Kim Barrett

Marketing Strategist

Kim Barrett is a world renown Million Dollar Marketing Strategist with a focus on Facebook. He Is an International Best Selling Author, Speaker and Trainer, having taught marketing around the world and helping businesses grow to 6 and 7 figures. Your Social Voice helps businesses get heard on social media, and most importantly, build engagement, generate more leads and more sales. Since the age of 15, he has been in online marketing, with his first sale being $45,000 worth of sponsorship for an online forum, and ever since then, he has had the bug for business and especially business online.

Marketing Strategist | Your Social Voice
Since the age of 15, Kim has been in online marketing, with his first sale being $45,000 for a sponsorship for an online forum. This sparked his interest in learning the inner workings of the online world, which he's devoted every day to learning how to refine it. Kim's worked across 12 different industries helping them identify different opportunities for business growth, like accounting, international trade and IT. Since then, Kim has had the bug for business and had 3 online businesses before starting Your Social Voice. Kim holds a Bachelor's degree in International Business and has had the pleasure of speaking all over the world on Social Media Marketing and business growth. Kim built his business from the ground up and now operates a fully functioning team servicing business around Australia and internationally. Apart from business, Kim is a huge fan of martial arts, good food, and wine, and travel is definitely something enjoyed regularly whether for business or pleasure.

As A Trainer

Kim has coached, mentored and trained over 150 business owners to master Marketing Strategy, Facebook Ads, Conversion Funnels and Conversion Optimisation all over the world.

His background as a NLP Trainer, and training speakers around Australia enables him to deliver not only a great experience, but ensure that the audience takes away actionable, implementable strategies and tactics that will drastically grow their businesses.

Your Social Voice

Kim is experienced in a myriad of marketing strategies, with his expertise lying in social media marketing, specifically Facebook Advertising. He is a million dollar marketing strategist and has worked with clients to generate in excess of 15 million dollars in revenue.

He has been fortunate enough to work on campaigns that promoted Gary Vee, Caleb Maddix, and Reese Witherspoon. Kim received a ‘2 Comma Club Award’ for Your Social Voice - generating over a million dollars through one funnel. Some other million dollar client case studies include; Unstoppable Family (online business and branding), Jimi McDonald (gym’s), Wild Success (Personal and business development), Jono Petriholos (fitness education) and many more.

As A Speaker

Kim has been traveling the world and delivering his world-class marketing expertise (and wittiness!) across 12+ countries. So far in 2018 Kim has had the opportunity to co-host the Experts of the Secrets Mastermind alongside Rhonda and Brian Swan from the Unstoppable Family in Bali, facilitate a roundtable discussion at Funning Hacking Live in Orlando and speak at Social Media Camp in Vancouver (whereby he was named as a top 3 speaker).

Books & Links

Start-Ups Aren't Cool Anymore

A lack of personal savings, competition from abroad, and the threat of another economic downturn make it harder for Millennials to thrive as entrepreneurs.

Read The Article

The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement

Written in a fast-paced thriller style, The Goal, a gripping novel, is transforming management thinking throughout the world. It is a book to recommend to your friends in industry - even to your bosses - but not to your competitors. Alex Rogo is a harried plant manager working ever more desperately to try improve performance. His factory is rapidly heading for disaster. So is his marriage. He has ninety days to save his plant - or it will be closed by corporate HQ, with hundreds of job losses. It takes a chance meeting with a professor from student days - Jonah - to help him break out of conventional ways of thinking to see what needs to be done. The story of Alex's fight to save his plant is more than compulsive reading. It contains a serious message for all managers in industry and explains the ideas, which underline the Theory of Constraints (TOC), developed by Eli Goldratt.

One of Eli Goldratt s convictions was that the goal of an individual or an organization should not be defined in absolute terms. A good definition of a goal is one that sets us on a path of ongoing improvement.
Pursuing such a goal necessitates more than one breakthrough. In fact it requires many. To be in a position to identify these breakthroughs we should have a deep understanding of the underlying rules of our environment. Twenty-five years after writing The Goal, Dr. Goldratt wrote Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. In this article he provided the underlying rules of operations. This article appears at the end of this book.

Like Mrs. Fields and her cookies,The Goal was too tasty to remain obscure. Companies began buying big batches and management schools included it in their curriculums. Fortune Magazine

A survey of the reading habits of managers found that though they buy books by the likes of Tom Peters for display purposes, the one management book they have actually read from cover to cover is The Goal. The Economist

"Goal readers are now doing the best work of their lives. Success Magazine

A factory may be an unlikely setting for a novel, but the book has been wildly effective.: Tom Peters

Required reading for Amazon's Management.

56: Kim Barrett: Million Dollar Marketing Strategist 156: Kim Barrett: Million Dollar Marketing Strategist 2

Breeding Gazelles: Fast Growth Strategies for Your Business

More revenue, more profit, more time.

Three things every business owner wants. The challenge is you haven't developed the systems to allow the company to function and scale without you. You struggle to find and hire the right people who can effectively take things off your plate. Growth consumes cash so the end of month pay run is always a little too tight for comfort.

It wasn't meant to be this way.

Breeding Gazelles; Fast Growth Strategies For Your Business has the answers.

How do you rapidly grow your company without it all being dependant on you?

Dan Bradbury shows you how to:

- Hire 'A' players for a fraction of the price
- Double your sales... in an afternoon!?
- Solve your biggest business problem in half the time
- Implement 5 keys for increasing your cashflow
- Maximise your business valuation prior to an exit
- Increase your sales by 32x in less than 2 years

The level of thinking that got your business to where it is today will not get you where you want to go.
Breeding Gazelles contains interviews with some of the most successful buisness owners in the U.K. on how to avoid the pitfalls of rapid growth whilst maximising the upside.

56: Kim Barrett: Million Dollar Marketing Strategist 356: Kim Barrett: Million Dollar Marketing Strategist 4

Episode Transcriptions Unedited, AI Auto-Generated.

Speaker 1: 00:05 [inaudible]

Speaker 2: 00:05 welcome to the social chameleon show or it's our gold Epi. Learn, grow and transform. The person want to become. Today I'm talking with Kim Barrett, he's a world renowned social media marketer with his focus being on Facebook is an international best selling author, speaker and trainer. Having taught marketing around the world and helping business owners grow to six and seven figures is company. Your social voice helps businesses get hurt on social media and most importantly build engagement, generate more leads and more sales. Since the age of 15, he has been in the online marketing world with his first sale being $45,000 worth of sponsorship from an online form. And ever since then he has had the bug for business and especially a business online. We talk a lot about that. Um, entrepreneurship in general, some of his thoughts on things. Uh, he's a great guy, great conversation, great insight.

Speaker 2: 00:56 Like I said, he's been in the world since 15 years old. I just really saw a lot of these and we've done a lot in a lot of great insight. I hope you guys enjoy this amazing interview with Kim. Kim, thank you so much for joining us so early in the morning and Australia and welcome to the social community and show my players, I think you said what's happening. So when I, you know, uh, reading all your stuff and doing other things, I came across this, you know, you were 15 and you were trying to do this, what was going on at 15 that made you say, you know what, entrepreneurship, I'm going to give this a go.

Speaker 3: 01:28 Well, it's funny, it's like, even since I was a little kid, I'd always tried little entrepreneurial things. Now, um, I remember when Pokemon very first came out, um, at school, nobody else could have, and we used to have this probably show a little bit of age for some people, the floppy disk at school. So we have them. So I went in and like got a thing of floppy disks. I pretty much like a pinched him out of my dad's office and I was like, Dad, I'm just going to take these [inaudible] before I was like, don't worry. Took them downloaded Pokemon and then like, and like essentially burned it onto the, to the floppy disks. Then I took them to school and sold them for $3. Um, because all the other kids didn't know how to gather them and I knew how to use computers. I knew how to download it.

Speaker 3: 02:09 So, um, obviously don't advocate piracy, but I was like, this is great. This is such a cool, it's like I have something many people want and they're willing to pay for it, then wow, I can make money from that. So that's a, that was kind of my first, uh, delve into entrepreneurship there. But then when I was 16, I'd always wanted to be a businessman in inverted commerce with, when I started looking at, you know, different ways how I could use like the Internet to make money, how I could use really any, any opportunity to try and figure out how to, how to bring an income for myself so that I could, yes, I can explore other options and see how I can help people.

Speaker 2: 02:50 What was there something going on in, you know, in your family or, or something that made you want to make money at such a young age?

Speaker 3: 02:57 Um, I look it, it wasn't really for the need or it's like family support or anything like that. Like we weren't, we weren't exactly like, it wasn't like a rich family, but we like ultimately I'm middle class. I was say, um, but it was just always something interesting to me. I always disliked, you know, when they said like, well, you want to be when you grow up. And it was like, oh, an astronaut or a pilot. I was like a businessman with my always my response. I don't know why. Um, and I always had this dream and I was a kid that was going to have the same brief case and you know, go around the world for some reason. I don't know why mom and dad had his own small business. You used to work at a bank and then Saturday business. So, um, I saw a bit of that as well as all kind of like a bit of the freedom and the flexibility that that boy, um, uh, to, to our family, to a person as well.

Speaker 3: 03:43 So I always was just always interested in, it's funny because I was like, well, I always thought it was, and I'll say like, you know, you can in inverted commas, easy to be able to make some ways. So always surprised me when people didn't do, I was like, well, you just find something that people want and then you sell it to them. Like they didn't really like that confusing to me. Um, obviously there's, there's more to it, but when I like when I saw that the abilities to do that, I was like, well, it's kind of just makes logical sense to me.

Speaker 2: 04:11 Right. Interesting. Um, you know, I came across the article a few, maybe a month or so ago now, or I as a podcast, something that's along those lines, but I want to get reading the article and it was saying that over the past 30 years, I believe this is only here in America. Um, that entrepreneurship is down and in fact millennials actually want to go work for some place that, uh, it hasn't really been more security. Have you experienced that? And then with that, why do you think that's happening even though it seems like in the media and the social media and everything, like that entrepreneur is a new hot trend.

Speaker 3: 04:47 Yeah. Well I'm like, the reason why I asked you to do is, and especially for millennials and things like that, and um, I would probably say it would be potentially similar here, but you know, it's, it is stressful and hard and even though everyone wants to sexify makes, make entrepreneurship sounds so good, it is not easy. No. A pat on the back to millennials cause yes, good word for someone might as much easier. Let's just keep your hair and you don't get extra kilos and be stressed and all this sort of stuff from running a business. It takes, it takes a lot of effort to create a business. And now every man and his dog wants to use the word entrepreneur, you know, big joined their first network marketing company. Um, but uh, I would say I think it's like, it's one of the most important things and I think that's because more and more actual entrepreneurs that are running businesses are more open to things like intrepreneur ship, which I, which is something really big and that's something that I advocate within our company is that it's like cool, well if you have an idea and you want to be able to make more money for yourself, it's like why didn't you come?

Speaker 3: 05:52 Like come to myself, come to our management team and go look, this is something that I've been looking at doing. If within the realm of what we do, for example, like we, you know, someone's in graphics on this call, I want to make more money as I will come to us, we'll figure out a way to create offer within what we do. So you can be in charge, but you can run it, you can be a manager, you can be the entrepreneur of the whole thing. But is there an easy reason for you to run off style business? Putting that stress on yourself on this? Like, why don't you do something with us and we can support you with it as well.

Speaker 2: 06:21 Yeah. And then with that tool, if you did want to afterwards start a business, you're learning on somebody else's dime. So that's gotta be, you know, even a better environment

Speaker 3: 06:31 to learn from. Oh, definitely. It's like, if you can figure it out, figure out a way to do it that way. It's like why put all the extra stress pressure on yourself? It's like, I, I did that and it's like, it's not fun. I would not recommend it to anyone unless you are really crazy. Like wait, but I'm otherwise it's like, yeah, if you can figure out a way to do it easier, simpler and learn it. And then as well, you know, like who knows, potentially she could get a partner at or like one of the classes that works with us, we pondered with him after he wanted to start his company and all our support, everything like that and started touring company and we were business partners and then just, yeah, recently he, um, uh, to over 100% ownership of the company. So it was um, like a, a pretty good, I would say a process and flow through for him.

Speaker 2: 07:16 Yeah, definitely. He took a lot of the risk off of himself by not only having new folks in your experience and and resources, there's whatever capital f folk you folks use and whatnot. And then on top of that, I mean you guys made some money and then you guys probably got a nice little payout at the end and it really worked out well for everybody.

Speaker 3: 07:32 Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2: 07:33 What are, what are some other, these hard truths that people you know, don't hear about or not talked about in the entrepreneurial space? I know you had a podcast and so let's talk about some of these things. What are some of those that you've heard and you've and or experienced?

Speaker 3: 07:47 Well, I think the biggest thing is like how much risk is actually involved and it's like they're like, all right, so just risk from me, Michael. I'm a risk taker. It's like you put new take on financial risk, you put risk, your relationships at risk, you put the risk of other people's lives because as soon as you become an entrepreneur, as soon as you start hiring people, you are responsible. And it's like when I first realized this, it kind of scared me a lot. I was like, well I am only responsible for myself now. I now have three staff so I'm actually responsible for the wellbeing of their families. Right Ryan? Like for them, their families, like there's a whole spiral and there's a whole tree of people now that I actually like this or alliance on what I do. Like if I have the tree, just choose not to work today shuts things down and it's like he doesn't just affect me anymore.

Speaker 3: 08:37 It affects 40 people like even though, and you have three or four staff, so it's like, Whoa, okay, this is something that is, you have to take very, very seriously. It's not like it's just a lie at Brazy oh yeah, cool. Dream to start a company and do this. And it's like, hang on, do you do this now? There the repercussions to your actions, you have a big, big, big level of responsibility that you've got a taste. So to me, I think sometimes it's like, Whoa, they would just go ahead and start. Yeah. Or hire people, fire whatever. My base like you just knowing that like is it as easy as that? But the responsibility and the burden of responsibility I think is something that a lot of people forget about. And it's like all black. If he's doing things like that, you've got a down go, okay, I've got a, you've got to wear your big boy boiled be girl pants every day. And to take responsibility factor, this is not easy. And then when you've been to let people go, it's like your head. It's always, always a tough one as well.

Speaker 2: 09:33 Yeah. I know some people that uh, they, they relocated and they thought everything was fine and they bought a house and then like weeks later, sorry, we're gonna let you go.

Speaker 3: 09:42 That's like, oh, that's, that's tough. And that's a huge burden. A huge responsibility. Yeah. And weekly. We literally just someone the other day and they handled it like a working at another company, handed in their notice. And I was like, I was like, where different. Like I already, I knew definitely show that we want to do and we have enough work for them to do so. But I was like, we've just asked someone to quit a job over here. They're coming to work for us. That's a pretty big burden or responsibility that we take on every time. Something like that happens.

Speaker 2: 10:12 Yeah, that's a, yeah, it's a big ask and a lot of responsibility. It's nice that you take that seriously. A lot of people, like you were saying earlier that you know, is just hire and fire guys. No big deal. But there's a lot that really goes into an disrupts people's families and plans and all kinds of things.

Speaker 3: 10:26 Yeah.

Speaker 2: 10:27 What, what does, what is some, um, bad advice you hear people giving either other entrepreneurs or about entrepreneurship?

Speaker 3: 10:37 Enough time to go through it.

Speaker 2: 10:39 What's like the one or two things that just really get into your skin when you hear him?

Speaker 3: 10:42 Um, I mean one of the big ones I think is that people always just say just work harder. Just hustle harder. Like I just like face palm every single time because yes there are, you do have to work on, and there are times that you have to work hard, but most of the time if you are working like 12, 14, 16 hours a day, most of the time I'm going to say that you're probably ineffective, right? Because almost impossible to work effectively. I don't even know myself. Like if I say I've had a big day, it's like yes, but in that there's been a couple of hours of downtime that has to be because you can't be effective that whole period of time. So that is one of the biggest like biggest ones. And I'm just like, oh no, that's not the actual case. This I can have you broke down and figured out why you have to do that.

Speaker 3: 11:30 Most probably your business model is broken and that's why you have to work like that. Or you don't have the right team members that you need. And if you kind of afford the team members, you need, your business model is broken. So I always find that people like giving that advice. It doesn't, I don't think it's necessarily like it's good general advice, but when people who take it specifically for them for their situations, I hang on, have you actually thought about what you need before he just go? Yeah, yeah. Someone told me just hustle, hustle. So I yeah, and I said 10 minutes last night. I was like, no, that's probably not the answer like that to me, I think it's always like the biggest one is like the most important one to think about. And then second to that would be the whole fake it till you make it.

Speaker 3: 12:12 Um, yeah, that is like an aspect of that. That is true. But I think this, sometimes people, people kind of get that messed up. So this was like, if you're acting as if you are a type of person and you like are using, you know, look into the personal development studio, you're like, yeah, cool. Like, I'm going to act like a billion until I become a billionaire. That's, that's accurate. That's actually good. That's a good piece of advice. But it's not, oh, I take a picture in front of a Ferrari that you see at the local shopping center and pretend as yours or someone else's ask screenshot of their clients results or, you know, we'll pass the private jet as you go to get on a tiny airplane to a hundred. That's not the fake it till you make it. But some people kind of a mystery and I don't understand what that and the meaning of that, that phrase is. And that causes a lot of problems.

Speaker 2: 13:04 Yeah. Those, those are two are two real big, big ones. And I, I was, I was talking to somebody and they were like, you know, I keep hearing, I got to work hard, but I work 16 hour days. I don't know what else I can do. And it's like, that is one that does take, you know, being effective and efficient. I think a lot of people put that out and I don't know how it is there, but here, um, that's like a badge of honor, you know, in a, in a way it's like, you know, look at me, I'm so busy and I must be successful. And it's like you shouldn't be working 16 hour days necessarily. Um, because you, you should start to, you know, like you were saying, hire people, find processes. Like what are you doing, what are the stupid things you're doing every day and all day long that are just sucking up all this time.

Speaker 2: 13:45 And it's like if you maybe automated or if you hire somebody, if you change your process, you wouldn't probably live in a, not only a bunch of steps that you're doing, but all these other things you'd free up so much more time and then you'll get it. And then the other aspect that as well, and then I don't get enough sleep and it's like he, I think people redundant asked me sleep as well too. And that's something I like to have maybe protect and harp on as well. It's like if you are not getting a decent amount of sleep, you're getting two or three, four hours sleep, you're basically hung over all day long. You just can't perform it. That rate either.

Speaker 3: 14:14 There's um, there's so much coming here about slowing down. Like I dunno, it actually causes, I think there was a, an article that actually causes brain damage if you don't have you consistently have that period of time. She was my um, um, my sister and brother in law or run an events company and they do personal development events and previously they would run, they would run like I'm 12, 14 hour days and they would like go back, debrief, get four hours sleep, get up and do it again four days in a row. And then they would go to a new city, do it again and then remember that isn't his article and, and literally changed the way, did their business. So they know a cool, we're finishing every night now at 7:00 PM so that we can, we can get the rest of that, of that look.

Speaker 3: 14:57 It's not that it's bad for the attendees because they have to go, it's like Tony Robbins ask Yvan, right? They have to go through a little bit of that break and stuff where they're like, we can't do this for weekends, back to back because brain image. And after I heard that or not upon a podcast, I was like, okay, cool. They literally changed how they do it. They started finishing their events earlier. Um, all these sorts of things. So like it just makes so much of difference and I know that, but I think that's one big thing is probably, yeah, the, um, the sleep and then like the nutrition and like your body, because I know that like yesterday for example, in the morning I had a, like, not by design, but I had pretty much a day offering going to the gym. But I know how much different I felt in the morning when I didn't go to the gym.

Speaker 3: 15:42 And then by doing have the right, like if I don't have much, um, like I'll say like micro nutrient dense food where it's like, you know, lots of Greens and things like that. It completely changed where I feel and then I could drag out a whole day for 16 hours, feel super tired, not getting much sleep in. But I'm like compounding all the negatives. But I know when I get good sleep, I have heaps of water. Like I like one water I think is another one that is hugely important are a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners. Like, no, I'm too busy. I'm like, no, that's again like you probably walking around as you say, like hung over tired this and then also dehydrated is not a good combination. Um, you can do that properly and you have all those things in law and it makes like your much more, as you said, like efficient and effective within eight hours as opposed to needing to work for six to eight hours.

Speaker 2: 16:27 Right. And that, yeah, and it's funny you say that. I bet you that person who says I can't drink water has a giant cup of soda or something or coffee on it. Yeah.

Speaker 3: 16:34 Yes. That

Speaker 2: 16:37 out. Yeah. Um, and the exercise is interesting too because I found that as well and I thought for a, I used to be heavy into, into working on is being fit and stuff. And then the goals I had around that went away. And then I was like, well, I have no reason to be working out as level anymore, so I really need to do it. I've worked out so much, I should probably be good for the rest of my life. That was a stupid thing. And I had, and then I was like, and I was talking older start getting a little fatter and a little heavier and I was like, man, you know, I really started working out, but you know, I gotta dedicate an hour soda to, you know, getting to the gym, working out, coming back home, I'm showering, changing, like all these things.

Speaker 2: 17:14 I was like, you know, I could really spend that hour, hour and a half working. And then as I kind of progressed with that stupidity, I found that, you know, I, I can't go on any longer this, I'm trying to get kind of little too, too heavy, a little too chubby and I know this is gonna Affect me and started working out. I found that I could do more work after work. I could be more focused, I can get more things done after spending an hour or so working out. It's really amazing. Like these little things like that cleaning up your diet. I F I personally have found the same thing and just so much more effective. I can get so much more things done. My brain is clear, my are clearer. I'm able to just, you know, get through tasks so much easier with something so simple as just working out and eating, eating kind of a lot better.

Speaker 3: 17:59 Yeah. And it sounds, it sounds clinic counter productive. Would you like, oh I need that for work or whatever bay is, you get so much more done afterwards. You actually have a clear head. You've probably come out with better ideas to one speaker and take that away. And Yukon between conflicts on somebody for 16 hours a day. Is it possible that you do need, like even if you were working 12 hours, you need somebody to break up the day to break out the focus to allow your brain to like kind of like reset, refresh. And I always find much the time if I've been having a tough day, struggling to come up with an idea for a client campaign or whatever it might be that once I get in, go to the gym, I'll go back and I'll have, I'll be fresh and more. When I try it first thing in the morning, it's like, it's so easy for me. Then when I go in I'm like, cool, I'm pretty clear. I'll focus, know what I want to tell you for the day. And then it's just happy days.

Speaker 2: 18:47 What about, what about naps? Um, I was a long advocate of naps are for old people and children. Lately I've found my low is about four four 30 I have to really just fade off and I stopped focusing. I've been trying to take this little 1520 minute naps and I have found personally they've helped. Have you experienced anything like that or have you thought about that?

Speaker 3: 19:07 One of my buddies is a big time advocate of, of naps because I work in the office and I don't even really, I haven't really done that. But what I've done is I do like a 10 minute meditation. So they were like, yeah, it's, it's called Muse. So it actually tracks your inner game of flies, meditation. So more people, your mind is um, when you're, uh, you've got headphones in, then you've, then you've got this like receptical in your head if you will, to track it. Um, the more peaceful and calm you are, the more urge here. So the whole point of it is that your game of flying it because you're trying to get the most birds possible when you are meditating. So you're try, you're like sitting there trying to be peaceful. But then as soon as, again, as soon as you focus on the birds, you're not meditating because you're trying to focusing on the bird. So then your brain goes crazy. So it's, um, it's a really interesting approach. It's about, for me, I think that's probably the, like similar to a 15 minute nap. It's like a 15 minute, like how, how a session and after that it's like, I haven't been able to think about anything. I'd been peaceful, calm, but look, to be honest, if I had a couch in the office, I'd probably be napping on it. If I, if I, yeah,

Speaker 2: 20:17 I found that if I, if I nap in a chair or something along those lines, um, I'm okay. But if I, if I work at home here and if, if I go to, if I hit my bed, I'm done for like an hour. So I like to do, I have a nice little reclining chair I use over here and then that's where I usually, and it's funny, like I will kind of drift off and then I'll just wake back up in about 20 minutes and it's like really interesting.

Speaker 3: 20:41 Yeah. Nice. I think there's, there's a whole lot of science behind it, but I know that when I was at sleep and stuff, and this is where I think now it's interesting because the climate goes I against this a little bit by, it's like that the sleep cycles, worst sleep cycle was kind of 90 minutes and if you wake up anything outside of that, you don't actually, you haven't really got the full effect of it. So I haven't heard that and compared it with naps because then too many egos as well. Is it actually beneficial than if I have an APP but I don't nap for 90 minutes. Is it still like from the sleep side of things, is it still beneficial? Like it's, it's weird, but I know that so many people that are advocates of like the half an hour nap in the afternoon, you know, the old Siesta. I think it's always good.

Speaker 2: 21:30 Yeah. I've heard some, I've heard a few different things, uh, in that I've heard if you do between 20 and 60, they somewhere in between there. You sure? Okay. I think 90 is like the Max. Like, if you're, if you're going over 90, like you're just doing another sleep cycle and you're really going to be kind of messed up. Um, I noticed if I, if I just had like a really, really ultra hard workout or a bunch of a few back to back days where, um, I, I've kind of got to bed late and got up early for whatever reason. And if I, and if I have the time and I do like a 45 60 minute nap, I feel like I usually can go another six, seven hours. Like full, full on without a problem.

Speaker 3: 22:10 Yeah. It's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. I definitely want to start testing out, but yeah, it's, my team will pass my door and they see me not being richer in the science.

Speaker 2: 22:24 Everybody's got to go to Napa and then everybody would be okay with it.

Speaker 3: 22:27 Yeah.

Speaker 2: 22:29 So what we talked about some of the bad things, kind of the other things like what, what is some, some really good advice you either here or something you really just want to

Speaker 3: 22:38 kind of

Speaker 2: 22:38 pass on to everybody about being an entrepreneurship about starting a side hustle or some kind of micro business or something along those lines.

Speaker 3: 22:46 The biggest and most important one I think is one of my mentors told me, which is never worry alone because it is very lonely. As soon as you do start things because you're alienated from sometimes friends, family and your pine or whatever it might be depending on the situation and you feel like it's all on you. And you know, like sometimes it's like other people don't understand. But when you share a problem, shared is a problem. So if you can find a group, a community mentor ending on what level of business that you're at, you know, um, I've always believed in mentors and coaches and paid for them to, to get around them because as soon as you share a problem, most of the time someone who has done that had been there, done that and knows it's like, Oh yeah, that, oh, you're experiencing that problem.

Speaker 3: 23:32 Oh, that's easy. Yeah, no worries. Don't worry about that. It's like, Oh, you've got to pay your tax. Don't worry. I'll tell you about a time when I forgot to pay a $200,000 in tax. It was an interesting time. So you're like, oh cool, wait, I'm not like a, not that bad or size. No. Only me, like just always people that have those early. If you have groups where you can, where you can share your problems with, it just makes it so much easier because sometimes even just as soon as you say it, like I had a client talk to me the other day, they shared with me their problem and I was like, Oh, I'm not getting enough business fast enough and they're all upset. And I was like, cool, let's jump on a call, put in the calls that was happening. Like whoa, whoa. You know, I had, I've had one booking. Um, I had five ladies that I spoke to and did this and I was like, cool. So you'd be like, well, you spent too much in your ads. Like, well, I didn't tell him. I ended up, I spent like 15, $20 and was like, so you spent $20, you made $200 and you're complaining that you don't have more clients fast enough. Is that, what about if you just increase your ad spend?

Speaker 2: 24:33 Yeah. So you get 10% return, whatever, you know, to, to get that or whatever. Um, yeah, they take the 200 bucks. You should make, you know, you know, 2000 maybe $20,000 off of that if you did the same thing.

Speaker 3: 24:47 Yeah. And know that is it, is it just that easy? I'm like, well yeah, like you said, there was a problem. I was like, I don't see any problems here and there. They're like, ah, okay, thanks. I'd done it was at five minutes, but they're like, oh, my business isn't growing fast enough. You already got one client, but I'm like, but you don't actually have a problem like you know, in five minutes. I'm like, oh cool. All right, good. I don't have a problem. And then they go about what they're doing. So it's just funny sometimes that or things much bigger in our heads than it needs to be. And if you can just have the people that you can share with, most of the time they're, or this is their solution or actually you don't have a problem at all.

Speaker 2: 25:25 Yeah. That always that outside perspective, the person that's not attached, it's not in the weeds and not in there. They just look in and say, I, yeah. Such a simple thing. And you stopped to thinking like, yes, actually it was, if I would have detached a little and pulled back, I probably could have seen it too. But yeah, it's nice to have, I know what you're saying. That loneliness kind of thing or whatever. Yeah, that gets it. It's easy to get stuck in that. And next thing you know it's dark out and you're like, oh, why haven't seen another human being today? Like, wow. So you, you been in, in, in the social media space and stuff like that, could you share you maybe two or three tips for the average kind of person that, that you know, just a regular guy on social media, whether it's, you know, the career that maybe they're trying to advance them at that or you know, or a business or are people just trying, I'm trying to grow up on and what are the one, two things people really maybe should, should be doing or shouldn't be doing?

Speaker 3: 26:14 Yeah. Look, number one, the beacon that everyone shouldn't be doing it. Here's a video. Um, I know, again, it can be a scary thing for people, especially if I tell someone pull out a phone and do a live video. It can be scary, but video is the fastest way for you to build a following, to build interaction, to build a connection with people. And it's so sort of, sort of cheap to get in front of people when you have a video of sir, like I highly, highly recommend as much as possible practicing, get good at video because I'm forward to so go on again more like they said by next year, this was probably four years ago, I think this quote came out from Sheryl Sandberg is the Coo of Facebook that by 2020 and who's going to be like as 75% of the newsfeed is going to be video.

Speaker 3: 26:58 Um, and I think when I scrolled through at the moment, most of what I see is the video. Like, so there's so much stuff that's already there, so it probably wouldn't be far away from that. So, um, I highly recommend just get comfortable with video, just put some things out there. It doesn't have to be professional. I'm just the most important things to our lighting and audio so that they are decent. Then just go for gold. Like it just put yourself out there. Um, and then number two is get used to get used to the haters as a, if you ever start promoting your videos in, it's like you're done a call. Like I see some like almost some comments that come on my videos on the site. Like I don't know what encourages people to do it, but I'm going to scroll through Facebook trying to find videos and then go and put bad comments on that.

Speaker 3: 27:41 Like, or just stupid things. I'm like, it makes no sense to me. Um, and you know, I'm, I'm, I'm just putting that business going to, and it's like some, some people as they are, that they're putting out of the content only like a hundred comments age yet. This is just ridiculous. But um, yeah, just get used to that. Cause it's like, for me it's like if I say it, um, sometimes I'd still treat you. Like we, I show my team once a week, we'll put together all the funny comments and I'm just like, we're like, where did these guys get come out with this stuff? Some of the time I'm like, oh shoot. That was just something that again, you've got to get used to. Um, unfortunately because, uh, yeah, people are idiots on social media and um, I know that in uh, in person and no one would ever would ever do it.

Speaker 3: 28:23 And it's always, always funny because I laugh because it's like, well like, um, people that they, you know, they control, they cause a Ruckus and they, you know, they kind of try and sell you up. And I remember the one guy when I very first started, cause I'm like, I'm pretty big dude. I'm like six foot three, like plus kilos and I'm, I'm uh, showing champion in from of Brazilian Jujitsu. If you ever met me in real person, you would literally crap your pants. So I was like, so shut up. Cause it was a really, it was a bad comment and I was like, I would be back at it a little bit, but then I was like, what is, this is the Internet? Like who cares? This is someone sitting behind his keyboard and having a bit of fun in chocolate to himself. I was like, it doesn't matter anymore. But I remember the first time I was like so annoyed. Um, so I'd be back a little bit, but, uh, half flowers.

Speaker 2: 29:14 Yeah. That's really good. You know, it's sometimes you gotta read the comments, you know, cause there's questions and things in there, but yeah, you've got to let those things just roll off your back, the tweets, the dms or whatever it is. You got to let all that stuff just roll off your back and understand that, you know, people just either trying to stir up stuff or they're really having a hard time in your, in their life. Um, I think it was Sarah Silver, Minnesota, like that. She, some guy tweeted at her some horrible thing and she's like, wow, somebody really must've, you know, done something bad to you. And he's like, yeah, somebody did. And that is a whole long conversation. And then other people kind of got involved and, and, and why I'm getting this guy something like medical attention and some help in some, some things. So a lot of times that's just what it is. People have a bad time in life and they're just looking for the people that are succeeding are doing maybe what they want to be doing and they're just throwing heat and you've that's really, you've got to just ignore that and just let it slide off the back.

Speaker 3: 30:03 Yeah, it's all, one of my buddies runs a lot of ads that he does youtube training and someone's like, Oh man, you're one of those other fake fake gurus out there, blah blah blah. And then he came back, cause I know man, look, I'm pretty happy with what I do. Like appreciate the Colombian who and what you, what you think is what you're seeing. But um, no, I'm, I'm like, I know this works in this what I do for my clients and the guy comes out, he's like, Oh man, thanks for responding. Like, oh, okay, so you believe in it. And now I'll just, just want to test, ask to see if you actually believed in what you were saying. Well, I'm like, like, who does that? So it just, you know, but it's, as you say, it's each to their own. Everyone's doing the best they can with the resources they have available to them. So, um, yeah, you've just got to kind of be at our role that, so it's um, you know, uh, get happy if you've got, if you've got some people here doing your stuff, you're probably doing stuff right.

Speaker 2: 30:52 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. People are, are, are aware of you that to that level, keep on doing what you're doing. You're doing all right. Exactly. So what has been the best failure you've ever had when you've just kind of look back at it and said, man, I'm, I'm Kinda glad that happened. I learned a lot from it.

Speaker 3: 31:12 Probably one of the biggest was I am, I took on a client that we were actually quite suited for. So we, um, which I think it was something like, um, seven or $8,000 per month and we had them come on and it was just before Christmas time and it literally like, it stressed me out, it really, really badly. I'm leading into Christmas and it looks like really frustrated and annoyed and um, cause I was working for them and I was like, I was literally probably like 18 hour days just cause I didn't have the team at the time and I couldn't hire them. It was just the four Chrysalis. It was all this stress. And I was like, this is not what I go into business for and it's coming up to Christmas. I was like, I'm not, I can't be working Christmas Day running ads. I was like, I'm going to spend time with my family and stuff like that.

Speaker 3: 31:53 So when that happened, I like I, I do as a first time I ever discovered that I could fire a client. And I was like, oh good. I spoke to my, um, one of my mentors and I told him, and he's like, when you just fire them. And I was like, what do you mean? He's like, well, just tell them you don't want to work with them anymore. I'm like, ah, I can do that. He's like, yeah, I could, you know, it didn't really make sense. So you and I was like, ah, okay. I can find someone that like they can fire me as a, as a, uh, as an agency. Okay, cool. So I started looking at that and then I was like, well, I, um, I am in again in very close. I fired them, but I found someone who I thought could do a better job than I could. It was like at the top, run their game to really help them out so that I could make a good referral and said, look guys, look, I can't help you with this. It's too stressful for me, which they are losing hair here. So, um, let me pass you on to somebody else I know who does a better job than me.

Speaker 2: 32:54 This is

Speaker 3: 32:55 specialists in this k area. They run a huge campaign bigger than the campaigns a unit run, so let me pass you over to them. And, um, yeah, I'm, I'm ended up connecting them up and um, obviously I was um, uh, they really appreciated me looking after them that way. And they also had the guys that I referred them to, they were all super happy as well.

Speaker 2: 33:14 That's a, that's a great story. I, I, I liked that lesson. Like you can fire your clients and a lot of people, they are so scared that they don't have enough plans are the ones they have just are paying the bills and like you said, the sole stress when there's so much stress there, it is so much better on you to try a try to screen those people out before you get on there. But if they're a pain in the ass, just fire them. You're going to be better off, you're going to be happy and then now you have this extra time to go get a client. You want to work with me. Exactly, exactly.

Speaker 3: 33:47 It's much easier. Um, but then as well it's like the also Camille was going, well maybe I should be referring. So when people come through, why am I not sending them to someone else? If I don't think their ideal. And that's when I, one of the strategy of preeminence from Jay Abraham, it's like I learned a lot around that and I was like, okay, cool. So now if someone comes, I say to them is I look, um, I'm happy to have a call with you, see if we're suitable. But if we're not, I'm probably going to refer you to someone else because they're going to do a better job for you. And people appreciate that and they're actually sometimes when that happens and the potential client wins if I send them to someone else and that when the person who I send them to most of the time say, Oh yeah, cool though, we send you some like a referral fee or something like that and sometimes take it, sometimes it don't. But um, it's kind of like win win for everyone then.

Speaker 2: 34:35 Yeah, that's a good philosophy. I like that there's so much business out, there is so much things out there. Passing these guys on it, you know, isn't going to hurt you. And especially in the long run, you're going to build better ratio and they're going to know like, Hey, you know, Kim, Kim's a guy, you can trust what he says because he could've just took me on taking my money and did a shitty job and he said, no, this isn't for me. Let me pass you this guy that's going to do better. You're going to build a whole lot more trust, especially in the long run in business is such a small circle. You're going to run into these people again or somebody that knows them and has said something negatively about you.

Speaker 3: 35:06 Exactly. And it's a long game. So it was like, and look, sometimes you do take on clients you think are going to work and they don't, but you know, like that's, that's just, that's just business. Um, and as long as you try and leave everything, I think better than you found them, then I think you're always in a, in a good spot.

Speaker 2: 35:22 Yeah. What is a typical morning look like for you? I know this isn't a typical morning, but maybe that, that first 60 to 90 minutes, whatever habits or routines that you do every day.

Speaker 3: 35:32 Yes. We're pretty much like, the first thing I would do is I'd probably drink about, um, sorry I'm not speaking like Australia you envisioned is like a liter of water. Um, so I really pound down later we'll Gwadar and then pretty much, um, I'll be up and going straight to the gym. So the gym is like two minutes from my house. So that's pretty much my first port of call was just to stop in there. Um, uh, normally all listen to some, uh, something, no, a motivational, but I'll listen to something like in a moment I'm listening to a car audio book, why Eleanor in which really good. So I'll listen to something that kind of gets me fired up for the day. Um, so I him to the gym, get a workout done and then I'll have a, um, a warm shower. But then I transitioned to a cold shower for the last kind of like minute of it to the day to kind of get me pumped up. And then, um, I'll, uh, I'll grab a coffee and then I pretty much hit into the office from there. So the first part is really focusing on getting into the air, like water to replenish shops. Probably be dehydrated rather than I, I'm getting in some, uh, movement and a little bit of learning. Um, and then, yeah, then, uh, uh, headed into the office and then going and plan out what's on for the day.

Speaker 2: 36:41 I know, I know you, you've done, and I don't know, you still really do, but you did a lot of traveling when you're traveling. Is there, you know, one of these one or two things that you just kind of must do that really set you up on the road to win the day?

Speaker 3: 36:54 Well, it's a tough one because, yeah, it's, um, I probably sucked at following my routines when I'm traveling, but, um, I think that is the big one is, is it's still focusing on doing that because again, it's very easy to give yourself the excuse of harm traveling. Yeah. We'll kind of do that. But I found on the days where, like when I was, um, uh, last year and when I was in the u s at the end of the year, when I got up in the morning, even if I just did like some pushups on the floor and some crunches, like I felt so much better for the day of doing some movement in the morning as opposed to doing nothing, cause the end of the day goes on and it was at event. And then it's like people that go, let's have dinner. So it's like, Whoa, give myself on and I'll, I'll, I'll do a workout in the evening. So no, that never happens. No thrive and dinners and stuff. It's not gonna happen. So, um, I would just go, okay, try and do something in the morning, make sure I keep my times, get up, have lots of water, um, make sure I stay hydrated. And then like at least in I've done one thing, one the day they took that off and then I'm, I'm good to go for the rest of the day.

Speaker 2: 37:56 I like that. That's good. Yeah. And, and it's, it's, it's so simple and most hotels nowadays you see that there's some kind of Jim ish thing, but if not simple, you know, doing, doing some pushups and burpees on your hotel room floor, it's super simple, super easy. I like that.

Speaker 3: 38:11 Yeah. Just keeping an easy, I think is the, is the best part and just making sure it's something you can definitely do every day in this. Yeah, it's there, it's done and dusted.

Speaker 2: 38:20 Have there been any habits or routines you've added or removed lately from your, from what you've been doing?

Speaker 3: 38:27 The probably the only routine of added is going back to Jujitsu. Um, because, um, I fell in sometimes at the end of the day I'm still like a quiet hyper wired from the day and I'm like, ah, it sometimes takes me a while go to go to sleep. And also I'm just always thinking about business and I again, I try and give my brain a break from that. I know when I go to Jitsu it's like I'm going to have at least 90 minutes where you can't think about anything else. You can only focus on what you're doing because otherwise you'd probably get like a broken arm or something like that. So, um, punched in the face or whatever it might be. So it's like, oh yeah, you're going to be very careful in page interests or something. I bought back here. This is going and doing that cause I didn't do that for about four years.

Speaker 3: 39:06 So I wanted to ensure that I was there. I was able to, to do, to have a time where I'm like, it's free. I'm not thinking about anything else. And Re brought that in. I think it's been one of the, probably the big keys. Um, uh, key to me over the last couple of weeks. We should have been pretty crazy for us because we're hiring new people. Um, and so we've got a, everyone's got a bit of extra workload until they start. So it's like, that has definitely been a positive one for me that I can see the benefits of, um, really bringing that, that routine back in. Yeah. No, just two is, is fun. I haven't done a long time either. I've been thinking about doing it. My son, he wants to get into it too, and I think that'd be, it'd be fine. I gotta I gotta find a place here to get into that.

Speaker 3: 39:52 Um, what, what book or books have helped you the most on your journey or so many, but probably the big ones of racing years would be a book called the goal by a doctor Eli gold rat. Um, which is all about basically like systems and processes and the new business and any kind of how things flow in a business. Um, so that is why one of my all time favorites, I highly recommend the audio book. It's pretty entertaining. Um, and then the other one probably would be cold breeding gazelles, bye Dan Bradbury. So it was really interesting. Um, when I read that book, I was like, oh, he's like talking about me. This is exactly me. It was like, it was one of the books where you go, this person really understands the audience. Cause the whole time I'm like, like I'm listening to this audio book is not in my head.

Speaker 3: 40:40 I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, this is me. So it's um, uh, that was a great one. I highly, highly recommend that for anyone that's like rolling a business at the moment it's um, it's really, really good. So they're the two that have, I mean there's so many, but they're too like straight off the bat that I know work really well. So good. Yeah, I know. I will link those in the show notes for you guys. If you guys would be interested in checking those out. Um, what is, what's the best way for people to get ahold of you? They want to find out more about what you're up to and maybe what things you service things up. You have to offer. Yeah, definitely. I mean like one of the big ways is just to hit me on Instagram at real. Kim Barriers is my handle there. Um, um, you see a lot of what I get up to kind of behind the scenes as well. Um, just our website, which is your social Dot. A U. Um, yeah, you can kind of see a lot more about what we do there, but yet you want to see what I, I get up to when you just want to shoot just to make sure me your questions, have a chat. Um, Instagram where we win the best boss to, to Yahoo as well.

Speaker 2: 41:36 And I guess I'll, I'll link those for you guys. It's easy for you guys to get to those things. And then, uh, the last thing here on the social committee show, we like to have a weekly challenge where we challenge people to do something. No, generally maybe about the episode or something you're interested in having people do to progress themselves, you know, further on in life. And then for this week's challenge, I like to give it to you and challenge the folks.

Speaker 3: 42:01 Oh, okay. I'm going to give everyone a water drinking challenge. Oh, I like this. So I don't know anything. It's, I don't know the conversion because I only work in leaders versus a not converted for everybody. Don't worry about it than my challenge is regardless of your size or anything like that, is some tea to drink four liters of water a day. It may sound like a lot for some, but if it regardless, it's like, it's pretty much like anybody size. It's like if you drink four liters of water a day, you would notice a difference than if you can do that until next week until you get your next challenge. That will be, you notice some beat changes. That's for sure.

Speaker 2: 42:38 APPS APP, definitely. Absolutely. I'll, I love that challenge is great. I know we all could be drinking more water. I, I've got a case of water thing and sits here all day long and I'm still, I still be drinking more water.

Speaker 3: 42:51 No, I like, it makes a big difference in years. It's so yes.

Speaker 2: 42:55 Yeah, it does make, it does make a huge difference in, in so, so many things. There's so many great things about drinking water and the things that does for your body. It is really amazing. Well, um, is there anything that you want to make sure we talked about or I got to on here? Anything you want to make sure we shared?

Speaker 3: 43:13 Normally I'm, that's pretty good and I think if anyone can take away just one little nugget from what we shared or whether it's one of the things that a, you shouldn't be listening to one of the things that you should like. Yeah, I think, um, yeah, it's, it's gonna be a, it's going to be big, but you know, don't always try and do everything at once. Just do one thing at a time and yeah, watch their results will flow from there.

Speaker 2: 43:32 Absolutely. Kim, thank you so very much for being on here. I really do. Like I said, I appreciate, I know it's barely in the morning. Everybody show him some love. Give, give him some love on social media for being up so early and so, so diligent with everything. It was really a true honor. Thank you so much.

Speaker 3: 43:46 My pleasure. Thanks for having me.

Speaker 2: 43:48 Okay. Hey, thanks guys. Thanks Cam. I really do appreciate, like I said earlier, uh, I hope you guys gained a lot of this. This is great insight. I love speaking with people like this. This is a great guy. Um, so much great information. Uh, in like I said, you know, Ali, all his things and Sean is three guys, reach out to him if you're looking to, you know, grow, grow your social media, whatever other things, connect with him. Uh, he's got some great insight. We haven't even touched on half of the things he's really good at, but the giveaway for this this month, you know, make sure you guys head over to this was We're always looking for great, innovative product solutions, whatever it is to help you grow, gain more, gain more knowledge, gain more insight, gain more time, whatever it is. Uh, we, we were always on the look out for things.

Speaker 2: 44:31 We want to share these things with you guys. Makes you guys head over to shoes, to the social me. Get into this month's giveaway. We want to help you get a leg up on things in this world. Get things moving with your goals in your, your self improvement, whatever it is that we've got going on. Make sure you head over there and get into this. You know, as always the best way to support the show. The best way to help help yourself, help, help your friends and family colleagues is to share this. Share this knowledge. Pass this on. Let's continue to build the community is continue to build each other. You know, the more we share, the more we teach them more. We're able to learn more, we're able to grow. We built our societies where our companies, everything it all, it all flows together. You guys can connect through us in between episodes at the social community and show on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, ah, you can subscribe on Youtube and your favorite podcast podcast app as well. For past episodes and links to everything we've talked about here today. You can give me as a social and until next time, keep learning. Keep growing. Keep transforming into the person you want to do.


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