Trust But Verify | Ep 62

62| Trust But Verify

Trust But Verify Trust but verify works when the outcome trumps the relationship.  If you’re trying to build a relationship, then trust but verify may not be the best strategy. Trust is easy to break and hard to gain. We need to be good stewards of verifying information before we share it with our community. […]

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Who’s To Blame | Ep 61

61| Who’s To Blame

Who’s To Blame On this episode, we want to play a game with you from the storybook The Pigman. It’s a murder story, the characters are, a husband and wife, her lover, a boatman and the assassin. After you hear the story you decide who is most to blame and this is supposed to tell

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You're Fired, Now What?

58: You’re Fired, Now What?

You’re Fired, Now What? If you came into work today and were told you’re fired or laid off would you be prepared? Would you be surprised? Are you ready for the ever-changing world, with advancements in A.I. (Artificial Intelligence), algorithms, automation, and mechanization? Hopeful today isn’t that day, however, that day is coming. For some,

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