Pharaoh Kelley:

In this episode, I’m talking with Pharaoh Kelley. Raised by his mother in the Brownsville section in Brooklyn, New York, Pharaoh endured hardships from early on. Economic instability, family trauma, and depression remain constant throughout the years. Life presented only two choices: continue to live in a generational cycle, or rise above the circumstances and make a change. His vision of what he wanted life to be led him on a path, in which he conditioned his mind to allow him to make significant changes in his life. The Ultimate Gift is knowledge, and Pharaoh's main mission is to inform youth of all ages the ability to master their minds so that they can Master their lives. Pharaoh’s mission is to show the importance of having a positive mindset no matter their current situation.

Pharaoh Kelley Speaking

Pharaoh Kelley

Founder, Legendary Vision
Published Author | Motivational Speaker | “Once you master your mind you will begin to master your life” I’m here to create positive thinking and to help people live a fulfilling life.

Episode Transcriptions Unedited, Auto-Generated.

Tyson: 00:00:15 Welcome to the social community and show where it's our goal to help you learn, grow, and transformative person want to become. Today I'm talking with Pharrell Kelly, raised by his mother in Brownsville section in Brooklyn. New York furrow endured hardships from early on, economic instability, family trauma and depression remained constant throughout the years. Life presented only two choices for him. Continued to live in a generational cycle or raise rise above the circumstances and make a change his vision of what he wanted life to be led him on a path in which he continued and he conditioned his mind to allow him to make significant changes in his life. The ultimate gift is knowledge. Afro's main mission is to inform youth of all ages that the ability to master their minds so they can master their lives. For Rose mission is to show the importance of living a positive, having a positive mindset, no matter their current situation.

Tyson: 00:01:06 He really does. She shows a lot of his background from being homeless and living in poverty to rising above that and knowing that there's more on in life, you know, going, going out to the libraries, doing what he's got to do to further his life for his education, going on to college and, and really starting to make something of herself. It's a really amazing touching story. Without further ado, let's talk to Pharaoh. Pharaoh, welcome to the social community show. Ever since I came across your Instagram, I've been so excited to talk to you. I think you're just doing great and amazing things.

Pharaoh: 00:01:39 I appreciate it, man. Thank you for having me. It's actually my first time doing a podcast, so I'm extremely excited and thank you for reaching out to me.

Tyson: 00:01:46 No worries. I hope we can make it a fun first time for you. I've done a lot of first times, so that's been an interesting, so, so you experienced, right? So let's, let's let's take this back to the beginning. You know, where were you born, where you, you know, how, what was that like?

Pharaoh: 00:02:06 Okay. Well, I'm originally from New York city lived there my whole life pretty much. I'm moved when I was 22, so Atlanta, Georgia, that's why I'm currently residing right now. But life was, it was different. You know, growing up lose pretty much, I was happy. I grew up with my mom and my dad and I'm extremely happy but also mean extremely poor. But you know, when you're, when you're young you don't really see that. Right. And but my mom, you know, she never really exposed us to a lot, just kept us happy, kept us fed, kept a roof over our head. And up until 18, when, you know, things started to get rough, that's when life changed a little bit. And when I was 22, I moved out here to Atlanta and Georgia. Yes sir.

Tyson: 00:02:44 What, what got rough in 18? What happened all of a sudden? What was going on? [inaudible]

Pharaoh: 00:02:48 Well, to go back a little bit, my dad, he left when I was 13, so he was the man of the house, took care of the bills, made sure everything was our order. Make sure, you know, it wasn't running Rao, you know how that is at 13. That's when, you know, drugs and alcohol got the best of them and I'm pretty much just never seen them after that. So my mom, she did her best just trying to keep up with the bills, but unfortunate that caught up with her and I'm around 17. That's when we got evicted and we had to go to a homeless shelter for the first time and we was there for about a year. And then you able to get an apartment after that three years after that we ended up back in the homeless shelter. So around that time I was 22 years old.

Pharaoh: 00:03:27 But the only difference around this time I couldn't go with her. They consider me an adult instead of me an adult. And so I couldn't go with the sort of family shelter and that's when, you know, things just started taking a turn. I feel like that's when I truly became a man at that time. So did that. I was homeless for about five to six months and ended up just moving out here. The girl that I was with at the time, she was actually having a kid my son now who's born and I just hit a fork in a row. We're saying, you know, I didn't really have much going on up there. I was homeless, didn't really have options. I had had a career with the city. I was actually a paraprofessional helping children with autism that, which was pretty amazing. But it really didn't have any more options and I always knew since my dad left my life, I wanted to be in my son's or daughter's life. So I made that move out here. And that's when my life changed as sir.

Speaker 3: 00:04:16 So, so your girl moved to Atlanta with your, your now son and then so you went with them,

Pharaoh: 00:04:23 Right. So at first I was a little hesitant to be honest with me. It was just a lot of emotions at the time. I was young kid. Like I said, it had, my dad didn't have anybody to teach me, you know, show me the ropes. She was moving actually with her mom first. So she was making the move and she let me know, Hey, I am pregnant. So it was one of those things where it's just, you know, arm shoved the bombshell. So I'm going to mental homeless shelter, trying to make the best. I'm working, and then I find out I'm having a kid. So it just a whole lot of emotions. But I made the decision to move and I just packed two bags I had and I remember just going to the Greyhound. The Rado was about a day and a half and it was pretty rough.

Pharaoh: 00:05:01 I remember it was this guy next to me. He was pretty sick throwing up. You know, I didn't really have any food or anything like that and I didn't know what I was expecting when I got to Atlanta. But all I knew was I had to make a change. I felt like this was you know, a big sign for me knowing that I am having a son, I know that I have my circumstances and I just said I can't keep living in a generational cycle. Pretty much what I was doing my whole life up until that point.

Speaker 3: 00:05:26 So from I guess what, why I guess around maybe what [inaudible] 17 to 22. Like what, what were you doing? What was like, what was going on in your life then? I know, I know you had the family stuff, but like,

Pharaoh: 00:05:37 Right, well what were you up to? So 17 so I'm just graduating high school and all throughout high school it was pretty different. I was, I would say I was pretty reserved. Like everybody knew it'd be a positive person, but I had a lot of things going on at home, you know, my mom knowing that my mom's worried about the bills. No, my dad not there. Oh, the sister who was like my best friend, she actually left as well. So as a kid and not really having an outlet, I just kept to myself. And if I can go back in time, I wish I would've talked to somebody, but I was really depressed. And really against any activities. They didn't really want to do anything outside of school. I was just really, really into my emotions. But I wanted to help my mom out so I would just get an odd job.

Pharaoh: 00:06:19 So I remember working at the movie theaters, which was pretty cool. I love movies, big movie buff. Titanic's one of my favorite, so I remember you're right. So I remember just working at the theater, just trying to help out as much as I can. You know, worked at ups and I also went to college. I am proud of that. First of my family to graduate. Thank you man. I appreciate it. I was able to get my associates degree just a two year degree in criminal justice, but made my mom proud. So from 17 up into 19, dealing with work and school. And then, you know, just getting odd jobs here and there. Man, that's pretty much pretty much what I was doing and then I'm just going through the turmoil through that, through that time being as well necessarily. So just trying to make ends meet.

Speaker 3: 00:07:00 Yeah, no, that's awesome. I'll be your mom. Did you, in that time, did you get mixed up with any, any like anything maybe kind of borderline trying to make some money or did you stay straight and then if you did or whatever you did, like how did you manage that?

Pharaoh: 00:07:17 Well, a few things. I actually had a, I had a little sister, I would say my mom when I was 10 years old, that's when I had a little sister. So she kept me grounded. It was like, you know, she was like my daughter essentially. And knowing that my mom needed help, it's pretty much just the three of us. She kept me pretty grounded, you know, kept me off the streets. I wasn't really doing anything foolish. You know, I have my moments, but I wasn't really in trouble any be trouble like that. So my little sister, I pay a lot of homage to her, man, kept me grounded. But other than that was just, you know, just I call myself astronaut, you know, I'll do whatever, you know, protect him on morals to make ends meet. So if I have to do odd jobs, you know, or get a fast food joint or you know, the jobs that somebody probably wouldn't go for, it doesn't look pretty appealing.

Pharaoh: 00:08:02 I was all down for it. But what I used to do a lot was go to the library for a few reasons I love to read, but also it was a place to go and kind of get away. Have free access to the internet, which is pretty cool. So I'll go there for a few hours, spend some time, kind of just get away, man. I was like, not my gateway. Also, I used to just go to the city. I loved the water. He used to just be bottled waters to police my mind. And I'm just to think and just get out of the craziness a lot. Yes sir. So I used to go to the city of LA. I'm from Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York, and you know, considered the city of New York city and yeah. So just, just anything I could do to get away. That's what, that's what I was trying to do at the time necessarily. Got the madness. Hmm.

Speaker 3: 00:08:42 Where did you kind of get that idea or thought or work ethic or whatever it is? Cause I mean, personally, you know, when, when you're down and out and times are tough, like it's easy to, to take the short road to take the quick cash or whatever it is.

Pharaoh: 00:08:56 You knew better you something inside of you said no. Where did, what did you get that from? What was, what is that about? I'll say my mom and my mom. She's a hard worker. Blue collar, kinda a woman I used to. I remember just watching her get up at 4:00 AM every day going to work. She used the job transit, so she's dropped people around. And that's also, I kinda got my people skills from my mom. I remember when I was young, we will be out and she would just always talk to her. Everybody say, ma, why you, why you gotta talk to everybody you see. But as I got older, I knew how important it was just to be nice to people and you know, to be respectful. But just watching her bustle hump every day, man, every single day never complained and never seen.

Pharaoh: 00:09:37 I take a vacation day. And that, that drove me to be honest with you, just never seeing her complain. Always don't, you know, doing her best to put food on the table. Whether it's, we had to go to churches to get food get free clothes. She always did everything she had to do to make ends meet and to make sure that we was pretty much taken care of the best that she could. And I'm just watching her drive and, and her hustle, man, it was really inspiring for me. That's my hero man. I love my mind, death till this day. And that drove me. So I'll always say, you know, if I can watch her, you know, not complain number, she had a broken foot, still went to work, never got surgery on foot. And you know, like I said, I took a vacation day off and never really relaxed and never just rest it up.

Pharaoh: 00:10:18 And she can go through that and, and not complain. I'm pretty sure I can get up and go to work and go to school and then just try to make my situation better. And then also just want to go against the grain. Man. I wanted to do something different. Like I said, I pretty much was born into a generational cycle. Dad left when we was 13 and my mom was just in survival mode. I never blame her for anything, but when you're in that kind of mindset, you don't really have time to teach. I don't really have time to sit down and try to strategize and figure things out and teach about generational wealth and teach about, you know, things that's that debt you do need when you get older. I'm just constantly trying to pay the bills, pay the bills, pay the bills.

Pharaoh: 00:10:55 And to me it was like, I didn't want to live like that anymore. I, it was something always in the back of my mind. I knew it was something great in the world. I always knew that, you know, just because I'm going through this hardship that doesn't define my life. I didn't want that to define my life. I wanted more out of life. I wanted to, I wanted to be something great. As crazy as that sounds. Being in an environment that I was in, you know, you don't really see a lot of people going out to do dreams. You see a lot of people just being comfortable being uncomfortable with where they at and what they're doing. And I just never wanted to be that person. I'm seeing my dad get a drip addicted to drugs and alcohol. It was easy to take that route.

Pharaoh: 00:11:30 It was easy to, you know, blame my dad and say, Hey, you know, because he, he did those things. I want to do those things. Or I can never be anybody, but I want it to be, I want it to be something I wanted to be an exempt for my my sister and also my son as well, late in the future. And just making my mom proud to make her happy and make myself happy and just prove to myself that, you know, no matter where you come from, you can still be something great. Cause I was raised in poverty and homelessness and a lot of craziness is not going to define me. I didn't want those things to define who I was. So I'm just going to, going through those things. Man, it kind of gave me my driving life, gave me my, my my ambition, my persistence and that level of not wanting to complain about anything. It just had that mindset of no matter what, just give it your all, no matter if you don't make it or fail. At least I try. And that's what I want people to know about me. I'm gonna, I'm, I'm gonna try. Yes sir.

Speaker 3: 00:12:25 Man. Shout out to your mom. Like to set that up for you. I mean that's gonna carry you through the rest of your life. And it's not crazy that you want to be somebody, man ever let anybody tell you that shit. You can be whatever you want.

Pharaoh: 00:12:35 I appreciate it. I always say, man, we were so poor man. Oh my mom could give him was love, you know? So that's a, that's always what Maya said. That's all she could give us love. And she gave a lot of love. She wasn't perfect by any means, but she loved us. You know, that definitely went a long way with me is why treat people with love and respect no matter who you are. Purple, green, blue, alien, mutual respect man. And I always feel no matter who you are, you have something to give. May not know your purpose right now, but we all have a purpose. And it's just about tapping into that purpose and finding out what is it exactly that you can provide to the world. So yes, sir.

Speaker 3: 00:13:08 What, when did you figure that out? Are you still working on that, your, your purpose and

Pharaoh: 00:13:13 I'm always growing. Absolutely. I'm definitely always growing. Not perfect at all. But I would say I always had a level of consciousness since, you know, I would say that started from young. You know, my, I'd seen my dad, he was more of the serious type militant man. We never really had any deep conversations, but I always appreciate it, you know, him being able to buy and also just keeping us out the streets, you know, he was some type of structure. I do give him that. He wasn't the perfect man. But he did keep, keep us out of the streets, kept a roof over our head. And up until 13, I tried to just take all the lessons that he kinda gave me in a way and just applied it to my life. And besides him and my mom, she was pretty strict as well.

Pharaoh: 00:13:53 So we, you know, pretty, pretty straight house. So, like I said, I didn't really have a lot of resources, but I always knew that in order to be something or to get somewhere in life, you have to have a, a level of seriousness to what you'd know, no matter what you're trying to do. And I'm just going through, I guess I didn't really have a, I had a childhood, but it was more so like, it was serious moment. It was just, you know, I didn't really have time to go play and, and be, you know, be a kid, you know, unfortunately. Because I was just so consumed with what was going on in life. I was soak with consumer, you know, some people's problems. They want the latest clothes. I'm thinking about what I'm gonna eat tonight. You know, I'm, I'm thinking about, you know, w you know, what we've got is this next bill, I'm going to get paid.

Pharaoh: 00:14:33 I'll be going to, you know, where we gonna live. And just having that type of thought process every day, man puts you in a, in a mode of, you know, what, what can I do to get better? What can I do to make things better? And, you know, watch my mom struggle. And being young, it's like I can't work on 15, you know, 13, 14, 15, I can't go get a job. So I, it always made me feel bad cause I couldn't, you know, kinda provide at the time. So I always knew when I do get to the age when I can at least go out and get a job or go to college, I'm going to do everything I can to, to try to better the situation. And that's always just knowing my assistant's young. My dad, my dad leaving did a big impact on me.

Pharaoh: 00:15:10 Like I said, I led into my depression from about 14 up until like 21 last seven years, 2122. And I just want it to be different, man. I just want it to be different. I didn't want to keep making, making excuses for, you know, what I was going through and that, that led to happen, that seriousness to me. And in a way like I'm a good funny guy, laid back kind of guy. But when it's on a, you know, do business and when it's time to, you know, go at after something, it's kind of, that switches on me. So yeah, ever since I was young and I would say no sir,

Speaker 3: 00:15:40 I love that. And you know, I like hearing this story. I like hearing that it's, it's so easy to just just been like, you know what, whatever, you know, it's just the way it is. And you, you just said no and, and that's, you know, I hear that a lot, especially from people with your type of background and stuff. It's like now that the easy choice that had been just say fuck it and whatever. And I just loved that and I love that message. And that's what kinda got me on your Instagram and stuff and I was like, man, look at you. You're out there. You're, you're, you're sharing this stuff and you're, you know, there's more in your life and you know, by at least just going after it, like you got a chance. And I just thought, I love that attitude.

Pharaoh: 00:16:15 Now don't get me wrong. I went through a range of emotions, man. I went through every emotion possible, but I knew I just didn't want to quit. I didn't know. I just didn't want to you know, be a statistic in our, unfortunately the type of environment I was raised in, one of the worst environments. Brownsville, Brooklyn, I'm also famous for Mike Tyson. That's where he's from. One of my favorite boxers. I love him. Yeah, me too. I'm like you know, it's easy to, to just to go down the negative path. It's easy just to, you know, not do something with your life. Cause that was the norm. That was like, you know, someone, you see somebody not doing anything. And I said, all right, that's, you know, that's expected. And my mom always told me, man, just because you know, you live in the ghetto, you don't have to be ghetto.

Pharaoh: 00:16:56 You get what I'm saying? And and that, that stuck with me and that drove me to, and I'm just reading I didn't really have any physical mentors. But reading really put me on a path where I'm at. No today and wanting to help people and and just, you know, seeing other people that went through, you know, struggles as well. Man. It just, just, it just really empowered me to want more and, and want to help as much people as I can. Because I want to help. That's where it really just comes from. Like, I wanted to help, I wanted somebody to help me when I was young and I know how it feels to not really have that person there or you know, have a mental, you can just go and talk to and speak to. So now I want to be that person where if you need notice my at the top too, or you need advice especially for the younger generation, they, I'm like a big brother. Come, come talk to me, email me, call me whatever you gotta do and I'll be there for you. Cause I know how it is, man. It's tough stuff.

Speaker 3: 00:17:44 I, I just, I love that. I love that you, not only no ones liked to get out of there, you know that there's more. And then you have the willingness to help others see that that man just, this is, you know, I was thinking about this earlier and it's like your, your mentality, like if the more you can pass it on to the younger generation, especially the minorities and stuff, that they have that other mindset of, wow, this is how it is, is how it's going to be, the more you can pass it on. I think the more we can change the stereotypes in these, these different stigmas and all this stuff and it's going to take time. And we all know that, you know, when you're maybe, maybe you're, when you're a boy or maybe when his kids look back and say these stereotypes are gone because because of the work you did and the people like you out there that are doing this kind of work, letting people know like, you know, you don't have to be a stereotype. You don't have to be these kind of people that got us what it was. But if we work hard now, we work hard today. We can change this here. The stereotype is going to go with this future is going to be different and you guys have an opportunity to do that. I just love your mission on that.

Pharaoh: 00:18:48 I appreciate him and I think honestly, you know the times we live in to where it helps, you know, with technology it does. It's like the new revolutionary age man is really no reasons why you can't study or, or learn what you want to do, especially in these times as Google has changed things. The world, right?

Speaker 3: 00:19:05 Yeah. Or like you, you, you didn't have, it sounds like you didn't have a computer internet access at home. She knew where it was, how to get there, whether you walked or rode a bike or, or rode a bus, whatever you did to get there. You knew like, I don't have this at home, but I want more for my life. And you knew where to go get, and I tell people all the time, you know, Donald care, if you don't have a computer in an access, the library's there and it's free. You've got to have that want and desire to go out and say there's more for my life, whatever it is. Even if it's just being a plumber, being something, you don't have to be an ordinary thing necessarily. You can change your life. You know, with these, these things, there's so many jobs out there, so many things out there that go unfilled every year because you need a little bit of this.

Speaker 3: 00:19:46 This is real simple skills and maybe a couple of, you know, 18 months vocational school or something like that. Right. And there's so much things out there and you can, you can make, you know, high five figures, low six figures, being a regular kind of guy and, but it's, it's having that knowledge thing. I got to figure out how to go get this. And I love it when it's on a library. I knew it was there, I knew there was books, there was free, there's internet was free, the computers are free. That is amazing. And I love that you're passing that kind of thing on. I keep talking about it but it's, I think it's hard from the way I look and the way I am. Like people are hard to hear that but that's why I want to talk with you cause it's like you get it cause you've done it and you're of that type of, I don't want to label you in a, in a battle you're from, you're from that area and you notice like these guys, you, you know what I'm trying to say to these guys like go out and get it.

Speaker 3: 00:20:35 Go to the library, go do these things. It's free and there's no excuses. Especially like what talking about nowadays it's so easy. It's like most of these kids, even in the, you know the hoods in the ghettos in the Lord cause they have cell phones in their hands. Phones in their hands. Yeah. You can ask Siri to play, you know, old town road. You can ask that kind of question. You can ask it. How do I get out of the hood? What book is this like there's so much there. I love that.

Pharaoh: 00:20:58 And there's just the, a reef thing is a lot of just refocus in that, that mentality, man. That's what it comes down to. Like I said though, that we may not have the resources, but you have to have that resourcefulness to want to go ahead and get the answers and figure in, figure it out. And I'm like, I say, man, we have iPhones. Google is so much now where it's just like, it's really no excuses, but you know, you do need that. God, it's, you do, you do need some type of mentorship. You know, even the grace, they have mentors, Tony Robbins, you know, grant Cardone, Oprah and a lot of other high people that have successful people. A lot of things that take away from common denominators. They have mentors, they have people that they talk to and they, you know you know, have bring ideas to bill Gates, Warren buffet, Sysmon, so they're best friends. So it's just like, you know, you have to be able to say, you know what I mean, I have the answers, I want to figure it out. And it's going to take some times, I won't say some work, but that's why I'm here, man. I wanna I want to help lead the way and lead that path from especially in young people at risk. Absolutely.

Speaker 3: 00:21:54 Huh. And that's the thing, like you were saying earlier, you know, I don't know if you think about it this way, but you know, a lot of times our mentors can be, these guys that were alive a hundred, 200,000 years ago, didn't have to be necessarily this, but this is something that is kind of accessible now. You know, if you curate your Instagram feed with some of these guys that you look up to, I mean fucking you, you know, you DM them and you go on LinkedIn or something and you can have a small little conversation with them. These guys can be your mentors, even if it's from afar, even if it's from a book or they're watching their content or whatever it is, we can do that.

Pharaoh: 00:22:31 That's why I'm on mission now is, you know, I said, I looked at it like, Hey, I didn't have everything, but I said, what's the one thing I do have? And I started to realize that was my mind, you know, and I always say, if I can just adapt a more positive mentality I felt like that could take me a long way. And that's, you know, that's my mission now is helping people at that in a more positive mindset. No my quotas. And once you master your mind, you will master your life. And I truly believe that everything starts with the mind. And like you said, even 1530 minutes a day of just reading something positive on video, I'm going to a seminar, whatever it is, it's something positive. It really can change your life in a, and that's all I want to, you know, it showed these students and even individuals I'll come across that just get us some type of positivity and see of life.

Pharaoh: 00:23:12 You must, it is going to take you a long way. I tell students too, if you go to a movie and you see a bad movie, what'd you go back to see it again? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't, it was no different with the Masa. If you keep replanting negative thoughts, what you thinks gonna happen with your day, just going to have negative thoughts. You're going to go abroad. It being mad, angry and upset. But if you can get some positivity to mind and so, you know what, I can't see the better. I can't see the bigger picture. It's going to take you a lot farther than it is constantly thinking negative. So, yeah, that's, that's, that's why I want to get through to people, man. Just shot a debt, the more positive mindset and and it'll the situation change. Mine.

Speaker 3: 00:23:49 You're doing, I think you're doing a great job. Your, your videos and your content and stuff. I think it's amazing. Appreciate it. Thank you. And no worries. So, so when you're, when you're, was it 22 you're, you're, you're getting ready or you're moving to Atlanta. What, what was the, the thing, was it just your son or something else going on there that said that made you and helped you change your path or your, you know, your life course? What was that?

Pharaoh: 00:24:14 I would say how am knowing that I was having a son but more so it was like, you know, I had a deep sigh moment of men, you know, just re analyzing everything. My mom, unfortunately she was still going through the shelter situation. You know, I was kind of still going through the social situation and having a son. It was just like something that has to get, you know, it was really at a point where I could have let everything break me is like I had every reason to say no, I'm just, I'm done. I'm quitting, thrown in the towel, essentially what? To me it was just like, keep fighting. He bet. So knowing that I had to move out here, 22, I had no, no hat, pretty much nothing. I came out here and I'm living with my mother, some of my mother for the time.

Pharaoh: 00:24:54 And then her mom as well. And I was pretty, I was tell man honestly, you know, cause I came in, I came out in and she was like, Hey, you know, if you don't get a job in 30 days, you're gonna have to get out. So I came out here knowing that Hey, I can't be homeless again. I know how that feels. And that kind of more so lit the fire under me. So about three weeks I was just applying everyday, 50 jobs a day, every day, every day, and be a client. And I'm, Hey, landed a PO marketing job. It was, you know, for a top Kroger's called Kroger supermarket out here. So I did that for some time, but the career that kind of jump-started and changed my life, I landed a career with Carmex as a used car dealership. Right.

Pharaoh: 00:25:30 And I wanted to actually a fortune 500 company and actually it was looking for a car. I went in there that they even think about a job at the time. And I was talking to them, one of my sales associates, I wanted the sales associates. And she said, Hey, you know, you should know, try to apply, cause I know at do conversation you found out I was looking for a job and I'm didn't know anything about cars and I'm a city boy trains and then you have a license. But I just knew I had to, you know, stay hungry and get something. So I ended up applying for the service console position. It pretty much, you know, anytime you have any issues with your car, I was a person who come see it, just being that middle man between the technician and the customer.

Pharaoh: 00:26:08 I just keeping you up to date with everything. And it was a about a month process. So I applied, I didn't hear anything for about a week. Had a phone interview went well. They called me in, I did a interview with two managers, which was nerve wrecking, never did anything like that. And but it was still, I just didn't know cause they said, Hey, you know, the, the typical we'll be in touch, call us, we'll call you. Right, right, right. So did that and I'll ask the gosh, one of the administrator, I was like, Hey man, do you know I'm going to get the job? Cause I was in a level of urgency. And I think that's what happens man. When we have a liberal ROTC, it pushes you to say, you know what, I have to make change. And the level of urgency for me was having my son all, you know, the situation while my mom and know my personal situation of I have to get something to get things going.

Pharaoh: 00:26:55 And he was like, man, we have to go through the candidates and you know, we'll be in touch. So they didn't really think anything of it. And about three weeks later, man, they call me back in for another interview. This time it was actually with the operations manager. Now people don't know it. I was pretty much his boss. So I went in there had an interview with him pretty much he liked me. He said, Hey, we want to call you back in for another interview that Friday. And I went in and this one was actually with the manager, the operations manager and the store manager. So as you can, as you can imagine, and I'm sweating, I'm nervous, they'll know another Bob Carr, they'll know lik but that's how my hunger, my passion that was driving me. And I knew this was it, man.

Pharaoh: 00:27:35 It was, you know had to do something. I had a, you know, it was like being in a basketball game, one minute left, you know, you gotta let down two points, man, I gotta make this shot. And went in, we did the simulation. It was, they acted as there was two customers. One manager came in, he acted as a regular customer in person, talked to him, did my best. I could the operations manager, you know, act like he called in being an angry customer, kept, kept my composure and I worked him. And you know, that went well. And we wrapped it up. The store manager asked me a few questions and sent me, thank you. Once again, we'll be in touch and they know what that meant. But you know, I'm just thinking about me. I'm going to work, I'm going to get ready for work tomorrow, but my other job, I ain't think about you guys.

Pharaoh: 00:28:17 And as I'm leaving, I'll never forget, I walked into the vending machine and I'm out to get a soda. I was thirsty and one of the managers came and he said, Hey man, I'm going to give you a call at eight o'clock. You know, it's, I didn't really put too much weight to it. Like I said, I want to get my hopes. And it's just so funny cause the apartment I was living in, I had barely had any service, so you had to put your phone by the window just to get service. So I had my phone there just waiting. And I remember eight Oh eight Oh four eight Oh five came and you know, he called me and he just let me know, Hey, you know, he did a really good job. He actually scored one of the best scores you can get during the interview, which is pretty cool.

Pharaoh: 00:28:52 And he said, you know, we want to offer you the job. Do you accept? And then the mom, I'm like hell yeah, of course. What do you know? I was polite and professional. I remember man to drop into my knees and crying, you know. Cause I just knew this was, this is going to be a life changer. I just felt that in the catch 22 though, he told me, man, you know, we know you just moved but you need a license for the job, which I didn't have, you know, we'll give you a little time to go ahead and get your license. So as soon as I hung up the phone, I'm Googling once again Googling places I can take my license in. Lucky enough, I found a place that I can do within a two weeks. They didn't put them, not wait a month to, you know, so for me to get a license, I knew that much and I'm a went in, did my job at tests and I'm passing the first time, they're national first time.

Pharaoh: 00:29:36 And I called them telling me that was a Friday. Tell me to come in Monday. Came in Monday. Did the orientation. He was just going over to the job description the pay cause they never discussed then and you know, that was pretty life changing to get a good some good money. And it's crazy because I had to do train it for a month and they put me in a Dodge charger and I was like the newest charge out at the time. I went away for a month. So you can imagine, man, that top of the year I went from being homeless. I'm not knowing what I was going to eat, not knowing anything to land, landing a job, career with a fortune 500 company job and a company car. And it was just, man, it was so surreal, man. And that kinda changed my life. So, but being there, I say that to say this, you know, what I loved about the company, they were more based on customer service. So this kind of led me on my path where I am now. They didn't really care about sales like a traditional dealership. I did traditional dealerships who man, if he VSLs and not good, it can be out the door.

Pharaoh: 00:30:35 Yeah, sorry. Yeah. He said, you know, may quotas, quota quota, but they were more so service service based. So they will want you to have good customer service and get surveys and, and that's something that kinda came natural for me. So I remember every customer that would come in, I would just make them feel good, make them, you know, take their mind off things. Cause you got to remember these are people who just purchased a vehicle and they're bringing their cars in cause their engine just went out and the brakes are not working. So you can imagine that's pretty frustrating and stressful for anybody. You know, especially being in Georgia, you need a car. I can tell, you know, there's no walking out here, man. I New York, there's no walk. And so my time there, I mean I became one of the best services, solvents survey scores was actually one of the best in the company.

Pharaoh: 00:31:16 I went from hosting meetings. Some of the presidents of the company would come in, I will host a meet for him. He would tell my manager I did a great job and I took pride in that. And the biggest thing that happened to me one time, I remember one day I had this customer, he kept having transmission issues and kept coming into a three, four or five times he came in and every time he came in I would just try to keep his mind off things, kind of make them feel better. And I remember I'm walking into the hall and we're going into the cafeteria and everybody just say thank you. I am no, he's like, good job. Everybody keeps saying good job, fair a good job. And I'm just confused. I'm like, I don't know what's going on. And my manager pulled me in the office that day.

Pharaoh: 00:31:53 I'm thinking I'm in trouble. And he said, Hey man, I just want to say you did a good job. He say, you do know that customer, you help him with the transmission? I said, yeah. He said, he wrote up, he a handwritten letter. I still have it till this day, 2015, June, June 3rd, 2015 and he wrote a handwritten letter. I'm telling him about my service. He said if it was for Pharaoh, he was, I don't know how this experience would have been, but it's truly amazing to, it's a media person who delivers exceptional customer service and please recognize him for this. So my manager, he actually read it during the quarterly meeting in front of the whole company, man. So that's something I take deep pride in and my time knew just, you know, just being able to meet different people, different customers really helped me where I'm at today. Just want to help people as well, just in a different feel now. So take pride in it. So it was there. What a great story. Thank you for that. That's just the power of, of, of staying positive and having that attitude of, of, of knowing there's more out there and noise. I want to lay a sir.

Pharaoh: 00:32:51 I love that. And so you're, are you not there anymore? Have you moved on to something else or, yes. I'm just like right now I'm just going full time with my speaking. So now I'm trying to, you know, just being, go to different high schools and colleges and working on colleges. Eventually I would love to work for court, no go to the corporations cause I feel like being at these companies a taught me a lot about you know, work relationships, being able to provide excellent customer service, which is, you know, it seems simple but it's really not. And I, I see how far, you know, if you can build up a customer relationship, you can really expand your business. 10 tenfold. I have repeat customers all the time coming to me cause they just wanted to see me and talk to me in, in a care about the price.

Pharaoh: 00:33:34 And they didn't care how much the service costs. They, they felt good every time they came to me. And it just really, like I say, it really put a light bulb in my head. So I would love to in the future be able to go see these corporations in and help train their staff and help train their, you know, their employees and showed them the benefits of, you know, building up these great customer service relationships and how that can really skyrocket your business. So, but right now I'm just working with, you know, schools working with the at risk at risk kids. I'm just trying to help build them on set up. So I'm starting a mentorship program and for the new year in August, I'm working on getting it to two high schools. So that's what I'm focusing on right now. Just I'm doing my mentorship program and just getting any say organization I can reach man.

Pharaoh: 00:34:14 Yes sir. I love it. You got something there. I got to say, I think you're going somewhere with that. Earlier you were talking about being depressed and depression. Yeah. What did you need to, to, to, to, I mean, get through that and then finally kind of get over that, if that makes sense. Yeah, absolutely. To get through it, I would say, you know, keep it staying busy as it is really important. You know, I have my moments while dwell and just think about it all day. But I did have select friends who were close to me who at times, you know, we'll go to the city, go to the movies, excuse me, fall works for the movies or just, you know, take a walk outside or just goes, like I said, it's most of the times being in the city, just relaxing and walking around and but it took a lot.

Pharaoh: 00:35:03 It took a lot, man. It wasn't easy. I didn't even get over it until, if I had to be honest with you. But that last seventh year, man, and I actually had a conversation, I had one last conversation with my dad and and I, I called him up one time and I try to, you know, you know, just to tell him I forgive him. I don't care about what happened. It was really tough. This thing about it is really tough. And I tried to just say, Hey, you know, [inaudible] get up, let's meet up and you know, let's, let's do something I want. I want a father. You, I want a relationship. And he was like, yeah, no problem. We'll know. We'll, we'll just, he's like, he gave me his number, he said, will call me. We'll, we'll, we'll get up.

Pharaoh: 00:35:40 And I'm calling them a day or two and never, never heard from him again. And that, and that tore me up. But at the same time, it felt so good to get that off my chest. It felt so good to at least let him know how I felt. And I say that to say this man, and when that day happened, when I was able to express everything, I felt so much better. You know, it was so, it was that catch 22 where it's like, all right, you know, I may never have that relationship with my dad, but it was more porn that I got that off my chest and I believed myself. So I would say anybody who is going through that, you have to be willing to talk. You have to be willing to express yourself. And just being able to express myself to them, that, that really got me through that that, that depression complete in there. But up until then I would just harboring the feelings. I was angry, aiding them essentially. I was mad then understand when I got a chance to let them know how I felt, we just did. W world's a wonders for me. It, it really did it man, it really did it

Speaker 3: 00:36:32 Forgiveness is powerful. Even if even if you just forget somebody and you never actually talk to them, you know, that can be just as powerful as well.

Pharaoh: 00:36:41 Right? Absolutely. Yeah. It is big man. Cause you just, you hold onto it, you hold onto it, you know, what is he down? It's like a weight. It's like a weight on your shoulders, weighs you down every day. So I'm like you said, even if they don't, you know, if you, if you don't get anything from it, at least take, you know what, I got my peace a similar mental peace and it just go from there, man. You know, I understand now that nobody's perfect and I understand that my dad, man, he, you know, he had demons as well when he was young that he didn't, he wasn't able to get through and overcome. And I learned a lot from that just knowing that, Hey, you know, this mental things I have to get through because I don't want to go down that path, you know, I don't want to, I don't want to relive that. So but yeah, having that conversation kind of helped him out, help me out in the long run. So it helped a lot of things, man. Yes, sir.

Speaker 3: 00:37:26 Yeah, definitely. I know you've, you've been through so much in your life things that maybe not really in your control or something like that, but do you have like a failure that you, that's kind of from you or your failure that you've had that you look back now and you know, and say, damn, I'm glad I went through that and then if that, so what, what did you do to kind of get through that and what did you learn? You said like a failure, a failure, a failure of yours. Like, you know, something that just went wrong. I know a lot happened to you in your life, but it wasn't necessarily because of you, but I was wondering if there's something that is, that you did do that was just a big failure of yours,

Pharaoh: 00:38:13 Right. I would say is funny. So I remember in high school I had went for I went for, it was called cause I wanted to do criminal justice [inaudible] actually in turn it was pretty cool and turned out the Supreme court. I was in a F yeah, I was in a foreclosed department. It was good experience. But I remember I had a went to this program, it's called FBI explorers. Right. So I went to the program, I was in high school and I remember going down to the orientation, it was actually at the FBI building, which is pretty, pretty unique. And and basically what they do is it was like a, it's like a camp, like a program. And they, they, they do different activities. And oddly enough, this was years ago, even before I even thought about Georgia, they they're, they basically have every state, they have a same program.

Pharaoh: 00:38:58 And for their competition, like their regional competition, they go to Atlanta, Georgia. And I'm in Atlanta, right? So I'm there with my mom and my sister and they're going over everything and they say they're going to do with us and everything. And I remember they had a raffle to get a pin. And it's crazy cause I wanted the raffle. I want to wrap out a little pin. I'd be out 10. And and that's what I was so hashed on. That's what I wanted to do. I wanted to, you know, you know, possibly pursue, be an FBI or some type of, you know, law enforcement at the time. And I remember I was going every, every, every, it was like every week. So you'll go to FBI building, it'll do different scenarios. We will, we would literally meet in real FBI agents. They were telling us about different things they've been through whatnot.

Pharaoh: 00:39:42 I remember one activity, we went to the actual airport, they shut the whole airport. That was a certain part of the airport. We were they had us on a tarmac and they act like they were doing a drill essentially. So we were like on a bus. They act like it was smoke. I remember they had a put paint on us to act like we were bleeding and it was pretty cool, man. I never, yeah, never did nothing. Like that was pretty cool. I remember one activity, we did a walk the night, a light, the night light than I am sorry. And we'll be did. We did a you'd walk the Brooklyn bridge for breast cancer as a part of that. I was pretty cool. And to me this was considered a failure in a sense. So I remember, man, I was so, I would love the program.

Pharaoh: 00:40:20 I would just so excited, so excited. And I remember one day we, I'm, I'm sitting there, we're at the, we're at the FBI building and they're saying, Hey we have another event, but with this event you have to be able to you gotta you have to pay essentially. And I forgot the amount. He was either like 5,000 or something. And so then everything was free. So it was, it was me, you know, but I remember madness kinda crushed me. So, you know, my mom's doing the best he can, trying to pay bills. It wasn't really money for extra curricular activities and stuff. And I remember Matt had to drop out the program and because I couldn't, you know, kind of pay the, pay the funds and that kinda stuck with me until this day, man. And it, and it kinda hurt me and I was, I was sad, I'll satisfy it.

Pharaoh: 00:41:02 And but that kind of drove me as well and say, you know, I don't want, you know, money to be the reason why I can't do certain things. You know, I don't want that to be a hindrance on my life. And that kind of pushed me to, you know, want to get, you know, get, get money and get axed cause me money's access. That's how I look at it. You know it is something that's needed. Especially having a son, you know, you can't buy things off love. I'm sure you can't pay your mortgage and fluff. I would love to write not a currency. They accepted America just yet. I'm waiting, but you know, it does provide access to certain things, man. So I know the importance of it. And you know, that kind of just broke my heart knowing that man, if I had the money I could do it and pursued these things. So that was something I considered, you know, in a sense of failure, that kind of stuff. I, me and you know, kind of pushed me like, all right, I want to do everything I can to make sure I can provide financially. When the time comes and need bees. Yes sir. Okay.

Speaker 3: 00:41:55 That's a good, I say a nice little lesson there. Do you have like a morning routine or anything like that? You know, what's that like first 60 to 90 minutes of your day look like whatever habits or things you have. Do you have anything like that?

Pharaoh: 00:42:08 Absolutely, man. So one thing, I have a board in my room and basically it's a, it's a whiteboard of the whole month, so I have everything detailed when I'm doing for the whole month. So I wake up, I look at that that first 15 to 30 minutes is straight, just getting positivity in me. So I'm watching reading a book for a little bit. I'm watching positive videos repeating affirmations that's so important and that's kinda, that is definitely the routine. Never pee and positive affirmations. And just say, I'm sending you a day. Right? It's like having tea in the morning, you know, working out in the morning. I try to work out as well. Every other day I'll probably say, you know, depending on how the day is, I try to get a quick workout and I can but more than anything is just getting positivity and me at least starting that first 30 minutes, just clear my head for the day. And just make a shot. I, I'm ready to go for today, man. Yes sir.

Speaker 3: 00:42:58 I like that. Do you do any journaling or anything like that or is it just,

Pharaoh: 00:43:01 Oh, not a funny store. I knew I have books and books and books of notes. In my phone I have hundreds of notes. I'm always writing. So if an idea comes to me, I'm always writing it down. And it's funny you ask because I want to say about 2016 I wrote down like a list of bowls, right? Initially, it's really shows me the power of writing things down and it really having a vision. In 2016 one of my, you know I watched Jim Rome, Jim Rohn, he's one of my one of my mentors essentially as a personal development coach back in the day. He actually, Tony Robbins actually came up under him which is cool, one of my idols as well. And he said in a, in a videos, I man, write it down, write everything that he said, no matter how big or small your goes, I'll write it down. And I'm like, you know what, I'm gonna just give it a try. So I had some goals now and you know, some goals, I want to want to buy a house, you know, I want to for me I want to actually get a tailor suit. May sound crazy, but I just want to tailor suit when I see out.

Pharaoh: 00:43:57 But you know, I want to get one. And another goal from, I was man writing a book, you know, I wrote, wrote it, now I want to write a book and this was 2016. And it's funny cause I went through the book the other day and I just published my first book in January of 2019 and I really had to sit down. I'm like, wow. Like, cause it doesn't, your mind is just like, Oh, you're just writing it down and you know, you don't know. But yeah, I say that to say does mean you have to, you have to have that vision and you have to set your goals and it constant just look over and be constantly just know where you're going in to know that, Hey, I wrote it down and I was able to complete it. You know, if it good and even if it's big or small, you know, sometime I write small goals but I'm trying to do it for the week and that really builds the momentum to get to the bigger goals.

Pharaoh: 00:44:38 I think a lot of times we're trying to hit this home run when we could just get on base, you know, get to first base, get to second base, third base and score the home run. It's not pretty, pretty home run. But you know, you still completing your goals. So I'm writing it down, writing things down. It's very important to me as well. Congratulations on the book. I know that's a hard, hard thing. I know the next hard part is, you know, getting it out there. What is it about, what did you write about? So one thing that helped me do my journeys of gain over depression of gain. Oh, a lot of mental funk. I was reading a lot of actually self home books, a lot of self help books, motivational books and I always say if I ever had the opportunity, cause you know, at one point I'll say, man, I ain't nobody in my family ever wrote a book and that's this so crazy and out of this world.

Pharaoh: 00:45:24 But I always say if I ever had the opportunity to write one, I want to write a self help book or sell, you know, self-help slash motivation book to help the next person. That's essentially what helped me out. So I did design it as a self help motivational book and and basically it's a, it's a story of my life, of, of certain parts of going through certain things, you know, certain things we discussed, but going more in depth. I mean, how I was able to overcome it and also where I'm at today and what I'm doing with students and going into the schools. And you know, what I want people to take away from when they read it is just now that, Hey, you know, you're not alone. Paint is not exclusive. You know, we all go through as this thing called life where it's going to hit y'all sometimes.

Pharaoh: 00:46:00 But if you can just keep a positive mentality in a dev and more positive mindset, you can overcome anything. Man. you know, living in poverty, being homeless. My dad left and I was 13, no role models, no real guidance. I could, it was easy to just run the streets and, you know, do bad things, but I wanted to make some thought in my life. So I want people to, you know, whatever you volunteer, you just know that all right, things will get better. It's going to take some time. But you have to keep a positive and Sally to get to those at a time. So I'm hoping, man, you know, if you are able to get a chance to radio people, have they get a chance to read them and they take that away from it and really, you know, state, you know, hit home with them.

Pharaoh: 00:46:37 So I pour, pour my everything into it. Man. I'm really proud of it. And I really lay my life out on the line in a sense of just not being ashamed to, you know, express certain things just to show people, Hey, you know, I'm human. You know, you're human. [inaudible] Yeah, I think everyone has a story essentially on a matter know I will you from know how you live. We all have a story. I just wanted to tell my story. So what was the name of the book? So it's called insurmountable victory. And the subtitle, once you master your money, you will master your life. And that came from insurmountable victory and me was just being able to come over everything I've overcome, it seemed impossible. It seemed insurmountable. And to me to be where I'm at today to be able to help students be able to, you know, design my mentorship program and go and see the different schools.

Pharaoh: 00:47:25 Like if you asked me 10 years ago would I be doing it? I, it was no, no way in hell, you know, there's no way to, I'm going to be talking to students and helping them develop their mindset. So to me it was some that stuck out to me. You know, I'm just hearing my story and being able to go, you know, meet other people and not tell them my story. I'm like, wow man, I can't believe you. You know, you went to those things and where you at now? And to me is like, you know, I don't really look at it, but at times it's like, you know, I feel like you do have to sit and just sit yourself down and really appreciate how far you've come, no matter who you are, no matter how small you feel like your, your achievements are, it's a point to realize that you, you're not the same person a year ago or five years ago, 10 years ago.

Pharaoh: 00:48:03 And this is my, this is my personal victory. You know, being able to make it out of property, being able to overcome homelessness, being able to, you know, be a father to my son that those are my victories and I want people to, to help people reach their small, big threes, whatever that may be. And I'm, once again, everything starts with the mindset. So once you master your mind, you're gonna mess your life. Once you master your thinking you know, your, your regimen, your goals, you're going to mess up what you're trying to be like. So that's wrong.

Speaker 3: 00:48:32 I love it. I'll take a copy and

Pharaoh: 00:48:35 Okay guys,

Speaker 3: 00:48:36 I support you. I'll, I'll definitely buy a copy or two. Maybe we'll give some away as well. I will link to for you guys, so in the show notes it's easy for you guys to get yourself a copy of that and get your hands on it.

Pharaoh: 00:48:47 Yes sir. Absolutely man. Absolutely.

Speaker 3: 00:48:50 You talk a lot about books and, and you know, you spend a lot of time in the library, so what book or books have helped you the most on your journey?

Pharaoh: 00:48:58 Okay, it's quite a few. What I would say if I had to put three I would say Robert Kiyosaki, rich dad, poor dad, I'm pretty sure you heard about. Yeah, great book man. That, that really helped me out a lot. And it really just showed you the, you know, the parallel parallels of life. You know, by him having essentially a rich dad and him having a, you know, a dad. I was just more so by the book and there's no motor school and, and things of that nature. Yeah. Cause oddly enough, me and my dad, he used to work on wall street. He was actually a top VA's, a top stock broker. And it's funny because I can try, like sometimes I turn on Fox news, I'll see. I'm his old boss and it's weird. Yeah. I used to, I literally was in his house and everything.

Pharaoh: 00:49:39 No, his kids not no more, but you know, at the time, and it really just shows you the parallels of men, no matter who you are, life can does itchy, you know. If you look back, it's like, all right, I should be on wall street. I should be on Fox and stuff like, but not, that wasn't my path. So, you know, that was one of the great books. I love the richest man in Babylon is another good book to learn about economic wealth and you know, how to make money and all that good stuff and how to keep it coming in, which was good. And then another one, if I had to say my third motivate motivational manifesto that's another good book. A lot of, is lot a lot of gems in that one. Just trying to, you know, work on added to work on you think and, and yeah, so it's a quite few other women, but if I could from Amman on it was, I'll say those three definitely.

Speaker 3: 00:50:31 Yeah, those are good. I never read motivation manifesto. I'll have to put that on my list. And we just did, was it episode? I think 55 I think we did the richest man in Babylon book review. So that was good. That's funny. And I, yeah, I wish I put that as one of those books. I wish I knew about her was whatever turned on too when I was younger. I didn't get turned on to that until probably I was in my mid twenties and it just is like

Pharaoh: 00:51:00 Same here man. Now it did. I was definitely a book that came later. You know, as I got into Mazzoni, that's the type of books I was starting to read before then. You know, it was just like fictional books, Lord of the flies type stuff, you know, books that it kinda was good to read, but not really any value what you're trying to do. Essentially so when I got into my twenties, that's when I came across and I said, man, like you say, if I could have read that younger, who knows? But you know, now you've got the knowledge. So it was like you got to do something with it now, you know,

Speaker 3: 00:51:27 And you just pass it on your kids, you pass it on everybody you touch and yeah, you'll get that going. You, we were chatting before you were talking about the neck tie, drag. Can you talk to us about that? Where did this come from? What is this about?

Pharaoh: 00:51:42 Yeah, absolutely man. Absolutely. So so I'm doing a tie DRA and what I'm doing is I'm going into different schools. I'm started with the middle schools. I'm trying to reach the high schools. I would love to even get to colleges. And basically what we're doing is we're going in and teaching young men also ladies, but it's just been young men right now on how to tie the, how to tie a tie. Also the importance of dressing for success. And once we're done, we actually donate the ties to the students as well. So it has been, it's been going really good. And this came from me personally, man. Funny story. High school C or right. Evan knew how to tie tie my whole time. I was wearing clip on ties and I remember my principal, she said a rule was if you get caught in and you know, if you get caught in the hallways and you don't have your tie, you're going to get attention.

Pharaoh: 00:52:26 So me, I think I just need a one more DaMarion. I was heading to detention, so I was like, I can't not, you cannot go to detention. So I went to the school store, tried to buy a tie. And funny thing is all they had was real ties. What am I going to do? I don't know how to tie the ties. I just took it and I'll never forget I'm heading to class, I'm trying to play around with it and not know what I'm doing. And my friend, her name was [inaudible], who was actually a woman. He taught me how to tie a tie. You know, I didn't have my dad to teach me anything and she taught me right there. And it's funny because the way she taught me, I still know how to tie it the same way. And you know, it just, you know, sparked something in me in a sense of wanting to give back.

Pharaoh: 00:53:04 And it's something that's kind of personal for me. Like I said, I person didn't know how to tie ties since, I mean until senior year of high school. So it's something where I wanted to help students and you know, you'll be surprised me and going into these schools a lot of now a lot of young men don't know how to tie a tie and so it was just something, you know, something to give back. It's something to make me feel good. And also just to give them a sense of ownership. You know, at the end of the seminar, me and my meeting and my team meet, we give them the ties purposely to let them know that, Hey, this is your beginning, you know, this is your star. If you don't have anything else, you have this, you know, and it really is empowering to have a lot of students who trumps me afterwards thanking me. I'm very appreciative and it makes me feel, it makes me feel good. So hopefully we want to keep this going. Like someone in a school year starts again when it keep going into the schools and just keep working my way up. Yes sir.

Speaker 3: 00:53:50 I love that. And it's, it's, it's not a necessity that's not just about the skill, but when you put on something nice, you just kinda, you can get that feeling there, that feeling of empowerment and I can do something and giving that as a gift to people.

Pharaoh: 00:54:06 Powerful. Yeah. It feels good man. I think we all want to, you know, look nice at times and everything. Yes sir. And I think just like you said, just being able to know how like I didn't even know how to, and I think it doesn't even know one how to do something that alone makes you feel good. You know? And I like, I'll tell him, you know, you're going to come to a point where you may have a little brother or cousin and he may need not attack. Now you're able to teach him. And that's what it's all about. Just keep passing it on and keep it gone. So yeah, it makes them feel good. It makes me feel good knowing that I was able to teach a young man, young student, young a woman, and I love the man like some chemo. Yes sir.

Speaker 3: 00:54:38 I like that. That's, that's a fun thing and it's nice cause I think there's a hidden message kinda in there when you look, when these kids look at something and say that, that's not for me. I can't do that. It's too hard. You show them that it's not really, they go through a few steps. They can take that lesson onto lots of things. Like, Oh, I remember I had this feeling before. It was about tying a tie, but it wasn't that hard. Let me give this a shot. Let me find the steps to get through this.

Pharaoh: 00:55:03 Absolutely not. Tell them to man, you know, not everybody's gonna, you know, own businesses and be entrepreneurs and everything, which is fine. But you will have a job interview. You will, you know, at one point you will need to know how to tie a tie. You know, it will come with, Hey, you know, I don't want you to be stuck and not realize, Hey, I don't know what I'm doing. Like I said, that sense of empowerment and it goes a long way. We started being able to start it from young, it's going to be, does wonders for them. So yeah, that's what I'm hoping it does, man. Yes sir.

Speaker 3: 00:55:31 I, that's why I think about it. So I'm hoping that, it sounds like that's what's getting a, that people want to find out more about you and what you're up to. We're, we're, where's the best place for them to get ahold of you?

Pharaoh: 00:55:42 Yeah, absolutely. Right now, I'm trying to reconstruct my website. So the best place right now, it would be Instagram. I follow me legendary, that vision. Also just email. I would say if you want to book me, offer events, seminars, I'll come to speak. I would love to so that would be legendary vision So those would probably be the two best ways to get me right now. And then when I start, you know, get that website up and going, I'll link that to my suburb. But I'll say for email it, email, Instagram out on it every day. That it, you know, linked to my phone. So I'll respond as soon as I can. Yes sir.

Speaker 3: 00:56:16 Perfect. I know, don't worry guys, I'm Al LinkedIn in the show notes for you guys. It's real easy to click through and get ahold of a Pharaoh. So on the social chameleon show, we like to do a weekly challenge to help people implement either what we talked about or some different kinds of concepts or ideas, different things to help people progress in their life grow. That 1%, maybe, whatever it is, weekly, daily, monthly, whatever it is you're, you're doing. I would like to give you the opportunity to issue this week's challenge,

Pharaoh: 00:56:44 Eh, honored. The challenge I would say is work on letting though something that's, that's really weighing on you. I feel like, you know, everybody, you know, we, we all go through life. And no matter what you went through, you know, it affects you some way in hell was on to you. So if you can pick one thing that it's been on your mind heavy to spend on weighing on you heavy and just try to let it go, just work on it at least and watch how you feel after that. I'm sure you feel 10 times better, man. So I will say that man, just trying to focus on something that's really on your mind and just try to let it go. Let it go into when it's,

Speaker 3: 00:57:22 It's a great challenge. I love it. That and then that's, that's the, that's the secret or the technique you use to get out of depression. And I think if people do more of that, I think we can have some results.

Pharaoh: 00:57:35 Absolutely man. Absolutely. I actually believe that. No sir.

Speaker 3: 00:57:38 Is there, is there anything else you wanted to chat about or talk about today before we kind of head off here?

Pharaoh: 00:57:44 I'm not think you hit everything, but this is a great show. Hopefully in the future I can come back on. I'll greet guests for you, but I had a great time, man. Thank you. Made me feel really comfortable.

Speaker 3: 00:57:54 Oh, you're welcome. You're welcome. You are always welcome, not just on the show, but welcome to get ahold of us in any way you want. We're always here to help everybody, not just the guests but also the listeners. I thank you for sharing your story. I, I really think it's going to empower people and help people know that there's more to life no matter what situation you're in or you were born in. And that's why I wanted to get you out here. Thank you so much for sharing that.

Pharaoh: 00:58:17 Absolutely. Anytime, man, just let me know. Thank you brother.

Tyson: 00:58:20 You're welcome. Okay. Well, once again, thank you for it was early honor and pleasure to have you on the show. Love sharing your story and hearing about all the, all the great things that you've, you've overcome in life. If you guys are looking for maybe a little something extra, a little something from us here, check out this month's giveaway, head over to the social We're always looking for different things, whether it's books or courses or masterminds, product services, whatever it is that we can get our hands on that we're loving our lives. I've added value or made things more efficient or effective in our lives. We want to get them out to you guys in the form of a giveaway. So see what we got going on this month. Head over to a social me for your chance to get into this month's giveaway.

Tyson: 00:59:06 And if this was a story that you enjoy and you want to share with your friends or maybe somebody in a similar situation and you want to show them that there is a way out and you can get through these things, please share it with them. That's the best way to support the show is sharing with others. Discussing this with your friends and family. I'm talking about things, making plans, doing these things, taking action on all we talk about in this episode here. If you, if you like what we have going on, you can leave it like a review, good or bad. We want to hear from you. We want to hear, maybe you have ideas, thoughts about things, anything you guys want, let us know. You guys can connect with us all week long. The social community show on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Don't forget the scribe. Subscribe to the YouTube version if you'd like the video we have going on here or in your favorite podcast app for past episodes and links to everything we've talked about here today. If you visit the social community in that show, until next time, keep learning, growing, transforming to the person you want to become.


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