If It’s Not Simple

We overcomplicate things, we tell ourselves it's just complicated. Have you ever stop to think why? Does it have to be this way? Is “the way we’ve always done it” the best way? Is the complexity there to keep me (us) confused to ensure those in the know stay that way? If you can't explain something to someone (even an 8 yr old) you don't understand it that well yourself. On this episode we go down the road of this thinking, inspired by an article from The Daily Stoic. Join us and learn to cut the BULLSHIT!

There’s not much in Stoicism that’s particularly groundbreaking: Focus on what you can control. Be a good person. Manage your emotions.

A lot of the famous Stoic quotes are pretty basic too:

Epictetus: “It’s not things that upset us, it’s our judgment about things.”

Marcus Aurelius: “You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”

Seneca: “We suffer more often in imagination than in reality”

The elementary school-level simplicity isn’t a bug. It’s a feature.

There’s a great line in Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle:

“Dr. Hoenikker used to say that any scientist who couldn’t explain to an eight-year-old what he was doing was a charlatan.”

A lot of complicated stuff isn’t actually complicated…it’s made to seem that way so no one will notice that it’s actually bullshit. A lot of philosophy is badly written…because if it wasn’t, people would actually understand what the “philosopher” was saying and laugh them out of a job.

What the Stoic writings are about is not impressing anyone, nor making the reader feel like a genius for getting all the way through. No, they are designed to be short and to the point. No puffery. No throat-clearing. Using the absolute minimum number of words to make the most straightforward point.

We might call this counter-signaling, or better, a show of confidence. When you’ve got the goods, you don’t need to dress it up or make a hard sell. Just lay it out and let people take it or leave it.

So it should go for us, in all aspects of our lives. No obfuscation. No dog and pony show. No sound and fury. Just do the work, be the best version of yourself you can be, and people can take it or leave it.


This article was originally published here on DailyStoic.com

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52: If It’s Not Simple, It’s Bullshit 152: If It’s Not Simple, It’s Bullshit 2

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52: If It’s Not Simple, It’s Bullshit 352: If It’s Not Simple, It’s Bullshit 4

Episode Transcriptions Unedited, AI Auto-Generated.

Speaker 1: 00:05 Welcome to the social committee show where it's our goal to help you learn, grow and transform a person. They were talking about an article I came across a little while ago from the daily stoic.com if it's not simple, it's bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit. I'm gonna read through this real quick. I'm not the best reader, but that's okay. It's a real short article. Hopefully. Thank God I'll, I'll also awesome to it as well. There's not much in stoicism that's particularly groundbreaking and focus on what you can control. Be a good person, manage your emotions. A lot of the famous stoic culture, pretty simple too. After Tina's, if it's not the things that upset us, it's our judgment about things. Marcus Aurelius, you have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strings. Seneca, we offer more. We offer, we suffer more in imagination than reality. Elementary school level.

Speaker 1: 00:58 Simplicity isn't a bug. It's a feature is a great line in Kurt vanguards, cat's cradle, doctor honing knicker. Sorry if I messed that up. Said to be used to say that any scientist who couldn't explain to an eight year old what he was doing was a charlatan. A lot of complicated stuff isn't actually complicated. It's made to seem that way so no one would notice that it's actually bullshit if a lot of philosophy is badly written because if it wasn't, people would actually understand that the philosophy of what the philosopher was saying and laughed him out of a job with the stoic writings are about, is not impressing anyone nor making the reader feel like a genius for getting all the way through it. No, they are designed to be short and to the point, no puffery, no throat clearing, using the absolute minimal number of words to make the most straightforward point.

Speaker 1: 01:54 We might call this counter signaling or better a show of confidence. You've got the goods, you don't need to dress it up or make a harder sale. You just lay it out and let people take it or leave it. So it should go for us in all aspects of our lives. No object education, no dog and pony show and no sound and fury. Just do the work, be the best version you can be and people can take it or leave it. That's the end of the article and we wanted to go through some key points. I love this concept. Of course you do. This is number one. It has the word bullshit in it. Like of course you got to eat twice and then number two, I guess the simplest version of shit that's that's like right up your alley. I do. It's like four hour work week.

Speaker 1: 02:41 This is like, yes, I love it. They love it. I love it. I love it. I just do. I like light. This thing was saying and it's probably why I'm more confirmation bias, why it resonates with me is how many things that are like so overly fucking complicated for no good reason. And, and if you stop to just ask somebody or, or think about it, it's like why? Why does their 17 steps to do this? And was like, I don't know. That's just how it's always been done. Yeah, no, I mean there's that aspect and then you also have like the other aspect that I called it maybe chest puffery or whatever the fuck. Like you want to step up and seem like you're this awesome alpha person or that you're so complicated or that your soul sophisticated. I mean like feeding that ego that men to either exaggerate the process and or make the story, you know what I mean?

Speaker 1: 03:38 Like or complex than it needs to be, you know, to feed your own ego. Like you also have kind of issue as well sometimes. So I don't know. It's funny you say that. The people I find that are like that, they try to pretend like they're smarter than they are. They try to over, they try to back it up a bit per se. How, I wasn't going to say that, but thank you for that. You don't give a shit, but I noticed those kinds of people. What it seems from my, what I've observed over and over time is those people wish they were educated. They wish they were more educated, they wish they were smarter. Maybe they had a master's or a phd or something like that. So it took field to feel that way to fill that void. They speak higher than the are educated.

Speaker 1: 04:22 Right, so you're saying the feed that Eagle, that's what I have observed. I mean that's true, but you also have those people who are like fake it till you make it fake. It phase takes 20 to 30 years, but whatever, whatever the case is going to be. I mean I, I, you know, I, because I see so many people and I deal with it all the time. I, I guess I, I don't knock it down immediately because I understand like their hope. I'm hopeful. Maybe I'm just the positive lesson that in hope of them doing that, that either will a build confidence and be at least allow them to, I guess get to the next level. I don't know if I'm saying that you don't, I'm trying to say, maybe we're not. I know what you're saying. I hear you. It's like you have, you have to jump, you can only jump three feet high now, but your next benchmark is seven foot.

Speaker 1: 05:18 You got to fake it to build or do you gotta do to get up to that next marker? Cause like that bar is set way, way high and they're acting like and talking like I can already jump seven feet and it's like wait, listen, listen. But you can't. But I mean it's just like, you know, I love movies. So going back to neo in the matrix, like you know when he made the first job like he's like nobody makes the first job. I'm like, no, I think like, you know what I mean? Like at that, yeah, you got to build yourself up. You need to have something to stand on because otherwise the truth is you have nothing to stand on. Right. Which is easily seen sometimes.

Speaker 2: 05:58 But you know, nonetheless, I believe that in that positiveness. But you're right though, I mean there comes a point when you got to get real and be like, okay, I built this up and you know this, I'm not really there yet. You got, there's gotta be a point when you realize that. And that's again, that's a whole dichotomy to balance.

Speaker 1: 06:19 Right? And then there is various, I guess you got to break those apart. You don't understand like you know, maybe maybe putting on a persona or a different type of person. Like when I'm, when I'm, when we're doing this podcast, I'm going to channel my inner Tim Ferriss or, or whatever it is and I'm going to embrace that person. I'm going to, I'm going to put this on and I'm going to, I'm going to embody that person and we're done up. I've got to be somebody else now I gotta go, I gotta be dead. I'm going to be the best dad person I know. And like know that Superman, Clark Kent kind of thing, like elements of that. That is something that you need to maybe embrace. Maybe you need to put on a pair of glasses so you feel like this other person that you're trying to channel or whatever it is. I'm

Speaker 2: 06:59 not taking away the fact that that's acceptable or that that's good behavior. I'm just taking to the fact that there is a point when all you do have his faith, all you do have is this competence. All you do have is something that you're not, because that's all you've got and you've got to make the best with that situation. But getting back to the whole simplicity of the article and the stories that like, you know, the last phrase says it well like no dog and pony show. You know what I mean? Like this is, is just, you know, be the best version of yourself. And you know, granted there is a part of that that hopefully is genuine and hopefully real. And not all of it is fake and or facade, but the best version of herself, meaning like not fake or you know, in its most simplistic form I think.

Speaker 2: 07:50 I guess to me that part of the article resonates a little bit more with me back that it's, I guess either being simplistic. Um, you know, we have this thing here like um, this bullet that you have, like it's not things that upset us, it's our judgments about things. Those are the kinds of things to me that resonate more. It's like you got to focus on what you, yourself as a person have on the inside. It's not barely what else is going on. On the outside. You got an inward, it's like we're adding to the stress. We're adding to the anger. You know, our expectations of what the world are or what the world is supposed to be is what adds to this frustration. And the thing I like about this article is when, if you can simplify yourself to that, then you kind of understand the difference between something that's your own judgment or something that's an expectation of you. Right. From outside source. I guess they'll blind your status or something like that.

Speaker 1: 08:56 But anyway, that's why I love this. I love that quote from Epictetus as well. It's like, you know when something happens, you know, you know, if you piss me off, you didn't do that. I did that. I assign that. I let that happen, right? Yes. I'm the one that's, you didn't make me mad. You didn't make me angry or sad or frustrated or overworked or overwhelmed. I'm doing that. I'm doing that for myself. Know I'm allowing that to happen. I'm allowing myself to feel that way. And, and I know a lot of the people that are silent there. Y'All are for the shit. Ain't no book. That mother fucking made me mad. He did that. No you are allowing that to be that you're allowing their action or inaction or whatever it is and that's to me that's the kind of things that I like to bring to light and bring to attention.

Speaker 1: 09:42 I think people get caught up in patterns a lot at the time and it's just this overlying pattern and whatever that is. You know for me I've learned to build better patterns and possibly you have to from what it sounds like when something happens that's outside of my control and that's the key outside of my control. Like I try not to get mad at that. I try not to think even like I guess just recently as of last night, like when things come to me that are not necessarily what I would consider normal would sometimes be something new that gets you introduced to me. I'm not quick to just dismiss that like a lot of people are so set and whatever, and they developed this pattern of, oh, this is a new intruding idea that's going to be dangerous or that's going to be harmful to me.

Speaker 1: 10:29 I need to automatically dismiss it. Oh, that's crazy. You are crazy. Like I don't, I don't tend to do that. I kind of just like I guess go with it and like, oh, this is a new idea. You know, and then it's like, let's test it. Let's take the merits of this new idea and let's roll with it and let's see the benefits that see the risk reward factor and if this is something that may be beneficial to me and all those are the kinds of approaches that I take to those kinds of things. And same thing with other things outside of my control happened. Like I've learned to just, okay, this is outside of my control. Is this actually a good thing or is this a bad thing? Is Am I getting upset over nothing? You know what I mean? Or is this a valid reason why I'm upset at this person for doing this?

Speaker 1: 11:17 Kind of got to take those two things and it takes a lot of practice and it takes a lot of focus to actually do that. So that's the part I also like about this article. It's like it's simple yet it's like the actual Ashley is like the hardest thing to do. It's kind of crazy. Yeah, it, yeah, it is. And that skill, that's hard because we get into this, this confirmation bias. We like things that sound like what we think and make us feel. And when something is outside of that, you immediately dismiss it or challenge it. But having cultivating that skill that you're talking about, that's hard to say. That's interesting. How did you come up with this? Like where did you get that information and being curious? Like I, I've never heard such a, an angle on them Amygdala and being curious. Maybe they're right, maybe they're fucking bonkers, but we don't know. Do we have a conversation? Like maybe somebody, you know, I don't know how many times and it's hard. I, I struggled that all the time. Like, listen man, you're a dumb phone and let me explain to you why.

Speaker 1: 12:17 I'll tell you all the reasons why it's hard because you get in that holding, listen, I've got information that you don't have. Right. Unfortunately my presentation method is horrible. But you also, that's the other thing too is like you, you're right, you have information that this other person, so this other person without that information, it's hard for them to come to the same conclusion that you know, and it's, and many times it's hard for this person to receive the information that you, because they're either, it's the wrong timing for them. They don't want to hear it all right. We'll have told them before and it's just left a bad taste in their mouth. Like, you know, you have to understand that that person, you know, you know, they have control over their mind per se, but you know, learning the Sam Harris, you know, freewill is not also free five whatever.

Speaker 1: 13:16 But you know what I mean? Like you got to realize this and like the second thing we have here is like you have power over your mind. Like not everybody has that. Everybody tends to stay in their lane. Like I don't think they realize where their lane ends and where the next person begins. It's just kind of weird. But yeah, those are good things. Good, good skills. Let's, let's work on that more like all the time. Like it's, it's hard to listen to somebody and just try to take in their perspective, their viewpoint, their thought process, their whatever, and be cordial and be receptive. But Lot of times when I've done that, I'm like, Dang. Like I just, I like Bob, thank you for shattering my, my former beliefs. Like, you know, but if you can hold these things like, you know, um, I forgot how the saying goes or whatever, but you know, their strongly held opinion, loosely held opinions, strong opinions, loosely held, something like that or whatever.

Speaker 1: 14:12 You're able to just constantly evolve and that's the thing you hear a lot. Oh, there, flip flopping. Well, I'm glad they're flip lobby. That means they've learned something new and they've changed their opinion. They've gotten new information and they had changed her opinion. That's not a bad thing. We all should be evolving. We should be like Watson. I know what constantly moving and flow assets in the Bruce Lee thing earlier, Charles Darwin. Okay. The survival. It makes sense, right? You have to adapt. We have to do, right? This is your think about thinkable all that they think about the rapid change we've seen in the past few years, in the next few years coming through just our stock. Your job is going to probably go away. You're not saying you can't get past whatever you're doing now. If AI or whatever, or a machine or robot is ready to take your job and you're like, I've always been this and I can never be nothing else, guess what?

Speaker 1: 15:03 You're not going to be anything else. If that's your mentality, you can't learn. You can't take next steps. You can't say these were my beliefs and I've got new ones now and I'm okay with that. But you know, it just has you to talk about in the last you know, decade or so since the invention of this, right. It's changed dramatically. It's like this wasn't around before too though. Yes. And now that it is, your life is completely different. I remember, I remember you and I sitting there watching that apple keynote, that first one came out and were just like, you could do what I remember when I brought it home dude. You're like, well it took a period. My blackberry was, I think if you can your phone do this? No. Can you elaborate on this? We're just like comparing it like wasting battery.

Speaker 1: 15:48 Like instantly you're all the things that it can do, but those are the kinds of things that like you got to understand that humans are capable of so much more. Like we are capable of so many more things. Then we're set out to be eating your stuff. You know, we are stuck in this pattern and sometimes we just got to break free and you know, like something like this and we can adapt. It's like yeah. And that goes to the next point of the article from Marcus Awareness. You have the power over your mind, not outside events realize this and you will find that strength. Yep. And you know, it's funny, a lot of these things, I mean maybe somebody who people will recognize them from biblical reference them. Again, these guys lived around the same time as Jesus was, was supposedly a bit cynical. His brother is actually in the Bible, the one of the coders here.

Speaker 1: 16:42 So these things sound similar. Interestingly though two different parts of the world that they lived in, but they live in the same time. These were kind of sentiments of the time. Right. You know, so, but that this, this is one of those things I learned when I, when I started reading sources and stuff for a few years ago and it's like damn, like outside events, I have no control, but I fight so hard and as long, nothing to do with me. And I can't do nothing about it, but you're not alone to a lot of people fight outside of events, control their whole day, controlling states. So how they spend their money, like it's crazy. It's, it's unreal. Like if people just realize that they can hold fast and stay to themselves without listening to what everybody else, everybody else or what the outside world is saying. Yeah.

Speaker 1: 17:31 It's amazing to just stand fast in that and hold still. It's like, that's crazy. But I don't know, every time I hear this quote or something similar, it reminds me of, of uh, Robert Kiyosaki, I think it was in Rich Dad, poor dad. He would his mind your own business and never really got the full message of it really. I always thought of it as in a singular term, like, you know, mind your own business. You're your own, your own wealth generation type things. I never thought about it in my actual personal life and how I conduct myself towards other people and other things like that. I always say, yes, I'm going to run a business. I'm on these things here that I'm doing. But listen, I can fix you. Come here, let me, let me tell you about something I know about. And that's why I always thought and I spent a lot of time fighting within it and I listened to shut the fuck up.

Speaker 1: 18:21 Let me explain this to you. Now change your mind and it doesn't work. And it took me a long time to figure that out. And then, but now that I've really embrace this thing of this is out of my control, I can try and influence things. That can be a good example. I can do what I can do and I can be the best person. Hopefully that will inspire you to do the same thing. That's all I can do. That's it. Now that I do that as so much less headaches, I get literally physical heading. And I kinda liked that from Robert Kiyosaki for those either don't know, Rich Dad, poor dad, great book. Um, but I liked that. Like to me I always thought of it as like a play on words, right? Cause it's like when you think of that mind, your own business, people think of it as like, you know, I don't know, a local status, your Kuleana or what I mean like mind your own mind, your own things.

Speaker 1: 19:09 Like don't worry about what's happening with my life. Just more about your life kind of thing. But like really that message, you know, mind your own business is just getting you to realize like what is your business? What is your focus? Like what, what things are going on. Because if you're not in control of your world, if you're not minding your own business and thinking about what it is for you, somebody else write this out, this extra force can come into your world and steal that from you. Right? And like, you know, a lot of people have opinions. A lot of people have great value in their life, but they don't always fight to protect it. There's soldiers because they're so quick to say, oh so and so said this. And like all of a sudden everything that you're thinking just goes right out the window and you're on this new train path.

Speaker 1: 20:01 And who you are and where you just were. Instead of staying steadfast in it, you get up, you get absorbed into what's outside there. That's not, that's not always the best solution. I mean take consideration to outside events because they will affect you, but at the same time don't get so absorbed or pulled away from what it is you're doing. I don't know. That's a good point. What happens as as humans when we trust somebody, we didn't have that like know and trust things. What they say. We don't go out and validate. So you've got to be careful who you give your trust to, who you're taking information from. Cause like, like, like let's you know, Tim Ferris, if Tim Ferriss recommends something to me, all the experiences I've had with them, all the things that have, I know I don't have to validate. I just got to know is this product right for me?

Speaker 1: 20:53 If it is, I'll take it because I know he's done the work he's put in the time. Right. And he won't put his name behind something he hasn't tested, tried and done all these things. And that when you, when you trust someone at that level, you've got to be careful because you know, if they can easily abuse that trust, you know, or they could have built that trust with you from a position of, I'm going to abuse it later because I know once I have it, you're not going to check me anymore. So you've gotta be careful who you give that to when it goes back to who you surround yourself with. That's virtually not in person. That's who's in your feed and all these things. Yeah. You gotta you gotta do the checks and balances and you got to revaluate things from time to time, you know, just because somebody has a complete 100% trust today, you know, tomorrow or 10 years from now or whatever the case might be, anywhere in between there you got to, you got to check that and you've got to kind of check where you are.

Speaker 1: 21:46 Um, but yeah, getting to our next point I guess is the other one too, that uh, we suffer more often in imagination than in reality. Like this kind of takes us back to like civilization and its discontents on this point, you know I'm going to say these things lightly. I understand that they're not going to be taking that way and that's fine. You want to add complexity of things that's on. This is why I think this is something that comes to mind when I hear this. I hear depression and anxiety, so depression is there. Thoughts of the past. Anxiety is your thoughts of the future. You have these problems, please seek professional help. Whatever you got to do, but understand, bring this to the simplest form. Why am I depressed? Something happened in the past that sauce that shitty. I get it, but now that you know that it's okay, what can I control now that happened, you know one month ago, two months ago, 10 years, 2030 40 50 whatever it is, that's gone.

Speaker 1: 22:47 It's over with. That moment has passed even every time. Even if that moment is yesterday, even if it was fucking 10 minutes ago, that's gone. It's over every time. Now you are bringing that up, your plane, that story in your mind. You're doing these things and it was up to here. I'm not a fucking psychologist. I'm not a therapist and we'll need to see one. Yeah, go see what, please. I'm not trying to make light of this. I want to bring these things. Let's simplify. Let's start digging down at this. If you're going to get past these things, you've got to be real. Like this thing is over with. It's in the past. Is it easy? I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying it's, it's going to happen overnight. Um, but there's things when you can recognize these things, you can start saying, oh, you don't understand.

Speaker 1: 23:31 It's complicated. No, it's not. You're making it complicated. You're allowing that mean to be assigned to the event. Again, hence the, the title of the article. Like if it's not simple, it's bullshit. It's like you're just saying it's complicated, but are you really just trying to give us your B s s right. We're really system behind all of this. That's so complex. When in reality it may actually be simpler than you think is exactly the anxiety, the thoughts of the future. Right? It's so easy. Like we're humans. We're so good at making up these stories and coming up these vivid things. 99.99% of the time, the shit you imagine, it never happens the way you think. And more and more often than not, when you start to get depressed or when you start to get anxious, like your, you go from this positive mode to now something that's this negative mode, right?

Speaker 1: 24:30 And then when you're in this negative mold, like you get bombarded with all of these questions, right? That's where my thoughts are. If they're basically just questions, yeah, well what if this, what if that, and when you get into this negative mold with every negative question coming at you, like you just start to go downward and downward in every question becomes more, I guess, harsh, more, more scary, or makes you more anxious. Right? At first it was like, oh, you know, I'm just, I'm, I'm worried. They call, I'm getting a little fat. And then now it's like, oh, I'm obese now. It's like, oh, I'm going to get diabetes. Oh, I'm going to give heart positive. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, whoa. Just slow down like you're 10 pounds overweight that we're not getting diabetes just right away. We're not, we're not doing any of this.

Speaker 1: 25:16 It's like, you know, you just focus on what you control. I mean, you know, it's like if you're 10 pounds, okay let's stop drinking soda. Let's start eating better. Let's just go for a walk. We don't need to, we don't need to go for a 10 mile run in the morning. Just start walking like your anxiety about things that will happen in the future when you're in this negative form or this negative downward spiral. Those things you got to learn to just cut that off just to stop it, interrupt that pattern because that, that kind of thinking can get people into anxiety and depression and it's hard to come back if you go way down that spiral and it's easy to keep self reinforcing that you stopped doing things and these things start to sort of happen. Like I'll see I'm getting from the Hog, I'm, I'm 15 pounds overweight.

Speaker 1: 26:05 If you would, is just taking some action and different things. There's some great research out there now. I've been really interested in, I'll link to some articles in the, um, different, um, Mtma therapy. They have, um, different psychedelics and stuff that they've really, you know, just a few treatments. I mean, you know, please, if you are interested in this stuff, seeing an experience guide or something like that, they'll see that there's clinical trials that you can get into for these different things. But there's really great promise. I heard, um, there's this one article is published that they were using a Mbma to treat PTSD, one to three treatments. Sure. Don Gone. Huh? I think you were telling me about that. Right? So the, that study, why not fast tracking that through the FDA and they had immediate approval given support research with Mbma. Um, so there's lots of great things going on and psychedelics, it was really stagnant for many, many years, but the seeds are coming up, magic mushrooms and it's different types of things. All of these therapies and stuff are coming. They're being studied. There's a lot going on there, but there's really great rapid results. The government is getting behind this stuff now. They're allowing these tests and you've done that. You are a person that's looking for a option. I will link to some great resources I'm aware of in this research. You know, it, it can, it can really be I think a big help in that. There's some great stuff happening in this space.

Speaker 2: 27:39 Yeah. But anyway, we're not, we're not suggesting that you have problems that you need drugs to solve their problems. Yeah. Getting to stand as an option to use trucks. I know, but just saying there's, but getting better and kind of do dumb shit and blame me. But uh, getting back to the article and you know, you know how we're talking about yes. If you do have depression and anxiety, we're not trying to be little, you know, our understanding of it or make light of it or anything like that. Yeah. We're just trying to try to grab something that seems very complex and trying to break it down into something that's simple. And that kind of leads us into our next topic that we're talking about is any scientist who couldn't explain it to an eight year old, what he was doing was a charlatan and like kind of playing off the last topic that we talked about.

Speaker 2: 28:35 You know, we're taking something like depression and like it and we're breaking it down into simple forms so that we kind of don't get caught up in the hype. I said that we don't understand what something is, right? Depression, fear of the past, right? Anxiety, fear of the future. Like those are pretty simple concrete terms and don't get me wrong, we can't just fall under what those things are. But if we can break things down to something that we can explain to an eight year old, right? Your eight year old comes with you dad. What's depression like you're going to go into this long thing about what it is versus just be, you know, son depression is just fear of the past. Like how simple is that? Like an eight year old can understand what that is, you know, and like sometimes we go so far into this long drawn out explanation that kind of clouds are mine and calls our judgment about what the real actual problem is by simplifying things. It can kind of give us a little bit of a, I guess a clearer understanding so that we can be more precise in our speech. Sounds familiar.

Speaker 1: 29:48 So if you're saying

Speaker 2: 29:51 well you know, I'm just, you know, those kinds of things like I mean granted, you know there are things that are complex or you know, operations that the operation itself is simple, yet all the theories and all of their research and all of the terminology and everything behind the operation. I guess if you want to go into the medical field or into law or real estate, like there's a lot of background on doing something, but when it come down to putting it in its simplest form, it's like real estate is just buying a house or something, one not or selling one. I'm not trying to make light of the subject, but the actual act itself is rally simple. You go through the process and do it, but it's everything behind it that you have to understand. That is the complex part. So if you are truly a master, right in what you do, if you're a master in your craft, you can take something that's so complex and so versed that not many, if any people understand it to the depths that you as a professional or you as a master crafter understand it. Yet you can explain things as if you were talking to an eight year old so that people kind of have an idea of what it is they're getting into, what it is they're doing, like being able to take something so fast and what is it like to infinity and beyond and then just like making it something simple. All mysterious or even immediately space. But anyway, Sandra.

Speaker 1: 31:28 Yeah, that's the thing that I, when I, maybe like a year or so ago, I came across this sentiment and it, it made me, you know, stop and think when, especially I, I, I guess I notice it most with, with my kids and they're like, Hey dad, what is this? And I'm like, Eh, you know, it's this thing that, um, you know, um, well what, what, what, what happens is, well, you know, it's like, and then in my mind I'm like, can I know this? Like, just, I just know it but I can't explain it. And then I, then now with this new knowledge, I'm like, because I don't really know it that well. Yeah. So I'm like, now I'm like, you know what? I kinda understand it, but I kind of can explain it to you. Let's look this shit up so I can get a better understanding of it. And then you can also know the answer to the question. But being able to have that clear understanding then have, then you can have clear thoughts. Then you can have a clear speech. These are, they all go in succession. So when you feel yourself in that mode, no, I don't understand this enough and that's okay.

Speaker 2: 32:37 Yeah, that's perfectly fine. That's perfect. There's no, you're not a master yet. Stop pretending like you are. You know what I mean? It's okay to say, you know what? I don't know. Or you know what? As an industry we don't know. Yeah, we'll keep me that. If there's something out there, it's like, let me go get some more information. Get back to you. Like those kinds of things like taking ownership and and being able to say what you do and what you don't know. I'll think it's it's weakness. Know what I mean? Like some people think, well I don't, I don't want to seem weak by telling this person that. I don't know. But in actuality, I think sometimes it's quite opposite. Sometimes you're the stronger person for saying, well, I don't know. And then there you can take ownership of that, go out, do the research and then back and get the right answers so that you can give the right feedback.

Speaker 2: 33:29 To me, it takes a stronger person to say, you don't know. You're out there due to hustle, doodle, want to and then get back to somebody versus the person who just tells a little white lie they and they top it off with confidence where they topped it off with this bs right of over explaining something that they really know nothing about and then walking away from the conversation and not having to do any research, not having to go back and do or do any followup. Like it takes a stronger person to do the later to say, I don't know, do the research and come back versus just lie about something that you could clearly have no understanding of. Two, two things I like to add to that. When you say you're going to, you're going to get back to them. You've got to follow up.

Speaker 2: 34:14 You've got to do that. A lot of times it's happened. I've seen it a lot of times. It was all, let me get back to you and it's like a week later and say, uh, you figured out yet. Oh well I didn't even actually do anything about it. It's like, I thought you said you were going to look it up and get back to me like, well, you're fired next. You've got to fault, you've got to follow through. You've got to do that. Right. And that, again, I'm just saying it takes a stronger person to do that part of it. Anybody can say, Oh, you know, I don't know how to find out. Like if he just stopped there, that's, you might as well just have lied to them and told them in misinformation because it's pretty much the same thing. But Hey, I don't know. I don't want to sound like your dad or anything.

Speaker 2: 34:55 I want to end this. I want to end this topic on that little cute note. This kind of reminds me, I don't think he was eight, but I think he was a little bit lower like that and being from Hawaii or whatever the case that people don't out there and watching this video and you don't know what La is, right? I guess. I think we were watching Lilo and stitch and my son is like, I was like, he's like dad, that's a lay. And I was like, Oh, you know what la is. I like, I was so happy. It was like, Oh, you know what la is. And like I was just trying to test him and I was like, what is a late, and he's like, Dad, he's like, La is a flower necklace. And I was like, I was like, Damn. I was like, but you know what I mean?

Speaker 2: 35:39 Like it's something that's so simple. I mean, I don't know how old he was probably like a five year old. Like I was like that really clear definition of what La is like. I was like, Damn. I was like, that's cool. I was like, that's pretty gee. I like, I don't know, kind of like the end of on that list city is key, you know? It's, it's good clear. But yeah. But anyway. Um, so I kinda, I guess want to wrap this up a little bit, but you know, to the fact that yes, we, you know, as somebody who is well versed in, in anything, you know, if you're, if you're knowledgeable on the subject, let's just take it, I guess from my instance because I'm in the medical field, I can take something as vast and it's complex. Um, that I, it took me three years of school to accomplish and then explain it to somebody who's, you know, just laymen terms.

Speaker 2: 36:40 This is what we're trying to do. This is what we're trying to cop out. I think we were talking to knew about pneumonia, right? So just kind of going into simple terms about that. Um, you know, but however, like there are so many factors and so many other things behind it. Just your, the person that is receiving this information from, you know, I guess I'd get back to the example of this girl was asking about pneumonia and I just, just giving my explanation, right. And doing my best to put it in simple forms. You know, I just didn't want to walk away from that conversation, you know, explaining in something as fast as pneumonia into something that's such a simple term. And then in turn this young girl thinking that she knew everything she needed to know about pneumonia just from our conversation. So this is kind of like, I guess the flip side of this, it's like yes, things like medicine are complex.

Speaker 2: 37:38 There are lots of theories, there's lots of research, there are lots of studies that get put out every day about certain things, you know. So the understanding of the subject matter is something that is complex and does take some time to master. But when you are, I guess we'll put in your mind and learning about something and somebody explained something to you and something that's simple and easy to understand. I guess my caveat is just, just don't walk away thinking that you know, everything there is to know about this subject because somebody explained it to you in a form that's simple in a form that you understood and now you think you're ready to get out there and start explaining it to other people. Like, you know, just, just be cautious with that and it's like somebody did a good job of explaining it to you.

Speaker 2: 38:30 Okay. But also on the flip side, you also have to understand what it took for that person to be able to explain it to you. You took that person a long time, uh, schooling, seeing a lot of clinical trials, reading a lot of information in order to do that. So just Kinda, just because you hear a read one book, I read one book about real estate, I would say professional now. Like, like, yeah, yeah, you got to snowboarding. I'm a guru. Gurus, don't call them subgroups. You're dangerous now. But yeah, I think you might need to do a little bit more research. So I don't know. So yeah, I don't know. You know, something that's super simple

Speaker 1: 39:18 you want to do is they head over to a social chameleon bash show slash pick me. Get into this month's giveaway. Super simple. And guess what? You'd be Winfrey Shit. There you go. Know I love Free Shit. We, we always, we always put, try to put together just great packages and great things to help you folks. Have more knowledge, have more mastery, have more experience, live a better life. Get over there, get in super symbol. There's no bullshit. It's all good stuff. Social community that showed slash pick me getting entered into this month's giveaway for your chance to win our amazing, amazing prices. And then for this article if you'd like to read it for yourself, but all my craziness or if you'd like to read more about different things that are on [inaudible] dot com I'll leave this in the show notes or the daily Stoic, um, uh, book and the Journal I think are great resources to have. I think they're great. More great wisdom like this. I will link to those if you're interested. And then this week's challenge. No, your shit. Where can you find simplicity? Yeah, there's thinking and your communication in your job, in the purpose you have with knife and the things you're doing. It doesn't have to be complicated. You are complicated. You are allowing complication.

Speaker 2: 40:47 Nice, and I guess we can close with a final thoughts is you want to expand your mind, but expanding your mind isn't necessarily always what you think it is. Most people think of expansion is going at great mass to expand and become bigger, but in today's final thoughts, I want you to expand your mind by making it smaller and more simple.

Speaker 3: 41:16 Yeah.

Speaker 1: 41:18 Another simple thing to do is to find people that are complex, that light to blink. Everything has got to be complex, new. Share this with them and let them know you're simplicity or maybe they're just fucking shit. We'll have to figure this out. They've got to wash this episode, read this article to know it, but share with them, enlighten them, give this gift to them and give us a gift by giving us some reviews. You, you know, sharing the show Sharon episodes. It really helps us bring on great, amazing guests like we've been having, and we've got a lot more coming up, tons of people scheduled in here. It's going to be great for you guys. You guys can also connects with us in between episodes of the social media show, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, auto's great fun places. Is One of subscribing on youtube for the video version as well as your favorite podcast APP. I Google podcast and apple podcasts, Spotify, auto's great places for past episodes and maintenance. Everything you've told me here today, you as the social community in.show and until next time, keep it simple and keep learning and growing and transforming into the person you want.


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