not going to make it because the meds are not working, am I all these antiseizure meds for the, for my nerve x, I developed some permanent nerve damage, you know, and the only thing that happens is when it gets worse and I get sick, they just up my meds and then I get crazy. I mean Real Zombie, like where I can't even drive and I can't do this and I've got kids to take care of and I've got, you know, and I can't function like that.

Speaker 3: 00:20:53 Not to mention what it's doing to my body, which, you know, and so I just, I can't do this anymore. I need to do something different. And I know it sounds terrible, but it went against my entire scientific understanding, but I knew I needed to try something different. And I, so I looked to all things holistic and natural. And the reason I say that sounds terrible is because I didn't understand how it worked. And so I had always shied away from it. And it's only because I didn't ever took the time to try to understand it. And, you know, looking back, I'm like, I was an idiot, you know, and, and, and I just needed to get over my own ego, you know, cause you know, you just, you don't know what you don't know. And so I, I said, I don't care how it works.

Speaker 3: 00:21:45 I'm desperate and I will try anything I can. And so I started trying everything. I went to see an old friend of mine from high school who was doing acupuncture, who is now one of my best friends in the entire world. So awesome. Um, and she also started doing biofeedback on me for my nerves and she started helping me with some Chinese or my whole bathroom. Connor was covered. I mean, honestly, the whole thing covered in Chinese herbal medicine. My whole day revolved around, um, I was doing cranial sacral massage, I would say, I mean, you name it, I was trying it, some of it worked and some of it didn't. And you know, but I never, it wasn't ever like the thing, you know, it wasn't giving me that whole comprehensive approach that I really felt like I needed to start my, my true healing.

Speaker 3: 00:22:43 Um, until about eight months ago when my friend Melissa, who was the one doing the acupuncture about feeling, she had some other clients come to her and say, you know, I, um, they had tried these, these new products or these products from this new company that had just started. So at the time they, it was only a couple months old, um, and they worked in this novel way through something called the gut brain access and, and they had really good results and she's like, you know what, we should try this. And I say we, because she's been badly in lymes disease for like 10 years. And she, you know, she hadn't really found anything that really had that, that effect either. And so I'm like, you know, me, I will try anything once. I'm like, if it doesn't work, at least I tried it. And you know, and if it works, how I Luhya. And so we tried it together and um, you know, and then we call each other. How do you feel? How do you feel? You know? And, um, and I, you know, I noticed within the first week I was feeling, you know, a little bit more energized. And I was like, you know, maybe it's just the placebo, who knows? We'll see.

Speaker 3: 00:23:58 I'm not complaining, but I gave it a couple more weeks. And by the end of the fourth week, I knew that I had started healing. And I remember talking to her and just, and just saying, I'm this, I don't, I don't know what's happening to my body, but I need, I'd need to understand this because this is insane. And I, I, I honestly, I was speechless. I didn't, I didn't even know what to say because I felt better after four weeks than I had in the last five years. Like, since before I was sick and it was the most, it was the craziest. I can't, like, I still have trouble finding the words to explain the difference that I felt and it's something we're starting to come back. I started, I mean, besides just like the energy factor, you know, I didn't want, I didn't want to lay down and not that I didn't even want to, I didn't need to lay down at one 30 every day before the kids got home, just so I had the energy to get through the night or to get through that, you know, the evening.

Speaker 3: 00:25:14 Um, I wasn't, I wasn't a crab ass all the time. Honestly. I, I mean, you don't, I didn't even realize how bad I felt until I felt better, you know what I mean? So my pain level started going down and, and so I started feeling better, but it was, it was more than that, you know, I remember, um, like my mood generally increased. So I remember specifically the, the time that it hit me and I was putting the kids to bed. And normally a time I dreaded it. I absolutely dreaded that time is eight 30 would come and I would just like, I'd be close to tears because I was like, I'd be so tired and in so much pain by the end of the night that I was like, just go to bed, just do it. Everybody just go to the bed and cause I wanted to go to bed.

Speaker 3: 00:26:18 And I remember the night that I wasn't super crabby and I was in a good mood and they were all in a good mood and we were having this fun bedtime. And I remember sitting down on my middle son's bed and we were laughing and having scope time and then I just started balling because it just, it hit me that I, I suddenly was, I wasn't, I wasn't the crab ass that I had been for the last five years. Yeah. Because I didn't feel bad anymore and, and I, I got hit with this wave of guilt but like hope all at the same time. Like, I felt guilty for the last five years, but I had so much hope for the next however many years because I knew I had finally found something that was changing my life. Yeah. And this I just get, it was just this crazy tornado of emotion. Like I couldn't explain it. I was laughing and crying and the kids were like, what's wrong with you? And I was like, Oh, you know, sometimes you cry when you're really happy. You know what? I'm trying to explain it away. And they're just like, whatever, mom, go to bed.

Speaker 3: 00:27:35 I mean, it was just one of those moments where you know, you, you really don't really don't realize how bad off you were until it's better. And it was, you know, it was partly the, the pain and, and I know it was a combination of things. I know it was the fact that it was helping me with my inflammation and, and then it was helping me with, with, um, you know, so it was, so what it does in your gut brain axis is it helps regulate your, that your good and bad bacteria in your gut. And, and that helps regulate your neurotransmitters, which regulate your mood. And, you know, so it was, it was kind of this whole combination of things and that's what the products do. And, um, and so it was helping me on all these different levels. And I, you know, I didn't understand that at the time until I really dove into the science of it. And I was like, yes, oh my God, this makes sense. This is happening. And then from there I kind of reverse engineered, you know, everything that had happened is I could see why I was healing and I, you know, I could see why all the damage that I had had done and then why I was healing in the way that I was healing. And so it was just, it's been just an incredible process and transformation and journey. And, um, yeah, so that's been pretty amazing.

Speaker 2: 00:28:52 Yes. So, so amazing. Well, I mean, what an incredible, so I just, I can't even imagine I got the flu for the first time in probably five years, a couple of December. And like you're saying, you just forget how good it feels to be normal when, I mean, when you're sick, this, that feeling, I can't imagine what you've gone through that

Speaker 3: 00:29:10 so grateful every single day that I feel good.

Speaker 2: 00:29:17 I, I, and I, you know, I, I'm so grateful that I've never been through anything like that. No, no, no. Nobody. I know it really has been through anything like that. And it's so easy how quickly we take for granted our good health and, and, and all these different things. Because I mean, I'm not sure how he got them in Joe Split. I mean, it could be, you know, you owe mosquito bite, a tick bite like your friends got and he got Lyme disease and your whole world's turned upside down in an instant.

Speaker 3: 00:29:39 Yeah.

Speaker 2: 00:29:41 So, so, so why the gut, um, you know, tell us a bit, what does, what does this microbiome and what, you know, what led you there, what, what made you start to believe in? What did you find? What, can you enlighten us a little bit about this?

Speaker 3: 00:29:54 Yeah. Yeah. So, um, so it's really, really interesting, this whole aspect of the gut brain access, right. So, um, and so what's really interesting is that, you know, I had heard of it, I knew about kind of this connection between the gut and the brain, but really the, the most advanced and most scientific advancements have happened over the last fives, mostly fives, but five to 10 years. Yeah. And um, those, those were during my walking Zombie Times. I like miss the boat on it for the most part. And so I had so much catching up to do, but I was just like, well, I have been like, like crazy, a crazy, crazy person. Like trying to like catch up on all this stuff. In the meantime I'm was like, where have I been? Where I have,

Speaker 2: 00:30:46 it's become pretty main stream in the past six to 12 months. Even like Costco now and Walmart and all these places, they're, they're on board with this stuff.

Speaker 3: 00:30:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean it's out there and this is the real deal because I mean your gut, so we call your gut your second brain, right? So we get your first brain in your head, call your gut, your second brain. And so by that we mean your, your microbiome, which is like the a hundred trillion bacteria, right though live, they live in their ear. And then, um, and then the actual, the true lining, like the actual tissue in your gut. I use my hands a lot. Sorry. I do it on phone calls too and I'm always like, just so you know, I'm talking with my hands.

Speaker 3: 00:31:32 That's fine. So luckily we're being recorded so it'll all come through. Um, yeah. So, um, so yeah, so when we talk about our gut brain axis, we're talking about your gut and then, um, your, so your first brain we're talking about when your head, your second brain, your gut, and then this access in between, which is what communicates between when we're talking about your, your nerves and, and in your immune system, your immune cells. And, and that's what kind of works in between. Um, and those are things that you really want to keep healthy and in balance so that we get good, clear communication between your gut and your brain. So, um, yeah. So what we've learned is that your gut is really a huge, huge, um, regulator of a lot of different systems in the body and a lot more than people have really given it credit for in the last 20 years

Speaker 2: 00:32:26 be on. I've heard a lot of stuff about that lately too. Um, I heard something, you know, like if you're craving whatever ice cream or something guys, it's your gut telling you, your brain. Like, listen, we want more sugar so we can, you know, a ramp

Speaker 2: 00:32:40 up our production of the bad bacteria and stuff in here and they're asking for these things at your craving and all kinds of crazy things I've heard. Uh, uh, and, and I really kind of got on board and maybe three, four years ago with like making sure I'm eating probiotic foods and these different types of things and drinks and stuff to try and combat against that and make sure that stays healthy and, and what, what are, so what are some of the other things, what are some of the benefits or, or you know more about that?

Speaker 3: 00:33:08 Yeah, absolutely. So what you want to do is make sure that you have the right kinds of bacteria in your gut so that you can, um, so that you have the right and the healthiest, um, signaling going on, right? So there are certain strains that do certain things. Um, so you have your good bacteria in your bad bacteria, right? And so what you want to do is create the best environment for those good bacteria. You want to make sure you're getting the good bacteria and then you want to make sure you have the healthiest environment for that good bacteria to grow and to thrive. And so, you know, it's um, you an important point, um, and this is when every time we talk about probiotics, we want to talk about the fact that, and I think this is a point that gets lost on a lot of people, is that the effect of any probiotic is strained dependent that you've got.

Speaker 3: 00:34:06 Um, so if you go to the store and you pick out like a bottle of probiotics off the shelf, chances are they will not be telling you what strain of probiotic it is. They might tell you the genius or the species, but they might not go down to the strain level. So if you have a problem with, um, constipation and you pick out a random bottle of probiotics that might be good for diarrhea and they not going to help you much. So disaster pants, that's not fun. Just actually am I, your stomach hurts so bad. Oh my God, that's exactly, exactly. So, so, you know, it's really important that if you are looking for a specific effect of a probiotic that you know what strain to get and that you are looking at your product and what strain is in there. So, you know, you have to be really, really careful.

Speaker 3: 00:35:09 So, um, there are some strains that are, that are really good for helping with stress and anxiety and those kinds of things. Like they decrease your cortisol levels, they increase your, um, Gabba transmission and those kinds of things there. And then there are, um, there are GI specific strengths that help them specifically with, with the Gi issues, some that are better for constipation, some that are better for healthy in the diary. And those kinds of things. So, um, so yeah, so that's just kind of a general, like public service announcement when it comes to throw out one that I like to, to uh, give anytime we start talking about that Kevin Stock. So, um, so yeah, so it's really important to, to create, if you're taking a probiotic. So that's one way you can get the good healthy bacteria. Um, you can also get it by, you know, by, by eating the right foods.

Speaker 3: 00:36:06 Yeah. Right. Um, you know, sauerkrauts and you're, you know, all those, you're a Kombu, John, all that stuff. So, um, and then keeping the good, healthy, gut integrity. And so, you know, we, there are some, some products that have some, some good, some good supplements that have, that have things in it that they can help really, um, keep your tissues healthy and, and that kind of thing. But because you know, there's a lot of people that are walking around with leaky gut, which is, that was one of my main, my major issues that I developed over time. Um, because I had such severe inflammation throughout my entire body that, um, that eventually I developed leaky guts. So even though I had started completely, I did all the elimination diets, I did everything. I was eating a completely clean diet. I wasn't absorbing anything. Because what happens is when you start losing your gut integrity, what happens is normally your gut cells and the meeting my hands again for, um, normally your gut cells should look, they look like this. And I know this cause I've looked at plenty of cells under the microscope.

Speaker 3: 00:37:29 They weren't gut cells, but the cells I was looking in the vascular cells, they look the same. They look like this under the microscope. So when they are, when they're healthy and um, and they are next to each other, they have what are called tight junctions. We want them to feel she's got her fingers technologize for those, but they're very tightly laced together. And when, when that gut integrity becomes compromised, the cells start, um, moving farther away from each other, they get damaged. And so, so you get these spaces in between the cells and so you get food particles and other things that can start coming right through in between, you know, and so they end up going into the systemic circulation. What happens then is you get, you get, you get immune responses, you get inflammation that can lead to brain fog. It can lead to a whole bunch of different issues that a lot of, um, you know, autoimmune stuff. So it's, it's, um, it's, it's a really important yes or no that would, that we keep that immune. Um, the, uh, the gut integrity, you know, in good shape. You keep your inflammation under control, you know, all of these, all of these different things.

Speaker 2: 00:38:51 When I first learned about the doubt, I was, that's, that's scary to learn about. I mean, literally shit leaking into your body like that and it's just running, just ramp it through your body and like you're saying, your, your biceps attacking. It's like, what is this? Gordon doesn't belong in my stomach, like outside of the the body, like what's going on here? And there's feces and stuff roaming around through your blood and your organs and yeah. That's scary stuff. Yeah. That's when I started taking that seriously. I was like, wait a second here, I've got to figure this out.

Speaker 3: 00:39:17 Yeah. Yeah. I can can be a pretty, pretty serious. So a lot of times they'll say, you know, if you have a food allergy test and you were coming back positive and watching different things, you know, wow. You know, you should look into leaky gut issues. Yeah. You know, there's, there's a lot of different reasons.

Speaker 2: 00:39:37 Yeah. There's a lot of the stuff that goes down into that yet. Definitely. What, I know we talked about some of the good things. What are some of the things maybe that there's a that we can, we should be avoiding as well. Is there anything,

Speaker 3: 00:39:47 absolutely. There's a lot of things to apply. I'm sure there is. You know, generally what I recommend to people is just, you know, try your best to stay away from processed stuff. I mean, nobody's perfect. Don't get me wine, I'm like the Pretzel Queen and left pencils. My advice, I can't help it. It's my thing,

Speaker 2: 00:40:10 cream. I can't stop myself.

Speaker 3: 00:40:13 Pretzels. Okay. Um, but, you know, try your best at everything is about balance, right? Nobody is perfect. Do your best. Try to avoid as much processed food as possible. Um, you know, try to stick with as much, you know, stick with organic stuff. Um, at least, you know, stick with the, the, the, um, the clean 15. Right. And, you know, stay away from the, the dirty dozen. Yeah. Um, and, you know, just, you know, generally, you know, we say kind of the Mediterranean diet is a really good one. If you're looking for some something to kind of follow, you know, I hate hate fad diets. I think I absolutely, I did test them. And so I just, I think they're just really impossible, not impossible, but they're just really, they're really hard to maintain. And, and, and I think it's, it's all about just incorporating good habits into your life, you know, and just repetition creates habit and, um, you know, and after awhile it just, it just becomes part of your life and it's, it's not easy at first. Um, you know, cause a, back in the day I didn't understand, you know, the power of food and what it can do for my life. And I ate noodles every night for dinner and the lie, that's what I ate.

Speaker 2: 00:41:45 College, I mean, Cup of noodles. I mean, that's just

Speaker 3: 00:41:48 so do you do? Yeah. And you know, I had no idea what, you know, why that might be bad for me. It's just what I do. So, um, but you know, but over time you start making these small changes and, and you get better. And it was the same way, you know, I think as you, as you get older and you grow and you go through different things, you know, it was the same thing when I started healing. Um, you know, I had never been, I never really, I never meditated. I never got into any of that kind of the spiritual side of things when I started, when I started physically healing, you know, it kind of brought out a lot of different things in me and I started being a lot more open, becoming a lot more open to, to different things and trying new things.

Speaker 3: 00:42:35 And, um, you know, at mindfulness became really important to me as part of, you know, I realized that I had never had that, that balance in my life. I always worked a lot and I exercised and you know, and I did everything else. You know, it was, yeah, it was a mom I worked and I exercise, you know, and that was not balanced, that was driving myself into the ground, you know? Yes. I recognize that and I realized I needed to borrow and these other aspects of my life. And so, um, it's really hard when you first start. It's really hard. I, you know, you have to really dedicate yourself to, to making those changes. And, um, but once you do it, I, and you, you realize how much, um, you know, how, how much it adds to your life. Um, I think you, you just, you realize how much you're growing from it and how much, um, how worth it it is. And then it becomes habit, you know, and it just becomes part of your life and then, and then it's your lifestyle and it's, it's not effort anymore.

Speaker 2: 00:43:44 Yeah. That's good. That's good. A good, a good thought though. The, you know, the best diet is the one you can follow that, you know, the one you can keep to the one you can stick to and not. And like you were saying, you know, I, uh, maybe four or five years ago, I started down that road and, you know, took time. I took stuff out of my diet and now, and now I don't, I don't, most things I don't even care for. I can't believe I used to eat that stuff before and now I'm like, oh my God. Like, yeah, you know, it's not just you, you feel better, you function better, you sleep better. Uh, you know, things tastes better. It's like, I mean, just switching from margin or whatever to to like a nice good like butter. Oh my God. Everything just tastes so much better than flavors of foods. And it's good for you and S.

Speaker 3: 00:44:27 Yeah. And your tastes definitely changed. It's really interesting. Yeah. I to, I like to watch, uh, like watch my kids and see how their tastes change cause I know how mine it changed. But I like to see it and other people and, and see, you know, it was definitely a longer process with them getting them to, you know, come on you guys. You know? But now they're like, you know, okay that used to be like, how many chickpeas do I have to eat my lunch, just have three. And now they're like, all right, jelly and like just eat all the ones that I put on your plate. Fun. You know, like now I just load them on and they like it or not. And I love that I can look at their plates and see, you know, 75% of the plate is vegetables. That's amazing. You know, versus, you know, when I think back to with what we used to eat, you know, which was like a carb central, like you're getting emails with Brad and all. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well everything, you know, it was like carbs with a sidecar. Herbs and like a little sprinkle of vegetables. You know,

Speaker 2: 00:45:35 the drives on top of the cars with cheese.

Speaker 3: 00:45:40 Oh, sorry.

Speaker 2: 00:45:42 Yeah. So some people, yeah, some people it bothers. Yeah.

Speaker 3: 00:45:44 Uh, yeah, very. It doesn't, yeah, me and dairy Don Don do well, but we're working on it.

Speaker 2: 00:45:51 Yeah, that's tough. I, you know, and that's the thing I hear from a lot of, of my friends and different people is, you know, is the kids aspect, you know, like when, especially when you win, the first thing is they know, or chicken nuggets and French fries and, and you know, lunchables and all these things and then all of a sudden you're like, listen, sorry, we're not doing that no more. Here's some Broccoli or whatever. And it's just like, that's, got it. That's just got to be tough. I know when my son was, maybe it was two or so. He's always just, I mean I kind of knew better when he was born, thank God. But I mean it would be it, we'd be in a store and you'd get it in a container of blueberries and he whacked the whole entire thing. And before we left the store, he'd be, Dad, can we go get some tomatoes please? And other parents and be like, look at me like you're such a horrible parent. And I'm like, get the kid a snickers bar. And I'm like, how am I? Do you understand? Like how crazy you sound? But I was the bad person. Like I can't believe you're sitting there eating a bucket of tomatoes. Like what a horrible person you are. And I'm sure they,

Speaker 3: 00:46:48 um, yeah, that's not right.

Speaker 2: 00:46:50 I listened to that just because your kitty Todd pockets, it doesn't mean mine should like, Oh God. Pockets or mice. I think my son was seven before he ever had a hot pocket. He, we're in a Costco or Sam's club when these, again, what is that? I was like, you know what? Let's have some fun. Let's have fun. Let's have a, and he was like, these are not bad. I wouldn't want to eat them all the time, but all right dad. I see. You know, but I, I was lucky that I just, I mean here I raised him, you know, on vegetables and fruits and that was, you know, the stuff to eat and half my car would be empty before we got out of the store and I'll be paying for empty things.

Speaker 3: 00:47:26 Right. I mean, like I said, it's all about balance. I don't deprive them. They eat pizza and you know, whatever. Yeah. So I will, I'll never be like, like I'm a, I don't want to say I'm a crazy man, sprinkle hemp seeds on their pizza when they eat it. A little crazy. I'm that mom. But you know, I, I'm, you know, I don't want them to do grow up feeling like I don't completely deprived them of like all good things

Speaker 2: 00:48:02 we do. Uh, we do a cheat day on Saturday and we just go to town and we have a good time. And I like, I think it helps it instead of this little kind of pecking throughout the week and always on a cupcake or something.

Speaker 3: 00:48:17 Saturday guys don't have the treats on the weekends. Yeah. Yeah. I was excited we'd go to town. How all the ice cream until you barf all over the floor

Speaker 2: 00:48:26 noticed is they just don't want it anymore.

Speaker 3: 00:48:29 Right. Well cause their tastes change. Right. So if they're, if they're really consistent and you're consistent with them. Like it's funny because my kids will come home and they'll be like, cause they don't get treated. They know they don't because they know they only get treats on the weekend. Right. And there'll be kids at school, they get treats in their lunch every single day and they'll come home and they'll be like, kids at school get treats everyday at lunch and do you know what? It's the first thing they eat. Yeah. So raw. You know, even if you get a treat at lunch, it should be the last thing. You should always eat. The healthiest thing. Burst train.

Speaker 2: 00:49:06 Maybe for mom, that's, my son does the same thing. He's like, Dad, you wouldn't believe these kids have cupcakes at lunch and then they trade for puddings. He's like, I don't understand. Yeah. I mean there's like, I mean, like we talked about so many, so many things, so many problems with all of that. And you know,

Speaker 3: 00:49:26 just education, you know, the kids, like, like I said, everything I say this like 10 times a day and like, you don't know what you don't know. Right. You know, the kids are learning what they're learning from home and if the parents don't know, yeah. You know, it's, it's tough. And I think that's, that's one thing that I love about doing what I do is, is that I get to be out and talking to people and helping them learn. Yeah. And educating and, um, you know, cause I want people to, I want people to feel good right now. I want them to feel better and then, you know, and everybody can feel better.

Speaker 2: 00:50:03 Yeah. Right. And it's hard to, you know, um, I don't know how many times I've argued with people about the young lady should be maybe eating this or done and like, well, you know, I was watching the news and they said this and a doctor Oz told me to eat died. And it's like, yeah, this is our, this is our base of knowledge. It's like Twitter and Instagram isn't necessarily the best place to get, you know, dietary advice or w you know, sponsored know I, I know one time I was watching a doctor Oz or whatever, he's talking about this stuff and then immediately after as a commercial for, I can't believe it's not butter. I'm like, how, how like this show sponsored. I'm like how can you, you're saying one thing on the episode and then your sponsor's telling everybody exactly the opposite of what you just said.

Speaker 2: 00:50:46 And I can't, I'm sure you don't even believe it because it's just a segment you're told to do. But this is like the advice that I have. I don't know how many conversations slash arguments that people don't like that. I don't know who the fuck he told you that. But that's wrong. That's stupid. Oh, I saw it in the thing and it's like watch, watch, like a week's worth of, of, of whatever. You know, doctor show, whatever, this stuff and watch how much time they contradict each other throughout the week. And I said, but this is the all unfortunately the information that's just thrown at us. And, and if you're not hunting for and you're not looking for that, you know something's wrong. Or if you're not sick like you, if you never got that sickness and illness, you probably would have never discovered this stuff.

Speaker 3: 00:51:27 Absolutely. I mean, I'll tell people my story and Oh, I'm so sorry this happened to me. I wouldn't, I would not have traded it for the world. This has led me to the place that I am, which has been on the most amazing journey. Did it suck at the time? Oh hell yeah. I will. I will not deny that. But the most amazing journey is taking me to the most amazing, amazing place. And I never would have gotten here had I not gotten sick. I mean, it was absolutely the biggest blessing in disguise. And I absolutely 100% standby that they're there. There's no question in my mind.

Speaker 2: 00:52:13 And I've heard that same sentiment from so many people with cancer or something like yours, near death experiences are these from death and come back and like that's the best thing ever happened to me on the outside. You're like, well, I wouldn't want that to happen. But the eye opening, the preciousness of life and all these things that come about and the things you've learned and now you're passing your children will be healthier and live longer, fuller lives because of this journey you went through.

Speaker 3: 00:52:38 Yeah, absolutely. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind.

Speaker 2: 00:52:42 Yeah. So, you know, we've talking about you being a mom and being a busy mom, how do you practice pile prioritize time for yourself?

Speaker 3: 00:52:53 MMM,

Speaker 3: 00:52:56 I made sure that I have to be kind to myself. Um, which is not, does not come easy, that's for sure. Uh, that has never come easy. Um, but I definitely have gotten better. So I have to make sure that I, that I exercise, that I am not hard on myself if I, you know, if I don't do it in the way that I plan on it, you know, if I miss a day here or there. Um, and you know, um, making sure that I do things that I know are going to be good for my mind. Um, making sure I stay with, you know, stay consistent with my, my meditation, um, that I don't know, overdo it with work because I tend to be very just my personality, which is what got me in trouble in the first place. Live an all or nothing person.

Speaker 3: 00:54:02 Like I'm all in like, you know, if I'm environment, if I'm into something I am all in and that is all I want to do. So I have to really be very conscious about taking the step back and doing what's right for my health and my, and my mindfulness. So, um, so yeah, it's very important for me to, you know, to be aware, to be self aware, I guess my team to really stay on top of my self awareness. And to know where I'm just to do self checks and making sure that I'm, you know, staying on top of my, my, my meditation and, um, and being kind to my body, which, which again, you know, it ties into all of that, making sure I'm eating well and getting enough sleep and doing all these things that are going to keep my stress levels down and, you know, so that I don't end up getting, getting sick again. And you know, I have good motivation to do that. So

Speaker 2: 00:55:05 what type of meditation do you do, if you don't mind asking?

Speaker 3: 00:55:08 Um, I, well I do, I do a diff, a couple of different kinds, so I do take some like, um, mindful movement and meditation classes at the gym that I go to, which I am walls and then, um, and then I just do some, some of my own, um, some of my own meditation, just

Speaker 2: 00:55:29 like a mantra based meditation and mindfulness. Like what type of,

Speaker 3: 00:55:32 yeah, just mindfulness. Yeah. I mean, I've done some mantra, but, okay. Yeah, mostly just mindfulness.

Speaker 2: 00:55:39 Awesome. Yeah, I have, uh, I've gotten to mindfulness meditation maybe about a year and a half now. Oh, it's just, it's amazing. I recommend everybody, um, you know, trying it out. There's lots of great apps. My favorite is, um, waking up by Sam Harris. There's other things I'm calm and, uh, some other things out there, you know, check it out guys. It really is a game changer. I think it's one of those hidden kind of things that are signing to kind of come out into the popular kind of thing now. And

Speaker 3: 00:56:07 um, there's, there's this one, there's this one, um, music clip on youtube, that's my favorite and it's letting go of negative energy. And then there's also, you have another favorite, and this is for when I can't sit in a quiet place and close my eyes. So I do this a lot when I'm driving and, and it's for war when I'm like really worked up about something and I just have to like kind of a sweary mom. So this is for all you sweary people out there. It's called fuck it. Let that shit go. So it's amazing because that sounds like it would just be a joke. It's amazing. I love it. And I listened to it on repeat because it's like 10 minutes long and if I'm like really worked up about something you have to like, sometimes I'll have meetings that are like an hour away so I seriously will put it on repeat. I listened to like four times and it's just, it's amazing because by the end I'm just like, yeah, okay. And I feel so much better at the end of it and sometimes you need that, you know, you need that balance because if you can't, like if I can't sit and like get into like a really deep place, you know, obviously when you're driving it's a really different kind of meditation. But it really, really works. And I love it and I tell everybody about it. So check it out. It's amazing. I love it. I send it to everybody

Speaker 2: 00:57:54 and I will check it out and I'll get that from you and we'll link to in the show notes for everybody.

Speaker 3: 00:58:05 It's really great. I love it. I didn't see this podcast going there, but I like to keep my friend Melissa. I wasn't going to swear, but I'm sorry I had to, it's just my personality. I'm so sorry.

Speaker 2: 00:58:29 I love it. There's no fluff. There's no filters as best we can here.

Speaker 3: 00:58:35 That's awesome. I love it.

Speaker 2: 00:58:36 What, what does a typical morning look like for you? That first 60 to 90 minutes, what are the habits or routines?

Speaker 3: 00:58:43 Nay, if you can? Well, it depends on divorce. So if I have my kids, it's just pure shit show. So I tried to, I tried to get up before them, but I have one that wakes up pretty early, so it could be five o'clock, but if I get up before them, I tried to, I tried to get a jump on an email and giving back to people as I can. Um, otherwise it's, it's Kinda chaos until I get them to school. Um, so that's my first 60 minutes.

Speaker 2: 00:59:33 That really gets you into your day. That

Speaker 3: 00:59:40 I must do thing is, is having my, my smoothie, my smoothie is, uh, is like, that's what starts my morning. If I don't have it, I kind of feel like something's off and missing. So it's um, I have a smoothie that is avocado and banana and frozen organic fruit, protein powder, vegan protein powder, and then my supplements. So

Speaker 2: 01:00:16 what's your favorite protein powder? Which to what is the one you like?

Speaker 3: 01:00:19 I use the, the stuff that my, um, the company that I work for me. So, um,

Speaker 2: 01:00:27 does it kind of linked to that? Is that possible for people to want to check it out? Okay.

Speaker 3: 01:00:30 Absolutely. I have vanilla. I put that in there along with the, and we have a seed fiber and agreeing a superfood Greens, um, uh, stuff. So I put all that, all that in there, mix it up and then I feel like your coffee, I don't drink coffee. That's my, that's what gets me energized for my morning. But if I don't have my kids, then I get up at like five 30 and I hit the gym and then come home and get ready and have my smoothie and get into my day. Yeah.

Speaker 2: 01:01:24 What books or a book of books, if it helped you the most on your journey throughout this whole process here?

Speaker 3: 01:01:31 Oh goodness. Um, let me look at my, mmm. Um, so the mind got connection was huge for me getting started, um, by Emory and Meyer, I can send you that link. Um, and then I'm just looking, they just, yeah,

Speaker 2: 01:02:20 the untethered soul. That was really good. Yeah, that was really good. I loved that a lot. Um,

Speaker 3: 01:02:32 yeah, those two are really, you know, so one was more like obviously educational about like the mind get stuff and then one untethered soul was more about the, um, the emotional, mental component. I think those were probably the two most influential

Speaker 2: 01:02:52 for me. Very important. I mean, a lot of us, we pushed that stuff funder, we let it go and we try to just bury it and buried and I hope it doesn't,

Speaker 3: 01:03:03 I was a for, for so many years and it wasn't until I healed physically. Yeah. That stuff started bubbling out. Yeah.

Speaker 2: 01:03:14 And that's the thing. I mean, when you're fighting for your life, that's the last thing you're thinking about is

Speaker 3: 01:03:19 oh yeah, there's no way I had, I didn't have the physical or emotional energy and he'll be able to deal with a lot of the, the um, a lot of stuff I was stuffing eventually.

Speaker 2: 01:03:42 Yeah. Especially as you get to a more prosperous place and those things that, you know, when you start, when you can start to focus on prosperity and living instead of surviving dens when these things are to to come out in

Speaker 3: 01:03:57 exactly

Speaker 2: 01:03:58 where, where's the best Peete bless. Payflow boy, where's the best place for people to get in touch with, to learn more about you connect with you.

Speaker 3: 01:04:07 Yeah. Um, so I just started a new, um, a new Facebook page so they can connect with me there or an Instagram otherwise or email, linkedin, linkedin. I'm on all the time. So

Speaker 2: 01:04:31 no, actually I'll link to all of those things. Be Focusing. You guys can get in touch. You want to learn more, ask questions, connecting whatever way you want. Is there anything else you wanted to talk about that we haven't talked about yet here today?

Speaker 3: 01:04:44 I think we covered a lot of ground,

Speaker 2: 01:04:48 no problem. And then, so the last thing here before we wrap up is on the social media show. We'd like to have a, a weekly challenge, something to, you know, maybe from this episode and be an automated on this topic to challenge people to take into the weekend and give it a shot. I would like to present you with the opportunity to give this week's challenge

Speaker 3: 01:05:10 challenge challenge too. Swap out one on unhealthy food habit with a healthier option this week.

Speaker 2: 01:05:29 It'll be a good example.

Speaker 3: 01:05:30 So I would say try to cut out one, for example, one processed item and replace it with something healthier. Whether that's um, cutting out, um, you know, a soda and it in it with about a word or if it's replacing that bag of chips that you have every day at 11 before lunch, between lunch and breakfast or whatever, and replacing that with an apple, something like that. Okay. Try replacing one habit with a new habit because habits don't go away. You just replaced them with different habits. So remember that habits don't just, you don't quit habits, you just replaced them with different habits. So replace a bad habit with a healthier habit.

Speaker 2: 01:06:22 Perfect. Great Challenge. People get out, take steps to have a healthier, happier, more prosperous life. Kelly, thank you. Absolutely. So, so much for being on here. I love your story. Thank you so much for sharing it. It was inspirational to me. It just helps me appreciate even more the health of myself and my children and my family. Thank you for sharing everything you guys are. You're doing. It's so great and wonderful.

Speaker 3: 01:06:45 Thank you so much for having me. It was so fun.

Speaker 2: 01:06:48 All right. Like I said, people, uh, we'll, we'll link to everything in the show notes and you guys didn't get a hold of Kelly and what she's up to and the different things on there. Thank you very much. Thanks. Bye. I hope you guys enjoy that amazing interview with Kelly. I learned a lot. Um, what a great, inspiring story. Hey, if you guys are experiencing similar things, you can relate to some of the things that she's talking about. You have a friend or family member that is experiencing something like that. Um, reach out to Kelly. See it. Maybe her experience can help you. I know your friend or family member. Uh, it's just, it's amazing the, the advances and things in medicine is happening. Uh, the simple things that we've, we, you know, we never thought of. We never, we never would have believed them then.

Speaker 2: 01:07:33 They didn't seem like real science and our really coming to the forefront, uh, these, these gut biome stuff, this microbiome and things, it's really, it's really a huge thing. It's really, it controls so much. It has so much influence on us and how we feel and things. And I know from personal experience when you start to clean these things up, the, the ability to think, to have more energy, to not feel tired in those laws and stuff, it really does make a big difference, you know? And as well for this month's giveaway, we've partnered up with Kelly and what she was doing to give away some of these supplements. We call it like, you know, the little spring cleanse a, if you're interested in learning more about what products we have to offer more the giveaway when I entered in to win this month's giveaway, we're giving a five winners.

Speaker 2: 01:08:20 So this is gonna be great for you guys to help give your body the spring cleaning it needs as well and, and, and get you guys going for this next quarter. One of the year's over, we got three more to go. You've got things you want to do and you're, you're not feeling well or you're constantly tired and these other things. There's an opportunity for you to get some stuff to help catapult you to where you want to be. Head over to social me. Get into this month's giveaway. Learn more about these things that really are making a profound difference. Not on just Kelly's life. Hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of people. And if you think this information is something for your friends and family to, to benefit from, please share with them. The best way to support the show is to share it. Maybe like some reviews and your favorite podcast app, youtube and all these different things really does help us get more amazing guests like Kelly in between shows. You can connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, all your favorite social media apps, as well as subscribing to the youtube for the video version, as well as your favorite podcast app for links to everything we've talked about here today. You can visit the search committee, not show and everything for past episodes. Until next time, keep learning, growing and transforming to the person you want to become.


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