Transforming Lives with Yoga: Teresa Porter's Inclusive Approach and Success Stories
Welcome to the Social Chameleon Show! I'm your host, Tyson Gaylord, and in this episode, we dive deep into the world of yoga with our special guest, Teresa Porter, the inventor and founder of Sirrine Yoga. Teresa brings a wealth of knowledge on the holistic benefits of yoga, from mental and emotional well-being to physical fitness. We'll discuss how yoga can transform your life, improve flexibility, and help manage stress and anxiety. Teresa shares inspiring stories from her clients, including athletes and everyday individuals, and offers practical tips for incorporating yoga into busy lifestyles. Plus, we explore the importance of being present, self-care for entrepreneurs, and strategies to create a consistent yoga practice. Whether you're a beginner or looking to deepen your practice, this episode has something for everyone. Don't forget to check the show notes for links to Teresa's free online yoga resources and follow us on social media for updates!
After the birth of her first daughter, she had severe back problems. MRI’s and doctors could not give a diagnosis. Seeking answers, she decided to create her own healing path with regular yoga, Pilates, walking, and acupuncture. She was amazed by the relief she felt in her back by combining these activities. When she ceased to do them, the pain would quickly return.
She desired to learn the theory behind these forms of exercise how they could provide better overall health and well-being. This led her to enroll at Scottsdale Community College in the 200 teacher training program. She never dreamed that this would be the beginning of her yoga journey and how life-changing it would be on so many levels.
Learn More about her story here
Links To Resources From Sirrine Yoga
Proper technique for basic yoga poses
3 Yoga Poses to De-stress and Energize [Legs Up The Wall]
13 Minute "Wake Me Up" Yoga Sequence
A Day In the Life Of A Business Mom
ABC15 Sonoran Living - Susan's Mommy Minute With Teresa Of Sirrine Yoga

Show notes and transcripts powered with the help of Castmagic. Episode Transcriptions Unedited, Auto-Generated.
Tyson Gaylord [00:00:04]:
Welcome to the social chameleon show, where we have meaningful discussions on a wide variety of topics and ideas to help you on your journey towards self transformation. As always, show notes, links, talk about and book recommendations can be found at the Today, I'm talking with Teresa Porter, inventor and founder of Suryn Yoga. Yoga is online is online yoga videos designed by Teresa, for people of every body type, yoga level, and convenient videos with ranging from 15 to 45 minutes. Teresa started this, I just discovering a love and passion for yoga. I wanted to make it easy for others to experience what she discovered. Welcome Teresa.
Teresa Porter [00:00:44]:
Thank you for having me. Hi, Tyson.
Tyson Gaylord [00:00:46]:
Yeah. Hi. So, can we start off, tell us about your journey, how you discovered yoga.
Teresa Porter [00:00:53]:
Sure. So my first, experience with yoga was, shortly after I graduated from massage school in 99. So I started, going to yoga to see if it helped, relief my upper body tension from massaging. So that was my first experience, and I really loved the teacher, dis And I always left feeling lighter, relaxed. Mhmm. And so that kind of started my interest, and then after I had my first daughter in 2002, I had severe back problems and, nobody could diagnose what was going on with me. I had an MRI, went to see several different doctors, And, I started doing my own research at that point to see what I could find out for myself.
Tyson Gaylord [00:01:38]:
Teresa Porter [00:01:38]:
And it came back to That yoga and Pilates was really beneficial and healthy for your back. Mhmm. So I started doing that on a regular basis and my back started feeling a lot better.
Tyson Gaylord [00:01:49]:
Nights. But
Teresa Porter [00:01:49]:
at the time, my back I was in such chronic pain that if I stopped doing exercises, the pain would come back immediately, so I had to be very consistent with Adding that into my routine and gradually over time my back became stronger and I started feeling a lot better. So that that's dis What got me super interested in figuring out the why. So if something works for me, I wanna figure out why does it work. So Then I went and enrolled at Scottsdale Community College, and I took the training, there, and I've been teaching since 2004.
Tyson Gaylord [00:02:22]:
Training to be a yoga teacher?
Teresa Porter [00:02:24]:
Yes. Okay. Yeah.
Tyson Gaylord [00:02:26]:
Okay. And then what did you do after that?
Teresa Porter [00:02:30]:
I started teaching at local gyms and I remember my very first teaching job, I was so terrified in teaching. I remember the night before, I came up with my lesson plan I figured I was gonna do. I was driving to the gym to teach my 1st class. I was, like, sweating bullets. I was so nervous. But dis Since then, I've had lots of experience, and I've taught in a lot of different settings, different gyms, different wellness centers, And I've worked 1 on 1 with people, done privates in small group settings, and so now I've just learned to tailor How I teach depending on the group that I'm working with.
Tyson Gaylord [00:03:10]:
Teresa Porter [00:03:11]:
And also a lot of how I teach comes from My 18 years of being a massage therapist.
Tyson Gaylord [00:03:17]:
Teresa Porter [00:03:17]:
So I see where people hold their attention and stress on a physical, mental, and emotional levels, And that's helped me learn how to use yoga as a tool belt, a solution to address the aches and pains of my clients and also my Self and being a therapist for 18 years.
Tyson Gaylord [00:03:36]:
What made you, I mean, you were you were working in places and, I mean, that's nice and safe and simple and, why'd you venture into the online world. What happened there?
Teresa Porter [00:03:46]:
Over the years of teaching with students, I I kept getting a lot of feedback.
Tyson Gaylord [00:03:52]:
Dis my my
Teresa Porter [00:03:52]:
training my background is called Iyengar based. So our Iyengar, which is very alignment based, which For me, when I was researching where I wanted to get my training, it made sense with my massage therapy background to Learn the alignment principles and have it be more of a therapeutic approach when you practice yoga. So when you you incorporate the alignment principles, It can retrain the memory of the muscle to have better posture, better alignment, so then it becomes Yeah. Like we're sitting for this.
Tyson Gaylord [00:04:25]:
Dis So it
Teresa Porter [00:04:25]:
becomes therapeutic. Right? So you have better posture, better alignment Mhmm. And it can help address the aches and pains that you have from Bad posture, you know.
Tyson Gaylord [00:04:34]:
This is as soon as you see that word, you hear that word, everybody's like, uh-uh, I'm I'm good. I'm I'm not actually sexy, so
Teresa Porter [00:04:39]:
Right? I see that a lot when I teach, dist And then I said, how's your posture throughout the day? And everyone's like this. And then they automatically
Tyson Gaylord [00:04:46]:
sit up. Posture wonderful. What are you speaking of? I don't I don't know what you're
Teresa Porter [00:04:50]:
talking about. Yeah. So that that's how I've taught over the years, and so I kept getting a lot of feedback that I taught very differently from other, instructors and they really liked My style of teaching, and I'd have clients that would move away, and they couldn't quite find that style of teaching, and so, dis You know, they kept asking me, you should do something online. I would like to do something online. And then the more I started researching what was online, It was to me, it was very and I started asking my students. It was very intimidating what they saw.
Tyson Gaylord [00:05:22]:
Teresa Porter [00:05:22]:
So was the body types, you know, really fit 20 to 30 year olds that were doing yoga, but it was very advanced yoga. A lot of it. And so I just wanted to bring in the students and clients I've worked with over the years that have all different, you know, fitness levels, shapes, age, To show that yoga is for every lifestyle, no matter where you're at, there's always a starting point.
Tyson Gaylord [00:05:48]:
Yeah. And that and that that was, I mean, that's kind of been my experience with doing yoga. I know, you know, when I first kinda started doing it, you know, there wasn't really I mean, a guy in the class was like crazy, you know, I used to get a lot of, you know, dirty looks and stuff like what are you doing here kind of thing and I always want to try and it was always that, you know, intimidating like you're not the typical person that belongs in here and then, that the thing I like when I discovered, you know, your class and you know, it's like, I can't do this move. It's like, oh, no. Don't worry about it. Come over here. Let me show you like this different way and it's like, oh, well this is now obtainable. This is not something I can do and I mean Mhmm.
Tyson Gaylord [00:06:21]:
Whatever it's been how many years now and it's I mean my flexibility feels so much better and feels so much, you know, more energy and I, you know, I can do these different things and like, I mean, I remember before when I was trying to give my son something behind me, I could actually reach around, I'm like, oh my god. Before I have to be like, you know, I was like, I I could just effortlessly do that in the car and I'm like, wow, like that little things are just to so, you know, so so much better and and, and that was the thing I liked about like I said about your style is, like, those things I always wanted but every time I went somewhere, I was always that that stigma on that thing like, oh, it's big, you know, either, you know, just being a guy is is is like wrong in yoga classes decision. It's like, oh, you can't do anything, well, that's why you don't belong here. It's like, well, it's a catch 22. If I don't get to come, I can't become on your level like I'll never win, you know? Right. So, you know, I I like that I'm glad you've been kinda done this and you're one of the rare teachers that makes this this yoga space obtainable and and non intimidating, and that's the thing I like. And then, you know, and then it brings me to the question of, I mean, why why should we be why should we be doing yoga and what are the benefits in your opinion of doing yoga?
Teresa Porter [00:07:37]:
Oh, there's there's lots of benefits. The thing that I use it the most for, Like I mentioned earlier, it's like a tool belt of solutions. Right?
Tyson Gaylord [00:07:48]:
Like that.
Teresa Porter [00:07:48]:
Over the years of of working with such a wide range of clients and body types, You know, from stay at home parents to professional bodybuilders, to professional football players, to triathletes, or just average person wanting to gain more range of motion and has, you know, the low back pain because they're now in their thirties, forties, and they're kind of feeling their age. Experience. How how can you use yoga in small amounts is my thing and address those aches and pains? Discernment. I've had to learn to use it that way myself because I have 3 kids, I work, I don't have an hour every day to practice yoga. Dis So how can I break it down into small amounts? What poses can I do within 5 to 10 minutes that can address x, y, and z? And that's how I've learned to teach my students and I have my massage clients that come in, and they just have severe low back pain. Okay? So I ask them, Are you stretching your hamstrings? How you know, most of them are like,
Tyson Gaylord [00:08:49]:
no. Not my backwards. Not my hamstring. Listen, lady. Sorry.
Teresa Porter [00:08:52]:
Yeah. So if you have low back problems, a lot of the time it's coming back from coming from tight hamstrings. So it's all connected. So it's learning how to to know what muscle groups to stretch or strengthen. Sometimes it's a combination of creating range of motion, flexibility, and strength to help the aches and pains go away, so that's, I don't know. Does that answer your question?
Tyson Gaylord [00:09:18]:
Yeah. I just, you know, like, I mean, you you always hear, you know, people doing it like, I just wanna know, you know, I know there's benefits, you you know, it's just like, why why should we be doing it? Like, personally, I didn't have any of those problems, you know. I had some old injuries maybe that and and I never was really, you know, one that stretched before, wasn't really emphasized when I was younger, and we were playing sports and stuff, but I knew there was benefit there, and I didn't have any of those problems, and that was when I was, like, I don't want to get I've never had back problems, I don't wanna get it. I and I knew there was I can't scratch my own back and it's like, you know, that's why I started doing yoga, like, preventatively, especially as I got older, you know. Yeah. You know, so
Teresa Porter [00:09:58]:
Yeah. I mean, so you could use it as a preventative to rehab and then, a lot of athletes too use it to Cross train. And that's one of my other niches that I really love is working with athletes and teaching them, how can you use yoga to help you train for a body building show or, you know, help gait with your gait cycle, which is when you're running or walking. You know, if you don't Work on releasing your quads and your hip flexors. That's gonna affect your range of motion when you're running or walking, climbing, etcetera. So that's another thing is you can use it to cross train.
Tyson Gaylord [00:10:32]:
Teresa Porter [00:10:32]:
Basically, for any sport, really. It's just depending on dis Where you're at with flexibility and strength, you could use it to when you create flexibility, that helps create range of motion, which helps prevent injuries and also helps to build more muscle if you have more flexibility.
Tyson Gaylord [00:10:48]:
And I'm gonna say it works great for the golf game.
Teresa Porter [00:10:51]:
Yeah. And I mean, it it shortens recovery time too. So there's, I mean, there's lots of different reasons how you can use yoga and what how you can use it to address your aches and pains, but dis The benefits are they're super long lists. So I think it's more of people learning what it can do for them or ache or pain, they have low back pain, or maybe they deal with anxiety. That's a whole other string of things like depression, anxiety. Their their mind's constantly going, so then those are the other principles you can learn on the yoga mat is what poses, what breathing techniques Can you learn to help address your anxiety? What do you do when you have anxiety? So one of the principles that you learn with yoga Is learning to become present, and that's very hard in our society nowadays, because we're bombarded with information technology, all this busyness that people think they have to be busy, but if you come back to your breath And just focus on your breathing, making it even and continuous. That can help lower anxiety because it helps you be present in the moment. When you're constantly thinking of all the 10 things you need to do, where your kids need to be in your whole day, like, right now, yes, that can cause anxiety.
Teresa Porter [00:12:07]:
I deal with that. Discussions. Trying to balance what my kids are doing, my work schedule, but I have to break my my day up into sections. So like this hour, I'm getting my kids off to school. And then I come home, I use the next hour to get ready to go see clients. And I see clients till 2:30 and then I go pick up my kids, like, I literally have to be, sometimes, dis Keep bringing myself back to be present in the moment, be present in the hour. I can't do anything about the rest of the day because right now I'm doing this right now. That's I've learned that a lot from yoga.
Teresa Porter [00:12:37]:
But it takes constant practice.
Tyson Gaylord [00:12:39]:
Teresa Porter [00:12:40]:
Be present. When you are present, it lowers your anxiety 2.
Tyson Gaylord [00:12:46]:
What are can you share some some techniques that are simple and kinda easy to help with lowering that anxiety? Like, what are some some things you found that work best?
Teresa Porter [00:12:54]:
Breath. Just breathing in itself can help with a lot of things. So if for those of you that are not familiar with, yoga breathing I'm
Tyson Gaylord [00:13:02]:
taking some notes. Sorry.
Teresa Porter [00:13:05]:
With yoga breathing, it's done in and out through the nose and a lot of us are when we breathe, it's shallow. We're in our chest And yoga breathing is in your belly. So when you breathe, you have to work on dropping your breath from the chest down in to the belly. And one technique that I teach my students is to put 1 hand on your chest, 1 hand on your belly, and see what see See what hand goes out. So a lot of people, again, they're breathing here, not in their belly. So when you focus on dropping the breath down into the belly, Your belly and your rib cage should expand as you inhale, and then as you exhale, it's it's coming back in and you're drawing your belly button towards your spine. Dis And just working on making that even and continuous, that can help calm your mind down, which will help lower your anxiety. So, just breath in itself can help.
Teresa Porter [00:13:55]:
Specific poses. I don't know how, you know, familiar your audience is with poses, but just Any type of forward bend.
Tyson Gaylord [00:14:03]:
Teresa Porter [00:14:03]:
So if you're sitting cross legged on the ground No. And you bend at the hips and take your forehead down to the ground, That helps calm the mind down. So, like, child pose, forward bend
Tyson Gaylord [00:14:14]:
Teresa Porter [00:14:14]:
Standing forward bend. Any of those can help calm the mind down. Decisions. And then also, a version of Shavasana, I teach this a lot, is if you're right against the wall and you So, say this is the wall right here and you scoop right up the wall, so this your butt's right against the wall and your legs go straight up the wall, like
Tyson Gaylord [00:14:34]:
this. That one's one of my favorites.
Teresa Porter [00:14:36]:
Dis What?
Tyson Gaylord [00:14:36]:
That's one of my favorites.
Teresa Porter [00:14:38]:
Yes. So there's several things that are going on there. You're laying down in Shavasana but your legs are elevated above the hearts And when you do that, it it acts as an energy reversal. So it can help either energize you or it can help calm the mind down. Dis- So I actually use this one a lot. So if I do my morning, I'm with clients and I come home and I'm like, oh, I just wanna take a nap but I dis Can't because I have to take my kids to dance and guitar and all their activities they do. I'll either do this with my legs against the wall or I'll go lay on my bed and I'll dis Prop up, like, 3 pillows up, so my, again, my legs are elevated.
Tyson Gaylord [00:15:13]:
Yeah. And
Teresa Porter [00:15:13]:
that's the part. And I just set the timer on my phone. I turn my phone off, dis Except for the timer, and I'll just zone out or listen to calming music for 5 to 15 minutes, and I tell my my kids, I'm gonna go upstairs, I'm gonna take a little power nap. Dis- Sometimes I fall asleep, sometimes I don't, but with elevating my legs above the heart, that helps to energize you. Kinda like a reset button. Yeah. So you can use that as to help increase energy, but you can also use it to calm the mind down and help with anxiety.
Tyson Gaylord [00:15:42]:
Yeah. You've got a bunch of videos on this, if I'm not mistaken. Right?
Teresa Porter [00:15:45]:
I do. Yes.
Tyson Gaylord [00:15:46]:
Awesome. I'll link that in the show notes for you guys so you guys can go ahead and reference these videos and then, use these to for breathing and energizing and stuff. I said that up the wall, and that's my favorite. I always forget that it has all those benefits. I just like knowing it. It just, it feels good in my hamstring, you know, they kinda get them against that wall and kinda let them stretch out and stuff. That's what I like.
Teresa Porter [00:16:05]:
That I use that a lot with guys that have really tight, hamstrings or hip flexors and they can't pike or straddle on the floor because of that. So when you take your legs up the wall and you do pike, straddle, Or tailored pose, which is like making your legs in a diamond shape.
Tyson Gaylord [00:16:22]:
Teresa Porter [00:16:23]:
You have the use of the wall to help you stretch and then gravity. So you have 2 things working in your benefit fit to help you deepen the stretch in the poses that would normally be hard sitting up for you.
Tyson Gaylord [00:16:34]:
Probably why I like it. Lazy man's room.
Teresa Porter [00:16:36]:
Yeah. So lazy way of stretching.
Tyson Gaylord [00:16:38]:
I like that, I like that.
Teresa Porter [00:16:40]:
So I do have 1 specific video that shows those 3 poses, and it explains the benefits, and we can share that with them.
Tyson Gaylord [00:16:47]:
Yeah. We'll we'll link that in the show notes, you guys, so we can you can easily get to that and, you know, help get you going to your day and help you, you know, when you're I know those are so easy to do, I mean, you can go anywhere, and, I mean, you're in the office or something, lay down, you know, pick up your cubicle or whatever.
Teresa Porter [00:17:05]:
Or a chair? Yeah. Something.
Tyson Gaylord [00:17:07]:
Yeah. Instead of an extra cup of coffee, you know, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, you shouldn't be drinking caffeine, you know, to look for looking for that little boost. Here you go. This is something simple and then it's not gonna infect your, you know, your sleep at night when you're trying to get to bed, you still wrapped up from that 2 o'clock cup of coffee you had. So that's good, I like that. Do you do have any recommendations for someone that's new to yoga?
Teresa Porter [00:17:32]:
Recommendations as, like, trying to start doing yoga or Yeah.
Tyson Gaylord [00:17:36]:
So somebody that's new, either they haven't done it or they they really maybe not find an awesome teacher like you, what are some things that that can help somebody that's new either wanting to get in or just getting into the yoga thing? What what are some good things you like to to kinda start people off with?
Teresa Porter [00:17:50]:
If they can find a teacher that is really good with Giving them variations and modifications, that that's really important because you always wanna learn the foundational principles of any pose before you make it harder, dis Whether it be with flexibility or strength, once you have those foundational principles, you can build upon that and increase the flexibility, the strength, dis
Tyson Gaylord [00:18:18]:
But if you don't learn that,
Teresa Porter [00:18:18]:
that's when injury can come into play.
Tyson Gaylord [00:18:20]:
Yeah. It's like
Teresa Porter [00:18:21]:
you don't learn it correctly. So say say, for instance, Someone's trying to learn learn cobra pose, which is when you're laying down and you're pushing up and your elbows are back. That's one that I've seen a lot that people do wrong. They wanna they're gonna hurt their neck and their low back. So there's a progression for just that pose, But before you would come in to that pose, you would need to warm up the back and the core and the shoulders before you would come in to that. So I was giving a little bit more detail there, but to back up so if depending on where you live, just kinda do some research. Start with the basic yoga class. Do not do heated yoga for your 1st time.
Teresa Porter [00:19:03]:
I hear that so much that people have gone to, like, a dis Power flow heated class for the 1st time, and then they're totally they don't wanna do do it again because it was super hard. Yeah. Physically, but mentally too because of the heat and then you add the flow to it. So don't ever start with a flow class if you're brand new.
Tyson Gaylord [00:19:22]:
Teresa Porter [00:19:23]:
Always start with like more maybe of a simple, restorative, simple yoga class. Once you've gotten that down, then you can build up to a flow. Flow should come after you learn the basic principles of most of the the yoga poses.
Tyson Gaylord [00:19:38]:
Teresa Porter [00:19:38]:
And then as you learn those concepts that discussion. And learning, transitioning. I mean, there's a lot that goes in to be able to flow when you're in a class. So something that's really basic and find a teacher That resonates with you with how they talk, how they describe, all of that will make you more excited to go back. Yeah. Discussions. Rather than being like, oh, I know I should be doing yoga, but I really don't like the class, I really don't like the teacher. So
Tyson Gaylord [00:20:05]:
Yeah, and I've been to several classes like that where, you know, you don't wanna ever come back. It's like, dang, I wanna do yoga, but, man, fuck these people. They're this is ridiculous, like, you know, I've been a couple I've been to 1 year old class before. This lady was, I mean, she was, like, hardcore. I don't know if she's a body butte or whatever she was, and I'm, like, lady, like, woah, slow it down. Like, I I was hurting for, like, a week after that class. I'm, like, This isn't a yoga class. This is not what I mean, especially if you're introducing somebody to this or this is their 1st time or whatever, that's probably one of the worst classes I've ever been to.
Tyson Gaylord [00:20:36]:
Yeah, definitely. Does your Youtube channel have anything? Is there like a beginner discussion or anything on there or
Teresa Porter [00:20:42]:
Yeah. There's there's a couple, there's a 13 minute yoga wake up sequence that's really simple that they could try.
Tyson Gaylord [00:20:50]:
Okay? We'll link that again in the show notes and then also, I mean, I know on your website, in the members area, there's some beginner stuff as well, right, in there?
Teresa Porter [00:20:59]:
Yeah. Well, I have a blog post, that my top, probably like 5 to 7, videos that I recommend
Tyson Gaylord [00:21:07]:
Teresa Porter [00:21:07]:
To my massage clients if they're having issues with certain things, but for a beginner, it would give them some simple poses to try and there's a few sequences on there, so putting multiple poses together to try in a, you know, a sequence.
Tyson Gaylord [00:21:23]:
Yeah. Okay. We'll get we'll get together. We'll get those linked up for you guys so you guys that are new or or just starting, you know, you guys can get that as a good foundation to get in there and, learn the right way and and and find find pleasure in this and stuff and and
Teresa Porter [00:21:38]:
Another thing for if you're new is be realistic with how often you're gonna do it. That's another thing I see that, people get really frustrated. They say, I'm gonna do it 3 to 5 times a week. Well, you've never tried it before, I would say realistically, say I'm gonna Try 1 to 2 times a week, and even if it's for 15 to 30 minutes. Then once you've gotten into a routine of adding it into your schedule, Maybe you could build up to doing it more. So again, it depends on how you're using it. If you're doing it as your as a workout and that's the only thing you do to workout, that's discussion. One thing, but if you're learning it to help with anxiety, then you use it different ways.
Teresa Porter [00:22:15]:
And again, you don't have to be on a mat in a class.
Tyson Gaylord [00:22:18]:
Teresa Porter [00:22:18]:
Learn the concepts, You can use it at work. And this is another thing I've heard a lot from my my students that really makes me excited and happy is is they're at work and an and an issue comes up with A stressful with a co worker.
Tyson Gaylord [00:22:31]:
Teresa Porter [00:22:31]:
Or even I've been working with, high school football players, and one of them shared with me that they use yoga breath dis At school, when they're stressed about an assignment, or they don't understand they're working on math and they're getting anxiety or stress, they're not understanding, he's told me that he used his yoga breath To calm down and try and, you know, figure it out. Right. So you could be anywhere, just come back to using the yoga breath can help you too.
Tyson Gaylord [00:22:58]:
What are some what are some other common challenges or excuses you you find for people, doing yoga?
Teresa Porter [00:23:05]:
For not doing yoga?
Tyson Gaylord [00:23:07]:
For when doing yoga or not, whatever. What are what are the common things you hear? Excuses or not, challenges they have doing yoga?
Teresa Porter [00:23:17]:
They don't have the time, which to me is is just an excuse. You will spend your time where your priorities are. Yep. So, something that a lot of my students and clients hear me say, it's a thing I live by is something's better than nothing. So if you have 5 minutes in the morning to stretch, use that 5 minutes. It's better than not stretching at all. Dis right. And I use this almost on a daily basis.
Teresa Porter [00:23:44]:
So I have a little routines I've come up with before I work with clients or when I get home from clients about to do my afternoon with my kids. And literally, sometimes it's I only have 5 minutes, but I use that 5 minutes to stretch my low back, my upper body, then I get up and get ready and go to work. So the fact that you say you don't have time is just an excuse. So when I teach big classes and I, you know, I Ask people how many of you stretch outside of class? Like, almost always nobody raises their hand.
Tyson Gaylord [00:24:13]:
Yep. So I
Teresa Porter [00:24:13]:
said, how many of you watch TV? They're all like so I said, okay. So you have time to watch TV. So rather than sitting on the couch, dis Get down on the ground Right. And do stretches that we're doing sitting down while you're watching TV at the end of the day.
Tyson Gaylord [00:24:28]:
There you go. That's that's where it's at.
Teresa Porter [00:24:31]:
So no excuses. I don't have, I don't have Yeah. Neutral excuses.
Tyson Gaylord [00:24:34]:
I don't play that either. What what are what's some of the common challenges people have?
Teresa Porter [00:24:40]:
The number one excuse I hear that I that just like really annoys me to be honest, is that they're not flexible enough.
Tyson Gaylord [00:24:49]:
Dis What? No.
Teresa Porter [00:24:50]:
I know, right? Oh, I I'm just not flexible enough to do yoga and I'm like, all the more reason why you should start because
Tyson Gaylord [00:24:59]:
but that was part of like you know that kind of intimidation like I was talking about earlier when you go to yoga class like you know I can't do this and then people are like, oh, fuck too bad. That's not my problem. You know, and and, you know, having a teacher that will take the time to say that's okay, I know you can't do this, like, that's fine, do it this way or try this down level, like, that that's something that's necessary too.
Teresa Porter [00:25:21]:
So so if people that are that say they're not flexible enough, again, that's why it comes back to being finding an instructor that can give you variations and stages to work on progressing to whatever the final pose is.
Tyson Gaylord [00:25:33]:
Teresa Porter [00:25:34]:
But, props, like blocks and straps, Sitting on a, a rolled up yoga mats can help or blankets with tight hips. I mean, there's lots of different things. You can use folding chair. Mhmm. So again, learning how to use props can really help with that flexibility piece.
Tyson Gaylord [00:25:53]:
Teresa Porter [00:25:54]:
So dis Years ago, I had the opportunity to work with a professional bodybuilder, and he came in for for 10 weeks and did private sessions with me. And let me tell you, dis He was so unflexible.
Tyson Gaylord [00:26:06]:
No. The body builder?
Teresa Porter [00:26:07]:
No. Yes. And I teased him because he'd walk in shuffling like an old man, And then he would leave standing taller and like walking normal for his age, in his forties. Right?
Tyson Gaylord [00:26:20]:
I mean, you you think a body builder would just be the pinnacle of of everything that has to do with physical fitness?
Teresa Porter [00:26:28]:
Not so much. The flexibility piece, again, they know it's important, but they spend so much time training and lifting that they don't take the time To integrate that on a regular basis. I mean, I've worked with a handful of bodybuilders and I see it all the time. They know they should be doing it, but with him, he was he had such limited range of motion on some things that we had to use a folding chair, we had to use the wall, we had to use 2 blocks for certain poses, blankets, and then we got to a point because he was doing it with me once a week, and then he actually started integrating it at home, the concepts That he would learn, and we actually videotaped some of his sessions, and that's also on my YouTube channel. Yeah.
Tyson Gaylord [00:27:10]:
We'll link to that.
Teresa Porter [00:27:11]:
Showing How to use props, and he started getting better, then we started taking away some of the props. And he could do, like, a runner's wand without props. Or he could do triangle poses instead of 2 blocks, we'd use 1 block. So there's lots of different, ways To increase flexibility, but always like to tell people there's You don't come into something being a master at it. Right? Everybody has to start somewhere and I people are like, oh, you make it look so easier, you know, you you you don't need any props. Yeah. But I've been doing it for a long time, but if I go into a class to take for myself and it's an advanced class, I feel like, oh, my gosh, I have a long ways to go, like
Tyson Gaylord [00:27:52]:
Teresa Porter [00:27:52]:
I cannot take my leg behind my head and do a rap, you know?
Tyson Gaylord [00:27:56]:
Oh, I know. I see that through the crazy stuff.
Teresa Porter [00:28:00]:
So, yeah. So, not being flexible enough is another bad excuse of why you shouldn't start. There's always a starting point and you can Baby steps and it's being consistent is key for increasing flexibility. You can't do it once every couple weeks Expect to get results. You have to be consistent at least a couple times, a week. Yeah. On on the flexibility piece, just another dis Story with a body builder was I worked at L. A.
Teresa Porter [00:28:29]:
Fitness for years and my classes were pretty big. And the general manager at the time would always see my classes finish, and all these people would be leaving, and be like, oh, my gosh, your classes are so big. He's like, I need to do yoga. Like, okay, okay. Like, for months this went on. I heard it every week and I was like, oh my gosh, just stop saying you're gonna come.
Tyson Gaylord [00:28:49]:
You're not coming to my class. Just don't be rude.
Teresa Porter [00:28:51]:
I said, just don't say anything. And so I literally, like, heard this for, like, 6 months. And then he started training for a physique show, songs.
Tyson Gaylord [00:28:59]:
And he's
Teresa Porter [00:28:59]:
like, oh, my gosh. I'm just getting so tight. I need to do something. I'm like, come take yoga. Well, then here you say it
Tyson Gaylord [00:29:05]:
for 6 months.
Teresa Porter [00:29:07]:
So I Every time I'd see him, I Not every time. I'd be like, okay, it helps with this, it helps with this. You increase flexibility, you're gonna get more range of motion, your recovery time's gonna be shorter, You're about to lift heavier, and finally he started coming once a week, and he's like, oh man, I could lift heavier the next day. And I was like,
Tyson Gaylord [00:29:23]:
I wonder who was telling you that.
Teresa Porter [00:29:25]:
I've been telling you for several months, and then I was like, come twice a week. And he's like, oh, my gosh, Teresa, twice a week you're pushing me. I'm like, okay, well, Do what you want and then he started coming twice a week. So I I used to teach on Mondays Fridays which was a good spread out time. Yeah. So he started coming on Mondays Fridays and guess what? His muscle tone started getting better. He started developing abs more and back muscles more.
Tyson Gaylord [00:29:46]:
Wow. It was like
Teresa Porter [00:29:48]:
so and then He moved away and I hadn't seen him for 5 years. He lives in Texas now and he's he saw me on social media and he's like, oh my gosh, Teresa, I I'm Training again, he he got engaged and he has a daughter and he gained weight and he got out of shape. And now he's like, He got back into training for shows and he's like, I need to start doing yoga with you again. He's like, I don't wanna do it with anybody else. So I was like, okay.
Tyson Gaylord [00:30:12]:
Yeah, there it is.
Teresa Porter [00:30:13]:
So we started doing Skype sessions Together. And again, every time he was like, oh my gosh, I feel so much better, I need to keep doing this. But it's the consistency part.
Tyson Gaylord [00:30:23]:
Teresa Porter [00:30:24]:
You know? And if you're the type of person that you know you're not gonna be proactive and do it on your own, find a way that's gonna hold you accountable. Whether it be signing up, going to a class, You could try my online videos, you need to have
Tyson Gaylord [00:30:38]:
You're a friend, so I can't
Teresa Porter [00:30:39]:
Yeah, you need to have an accountability piece to it, because I've worked with clients over the years, they know they're not like, nope. Just tell me what I need to do and I know I'm gonna do it. So there's depending on what your personality type is, well, you'll know what you need to put in place to make you accountable for adding it into your your lifestyle if that's what you want.
Tyson Gaylord [00:31:04]:
Yeah. Absolutely. And that that that's my challenge too, you know. If I don't if I don't schedule something, if I don't pay to be somewhere, you know, I'll just keep working and the next thing you know, it's dark and I'm, like, I didn't do anything today. So I I've got that's what I gotta do with myself to schedule I gotta schedule myself some workouts, you know, I just they just I just don't miss them. That's good. I know with that consistency I know over, this past Christmas break, I I finally, you know, made some really good progress with my flexibility. And over Christmas break, I kinda decided, like, yeah, I'm a I'm a take Christmas home, I'm a hang on the kids, I'm a let my body kinda relax.
Tyson Gaylord [00:31:40]:
I was kinda, song. I was kinda getting, you know, a lot of aches and kinda things were kinda nagging and kinda weren't fully healing up.
Teresa Porter [00:31:47]:
Tyson Gaylord [00:31:47]:
And then come come off off the new year and I go into class and it's like, I could touch, like, further, like, dang, just 2 weeks of not not doing anything, it's like, just like that, it's like, gone. It's just like Yep. It takes like, months months to get progress, and then just, in a blink of an eye, it just, it just goes away. I was like
Teresa Porter [00:32:08]:
I know, that part sucks, right?
Tyson Gaylord [00:32:10]:
Like the worst part is and it took me, I don't know, maybe, another 2 months to get back to where I was in December. I'm like so no no long breaks for me anymore. I've learned that. It's just,
Tyson Gaylord [00:32:23]:
dis you just
Tyson Gaylord [00:32:23]:
can't you can't you just can't do it. It's just Right?
Teresa Porter [00:32:26]:
That's why you go back to something's better than nothing.
Tyson Gaylord [00:32:29]:
Yeah. Right. Right.
Teresa Porter [00:32:30]:
Discussion. If you were taking time off, you could have done 5 to 10 minutes of stretching at home on your own.
Tyson Gaylord [00:32:35]:
Exactly. Exactly. And that well, that will well, stats what I that was the lesson I had to learn the hard
Teresa Porter [00:32:40]:
way. Right.
Tyson Gaylord [00:32:41]:
That's okay. But you know what I know but I started noticing after that though was when when I've been sitting too long, I feel my hips starting to get a little tight, I'm like oh. Yeah. Like all these different things I never I never felt before because you know, the tightness was was was in that sitting position, and I had work done bringing it up, and I have a standing desk on it. I try to stand as much more. But but now I notice when I sit, I can feel that tightness in the hip coming and I say, oh, look at this, like, you know, you start to see these things and it's like, oh, wow. You know, so then, you know, I I know it'll be time to get up, because I can feel that that starting to kind of set in again.
Teresa Porter [00:33:13]:
Mhmm. So that those are some of the videos that we'll put that's in that blog is 1 to help release the low back and the hips
Tyson Gaylord [00:33:20]:
Teresa Porter [00:33:20]:
And then 1 for range of motion for the upper body. And those are 2 that I do almost every day. And sometimes if I'm working from home and I'm doing a lot of office work, I'll make myself get up. We'll go in one of my kids' rooms, and I'll all I'll do is the low back twist,
Tyson Gaylord [00:33:36]:
dis And then you use a block to help open up and release
Teresa Porter [00:33:36]:
the hip flexors. Yeah. Then I do a range of motion thing with my arms. In 5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes, Take my take a step away from the computer and I come back and I can like think better, I'm feeling better, I'm energized, then I can go back to working whatever it is I'm working on.
Tyson Gaylord [00:33:53]:
Yeah. And that's a good tip because not only, I mean, are you are you getting that yoga break, but you're also getting a chance to refresh your brain and kinda, you know, maybe let let some things linger in your mind a little bit, getting up on the computer, looking off into the distance, you know, all these things, we're so everything's so here nowadays, you know, your phone, your laptop, you know, and then, your your eyes get used to this small range of motion and then, those are all the things, I mean, not what an extra bonus to have a little yoga break, but you get a chance to stand up, walk around, look up in the distance, refresh yourself. And it does, it really does. I noticed, you know, when I get in that that mode or I get in that funk and, you know, just standing up and kinda walking around, getting that blood going or whatever, you know, step outside or whatever, come back. Those things really do help. And sometimes, you'll have those little, you know, that little thought, oh, that's what I've been trying to
Teresa Porter [00:34:40]:
Tyson Gaylord [00:34:41]:
You know, that's
Tyson Gaylord [00:34:41]:
why I'm stuck at it and you get those little things and stuff.
Teresa Porter [00:34:44]:
So sometimes I, you know, I hear this a lot from entrepreneurs And something I've had to put into my routine is is we'll wake up when we wanna start working right away. Right?
Tyson Gaylord [00:34:55]:
Teresa Porter [00:34:56]:
So wake up, we'll maybe eat breakfast, And we'll sit down right at our laptop and we'll start working. Yeah. And then before you know it, like you said, it's, like, noon or 2 o'clock.
Tyson Gaylord [00:35:04]:
Teresa Porter [00:35:04]:
And I've had to make a conscious effort To do something for me 20 to 30 minutes before I start my day working. Otherwise, it doesn't happen because my days are short. I have to be done by 2, 2:15, 2:30.
Tyson Gaylord [00:35:17]:
Tyson Gaylord [00:35:18]:
I pick
Teresa Porter [00:35:18]:
up my kids.
Tyson Gaylord [00:35:19]:
Teresa Porter [00:35:19]:
So I'll drop them off if I wasn't able to go do whatever before and I'll make myself go for a walk, I'll go to the gym for 45 minutes discussion. Then I'll come home and start my day. Yeah.
Tyson Gaylord [00:35:30]:
Because if you
Teresa Porter [00:35:30]:
don't implement those habits, you're gonna start taking time away from you and you're that much more productive and creative And your mindset's in a better place to get more done.
Tyson Gaylord [00:35:41]:
Teresa Porter [00:35:41]:
Have better ideas if you take time for you, and be away from your computer. You disconnect for a little bit, and I like, I'm always amazed, like, I'll be stuck on an idea or something I'm trying to figure out, and, like, I'll go out for a walk, Or I'll go to the gym or whatever, listen to my music and I'll come home.
Tyson Gaylord [00:35:58]:
Yeah. I'm like, hello.
Teresa Porter [00:35:59]:
It just popped into my mind. I'm like, that's what I need and I'll I'll write it down and dis They'll come to me but there's a saying, let's see if I remember it right, where energy flows, energy goes or something like that.
Tyson Gaylord [00:36:12]:
Something like that. Right. Yeah.
Teresa Porter [00:36:13]:
So like if you're creating energy flow in your body, things are just gonna flow better than if you're stagnant and you're not moving around.
Tyson Gaylord [00:36:21]:
Yes. Yeah. And that that's the thing I noticed too like, if if if I don't set that time in the morning to me, I'll be on here 12 hours, you know, 10 hours, I won't even move sometimes, you know. Mhmm. I've gotta set that time in the morning for myself and that's kind of thing that was hard to to do because I used to think like well, I'm taking an hour or 2 in the morning to to do these things, it's 2 hours I've lost already. Design. Yeah. We gotta get done, but I've come to realize that those 2 hours actually make the next six eight ten more productive, more meaningful.
Tyson Gaylord [00:37:00]:
You know?
Tyson Gaylord [00:37:00]:
So actually, this perceived loss that there was, actually wasn't there and, actually, I actually was missing out on more gains because I was in this space, I was refreshed. You you know, I had a cold shower, I went to, I went on a walk, I went to cryotherapy. Whatever it was I did in the morning, you know, get out in the sun. Sometimes, I don't get to see the sun, you know, you I wake up, you especially, I know I'm with me, I work at home and I know sometimes you do the same, you know. There's not really a need to go outside, you know.
Teresa Porter [00:37:27]:
Right? Yeah.
Tyson Gaylord [00:37:28]:
I have to take that time in the morning to get outside, put some sunshine on my on my face, you know, take the dog for a walk or whatever it is to kinda get myself going, get that energy going, and get the thoughts flowing, if the things kinda going before, I don't ever get the opportunity to do it. Right. Yeah. Yep. Absolutely.
Teresa Porter [00:37:44]:
If you don't Take care of you, and you're an entrepreneur. You're the one that's taking care of your business, right?
Tyson Gaylord [00:37:48]:
Or everybody else around you, if you can't, you know, you can't take care of yourself, there's no way you're gonna be able to take care of everybody else around you. Your family and your friends and other responsibilities you have.
Tyson Gaylord [00:37:57]:
Tyson Gaylord [00:37:58]:
You know, earlier, you were talking about having having proper proper technique. You know, why why does that make all the difference? Why do you preach that? What is what is with that?
Teresa Porter [00:38:08]:
So proper technique, comes back to the alignment based yoga. I just use the word proper technique a lot because People can resonate and understand that Yeah. Better. So I'm trying to think of So alignment, just to break it down in The the few basic principles that I usually teach in a class. So, shoulder it's called shoulder loop, which is basically if you have a tendency to to round like this, decisions. Right? You're you're rounding in the upper back.
Tyson Gaylord [00:38:36]:
That Especially we're all in our laptops and we we all kinda do this all day long.
Teresa Porter [00:38:40]:
We're we're here. Right? We're always We're
Tyson Gaylord [00:38:42]:
on our phones. Yeah.
Teresa Porter [00:38:43]:
Yeah. So if you if you work on shoulder loop, which is bringing your shoulders back, slide your shoulder blades down your back, That's proper technique for the upper body. Brings you into better posture and better alignment. So if you're practicing some of the poses, You integrate that into the pose. So say you're doing a standing pose, your arms are out to the side, your shoulders are engaged. It's gonna work on your shoulders more. It's gonna tone your shoulders more, Rather than nothing's engaged and you're just holding your arms out.
Tyson Gaylord [00:39:11]:
I see.
Teresa Porter [00:39:12]:
So and then another big one is if you're you're standing, You have a tendency to arch your back, which I used to, you know, you kinda tilt your hips forward and you're kinda sticking your butt out. Yeah. People just naturally Kinda stand that way, which I was that way until I learned this principle. So when you learn to draw your belly button towards your spine, which is gonna help draw your tailbone down
Tyson Gaylord [00:39:31]:
Teresa Porter [00:39:31]:
That, helps take pressure off of your low back. And that was part of the reason why I was having a lot of low back pain. Oh. So then I started incorporating that, If I was in the kitchen cooking, doing dishes, whatever, as I would learn to stand like that, draw my belly button towards the spine which would draw my tailbone down, dis Which would take pressure off of my low back.
Tyson Gaylord [00:39:52]:
Mhmm. And
Teresa Porter [00:39:53]:
then you start to do that in the yoga poses, puts you into alignment where you need to be and it works the muscles dis Better, so it'll help tone the muscles more, you get better, efficient, quicker results. Yeah. And you're not gonna injure yourself if you incorporate the The proper techniques when you're doing yoga. And then it helps retrain the memory of the muscle, so even when you're not practicing yoga, your. Dis The muscle is gonna create that memory and you're gonna start having that off the mat in everyday life. No matter what you're doing, you'll start to find yourself. Oh. Oh, I'm running for it.
Teresa Porter [00:40:25]:
Okay. Now, I need to bring my shoulders back. And you just become more aware of it throughout the day.
Tyson Gaylord [00:40:31]:
Yeah. Absolutely. I know, also, I do acro yoga and it's funny like, when you're talking about alignment and it's, you know, I kinda but I'm in that class and I hear, you know, we're stacking, you know, our bones and everything over each other and it's amazing how much easier the things get when you're using your body in the correct way versus, you know, struggling out somewhere and trying to use your muscles to hold things up versus, you know, straightening out or whatever it be. It it's amazing how much easier things get, and how much simpler they are and then, the gains are are so are so much are so much greater when you're doing them in the right way and then you're not earning those bad habits as well.
Teresa Porter [00:41:11]:
Tyson Gaylord [00:41:13]:
Absolutely. So how do you get people to do or what do you recommend for people to do this? Just start practicing yoga on a on a more consistent basis.
Teresa Porter [00:41:29]:
So I would again, it comes back to what what it is you wanna take away from practicing yoga, But then that comes back to the piece of education pieces. A lot of people don't know what yoga has to offer or or how it could help them. So say you're listening to this now and you you do struggle with anxiety, then you could start to learn what poses. I And actually I have a blog post just on that. Poses to help with, I think it's a blog post, I'm pretty sure. I have a lot of blog posts.
Tyson Gaylord [00:41:59]:
We'll we'll link to that.
Teresa Porter [00:42:01]:
Then you can know, oh, I wanna just use yoga to help lower anxiety, lower my stress level, maybe you wanna use it to increase your energy. So then, you would start doing research on what poses and what techniques you can use to do that. And I think I have, a different post on the energy one. But, so if you're wanting to learn or if you're wanting to do yoga, or you just you've heard yoga is really good for you, but What I found over the years is people when they think about yoga, oh, I know it's good for me, but what it comes down to is they really don't know what it's really about.
Tyson Gaylord [00:42:36]:
Teresa Porter [00:42:36]:
So you can use it to help with what I just mentioned. Increasing energy, lower anxiety, help with stress, help with depression, all of that, but also can be a physical element too, right, to help increase flexibility, endurance, balance, coordination, which is another huge thing as you get older
Tyson Gaylord [00:42:53]:
Tyson Gaylord [00:42:53]:
Is you
Teresa Porter [00:42:54]:
start to lose your balance in coordination, or you just wanna use it to cross train.
Tyson Gaylord [00:42:59]:
Teresa Porter [00:43:00]:
So just depending on what it is you wanna use, or if you know why you wanna use it. Right. You're researching maybe classes in your local area that you could take that would help with that. Do your research, figure out what the classes are like, do your research on the instructor, Where they got their training from, what their style is. And then, like I said, just start with, like, 1 time a week, 2 times a week. Just be really realistic with what you can add into your schedule, and don't That's the part where I see people set this big goal. I'm gonna start Doing it 3 times a week, but I've never done it before. Yeah.
Teresa Porter [00:43:38]:
Because I've been like, oh, jeez, I well, the 1st week I didn't do it at all, so forget it, I'm not gonna do it anymore.
Tyson Gaylord [00:43:43]:
Right. Right. Right.
Teresa Porter [00:43:44]:
Is just Try and be consistent with 1 time a week, or even using it in small amounts. Maybe trying some of the videos that we're gonna recommend, And figure out when you could fit it into your day, whether that be at home or taking a class. And also having the right space in your house where you actually have room to do it is another piece I hear a lot. It's like, I just don't have the room at home, so I'm not gonna do it. Well, you need to create the space. So, so you literally don't have the floor space, then you need to do some dejunking. Make some room for it.
Tyson Gaylord [00:44:18]:
But I'll start out if you have another problem.
Teresa Porter [00:44:20]:
Right. But like, so for instance, my one of my favorite spaces. I like to use my daughter's room because she has the most space that's generally clean that I can go and do it in. And the sun comes into that window in the mornings. I like it because it's warmer in that room.
Tyson Gaylord [00:44:38]:
Teresa Porter [00:44:39]:
I don't like, like, in my downstairs, stairs, like, the ceiling fans are on and it's cooler. I don't like that. I like it to be warmer and I like the sunlight coming in through the window, so that's generally where I like to do it personally. So knowing, you know, temperature wise, the space, have a designated space. If you don't, dis Pick out a space in your house that you can have. Get a yoga mat. Get some props.
Tyson Gaylord [00:45:02]:
There you go.
Teresa Porter [00:45:03]:
That you can, you know, start using for that. And then if you're not sure what props or what yoga material you'll need to start with, you can actually go on my website and I have, recommended basic, yoga props to start with, which is a strap, a mat, and a block. Okay.
Tyson Gaylord [00:45:24]:
And I'll
Tyson Gaylord [00:45:25]:
I'll I'll I'll I'll
Tyson Gaylord [00:45:25]:
I'll I'll accept it like a I'll link to that as well so it's easy for you guys to get that. What, what are some common things that stop people from doing yoga long term. Like, what are the things that kinda creep up that you've seen?
Teresa Porter [00:45:38]:
Like you mentioned, and I've mentioned, Finding a teacher that doesn't resonate with you or you get frustrated because they're not giving you variations and, modifications, That's I've heard of that a lot. So they're new to yoga and they go into a class and they see everyone doing these the hard version, But the teacher doesn't break it down and show them a simple way to start. They get really frustrated and they don't go back. Right. So that's why it goes back to what I mentioned earlier is Do your research. Figure out or ask around. Ask friends that you know that practice yoga regularly. Hey, do you have any recommendations or no teachers in the area that, You know, teach this way for what you're wanting and get recommendations, or you might just have to try a handful of teachers.
Teresa Porter [00:46:23]:
I mean, if you got one bad one, discussions. Some other classes to see if you can find the right teacher. So that that's one of the things I've heard is frustration Because the teacher doesn't make it simple for them Mhmm. Or it's intimidating
Tyson Gaylord [00:46:36]:
Teresa Porter [00:46:37]:
That they They get into a good routine, they don't have the time, and this is another thing that I've I've recommended is actually schedule an appointment with yourself and your phone, Or write it on a calendar. Whatever it is how you plan out your day, lock off that time and keep that appointment with yourself. Otherwise, you can feel it. I mean, I could do that every time, but again, I have to keep that a point with myself. I can come home and drop my kids off at school and be like, Oh, my gosh. The dishes are stacking up. I need oh, and I'll go upstairs and be like, oh, my gosh. Laundry.
Teresa Porter [00:47:08]:
I need to do laundry. And I it takes will power. Yeah. I'm gonna ignore all of that for 20 to 30 minutes and I am going to take this time for me. You can give yourself, Give yourself the allowance of taking time for yourself and don't feel guilty about it.
Tyson Gaylord [00:47:26]:
Yeah. That's I mean, personally, my calendar is pretty empty for the most part, but that's one of the things that's always scheduled in my calendar and I just I I it's on repeat and it's, you know, until the end of time I have those stuff scheduled, you know, that and picking up my son, it's about only thing that's constantly on my schedule. I, you know, I try to keep my calendar, pretty clear and but if I don't schedule, like I said earlier, if I don't schedule that time, it'll just evaporate. There's always something to be doing, especially, when you work for yourself or you, you know, you work from home or or these different things like that, it's easy to just get distracted by, even if not really distraction, there's just always there's always something to be doing, you know, whether your kids wanna do something or whether you, like I said, got dishes or laundry or there's work, there's always things to be done. If you're not taking that time for yourself, eventually, it's gonna catch up with you and it's gonna you're gonna be farther behind, you're gonna be a lot worse off in the end by not taking the time for yourself in the early in the early days of your life, to to gear up and be set up for later in life.
Teresa Porter [00:48:31]:
And another, on that note is, It's actually so if you are a parent or your significant other, communicate your wants
Tyson Gaylord [00:48:39]:
to them.
Teresa Porter [00:48:40]:
Let them know, you know what? Say, I I have to do this regularly, not feel guilty about it, but like
Tyson Gaylord [00:48:44]:
Teresa Porter [00:48:45]:
I'll tell my kids, okay, we're doing x, y, and z later in the day, but right now I'm gonna go into my room, I'm gonna go for a walk, I'm gonna go to the gym for an hour, so communicate to them, you know, if they're old enough they could take care of their needs or whatever. Just say I'm gonna take 20 minutes. I'm gonna go stretch. Please leave me alone for 20 minutes, and then I will help you with x, y, and z. But You communicate that to them. They know that their Their needs are still gonna be met. Mhmm. That you're not ignoring them because I've heard a lot with students, well, my husband will ask me to do this or my are pulling me away from this.
Teresa Porter [00:49:17]:
I'm like, you have the right to say, I'm doing this for me, give me 20 minutes, 30 minutes, and then I'll come help you.
Tyson Gaylord [00:49:25]:
Teresa Porter [00:49:25]:
You have to stop right in the middle and help them right then, unless it's an urgent need, like, they got hurt or Right. Put up. But I'm amazed at how many people dis They're like, oh, yeah. I haven't thought of that. I'm like
Tyson Gaylord [00:49:37]:
I'm allowed to say no.
Teresa Porter [00:49:39]:
You're allowed to say no. But again, that comes back to balance, right?
Tyson Gaylord [00:49:45]:
Teresa Porter [00:49:45]:
When being selfish and not, like but again, you can take 20, 30 minutes for yourself and not feel selfish.
Tyson Gaylord [00:49:51]:
Teresa Porter [00:49:51]:
And communicate that to your family, so they know what your goal is, what you're trying to accomplish, and you'll be surprised, like, oh, okay, I'll wait till you're done. Whatever.
Tyson Gaylord [00:50:02]:
Yeah. And I said, like, I mean, before, you know, my son has asked me, like, what, dad, do you have to go now? I'm like, no, I don't have to, but if I don't go now, then I won't be around when you're older. So I you we can take this time now or I can be around for a lot longer. What which which do you want? He's like, okay, absolutely, you know, and we've been afraid to, like, listen, I understand this doesn't make sense now and it made you're in this we're in this moment, but I know if I don't do these things now, I'm not gonna live as long and and my quality of life isn't gonna be as good, and I know that's more valuable, and I understand and I've gotta convey that message to to them and, you know, to my family. They listen now, this is my time because I know it's gonna add years to my life and more quality to my life in the long run.
Teresa Porter [00:50:50]:
And then it's also setting a good example to your kids, right? Yep. You're doing healthiest, healthy habits, and you're doing it on a regular basis. Again, there could be a a place where you're becoming selfish and you're gone For hours of everyday, like, but, you know, generally most people know where that balance is. Yeah. But it's it's showing a good example for your kids That you're taking care of yourself when you're doing something on a regular basis.
Tyson Gaylord [00:51:13]:
Yeah. I mean, even maybe try and incorporate your kids into what you're doing. Maybe it's possible, maybe dismay, it's not, but even, you know, the your your children especially, they see what you're doing more than what you're saying.
Teresa Porter [00:51:26]:
Tyson Gaylord [00:51:27]:
And I and I and I see that, you know, I'll look around and I see something happening and I'm, like, I didn't even have to tell you, like, that's awesome. Like, you're just copying me in a good way. Great. Hopefully, I'm doing good things and then when you're seeing what I'm doing, looking for an example or looking for a way how to do things, boom, there it is, you're just doing the good things that I was doing, so.
Teresa Porter [00:51:47]:
Tyson Gaylord [00:51:47]:
Be careful, they're always watching every, you know
Teresa Porter [00:51:49]:
Oh, it's amazing. They're like, oh, I'm like, where did that come from? They're like, oh, I saw you doing this.
Tyson Gaylord [00:51:57]:
And, yeah, so what are they watching you doing? Are they watching you work out and do these different things and, you know, eating healthy and, you you know, not grabbing the Oreos, instead grabbing the carrots, you know? If you're watching that stuff, you know, no matter what you tell them, you know, be careful.
Teresa Porter [00:52:10]:
Tyson Gaylord [00:52:11]:
You you know, I wanna I wanna swing back around earlier, you were talking about, we're good with the pro athletes and then the high school, what is what is it like working with those those types of athletes. What are you what are you seeing there? What is it like?
Teresa Porter [00:52:24]:
So, working with the high school football team that I'm working with, that They haven't been taught to stretch correctly.
Tyson Gaylord [00:52:33]:
I remember that when I was when I played ball in high school. Yeah. When that
Teresa Porter [00:52:36]:
comes up
Tyson Gaylord [00:52:36]:
with you.
Teresa Porter [00:52:37]:
I am amazed at how many of, do not have the flexibility for their age. I tease them that they they are moaning and groaning like they're old men.
Tyson Gaylord [00:52:48]:
Discussion. And
Teresa Porter [00:52:48]:
they kinda laugh but they get it. But so, the and a lot of it is range of motion in the upper body and the back And the lower body, like the hip flexures and stuff, because they train. Right? They're doing all this endurance, cross training, running, lifting.
Tyson Gaylord [00:53:04]:
Teresa Porter [00:53:04]:
But dis The the deep, correct stretching part, lot of them don't do.
Tyson Gaylord [00:53:10]:
Teresa Porter [00:53:11]:
So, that's dis That's what I'm working with is just helping them create range of motion, mainly the low back and the hips and, like, the upper body Mhmm. Before I I'm keeping it super basic. And then and also balance and coordination is another one they really struggle with.
Tyson Gaylord [00:53:28]:
Teresa Porter [00:53:29]:
And then the present parts. Diss I've really been honing in on them because, again, they they are so on their phone. Right? They're so here. It's a different totally different generation than dis When we were raised, we didn't have the constant distraction. So I challenged I challenged them each time I work with them to work on being more present, dis Whether that be in conversation with their friends, their parents, their siblings.
Tyson Gaylord [00:53:53]:
Teresa Porter [00:53:54]:
To actually listen and not be dis- Here, right? Oh, what? Yeah. Oh. Because to me that's so disrespectful. I get so irritated when that's done to me.
Tyson Gaylord [00:54:04]:
Teresa Porter [00:54:05]:
Dis And so that I've challenged them to that, and I've challenged them to take all their notifications off their phone.
Tyson Gaylord [00:54:11]:
Good. I like
Teresa Porter [00:54:12]:
it. That's a constant distraction, right? You're always on. Oh, I got an Instagram, like, oh, I got an email, like, you're constantly on And that that boosts your adrenaline. Right? Yeah. And your stress level.
Tyson Gaylord [00:54:24]:
And then you're always looking for that dopamine and it's, like, the cost and then eventually, you get kinda overload, like, you need more dopamine, like, I I don't I'm not getting enough likes now. Yeah.
Teresa Porter [00:54:32]:
Oh, I asked them to to disconnect. So okay. So one of the students, He took all his notifications off, even his text notifications. Nice. And he's like, I found myself kept wanting to grab my phone. So he's like, I only checked it at the end of every
Tyson Gaylord [00:54:49]:
Teresa Porter [00:54:49]:
So that means he's checking it way more than every hour.
Tyson Gaylord [00:54:52]:
Right. It's incredible, right?
Teresa Porter [00:54:53]:
Crazy. Yeah.
Tyson Gaylord [00:54:55]:
What they say, just having a phone sitting, like, on a conference table or a desk, everybody has low level anxiety just that being presently there.
Teresa Porter [00:55:05]:
Tyson Gaylord [00:55:06]:
And that I I don't care. I go all day with I don't care if my phone even makes my phone doesn't make noises. Dis I don't give a shit if I go all day without checking in, you know, there's nothing there that's happening that's that's important to make people buy time.
Teresa Porter [00:55:19]:
Yeah. So that's one thing I've been working really on is being present. And then another thing is being present when you eat. That's another thing I talk about a lot with this. So what are we always multitasking? I'm very guilty of this. I'm gonna work on my laptop while I'm eating lunch, oh, because I don't have time to sit and just eat.
Tyson Gaylord [00:55:36]:
Teresa Porter [00:55:37]:
And that's something I've been working on and trying to make a conscious effort. I don't check social media when I eat anymore. I I I still do sometimes work on my laptop when I eat. Yeah. Dis But, like, and then when I'm with my kids, we have a rule, no phones, no electronics at the table when we're eating as a family. Nice. We sit and we eat as a family.
Tyson Gaylord [00:55:57]:
Oh, that's awesome.
Teresa Porter [00:55:59]:
So that's another thing one of the kids told me and he said that he's slowed down, so I challenged him to slow down when you eat actually taste your food, the texture, what does it taste like, what does it smell like, and actually put your fork down between each bite. Right? Yeah.
Tyson Gaylord [00:56:16]:
My part's usually loaded up for the next one.
Teresa Porter [00:56:19]:
So he told me he started doing that and he actually likes eating more because he's He's slowing down, he's tasting what he's eating, and then they a couple of the guys told me that they're eating less because they realize they're full.
Tyson Gaylord [00:56:31]:
Teresa Porter [00:56:32]:
And then, anyways, so yeah. So that's that's another thing I've been working with. And then the more professional is them just Just to give you a heads up, I probably have, like, 5 more minutes.
Tyson Gaylord [00:56:51]:
No. Yeah. Absolutely. Okay. I know I know we're coming up on time and I, I really do thank you for being on here. Let's kinda get this wrapped up, I know all of you are respectful of your time and I know you're gonna get going to, the rest of your life and helping all the people you're helping in your life. I I'd like to remind everybody about our giveaway we have, we have the eagle is the enemy in obstacles way, the book and the coin that's going on through, the end of May. And then, also, I wanna remind everybody, Teresa does have, 2 weeks free for her online yoga.
Tyson Gaylord [00:57:22]:
I'll link to that. Go ahead and sign up for the 2 weeks free, give it a shot, give it a whirl, see if Teresa is somebody that that you like. I personally really love it because, you know, like I said in, you know, several times in this thing, those are the things in the past that have kinda, you know, dis inhibited me from continuing the practice was you you get in there and you get intimidated, you know. I still struggle now when I look around and I go, you can put your leg on top of your head? Like, humanly possible, and I just gotta remind myself, that's not what
Teresa Porter [00:57:54]:
you're asking for. Do that.
Tyson Gaylord [00:57:55]:
But you're so much, you know, you know, for the you know, the other week, I finally was able to get my, I don't remember what pose it was, but I was trying to get my heel to touch my butt, I'm like, oh, just like, And there's other people, like, what are you talking about? My foot's in the back of my head. I don't you can only touch your butt. I don't but I gotta that's where I'm at, and and I know that If I keep going, I keep practicing. I just worry about myself and what I can control and where I'm at.
Teresa Porter [00:58:21]:
Learn to accept where you're at. That's the only way you can progress forward. If you're constantly comparing yourself to others, it doesn't do you any good. It's damaging more than anything.
Tyson Gaylord [00:58:31]:
Absolutely. So, you know, all the if you guys are, a new yoga, just starting yoga or your advanced there there's Teresa Scott everything from, you know, the beginner to all the advance in there. Give it a whirl, give it 2 weeks free, if you like it stick around, Teresa do you have any more recommendations for anything for people, either, you know, books, other resources and things, other than other than your stuff.
Teresa Porter [00:58:55]:
Oh, boy. There's there's so much out there. Like, to recommend one thing, I think is is hard again. So I think, Maybe research more the benefits on what yoga has to offer
Tyson Gaylord [00:59:09]:
Teresa Porter [00:59:10]:
And then decide what it is you wanna take away from Practicing yoga or starting to incorporate it into your lifestyle, that will help you determine where you wanna go. Yeah. What kind of classes you wanna research or What online tools you wanna use
Tyson Gaylord [00:59:25]:
Teresa Porter [00:59:25]:
To start incorporating into your your routine.
Tyson Gaylord [00:59:28]:
Your to your lifestyle? Mhmm. Diss absolutely.
Teresa Porter [00:59:31]:
Be patient. You have to be patient with yourself, and know it takes time because you're loo you're learning to use your body in any way and move, and You're gonna feel really awkward and uncomfortable at first and just know that.
Tyson Gaylord [00:59:43]:
Yeah. Absolutely. And with that, I'd like to issue you guys a challenge like I do every week here. I'm gonna challenge those of you that haven't tried yoga, especially the guys out there I know I know this is a this is a big thing it's not it's it's, you know, it's not just for girls, guys get out there, I'm in the classes, there's a lot more guys I've noticed coming in and out of classes, so get out there guys and if you haven't tried it, try it. And for those that have been doing yoga for a while, try try and take your your practice to the next level, you know, the thing you've been avoiding or the thing you you've been struggling with, work work on that. Getting getting to next level, finding that pose or the thing that was scaring you or intimidating you, get out there and try it. And that's the challenge I'd like to issue you guys here this week. My final thoughts here is, Theresa, is there anything else you want to cover? Anything that I missed that you wanna you know, share with people.
Teresa Porter [01:00:36]:
Just give yoga a really good try. Yeah. And you will be surprised, what ways it'll your life forever mentally, emotionally, and physically, and it helps you connect your mind, body, and soul, if you really start to incorporate what yoga has to offer. It's been very life changing for me on a physical level and, again, just be able to handle dis The stress that comes with being a parent, working, trying to keep balance
Tyson Gaylord [01:01:03]:
with everything.
Teresa Porter [01:01:03]:
Right. It's helped to keep my sanity.
Tyson Gaylord [01:01:06]:
Information. And where where can people find you on the Internet and what you're up to nowadays?
Teresa Porter [01:01:10]:
If they wanna follow me on social media, it's at serene yoga, and it's s I r r I n e, yoga. And I'm on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest,
Tyson Gaylord [01:01:22]:
Twitter and the whole thing. Serene
Teresa Porter [01:01:24]:
And then my website is,, and I'm sure you'll post a link to that. Yeah.
Tyson Gaylord [01:01:31]:
I'll put all those links to that stuff for you guys. She got the blog there, there's definitely, the shop and stuff to help people get the things that they need to, start and then carry on their yoga practices, Yes. Teresa, Teresa, thank you so much for your time, I really do appreciate it, and thank all of you guys for joining us. Yes, thank you. As always, yeah, no problem. As always, you guys can follow us on our journey all week long at win the war from within on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. And like I said a 1000 times in the show, all the links will be available at the social chameleon. Show.
Tyson Gaylord [01:01:59]:
Until next time, I really thank you guys for joining us. Have a great night. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe on YouTube and all your favorite social media and podcast platforms. That's another